Take me on a swing - Anonymous - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)

Taehyung stumbles on a stray soju bottle, and he hiccups as he steadies himself.

He is drunk. He definitely is.

He feels dizzy, and he is pretty sure the building in front of him is revolving around itself.

“sh*t.” He curses as he crouches down, his joints creaking with the movement.

He is only thirty, but his body says otherwise.

He feels the alcohol he just had swooshing in his stomach and he swallows the bile threatening to come out back.

He does not want to vomit all over himself in god knows what alley.

After a few deep breaths, he slowly stands to his full height, rubbing his hand over his face.

He is almost home, just three more blocks and he can fall into his soft blankets and sleep the weekend away.

“You can do this, Taehyung.” He whispers to himself, and starts walking again.

He regrets not carrying a water bottle with him, but there is nothing he can do now, so he swallows a groan of complaint and starts walking quickly.

He must have walked too quickly though, as he bends over and pukes all over the dirty pavement, grimacing at the sensation.

He supports himself with his hand gripping the wall nearby, doubling over again as another wave hits him.

There is a headache building at the back of his eyes and he really f*cking regrets drinking now. He should have stopped at the fifth beer.

“Are you alright, sir?” He hears a muffled voice.

“I'm good.” He croaks, saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth.

He really feels so f*cking gross, he would do better if a stranger is not breathing down his neck when he is puking like a teenager. Thank you very much.

“Are you sure?”

Taehyung groans as he turns around, and he might have done too fast for his own good and twists his ankle, almost falling flat on the ground if it is not for the hands that stabilize him by his shoulders.

“Woah, easy there.” The guy panics.

The guy kind of smells nice is what his brain supplies in his drunken haze and he allows himself a not so subtle sniff before standing straight.

Now that he sees the man properly, his breath gets stuck in his throat.

Because right in front of him is Spiderman.

The Spiderman.

The super hero who everyone worships. The super hero who made it possible that the crime rates have been incredibly low in their city.

The “friendly neighborhood Spiderman” as he calls himself is right in f*cking front of him.

“Sir, would you like a ride home?”

Taehyung mutely shakes his head, not trusting his voice.

“Let me walk you home, I insist.”

“Don't you have nothing better to do?” Taehyung asks.

As soon as the words leave his mouth though, he clamps his mouth shut.

He should just leave. Who knows this dude might kill him for snapping at him.

“Uh…” spider man trails off.

“Nice meeting you, man. I'll be off now.” Taehyung salutes with his index and forefinger and walks away, stopping himself from turning around and looking back at the super hero again.

The loud banging against his bedroom door makes Taehyung groan, he covers his ears with a pillow, hoping the noise fades away.

But just a second later, the door flies open, revealing his very furious mother.

“Kim Taehyung. Get your ass up and be ready in ten minutes. Your father wants to talk with you.”

A groan builds up again, but he is sure his mother will be even more furious, so he whines, flapping on his back.

He is thirty now. But still his parents have that same effect they had on him while he was still a child. Maybe it is because they are Asians (as the stereotype goes), or maybe it is because of the fact that his mother is a lecturer and his father a principal, it is ingrained in his brain and bones to still look up to them as if they are seconds away from giving him a beating of his life.

“Eomma, you could have knocked first. I could have been naked.” He sighs out.

His mother scoffs, and he can't see her but he can clearly picture the way she is shaking her head in disappointment.

“First of all, I knocked. Several times. Second, I don't care if you are naked. You came out from me, there is nothing I've not seen of you. So get your ass up before your father pays you a visit.”

With that she goes away, slowly closing the door behind her.

Taehyung heaves a sigh as he finally sits up, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

His head is pounding, the hungover from the amount of alcohol he consumed last night clearly kicking him in the ass right now.

His brain suddenly supplies him a memory of him meeting Spiderman, and he sits up straight, trying to wrack if his hungover brain is playing tricks on him and made up something or if he really did meet the super hero who everyone falls over themselves for.

The thirty year old man doesn't get much time to think though, as his mother is in his room again, looking terrifying but beautiful in her blue dress, apron tied around her torso.

“Scrub yourself harder while you're there. You stink like a pig.”

And just like that she is gone, leaving Taehyung to flop back down on his bed.

Whatever reason his father wants to talk to him about is not good. He can feel it.

When Taehyung is ready, freshly showered and scrubbed himself as his mother ordered, he gets to the kitchen, where his mother is finishing up plating the breakfast while his father is reading the morning newspaper, immersed in it.

“Morning, appa.” He greets as he pours himself a glass of water and searches the cabinets for some advil.

His mother silently slides him the medicine over the kitchen counter and he smiles in gratefulness, popping it in his mouth.

His father grunts, and it's as far as his greetings go in the morning. His grumpiness must have come from him.

Breakfast is a silent affair, at least for Taehyung as he scrapes his plate, picking on food, still suffering from his hangover, and his parents are talking silently between themselves, and for some reason, that makes him nervous.

“Taehyung.” His father starts, wiping his mouth with a table napkin, and looking straight at him, making him gulp.

“Honey, why don't we take this to the living room? I'll bring some tea.”

Taehyung's father nods, as he picks up his plates and deposits them in the sink, Taehyung following to do the same.

“We can do the dishes later, let's go.” His mother says and ushers him out of the kitchen, leading him to the living room.

He nervously sits on the love seat, his designated place in their house, while his father and mother sit on the couch opposite to it.

His father's face is impassive, but his mom is weirdly fidgety and nervous, which in turn makes him even more nervous.

“Taehyung, we want you to marry someone.” His father cuts straight to the point, making him snap his head towards the elder.


Mr. Kim sighs like he is done with everything.

Maybe he is. Now that Taehyung sees him closely, there are wrinkles all over his face, shoulders slumped like he is carrying all the weight of the world on his own.

“It is a good match Taehyung-ah. It will be good for you.” His mother pipes up.

“Eomma, I'm not marrying a woman.”

His father scoffs, but his mother keeps her hand on his arm, silently telling him to back off.

When he came out to his parents, he was ready to pack his bags and search for a place to live because he was so sure his parents would kick him out of their house.

They were traditional, orthodox in every point, but his mother just shrugged and said “I know” and offered him a cookie. What bothered him more is that his father just slapped him on the back and went on with his work, as if Taehyung didn't say that he likes dick more than boobs.

He burst into tears when he went into his room, silently sobbing into his shirt sleeve as he truly realises how lucky he is.

“We know that baby, the one we think will be a good match for you is a boy.” She looks at his father, nodding her head. “Well, a man. He is twenty three.”

“Twenty three? That's a kid!! I'm not marrying a f*cking child.”

His father raises his eyebrow at his choice of words, and Taehyung sinks back into the cushion, cheeks burning.

“Don't be a prude, Taehyung.” His mother scolds. “You are thirty. A man, an adult in your eyes. But you were very irresponsible last night. You vomited over all my garden plants last night and made a mess like a teenager. Why did you drink so much when you know you can't handle it? He is more mature than you in every matter so I need you to at least meet him before taking a decision. You are meeting him tomorrow at the cafe downtown. I expect you to be in your best behaviour.”

Before Taehyung can even protest or say something his mother stands up and walks away, leaving him alone with his father.

Taehyung readies himself for a scolding from his father too, but he just pats him on his shoulder a few times.

“You should listen to your eomma.”

Taehyung leans back on to the armrest with a sigh, throwing his hand on his face.

“Fine.” He mumbles to no one, already dreading for tomorrow.


Jungkook is busy working on his project while his mother knocks on his studio’s door, peeking her head in.

He turns around and looks at her, waiting for her to say the reason she is here, but she just looks back, blinking at him.

“Eomma, what?”

“Your father and I need to talk with you.”

“Now?” He asks, looking at his mud stained hands and ceramic structure he is working on.


He sighs, swiping away sweat with his long shirt sleeve. “I'll be there. Give me a few minutes.”

His mother nods, seemingly satisfied. “Come down fast.” She says and closes the door, leaving him alone.

He walks to the bathroom to clean himself, and before going out, he checks his mobile for any alerts that he might have missed, heaving out a breath of relief when everything seems alright.

Being a Spiderman is not easy, he learnt it the hard way. When he was bit all those years ago, he felt powerful, unstoppable even, but as the years pass by, he is getting to know all the effects.

He is still young, just twenty three years old, but he already feels old. But he would never give this up or regret anything.

He was bit by a radioactive spider when he was sixteen, and overnight he was pulsing with all these superpowers, with webs spurting out from his fingertips.

It was weird at first, and very very scary, but after he saved a young girl from getting hit by a truck on a busy road, he went to his best friend Namjoon, who is the only one who knows about his secret now. Not even his parents. It is not like he has any other friends anyway. Being an introvert, it was always hard for him to make friends and mingle with people, but after his additional responsibility of saving the city, even other cities at some times, it became next to impossible to meet new people.

He never dated in his life, not seriously anyway, as he too busy and tired to even think about it, but he always told himself that it was okay. That he was still young and he had plenty of time to explore and learn new things.

