#Yandere scp doctors | theunderneath (2024)

Have a yandere alphabet since I vibe with it right now. Thank you @yanderecrazysie for the beautiful alphabet!


GIF by zarathustra-would-be-proud

Affection:How do they show their affection for their darling? How often do they show it?
  • Dr. Charles Ogden Gears is a professional level-headed man but that doesn't mean he shows his darling no affection at all. It's small things he does. Like refilling his darling's cup of coffee or placing a snack on their desk under the excuse of "You need your energy, today's a late day." He's strangely blunt and straightforward.
  • I can also see him acting kinder and more open to an unconscious darling. I say more open but it's really just him softy staring at his darling and maybe dropping their coat or extra blanket they keep in their desk over them. Dr. Gear is most likely to dim the lights in the office however for them. This is because he can easily use the excuse that the light is hurting his eyes.
Blood:How messy are they willing to get for their darling? Why?
  • While I do believe Dr. Gears is WILLING to get dirty, I fear he doesn't need to. You see dear reader, Dr. Gear is a powerful Senior Doctor and Site Director of Site-17 in the SCP foundation. Anyways unimportant/outside of the foundation he could frame and have transferred as a D-Class.
  • If the person is an important individual or a person of high ranking in the foundation. He'll put his mind to it and figure out their motivations. Is it revenge, a crush, or maybe money problems? What makes this person a threat and how can he get rid of them. Once Dr. Gears sets up his plan, he'll enact it through someone else so it can't get back to him, and then his and his darling's lives can get back to normal.
  • The reason why he is doing it is for his love and normalcy. Anything that dares affect that will be pushed away. It is almost funny that what affects the normalcy he wants so much is mostly him.
Cruelty or Care:How would they treat their darling when they kidnap them? Would they mock them?
  • Dr. Gears understands emotions but struggles to correctly express them. So his actions kinda betray his face when he's with his darling. Dr. Gear does kind things (In this kidnapping situation) but his face has this dead fish look that probably confuses or frightens his darling.
  • Dr. Gear isn't a man to mock anyone period, especially not the person he has fallen with. So while he might get annoyed or find something his darling does ignorant. He'd never verbally make fun of his darling. This is where his unemotional face comes in handy. Since his darling can't tell what he's thinking, although he does come off slightly judgmental anyway. It's the blank stare.
Delusion:How delusional are they when it comes to their darling? Do they believe their darling loves them?
  • 100% he isn't delusional although he wishes he was. He understands perfectly that his darling will most likely fall for Stockholm syndrome before they naturally fall for him. Dr. Gears is almost ok with that fact, almost.
  • He does kinda has this small delusional that it's safer with him instead of anyone else. Like he's seen the darkness and strangeness of the world every day, he's level-headed and calm, he has the power to take care of his darling. But he has so much clarity he can easily snap out of that way of thinking by understanding saying that means he's doing a sh*tty job. Since his whole job is to protect the normalcy of the people.
Expose:How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling? How much time will it take to trust them?
  • Ok so Dr. Gears finds it very hard to show his emotion to anyone, much less someone he find so alluring and complicated. He himself understands very little of his complex emotions and the correct way to express them, if there IS a correct way to express them. All