He figured out his sexuality at the ripe age of fifteen, and while one may think it is too early to even know anything, especially knowing that he never dated, but he was sure.

The superhero always knew that he liked boys, and boys only.

It doesn't matter anyway, as he is not available to date right now.

He is the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman, who saves people. It is a very big responsibility which he takes very seriously.

With various thoughts swirling in his mind he treks downstairs, almost terrified to hear what his father wants to talk about.

While he is the only child of his parents, when he chose arts instead of law as his father wanted, happy days ended for him.

If everything was normal, maybe Jungkook would be studying to become a lawyer today according to his parents wishes, but when he tried to juggle studies and his responsibilities to save the country, he couldn't do it.

He had to give up one of them, and he obviously chose to save people.

He does not know why that spider bit him, why he woke up with insane healing powers and webs spurting out of his hands, but everything happens for a reason right?

He couldn't just not stop being Spiderman.

Obviously his father was not happy at all, going as far to kick him out of the house, if only for his mother to stop him. After a lot of begging and crying on her part, and him standing in silence, stubbornly glaring at the floor, his father finally agreed, but he didn't want to pay for his school.

So Jungkook worked his ass off, and at that time arts seemed like a less stressful and easy major, but oh how was he so wrong, but he does not regret it now.

Slowly he fell in love with it, and now he is almost a well known sculptor. Not insanely famous, but he is familiar nonetheless.

As he sits in front of his parents, he feels dread settle in his gut. Whatever it is, is not good news.

“Your appa and I thought it would be a nice time for you to get married.” His mother starts, gentle smile on her face.

Jungkook’s eyes go wide, mouth hanging open in shock.


“His name is Kim Taehyung, son of your father's friend's friend. You can meet him tomorrow.”


His father finally spares him a glance. “Yes.” He asserts.

Jungkook shakes his head. He is too young to marry. What about his studies? How can he explain that he is a superhero who is always on his toes? How can he keep such a big secret from someone who he is supposedly share his entire life with? More importantly, he is twenty three for f*cks sake.

“I'm twenty three eomma! Who marries at twenty three? And what about my studies? I can't move from here. What about you guys? Who will take care of you? And what do you mean friend's friend? You want me to marry off me to a stranger?”

“Jungkook.” His father starts. “Plenty of people marry young, it is nothing to worry about. If you want to continue your studies you can ask your husband about it. And if you are worried that he is a stranger, everyone is a stranger in your life until you put a tag on your relationship. His tag is husband. And your husband is not a stranger, now is he?”

Jungkook opens his mouth to tell him off, but his father walks away, grunting as he stands up. He knows his knees must be whining. Jungkook's automatic response is to stand up and give his father a hand, but the old man waves him off, not sparing him a single glance.

He flops down onto his previous spot, and his mother joins him, keeping a soothing hand on his shoulder.

“Just meet him once. Tomorrow. If you don't like him, and get weird….” She trails off, trying to think. “What do you kids call it these days?” She muses, tapping his thigh. “Ha! Vibes. If you get weird vibes, we call it off, alright?”

Jungkook pouts, crossing his arms. “Where did you guys even meet him?”

“We didn't. Friend of a friend remember?”

“What? What if he is a serial killer?”

His mother laughs as if he just cracked the joke of the year and is not a genuine thing to worry about. “That is like a very very less possibility. Ever since that spiderman is around, the crimes in the city constantly went down.”

Jungkook bites his lips to stop a proud smile threatening to form on his face.

“And I highly wonder if anyone was a serial killer, it would be him.” His mother goes on. "Don't worry alright? Just try once. For me.”

Jungkook nods. It's not like he has any option anyway. “Okay.” He mumbles.

“Thank you.” His mother kisses his cheek, ruffling his hair. “I have to go check on something. Don't be late tomorrow.”

When his mother disappears deeper into the house, he drags himself into his room and falls onto his bed.

He needs his hyung. He would know what to do.

“Jungkook-ah, what's up.” Namjoon greets with a sleepy mumble.

“Hyung, am I disturbing you?”

Namjoon’s voice cracks as he says something, the reception disconnecting for a second.



“Is everything alright? Did you rip your suit again?”

Jungkook laughs, rolling on his side. He puts the call on the speaker and tosses it somewhere on the bed, curling on himself. “No, hyung.”

“Then what is it?”

“I'm getting married.”

Jungkook thought Namjoon would laugh and call his words bluff. Hell, he even thought of a possibility of congratulating him, but he didn't expect his actual response.

“You need sleep, gguk. You are hallucinating.”

“I am what?”

“Hallucinating.” Namjoon repeats.

“That's not … I heard it the first time, hyung.”

“Good. So go to sleep.”

“No hyung, I'm serious. Like very much serious.”


Jungkook nods even if Namjoon can't see him. “really.”


“Okay?” Jungkook questions. “That is all you have to say?”

“I don't know Jungkook, maybe I'm the one who is hallucinating and I'm the one who needs sleep.”

Jungkook sighs. “Fine. Sleep away. Good dreams.”

The Spiderman scoffs when he hears Namjoon ending the call with a whispered greeting. He stays like that for a long time before falling into a restless sleep, dreaming of flowers and a skating board.

He wakes up to his phone going off, and years of saving the people and being the superhero automatically tricks his mind into thinking it is an emergency, and someone is in danger, but he falls on his bed when he sees that it is only Namjoon who is calling him.

“What?” He speaks into the phone in lieu of a greeting, very much pissed off from their conversation earlier. That, and the fact that Namjoon woke him up from his beauty sleep.

“Gguk, you won't believe, but I had the funniest dream ever. You were getting married, lol.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose. “First things first, did you just say ‘lol’ out loud?”

He can clearly visualise Namjoon rolling his eyes.

“That's not the point.” he hears form his phone.

“Well, I can actually beleive your dream because it is true.”


“I'm indeed getting married.” Jungkook speaks, fear slowly making it's way into him again. “Or at least I'm ninety eight percent sure I am.”

“When? How? Why?”

Jungkook laughs. “I don't know. We'll see.”

“I didn't know you dated. And why now? You are still only twenty three.”

“You really think i have time for dating, hyung? And you think I'll not tell you that I'm dating? It is an arranged marriage." He rolls his eyes. "Obviously. My father talked with me this afternoon.”


This time it is Jungkook who rolls his eyes. “Eloquent as always.”

“No, it's really a lot to take in.”

Jungkook rubs his eyes. “Tell me about it.”

He gives Namjoon time to think it through, as he patiently waits.

After a long time his hyung speaks again, shocking him once more.

“I think it will be a good thing for you.” he slowly says.

Jungkook gasps. “I thought you will be on my side!! I'm twenty three! You are the one who said that. And what if he is a serial killer? What the f*ck, hyung! You are supposed to be smart.”

Namjoon sighs. “I'm on your side, Jungkook. That is why I think it is good for you. You were too busy saving the world. And while I think it is awesome, I know you are lonely, and that you crave love. So when the opportunity is there, it is good to take it. And about that serial killer thing, if he really was one, you would know. You are one of the guys who catch those people. Let's say he is very stealthy and careful, you know what to do, kill him and save yourself. That is what you do and that is what you are good at. Saving people. So I'm sure you'll be alright. I think you should give it a try.”

Now that his hyung has said it, Jungkook agrees. He did feel lonely but he thought that came with the job. While it maybe good, he has all the things glaring in red at him about why this could go very wrong. One of it being his secret identity.

“How will I tell him that I'm the Spiderman hyung? I can't lie to him forever.”

“You can cross that bridge when you get there, Jungkook-ah. Just wear your bestest pants tomorrow and meet him. I think this will be good.”

Jungkook huffs but agress nonetheless. “Fine.”

The best friends talk for some time before Jungkook falls asleep, listening to Namjoon's smooth rumble.

His mother's consistent knocks on his bedroom door wakes him up, and he grumbles as he sits up on the bed, stretching his body.

“I'm up, mom. Stop banging on my door.” He groans, throwing off the sheets off his body.

“Just waking you up.” His mother answers and the footsteps fading away tells him that she walked off to take care of some work.

“The meeting is in the evening. I don't know why I should wake up early for it.” He mumbles to himself as he walks into his en suite bathroom, all set to get ready for the day.

The whole day he spends in jitters, weird anxiety bubbling in his stomach every time he thinks of his blind date. Is it even called a blind date? He has no idea, but he is so out of this dating game that he is sure he will embarrass himself some way.

He should have just gone to his classes rather than opting to stay at home. At least for a few hours he would be less anxious and would have his mind off the things.

He loves food, but when his mother sits him down for lunch, he couldn't get past two spoons of rice before feeling it churning in his stomach. So he politely thanks for the food and excuses himself, running into his room again.

His brain is not in a right space to complete his project, and he is sure he will regret it after his date no matter how good it turns out, so he does not step a foot in his studio.

He blankly stares at his ceiling, hands behind his head as his brain wanders to different directions.

He constantly checks his phone for any emergency updates, but he did not get one today. The universe maybe really not on his side today, as he is going insane with worry and he would be happy if at least he had duty calls.

He grunts as he gets up from his queen bed, settling on to select his outfit for his date.

As he is surfing through them, he sees his Spiderman suit, hanging innocently at the very back of his closet, away from prying eyes.

It’s not like he has anyone to hide it from anyway. No one comes to his room. In fact, he doesn't have anyone other than his mother and Namjoon that comes into his room, and the latter already knows about his secret.

He makes up his mind in an instant. Nothing a good swing can not solve. He will go for a few rounds and by the time he needs to actually get ready for the meeting, he will be back, all fresh and settled.

As soon as the thought crosses his mind he is taking the suit out of it's hanger, already shimming out of his sweat pants.

And in a minute he is out of the window, but not before checking every side of his building.

He does not want any rumours that the Spiderman is found leaving the Jeon residence. Thank you very much.

This is good. He will be out and in soon. Just like that.


Turns out, it is in fact, not easy, as by the time he is swinging home, he sees a theif grabbing a lady's purse and making a run for it.

He slips into his Spiderman persona, all thoughts gone except for ‘save save save’ and ‘danger danger danger'.

The robber seems to be experienced, as he gives him a hard time.

He is like mercury, smoothly sliding under tiny gaps and dodging Jungkook's webs almost like a pro.

Jungkook is sweating under his suit by the time he catches the theif, panting heavily and he is sure he can taste blood at the back of his throat.

The robber tries to run again, but Jungkook is faster this time as he shoots his webs, tying it around the theif’s legs as he stumbles and falls on his face.

He doesn't usually use violence on people but this particular guy pissed him off.

He contacts the sheriff and shares the location. They are always late and only arrive at the scene by the time Jungkook is usually done.

This time is no different, so he leaves the theif and swings onto the nearest building, making his way home. He is sweaty and gross and is in a dire need of a shower.

The police can take care of the convict. He is done here.

It's only when he is jumping from his window into his room that he remembers that he is supposed to meet his future husband today and he is already twenty minutes late.

He is extremely f*cked.

By the time he reaches the venue, he is almost forty five minutes late. He knows he is not giving a good first impression and Jungkook is sure he would be pissed off too if his date is almost an hour late if the roles were reversed.

A tiny part of him thinks that maybe it is a good thing and the other man will cancel the wedding this way. Maybe it will turn out to be good for him.

He runs to the cafe, his hair wet from the fastest shower of his life he took only a few minutes earlier.

It’s only then he realises that he never saw the man's face. He has no idea how he looks, how old he is or at least what he is wearing.

But as he steps into the cafe, he looks around and as soon as he sees this man, he knows that he is his husband. His Taehyung.

He scrunches his nose for calling a stranger “his”, and it is creepy and wrong in so many levels, but his mind and heart does not seem to care.

The man is beautiful. To put it simply. He is wearing a soft brown button up shirt, and Jungkook is sure there must be trousers on his legs instead of some comfy jeans like his own, but he can't see as the man is sitting. The man looks like he came directly from a nine to five job.

He has this aura, an air around him that captivates Jungkook, and he is totally taken to him instantly.

His face is almost symmetrical, and is in a beautiful shade of tan, evening sunlight giving him and additional glow that makes the spiderman’s heart beat wildly in his chest.

If only the man would smile, he will be the most handsome man to walk this earth. He is frowning, angrily typing into his phone and constantly looking out of the window as if he is waiting for someone.

With a start Jungkook realises that Kim Taehyung is indeed waiting for him and of course he is angry, as Jungkook is almost an hour late to their first date.

With two quick strides he goes near Taehyung, standing in front of him.

Taehyung looks up, annoyance clear in his face.

Yeah, Jungkook f*cked up bad.

“You are late.” Is what Taehyung says to him first.

His voice is so deep. Jungkook melts a little.

“No, I'm Jungkook.” Jungkook offers his hand.

Taehyung looks at the offered hand but does not shake it, looking at Jungkook with his eyebrow raised.

Jungkook takes his hand back with a wince. “Sorry, bad joke I know. I'm sorry I was late. Classes went long today. I was out as soon as the professor dismissed us.”

He feels guilty for lying like that to his future husband's face without so much as blinking an eye, but he has to do it. It is for his own safety and well being. Years of being superhero made him an incredibly amazing liar, he became a professional in it.

Taehyung's eyes soften, but he still looks guarded. “You know my name.”

Jungkook squints. “of course I do. Did your parents not tell you about me?”

Taehyung shrugs. “just your age.”

“Oh.” Now that he thinks of it, he doesn't know how old is Taehyung. “Well my parents did not say anything about your age. How old are you if may I ask?”

Taehyung checks him out, looking at him from his head to toes.

He suddenly stands up and leans in, as if he is giving a hug. Jungkook stands still, not at all used to physical touch. It's been years since someone hugged him other than Namjoon. They don't hug often, it's almost awkward to do so, and his parents never hug him, so he stands with his breath stuck in his throat.

But contrary to his expectations, Taehyung just whispers in his ears, and moves away, sending chills down his spine. “You may want to sit down for it.”

He drags the chair out and signals Jungkook to sit, and he knows he is blushing furiously as he sits down. His face feels like it is on fire and he ducks it to avoid Taehyung's curious glance.

A waiter comes and places a hot chocolate in front of him and scurries away, leaving them both alone again.

“I'm sorry I already ordered for you. I was kinda getting dick of waiting for you.”

Jungkook shakes his head. “It's totally fine. I'm sorry again. I forgot to get your number I could have at least sent you a text. I'm sorry you waited for so long.”

Taehyung shrugs again, sipping from his americano. “It is all cool. I didn't think of getting your number too, so not your fault.”

“Sooo…. how old are you?” Jungkook asks as he takes a sip of his hot chocolate, smiling as the flavour bursts on his tongue.

“Thirty.” Taehyung answers.

And Jungkook promptly chokes.

“You are kidding.” He coughs out.

Taehyung looks rather amused, as he very much anticipated and is enjoying Jungkook's reaction.

Jungkook scolds himself. He wanted to give Taehyung a nice impression, and he is sure choking on his drink for any reason is far from it.

“I'm not.” Taehyung starts and Jungkook slumps down. He knew it. Taehyung looks too young to be thirty. He looks around Jungkook's age. “Kidding that is.” He continues, and Jungkook sits straight again, squinting at him.

“You are saying you are thirty years old.”

Taehyung nods. “Exactly, yeah.”

“Prove it.”

“How can I prove it?” Taehyung laughs.

“I don't know show me your id or something.”

Taehyung hums, and bends down to pick up his brief case.

‘God, brief case. He really is old.’ Jungkook thinks.

Taehyung hands him his id card, but Jungkook thought it would be the common, government issued one, but it is from his work.

Taehyung in the picture in there looks slightly younger, and now that Jungkook has something to compare, he does see that Taehyung is older than him.

“You have a white collar job.” Jungkook whispers. “You work with ministry of external affairs. You are the government.”

Taehyung laughs. “I'm not the government. I just have a public sector job. It's different.”

“Do you think it is wise to give away that information to me? I could misuse it.”

Taehyung laughs again, shaking his head. “You are reacting as I am a spy or something. Or as if I am in an important position. It is very normal.” He leans on to the table, hands under his cheek. “moreover, I should not keep secrets from my husband now, should I?”

The last sentence stabs at Jungkook's heart, but he clears his throat, acting as if his eyes are not watering.

“Future husband?” He lifts his head from where he was admiring the picture of Taehyung. “So that means you agree to marry me? Someone less mature and inexperienced than you?”

Taehyung shrugs. “I agree to marry you, yes. You are cool, beautiful and funny. And inexperience, maturity, those are not proportional to age. You gain them as you move forward in life and actually experience things. And I will be honoured to be a part of that.”

This time the tears really do fall from his eyes and Jungkook immediately ducks his head to discreetly wipes them off. If Taehyung does see them, he is polite enough to not to speak a word about it. He does not know why he is so emotional. Maybe it is the fact that he already likes Taehyung, and marrying him doesn't seem like a bad idea. It also maybe that Taehyung likes him too, and is upfront about him. He never felt this way, and while he is terrified, he is also excited. Maybe it is time to finally be happy and have his own family.

“Okay.” He whispers.

“Okay what?”

“I'm ready to marry you. But can we go on a few more dates before? I don't want to rush it.”

In fact, he wants to savor the last of his bachelor days as everyone else does. He never got a chance to date, and he would be happy if he went on at least five more dates before he becomes a married man. A twisted way of an attempt at a normal life.

“Of course, we can do that. How about starting now?”


“Yeah. Let's go to dinner. It is on me. You don't have anything to do now right?”

His mind immediately goes to the phone in his back pocket, but for one night it is alright right? One normal right.

“Yes. I don't have anything important today.”

Taehyung beams. “great. What do you like the most?”


Taehyung bursts out laughing. “I meant, what type of food you like the most?”

“Oh.” Jungkook blushes. “chicken.”

Taehyung nods, puffing his chest out. “so chicken it is. Get ready to eat the best chicken in the entire world.”

Jungkook smiles. “Bet.”


The fourth time they meet, they get married. It is a simple affair, only the closest of friends and family.

Jungkook's parents were adamant that it was supposed to be happening in a church, and it was the only thing they asked, so his parents agreed too.

While Taehyung tried to take Jungkook on more dates, the younger was busy. When he somehow managed to take some time out, it was Taehyung who was needed at work.

Nonetheless, they managed to go on three more dates in a span of two months. While that may not be a big number, for someone who is as busy as Taehyung and Jungkook, it looked good.

They kept touch via texting, the younger sending him various memes which Taehyung had to Google to understand the meanings of.

Slowly but steadily, feelings were developed, and he knows Jungkook is on the same boat as he is, judging by his behaviour and a pretty blush every time Taehyung so much as compliments him during their facetime.

Now, as Taehyung walks down the aisle, with Jungkook on his sleeve, looking as beautiful and ethereal as ever, he feels happy.

He is getting married to the person he likes, even if it is an arranged marriage. Jungkook is basically a stranger, and if his to be husband hears him saying this, he will never let him live after two months of seeing each other.

He is happy to have Jungkook really. Because even when Taehyung is clear with his feelings, Jungkook still tries to woo him. He brings him flowers, makes bracelets for him, and even brought lunch once to his work place.

But what Taehyung observes is, Jungkook is clearly nervous, if the vice grip on his hand is anything to go by.

Jungkook is clutching him so tight, Taehyung fears the fabric of his suit will rip under his fingers. He wants to tease the younger, but he does not want to add more to his plate, so he gently squeezes his hip, offering him silent support.

Within minutes, the vows are done, something generic, but heartfelt nonetheless. Applause keeps ringing in Taehyung's ears but all he can see is Jungkook, and Jungkook only.

“You may kiss the groom.” The priest says after the rings are worn, and neither of them move, too busy staring at each other.

Jungkook has a look on his face, that clearly shows his nerves, eyes wide and fluttery, knuckles white and cheeks flushed.

They never kissed. It did not even cross Taehyung's mind that he has to kiss Jungkook, and he regrets that he did not talk to him about it.

Jungkook's mom must have nudged him, as he takes a step forward, looking anxiously at him.

And while Taehyung would love to kiss the younger on their wedding day, he will not do anything that upsets Jungkook more than he already is, so he leans in, and brings Jungkook closer by his waist, squeezing it gently, hoping it would reassure him.

“Breathe. You look like you are going to pass out.” He whispers onto the younger's lips, his own barely touching his husband’s.

Jungkook closes his eyes, as if readying himself for the kiss, but Taehyung slightly tilts his head and drops a peck on the corner of his mouth.

He can feel the inhale that Jungkook breaths in, and pecks him just above his lips one more time before leaning back, stepping away from his husband.


They are married now.

And Taehyung is excited to unfold this new chapter in his life with Jungkook by his side.

The rest of the day passes by in a blur. Their first dance as a couple, the best man's speech, the toast, reception and dinner, everything feels like a movie in front of him.

The whole time, Jungkook is by his side, nervously meeting their family and exchanging pleasentaries. While Taehyung is having the time of his life, the only thing he despises is the photo session.

“If i hear ‘please smile wider’ one more time I'm committing murder.” He says through gritted teeth, making Jungkook giggle.

His husband pats his chest, smiling at him sweetly. “Please don't. I don't want to meet my newly married husband in a jail every month.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes, smiling mechanically as another group of people flock by to take pictures with the grooms and the photographer says “smile please.”

By the time they reach home, they are exhausted to the bone.

Taehyung takes of his suit jacket, and helps Jungkook take off his, as the younger is too busy ogling their new home.

“It's beautiful.” Jungkook whispers, walking deeper into the apartment, staring to explore it.

Taehyung smiles. “I'm glad. The farthest room on the right is your studio. You can work there on your projects.”

Jungkook turns around, clearly shocked. “You built a studio for me?”

“No, silly. I didn't build it. I requested them to add it to our home's layout. How can you work without-”

His words get cut off by a barrel of force, making him emit an “ooff.”

“Thank you, tae. Really. You don't know how much this means to me.” Jungkook mumbles into his neck as he hugs him tighter with his hands around his shoulders.

“It's nothing. And you didn't even see it yet. What if you hate it?”

“Not possible.”

Taehyung pats his head. “Okay. Don't pout.”

“Not pouting.” Jungkook huffs, still hidden under his chin.

“He says that with a pout.” Taehyung teases.

“Whatever.” Jungkook says as he breaks the hug, running away in the direction of his studio.

Taehyung goes into their bedroom. At least he hopes it is theirs. If Jungkook is not yet ready to share a room with him, of course he would understand, but while choosing the theme, he also made sure that he ordered everything that Jungkook ever preferred. It took a lot of time and preparation to pull information out of his husband about his preferences when came to home decor, but Taehyung likes to think he made a good job.

Hands wrap around his torso as he is taking off his jewellery, Jungkook hugging him from the back as he rests his head against his shoulder.

“It's really cool tae. Thanks for thinking about me.”

Taehyung turns around, kissing Jungkook's forehead. “Of course I think about you. It is your home as much as it is mine. In fact you will be living here most as I will be away in office. And your work place should always be comfortable. So don't worry about it.”

Jungkook looks like he wants to say something, but he just nods. “still, thank you so much.”

“No worries. Can I ask you something though? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.”

Jungkook nods, biting his lips.

“You are twenty three.”

His husband tilts his head. “twenty four now. You always forget.”

“Right. I'm sorry. How could I? Forgive me highness.” Taehyung bows mockingly.

“Shut up”

“Anyway, you are twenty four. Why are you still in school?”

When Jungkook just blinks at him, he hurries to add. “not that it is a bad thing or anything, I'm just asking. I just want to get to know you better. You don't have to-”

“I'm studying to become a teacher.”

Taehyung stops his babbling, blinking owlishy. “Oh.”


“A teacher.”

Jungkook nods his head, and he looks like he is biting back his smile. “Mhm hmm. I'm in my second year of PhD.”


Jungkook laughs, bright and free.

“You- you do that and still make all those sculptures? That's- that's i don't know Jungkook that is so so cool. That is admirable. I'm very proud of you.”

Jungkook smile turns dim, as he shrugs. “Well, no one thought so, except for Namjoon hyung, but thank you.”

“Namjoon? The tall guy?”

“Yeah. He is my only friend. He is the best.”

Taehyung feels something. Something akin to jealousy. He knows it is stupid, and uncalled for, but he can't help it.

“Alright. I'm gonna take a shower now. You can wait or there is another bathroom just down the hall.” With that he walks away, not noticing how Jungkook's face falls.

By the time he is back from shower, Jungkook is too, and he is sitting on his bed, scrolling through his phone, biting his lips.

It looks like he is texting someone, and as soon as he notices Taehyung's presence, he switches it off, throwing it behind himself.

Very weird. Taehyung thinks.

“Hi.” He whispers, still very tired to think anything through and he does not want to make any assumptions.


“I'm just ready to sleep. I'm so tired.” Taehyung says, flopping on his back.

His eyes automatically close, but he fights them open when he sees Jungkook sitting still, back rigid on the edge of the mattress.

“You can sleep too, what are you waiting for?” The office worker asks through a yawn, moving towards his side to sleep more comfortably.

He feels the mattress dip and smiles in satisfaction knowing that Jungkook laid down, not really understanding why he feels like that.

As he slips off into dreamland, suddenly a thought pops up in his mind.

What if Jungkook didn't want to sleep in the same bed with him? Granted, they went on a few dates and they always texted and stuff but that doesn't mean Jungkook is comfortable sharing a bed with him. That single thought makes him spring up from his position, and Jungkook is flying up too, looking at him with wide eyes.

“Wha-what's wrong?” The younger asks, clearly sleepy.

“You can sleep in another room.” Taehyung blurts out.

Jungkook reels back, confused and hurt. “O-oh. Yeah. S-sure.”

Taehyung curses internally. That didn't come out as he intended. He stops Jungkook by his wrist as he tries to walk away.

“No. I mean, if you want to. If you are uncomfortable sleeping with me on the same bed. I know it all happened very fast and I know it would be a bit difficult for you. So I'm just suggesting. I would love to sleep with you.” His eyes widen when he utters the last sentence, the same time his husband's eyes does too. “I- I mean, literally. Literally sleeping. Side by side. I would love the other kind too-” he physically closes his mouth to stop spewing embarrassing stuff, mortified at his behaviour.

Jungkook bites his lips, a small smile adorning his face. He looks beautiful in the moonlight, hair ruffled and clothes rumpled. He looks right at home and Taehyung can't wait to be right at home with him.

As his husband slowly crawls on the mattress and lays down again, Taehyung does too, facing Jungkook's back.

“Good night, tae.” He listens from Jungkook, sleepy and slurring.

“Night.” He whispers, drifting off into sleep.

In the following days, Taehyung realises that it is awkward between them two. He fears it is his doing, that he is finding ways to make Jungkook uncomfortable and f*cking up their relationship.

But Kim Seokjin, his senior at work assures him that it is not unheard of to feel like that and it is completely normal.

“It is a new place to both of you. You don't know each other very well, of course it takes time to build a routine. Don't worry too much, it will all be okay.” Seokjin says, after watching him wallow in his self pity at their lunch.

Taehyung hopes it is true.

As to help build their footing, Taehyung does some things that he thinks Jungkook likes.

Every day he buys him a candy, different flavour for a different day. Jungkook lights up when he sees it, and immediately starts sucking on the lolly, humming happily.

After five days in a row, Jungkook was so enthralled that he kissed Taehyung's cheek in gratitude and hopped away to their kitchen to cook dinner.

Taehyung was smiling all night that night.

A few days later when Taehyung presented him with a lime flavoured one, Jungkook simply smiled and whispered a small ‘thank you’ and curled up on himself. Taehyung originally thought he just didn't like the flavour, but as he watched Jungkook slowly closing on himself, he knew that was not the case.

After many attempts of trying to pull information out of Jungkook, and to no avail, he gave up, laying on his bed, ready to turn in for the night.

With slow steps Jungkook slid beside him, more closer than usual, as if seeking comfort and warmth.

Taehyung stretched his left hand, giving invitation to Jungkook to tuck himself in into his side, and to Taehyung's surprise, Jungkook readily did.

He rested his head on Taehyung's hand, hiding himself in Taehyung's side.

“Everything okay?” Taehyung spoke softly, ignoring the fact that it is the first time they are in such close proximity. While he wants to jump around and laugh like a maniac, he has more pressing matters on his hand. A very upset husband who he has to take care of.

Jungkook sighs. “school stuff.”

Taehyung slowly starts to comb his husband's hair with his nails. “You want to talk about it?”


“Ok. We don't have to. You need any help?”

Jungkook thinks for a few seconds. “Not right now.”

“That's okay. You can ask whenever. I'm always here okay?”

At his words Jungkook further burrows into him, almost sleeping on top of him. Taehyung smiles, cuddling the younger closer.

“Night, hyung.”

“Night. Sleep well.” He says after dropping a kiss on Jungkook's hair, and they fall asleep like that, intertwined together.

Since that day, Taehyung observes that something has changed in between them. It's nothing too noticeable, but it's there. A subtle lining.

Whatever it is, it has brought them closer emotionally, so Taehyung is not complaining. Jungkook talks with him more, shares more stuff with him and they had made it a thing that they will sit down for dinner and share stories about their day. Overall, Taehyung is happy, and is satisfied that the awkwardness which wass present in the beginning is slowly disappearing.

“Why don't you take him on a date? It's important for you guys to get to know each other more. Just because you are married now, doesn't mean you have to stop going on dates.” Seokjin says on a fine afternoon while they were having lunch.

Taehyung thinks of it. While what Jin saying is true, they are still both busy. Jungkook's exams start in a week, and goes on for another week and he does not want to disturb or distract the younger, so he tells himself that he will wait until his husband will be done. He can do that at least.

While Jungkook is busy preparing for his exams, Taehyung takes upon himself to take care of him. He often forgets to eat and drink, is looking always tired and once Jungkook showed up with bruises on his arms and elbows, Taehyung was so worried, he did not sleep the whole night.

Jungkook waved off his concerns stating that he fell asleep he was not seeing where he was going, but that did not console Taehyung at all. If anything, it made him even worried.

Tomorrow will be the last day of the younger's exam, and he decided to take him on a date that Jin talked with him about.

He decides to keep it a secret, as he will surprise his husband later in the evening.

“What time you will be done?” He asks, as he slides in a bowl of cereal that Jungkook goes absolutely crazy over.

“Hmm?” Jungkook hums, too absorbed in going through his revision notes.

There is a sudden burst of endearment that stumbles out of Taehyung's heart, and he can't help but ruffle the younger's hair, combing through it neatly later.

“I'm asking by what time you will be done? Your exam?”

“Oh. I don't know around five.” Jungkook answers, not entirely paying attention. “Why?”

“Just asking.”

Jungkook hums again, already engrossed in his notes again.

The office worker leans down to kiss Jungkook's head, collecting his things to get ready for the day. “Alright, I'll be off now. Be safe. Good luck on your exam.”

Jungkook hums. “Drive safe.”

“I will. Thank you. Bye, Gguk.”


Taehyung leaves the apartment with a spring in his step, excited for their date.

At quarter to five, Taehyung packs his things up, so as to pick Jungkook up from his university. He will take his husband to that night market he loves, and then if Jungkook wants, they will take a walk along the han river. It is only the second date they are going after their marriage, first one being planned by Jungkook, as he took him to an amusem*nt park.

Jungkook was so happy that day, cheeks flushed, and running on high adrenaline, dragging Taehyung along to different rides and food stalls. He was excited like a puppy, and Taehyung won him a bunny plushie which Jungkook still hugs to sleep. He does not even let Taehyung touch it, as he is overly protective over such a small thing.

Taehyung started to fall deeper and deeper for his husband that day.

As he waits for Jungkook to come out, he reminisces those days, smiling like an idiot.

He finds Jungkook coming out, clearly tired. Shoulders slumped and purple bruises under his eyes, he looks so exhausted.

His husband lights up when he sees him, surprise evident over his confused face. He runs the remaining distance over, panting by the time he stands in front of him.

“Hyung! What are you doing here?”

Taehyung takes the bag hanging from Jungkook's shoulder, smiling widely. “Surprise! I'm here to take you on a date.”

Jungkook face falls. “D-date?”

Taehyung smiles dims, looking at Jungkook's reaction. He thought Jungkook would be excited. Is he not? Is he overstepping his boundaries?

“Yeah. Why? Do you not want to go?”

Jungkook's eyes go wide. “No!!” He shouts. When he realises his tone he clears his throat, averting his eyes. “I m-mean, yes. We can. Please take me away from this place.” He whines, going over to the passenger seat. “I'm so tired.”

Taehyung chuckles, confused at the sudden change in behaviour.

When he sits in the driver seat, he sees that Jungkook is leaned back, eyes closed and hands in his lap. He did not put on his seat belt, so Taehyung leans in, wanting to do that for him, as to not disturb the younger.

But Jungkook opens his eyes when he feels his presence, and they are so close, so so close, Taehyung just wants to lean in and kiss those pink lips of his husband, which looks chapped, and bitten.

He unknowingly lifts his hand up and touches Jungkook's bottom lip, sensing the texture.

Jungkook inhales, surprised by his actions, and he looks at him with his eyes wide, breath stuck in his lungs.

Taehyung tsks, leaning back after securing the seat belt. He rummages his glove compartment to take out a chapstick he keeps there for emergencies.

“Here, apply some. Your lips look as dry as the Sahara desert.”

Jungkook scoffs. “Shut the f*ck up.”

Taehyung gasps. “I'm calling Mrs. Jeon right now. Is this how you speak to your husband? Kids these days.” He shakes his head.

Jungkook flips him off, graceful as always. He leans back again, this time crossing his arms.

The car ride is silent, Taehyung humming a random tune under his breath to fill the silence.

Jungkook shakes his legs, his thighs bulging with every movement. It is very distracting for Taehyung, so he keeps a hand on his thigh, making Jungkook stop his movements.

“You know, we can go any other day if you are not feeling up to it.” Taehyung starts, eyeing him sideways.


“If you are tired and are not feeling upto it, we can plan this some other day. I can turn back home.”

Jungkook snorts, eyes still closed. “You know I never say no to free food.”

Taehyung bites his lips. “Who says it is free? You are paying too.”


The single ‘oh’ hurts Taehyung's heart. He speaks likes his world just ended and Taehyung just said him some terrible news.

“Kidding. I'm kidding.” Taehyung consoles, patting Jungkook's thigh.

Jungkook pinches his hand which is resting on his thigh as retaliation, but doesn't say anything else.

If Taehyung keeps his hand on his thigh for the rest of the ride, they do not speak a word of it.

Jungkook's attitude does a complete 180 by the time they reach their night market. He is excited, taking in everything with wide eyes, dragging Taehyung to different stalls to try different things, and the things he won't like, he gives them to Taehyung, and he won't let him throw it away, saying “we shouldn't waste it, tae. Here, let us share it.”

Sometimes he looks so mad eating something, as if the food personally offended him. Taehyung is so smitten, he gets full just watching his husband eat.

Jungkook offers him a bite of tteokbokki, and Taehyung shakes his head, politely declining it. Jungkook pouts.

“Why? It is delicious. And it is not even the spicy one. It is a normal tteokbokki.”

Taehyung's heart sings at the prospect that Jungkook knows him well enough to know that he can not handle spicy food.

“Its not that. I feel full just watching you eat. So eat well okay?”

Jungkook blushes at that, ducking his head. He starts eating again, this time albeit slowly, mouth too busy smiling to eat properly. After a few seconds, he chokes, face turning red.

Taehyung is instantly on alert, looking around to find a place for water.

“You wait here. I'll be back with some water. Sit down.” He pushes Jungkook to sit, and runs away, trying to find water for his husband.

After a lot of searching, he finds a convenience store that sells water bottles, and he takes two chilled one, just for safety.

All the way back to Jungkook, he grumbles about night food market not having enough water stalls, walking fast so that he can reach Jungkook as soon as possible.

But when he sees the stall that they were together earlier void of Jungkook, he is first confused. He looks around to see if he came to the wrong place, but when he looks at the vendor, it is clear that he is at the correct place. His second thought is panic, as his brain instantly makes him believe that Jungkook is in some type of danger. He instantly gets his phone to try to call the younger, but a notification from Jungkook makes his heart fall.

‘sorry hyung, I had to go. My friend needed me and it was emergency. Sorry for leaving abruptly. I'll see you at home.’

Taehyung feels numb all the way back home. Everything was going good. He was so happy, he was enjoying their simple date and he thought Jungkook was too. Of course Jungkook can go if his friend needed him, but something about the whole situation makes him uncomfortable and…. just so wrong.

But he understands Jungkook, and his friend must really need him if Jungkook left so suddenly, so he goes home in silence, previous excitement disappeared, as he listens to the local news station airing about a bank theft.

When he is home he takes a cold shower, attempting to not think too much of the situation. He falls on the bed, and even after an hour, Jungkook is not home yet, and that makes him fidgety.

His initial confusion slowly transforms into worry as the time ticks. Its been two hours and there is no news from the younger, and when he tries to call him, the call goes to voicemail, worrying him further.

Just as he is falling into a restless sleep, he feels the mattress dipping, and he sighs internally in relief, thanking anyone up there for returning Jungkook home safely.

“I'm so sorry, hyung.” Jungkook whispers meekly, tucking himself against Taehyung's chest.

Taehyung just hums, not trusting himself to talk anything.

“I know I did wrong, and I shouldn't have just left in middle of our date like that but it really was important, tae.”

“Okay.” He says, pulling away from Jungkook's hands. He turns his back towards Jungkook, and hears his husband let out a sigh.

He knows he is acting like a petulant child, but he is hurt. This date was supposed to be for Jungkook, and him leaving abruptly made his chest ache. He will apologise for his behaviour tomorrow morning, but for tonight, he needs some space.

With that thoughts he drifts away, dreaming of fire and seas.

Next morning he wakes up to the aroma of eggs. Jungkook is turned away from him, humming something as he cooks in the kitchen. When he senses his presence, his husband turns around, smiling softly at him, as if he does not know if it is alright for him to smile.

“Sit down. I made breakfast.”

Taehyung nods and flops down, drinking water to clear the lump in his throat.

Jungkook presents him with rice and eggs, along with some tofu soup, and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, his favourite drink to have in the morning. It is clearly an attempt at apology, so Taehyung silently eats, as Jungkook sits opposite from him on the dining table.

“What about you? Why are you not eating?” Taehyung asks, sipping on the juice.

“I'm not hungry yet. You eat.” Jungkook says, serving him more rice.

Taehyung lifts an eyebrow. It is not normal for Jungkook to deny food, but he keeps his silence, continuing his meal.

When he finishes, Jungkook insists that he will clean up for him and waves him off in the direction of their bedroom, so Taehyung gives up, not wanting to argue.

Jungkook helps him put on his coat at the door, and hands him a hand packed lunch, delicious smell wafting in the air.

“Drive safe.” He says, and he looks like he wants to say something else, but decides against it in the last second. Taehyung just nods and steps out, feeling weirdly loved and overwhelmed.

At lunch Jin teases him for the cute bento lunch box Jungkook packed for him, saying that he hit a lottery. Taehyung rolls his eyes, but deep down, he feels good.

Jungkook is all over him when he gets home too, and he cooks another delicious meal for dinner. He understands that it is his husband's way to seek apology, and Taehyung wants to say that it is not needed anymore, and he understands Jungkook, but he is enjoying the food too much to say anything.

When they are done, Taehyung offers to do the dishes but Jungkook kicks him out of the kitchen saying that he must be tired from work all day, and all Jungkook did was lounge on the couch, so he will do it.

Taehyung gets ready for the bed and waits for Jungkook to come back, so they can finally go to sleep.

When Jungkook comes back, he stands in front of him, messing with something in his cupboard. When he slips on to the mattress, far away from him than usual, Taehyung sighs.

“Here, your lolly.” He says, as he gives Jungkook a strawberry flavoured candy tonight.

“Oh.” Jungkook says, surprised.

Taehyung chuckles. “what? Why are you shocked?”

Jungkook looks down, fiddling with a stray thread on the comforter.

“I- I just thought you didn't get m-me one today.”

“Why would you think that?”

“Uh, um I offended you yesterday?”

Taehyung lets out a surprised laugh. “Offended? What? Don't be stupid. Of course I didn't like you leaving like that and of course I was a little hurt, but I was not at all offended. And I already forgot about it so you should too okay? I understand that your friend needed you. The timing was off, but it's okay. It happens.”

After a few seconds of his speech, Jungkook throws himself at him, hugging him by his neck. “I'm so sorry, tae. I really didn't mean to leave. Please don't be mad at me anymore.”

“I'm not ba- gguk. I forgive you okay? It's in the past.”

Jungkook nods, but stays close to him.

Silence surrounds them and Taehyung thinks that Jungkook is already asleep, but he speaks again, taking him by surprise.

“I really like you tae. I really do. I know I don't show it. But believe me. You may not feel the same, but trust me. I'll do anything to make you believe in me.”

Taehyung sits in silence, not knowing what to say. Of course he likes Jungkook too, and his feelings run deeper than just attraction, but Jungkook springed them so suddenly upon him that he doesn't know what to say.

So he just kisses Jungkook's head and holds him close to his chest as they sleep.

The next morning while he is at work, he gets a message from Jungkook that he is going to take him out on a dinner date.

‘reserved a table! Dress fancy and be ready by 7’ the text reads, and Taehyung smiles, thinking about it the whole day.

By the time he reaches home to get ready, Jungkook is nowhere in sight. With heart beating fast, he gets ready nonetheless, thinking that maybe Jungkook has gone somewhere to make any arrangements.

By six fifty, ten minutes before the time Jungkook specified, he is ready, and he sits on the couch, waiting for his husband. He does not think Jungkook will make him wait for longer, but there is still a silver of doubt in his heart.

At seven sharp, their apartment bell rings, and he gets up confused. They are not expecting any guests and Jungkook knows the code so of course it would not be him right?

But once he opens the door, on the other side is Jungkook, a flower bouquet in his hands.

“For you.” He thrusts it in his hands, and he looks so out of his element that it almost looks comical. “You look handsome. You look great.” He stutters out, face and ears red.

Taehyung blinks. “Thank you. You look beautiful yourself.” He compliments and watches in amazement as Jungkook turns even redder.

“Let me put them in a vase. Then we can go.” He says as he runs for the kitchen to fill a jar with water.

By the time he is done, Jungkook is busy texting in his mobile, and as soon as he sees Taehyung, he puts it away in his pocket, looking at him with a smile.


Taehyung nods. “let's go.”

Jungkook takes him to a fancy restaurant. They are served wine as soon as they are shown their tables, and the waitress asks for any other wine they prefer.

Jungkook looks at him, eyes wide, clearly asking for help. Taehyung laughs, and rattles off some wine which he hopes Jungkook likes.

He makes a small talk, sensing Jungkook's nerves. It must be new and scary to him. Taehyung was like that too, after all, and suddenly he realises how young Jungkook is, compared to him.

The food is not extraordinary, but it is tasty. Jungkook looks like he agress with him, as the usual pout and a frown in between his eyebrows when he is eating is nowhere to be found. That, or he is too nervous to enjoy.

“You know, you don't have to do this right? I already said i forgave you.” Taehyung says, wiping his mouth with the towel the waitress provided a few minutes prior.

Jungkook knits his brows. “Of course. But I wanted to.” Then he looks with his wide eyes, biting his lips. “Do you- don't you like the food? Is it bad? We can go somewhere else.”

Taehyung shakes his head. “It's not about the food. I want you to know that, while I'm very flattered that you planned this, it is unnecessary. I enjoyed our night market date and I'm enjoying this too, but I'm still not mad at you. Alright?”

Jungkook nods. “thank you.”

They eat in silence after that, and after a few minutes Jungkook becomes fidgety. Even more than earlier.

He suddenly springs up from the chair, attracting attention.

“I- I'm sorry. I need to use the restroom.” He says and runs away, stumbling on his feet.

Taehyung shrugs, and goes back to enjoying his dessert. Doubt starts creeping in, when even after minutes Jungkook does not return. When he stands up, deciding to look for Jungkook, the younger suddenly emerges, looking sweaty and red.

“Hyun- hyung. I really should go.” He speaks.

Taehyung's heart drops.

“I know. I know, I'm sorry, but I will explain everything as soon as possible. Please. I'm sorry. I really have to go. I already paid the bill. I'm sorry but I have to go now. I'll see you soon.” Jungkook blabbers and goes away, leaving Taehyung alone.

Taehyung, for some reason, feels tears gather in his eyes. It is so f*cking stupid, he can not believe he is crying over something so trivial. He does not even remember the last time he cried, and he just feels embarrassed for himself.

He quickly gathers his things and gets out of the restaurant. Jungkook at least had the decency to leave the car for him.

He mindlessly drives, not really wanting to go home just yet. He does not want to see Jungkook. Various thoughts runs in his mind, and he stops at han river, sitting silently to think in peace.

He does not know what to think. He doesn't understand, why Jungkook is always leaving. Two times may not be a big issue for many, but Taehyung feels like he is missing something. Like Jungkook is hiding something from him.

What if it is a lover? A thought crosses his mind, but he instantly crushes it. Just yesterday Jungkook said that he liked him. He wouldn't do that to him right? Jungkook is not that type of person. And he looked so scared and so strained while he was going, so something must have happened again. He will talk to him today and get his answers. He will definitely get to the end of this situation.

By the time he gets home, he is surprised to find that Jungkook is already there.

He is sat on their bed, and he is speaking to someone on his phone.

“I can't, hyung. I can't tell him.” He hears Jungkook say, and he stops in his tracks, shocked. He knows he should not eavesdrop, and it will break Jungkook's trust on him, but he is too hurt and confused to care. And by the way Jungkook's voice sounds thick and the way he sniffles, Taehyung knows that Jungkook is crying.

“No, joon. He can't know. It will be too much of a mess for him to know.”

‘Oh. So it's namjoon.’ Taehyung thinks, bitterly.

“I f*cked up, hyung. I keep f*cking up. I don't know what to do. I'm so confused and sad all the time. I don't want this. I don't want to do this anymore-”

Whatever Jungkook says, Taehyung does not register it anymore.

‘i don't want this.’ ‘i don't want this.’ ‘i don't want this.’ ‘i don't want this.’ ‘i don't want this.’ ‘i don't want this.’ ‘i don't-’ Jungkook's words ring in his ears mockingly, and he slumps on the couch, not wanting to sleep with Jungkook anymore.

He needs to talk to his husband. And he will. But just not tonight. He does not want to stay with Jungkook in the same house, but he is shaking too bad to drive, so he lays down on the couch, even though they have another bedroom he can move in to. He is so out of it, and maybe it is his brain's way of calming him down, he is out like a light. He feels sad that this is the first time he is not sleeping in the same bed with Jungkook, but the hurt is too much for him.

He slowly falls asleep, but not before seeing that Jungkook comes out with a blanket and drapes it on him, tucking him in gently.

Tears fall freely this time, and he does not make an effort to stop them.


Jungkook feels like a douche bag.

He knows he is one.

He hurt Taehyung too much, and he knows his husband does not trust him anymore.

Namjoon keeps saying that Jungkook has to come clean about him being a superhero to Taehyung, that it is so blatantly effecting their relationship, but Jungkook does not want to.

What if he indirectly puts Taehyung in danger? If something happens to his husband, Jungkook won't be able to live, and he won't be able to forgive himself, so he does not want Taehyung to know about him being the Spiderman.

But he also does not want to see Taehyung in pain. He saw how crestfallen the elder looked when Jungkook had to leave in middle of their date.

Jungkook has managed to hurt the only person he cared for him in less than a week's time, and he is so annoyed and mad at himself, that he feels like dying.

He starts to cry as he thinks of what Taehyung will say tomorrow. What if Taehyung asks for a divorce? He has every right to, after what Jungkook has done, but he will be heart broken.

With a start, Jungkook realises that he is in love with Taehyung and that only makes him cry harder. He muffles his sobs into the pillow, the cover of it beginning to get wet from all the tears.

He does not know when he falls asleep, but by the time he wakes up, Taehyung is nowhere to be found.

He hurriedly gets off the bed and looks in their shared closet, heaving a sigh of relief when he sees that all of his husband's belongings are still in there, intact. He must have just gone to work.

The student thinks of various things to say to Taehyung, and ways to apologise again, but there is still a niggling thought that he is lying to his husband. He does not want to, but he consoles himself that it is for the greater good. He is doing this for Taehyung. So he is not in harm's way.

He is working on preparing the dinner when Taehyung comes back. One hour before Taehyung's usual time, he started to panic. His brain somehow tricked him into believing that Taehyung will not be home, and now hates him more than anything in the world.

He managed to drive himself into an almost panic attack, and it took a lot of convincing from Namjoon for him to calm down completely.

He runs from the kitchen to greet Taehyung, but the elder looks at him, and averts his eyes.

While such treatment hurts from his husband, he can completely understand him.

“I need to talk with you.” Taehyung says and goes to sit on the dining table, not looking at him once and not giving him a chance to argue.

Its not like he will argue anyway. He owes to Taehyung this much. He already hurt him a lot. The least he can do is listen to his husband.

He quickly turns off the stove and sits opposite to Taehyung, waiting patiently for him to start talking.

Taehyung opens his bag and slides him some papers, and Jungkook heart stops at the implication of what they must be.

When Jungkook sits still, Taehyung pushes them closer. “Don't make it hard for both of us, Jungkook.”

Jungkook flinches at the tone. He never heard Taehyung speak like that. Let alone directed at him.

“I'm- I'm not divorcing you, Taehyung.”

Taehyung sighs again. “Why not?”

“What do you mean why not? Why should I? You are my husband. And this is not a simple matter. Did you ask me before bringing in the papers? What about me? Did you ask me if I want to? Did you- ”

Taehyung scoffs, making him halt. “husband? Are you acting like one?”


“That is what I'm asking. What is happening? What are you hiding from me?”

Jungkook can not sit anymore, so he leaps off of the chair, starting to pace.

“Why are you hiding something from me?” Taehyung continues. “If I'm your husband, do I not have a right to know whatever it is about?”. Now Taehyung is also standing, just behind him. “Are you seeing someone behind my back? Is that it?”

Jungkook whirls around, tears falling from his eyes.

“What? What are you saying?”

“I'm asking if you are cheating on me!!” Taehyung shouts.

Jungkook punches him on the shoulder, the force making Taehyung stumble back. “Shut up! How can you say that?”

Taehyung looks shocked at his actions. “How can I say that? Do you hear yourself? You act suspicious. You are never home. You are always checking your phone. And you are always texting someone. You leave me behind in the middle of dates. Do you know how humiliating it is for me? Do you know how hurt I am? What is happening and why do I not get to know the truth?”

Jungkook stands there still, silently looking at the ground. Taehyung breathes heavily, waiting for an answer, but Jungkook has nothing to say. For some reason, Jungkook does not want to admit that he is the Spiderman. He knows it will be easy. Once he shows that he is a superhero that saves the world, his husband will understand, but words does not come out of Jungkook's throat.

Taehyung huffs. “You know what? f*ck you. I'm done. I'm done with you. I'm done with this relationship and I'm done with being in the dark. I'm so f*cking done.” He yells and goes towards the front door, wanting to get out of the house.

When Taehyung is almost at the door, Jungkook throws himself in between his husband and the door, blocking his way.

“I'm not in the mood to talk with you Jungkook. Move aside, and let me go.”

Jungkook shakes his head, crying. “Please. I'm sorry I hurt you. I really am. I don't know how I can make up to you, but I never cheated on you. I would never do that you. Please. Please belive me.”

“Then what is happening? Why are you behaving like this?”

Jungkook shakes his head, sobbing. “I can't tell you. I can't tell you I'm sorry. I love you, tae. I love you. Please, I don't have anyone else.”

Taehyung looks shocked at his confession, but there is no other emotion on his face. “You love me?”

Jungkook nods, legs threatening to give out.

“Then prove it.” Taehyung says.

The younger one stands straight, wiping his tears. “anything. I'll do anything.”

“Tell me what is so important that you have to leave every damn time. And don't tell me it is because of your friend. You and I both know that it is not true.”

Jungkook shakes his head. “I can't. I can't, tae. Please understand.”

Taehyung sighs. “Then there is nothing for me to listen. Move and let me through.”

Jungkook cries, not moving an inch. “I don't want to lose you, tae.”

“Why are you not understanding? You are going to lose me if you never-”

“I'm the Spiderman.” Jungkook blurts out, cutting Taehyung off.

Taehyung clamps his mouth shut, looking at him with wide eyes. “What?”

“I'm Spiderman.” Jungkook repeats, voice hoarse.

Taehyung stands in silence, and Jungkook gives him time to process.

“I didn't want to say anything to you because, obviously, it may put you in danger. But I can't let you think that I'm cheating on you. I love you, Taehyung.” Jungkook starts to cry again, loud sobs wrecking through his body.

Taehyung hugs him, and he cries this time for a whole different reason. Relief. Relief spreads through his system, and he is glad that Taehyung is not going away.

"Stop crying." Taehyung says, but that only makes him cry harder.

He knows that he is being a baby and he should explain to Taehyung everything. While he wanted to keep his secret, now that it is out, he wants to tell Taehyung the whole thing. He deserves that much.

He pulls away from the elder's embrace, wiping his cheeks with his shirt's sleeves. Suddenly he feels embarrassed, ashamed of his behaviour.

"You are the Spiderman." Taehyung states.

Jungkook nods his head. "I was bit at the age of sixteen."


Jungkook nods again. "I will tell you everything, tae. But please belive me. I am not cheating on you." He says, shooting a web from his wrist on to the ceiling.

Taehyung gasps, shock evident on his face.

For some reason, Jungkook starts to cry again, and this time Taehyung is faster to hug him, and he tucks himself under his husband's chin.

"Jungkook, Jungkook can I kiss you?" Taehyung asks suddenly, making Jungkook choke.


"I really need to kiss you. I need to know I'm not dreaming."

Jungkook takes in a deep breath. He stands on his tip toes and kisses Taehyung's nose first, and then he pecks on his lips. Slow and gentle.

Taehyung wraps his arms around his waist, and Jungkook steadies himself by wrapping his own arms around Taehyung's shoulders, and once Jungkook gave his permission, Taehyung dives in.

At first, the kiss starts off slow, but soon Taehyung is licking on his lips, making him moan. He has never been kissed, and the sudden change of emotions makes his mind dizzy.

One second, he is in the living room, blocking Taehyung from leaving the apartment, and the next minute, he is on their bed, laid flat, as Taehyung devours him with his kisses.

The intensity of it makes his brain reel, and as Taehyung's thigh brushes against his crotch, he moans loudly, just noticing that he is embarrassingly and painfully hard.

Taehyung notices. Of course he does. "should I take care of you? Let me take care of you." He says, waiting for Jungkook's approval.

Jungkook, too gone into the hands of pleasure, desperately nods his head, aching for a much needed relief.

As soon as Taehyung got his approval, he starts to open his shirt, but Jungkook's eyes fly open and he hurriedly sits up, almost kicking Taehyung in his shin.

"What happened? Do you want me to stop? We can stop if you want to." Taehyung says, sitting up too.

"Its just..." Jungkook trails off, ashamed and insecure of his body.

"What? What is it?"

"Its just that, that I have scars." Jungkook blurts out at once.


"Yeah. Like when I fight with thieves. Or sometimes villains. Some are also from fire. I think- I think they might be repulsive for you."

Taehyung takes his hands in his own, rubbing his knuckles soothingly. "But I don't think they are. For me, they show how brave you are and how lucky I am to have such a brave husband. Who is doing it like me? No one." He attempts to joke. "In fact, I think they are very very sexy. If you allow me to, I'll show it to you."

Taehyung patiently waits as Jungkook makes a decision. After a few seconds, he nods, biting his lips. "okay."



"Good. Lie down for me." Taehyung says, as he gets out of his jeans, and Jungkook's eyes bulges as he gets to see the smooth, honey skin on display.

Taehyung smirks, enjoying the attention. As Jungkook closes his eyes, anticipation burning deep in his gut, he chokes on a gasp as Taehyung swirls his tongue around his nipple, making him see stars.

Taehyung continues his trail south, kissing his scars and leaving marks on his chest, enjoying the way Jungkook makes desperate sounds.

"You sound so f*cking beautiful." He groans, as he takes Jungkook's dick in his mouth.

Totally unexpected, the action throws Jungkook off, and his back arches off the mattress, making him moan loudly.

He comes embarrassingly fast, as he doesn't even have time to warn his husband. He throws his hand on his face, hiding it from Taehyung.

"Oh my god, I'm so so sorry. It's been a long time, I don't-"

"Hey." Taehyung calls gently, taking his hands off his face and making him look at him. "it's alright. I'm honoured really. Don't need to feel bad "

Jungkook nods, still pink and flushed from reaching his high.

"I - I should too." He says, reaching out to Taehyung and trying to sit up on bed, but Taehyung stops him, shaking his head.

"You don't have to. I was planning on f*cking you."

Jungkook chokes, taken aback. But he is not averse to the idea and he is so attracted to Taehyung, and he really wants to feel it. He wants to know if it is really worth the hype.

"So can I?" Taehyung continues.

Jungkook nods, making himself comfortable on the bed.

"I- I have never done this." He says, as Taehyung pours lube into his palm.

"What? Being f*cked?" Taehyung asks.

"Uh, that too, but I'm saying that I'm a virgin." Jungkook says , blushing.

Taehyung just looks at him oddly, and Jungkook feels nervous. He should have just shut his mouth. Now he made Taehyung uncomfortable.

"Really? Not even once? Even with a girl?"

"No never. I was once in the middle of it, and as she was giving me head, I was needed as there was a fire accident. I almost hit the poor girl on the face with my dick in my hurry to dress up." Jungkook says with a shudder. He definitely does not miss those days. "Since that day, I didn't want to. It was too much of a hindrance and i will gain attention easily, so I never....." He trails off.

"Okay. It's okay. Do you want to f*ck me instead? I promise it feels good too."

Jungkook thinks for awhile. "Maybe next time? Can you- can you show me how now? I want to feel you."

"Why are you so cute." Taehyung pinches his cheek, and without any warning, thumbs at his entrance. After a few minutes, when Taehyung deemed Jungkook is ready, he slowly slides into him, both of them moaning at the sensation.

Jungkook brings Taehyung in for a kiss, and Jungkook comes first this time again, and helps Taehyung reach his high too.

By the time they are done, both of them are panting heavily, and Jungkook is tucked into Taehyung's side.

"I'm not going to lie, i thought it will take more convincing on my side for you to beleive that I'm the Spiderman."

Taehyung hums. "I mean, people don't randomly shoot webs from their fingers, so there's that. And I think my brain is in shock and did not realise it quite yet. I think I will freak out tomorrow."

"Do you remember, the first time we met, you were drunk out of your mind."

Taehyung laughs. "oh my god, it was true then. I thought my brain made that one up."

Jungkook giggles, shaking his head. "I sneakily followed you to make sure that you reached home safe. And when I saw you in that cafe, i thought maybe it was destiny that I'm going to marry you."

Taehyung kisses his cheek. "You are amazing. I'm proud of you."

Jungkook sucks in a breath, and it is embarassing how quickly tears form in his eyes.

"What? What happened? Did I say something wrong?"

Jungkook shakes his head. "No one ever told me that. My father hated me for not going into law. And the minute I chose arts he stopped talking with me properly. Considering that I am a superhero, i couldn't exactly make friends other than Namjoon hyung. It was too dangerous. For them and for me too. I was so lonely all this time, Taehyung. Thank you for marrying me. I love you. I love you so much."

"Oh baby." Taehyung coos, and brings him closer, hugging him tight. "I love you too. I'm sorry I lost my temper, but I was heartbroken at the thought that you have some one else to love who is not me. I'm sorry if I forced you to tell me your secret. I acted so out of behaviour. Forgive me."

"No, I understand. I would be pissed off too if I was left alone in the middle of a date. But please know I really love you. I'm in love with you and I only didn't want to say anything because it may be dangerous for you. But I feel really good though, now that I have nothing to hide from you." Jungkook says, burrowing deeper into Taehyung's side, and throwing an arm around his waist.

"I love you. So much."


Taehyung stumbles on some stray particle and he is too out of it to even recognise it.

He is drunk, and he regrets it.

Today is the last Friday of the month and his office colleagues dragged him to team dinner, and made him drink, which is now churning uncomfortably in his stomach.

He is in a stray alley which is a short cut for his home, and he already called Jungkook to pick him up in the bus stop which is only a block away from here.

"Hey, dear husband." He hears a muffled voice, but when he turns around, there is no one.

He shrugs and continues waking but, he hears his voice again. "hyung! Don't ignore me."

Yep. This is definitely his husband.

As he looks up, he finds the Spiderman, leaning against a wall on the fifth floor of the building.

"What are you doing there?" He asks. "Come down. Why are you in your Spiderman attire? What if someone sees you?"

Jungkook suddenly slips, and loses his footing, and Taehyung's eyes widen, his head losing the drunken haze as he watches Jungkook fall freely. He closes his eyes, and turns away, not wanting to watch his husband fall and break his back.

He hears giggles after a few seconds and he turns around to look that Jungkook is hanging upside down from the building's railing, his right leg secured by his webs.

"Idiot." He scolds, but the softness in his voice says that he doesn't mean it.

Jungkook is swinging sideways, too happy to think about the consequences. Taehyung shakes his head and walks to him, gently removing his mask, but only upto his nose. It is so that only his lips and chin are visible, and Jungkook's lips look so pink and inviting, that he does not stop himself from leaning down and kissing them.

Jungkook gasps, which he takes it as an opportunity to slip his tongue into his mouth. It is weird, kissing Jungkook upside down, but he is running on adrenaline. It is messy, and saliva is dropping down from Jungkook's mouth, but Taehyung is too gone to care.

But Jungkook is clearly not, as he stops Taehyung by gripping the hairs at the base of his neck. "Tae, stop. We can continue this at home. Someone might see us." He says.


"Okay. Good. Let's go home " Jungkook grunts, as he finally stands upright.

Taehyung hums, dropping one last peck on his lips. "Yeah. Let's go home." He sighs. "Take me on a swing webbers."


Take me on a swing - Anonymous - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)


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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.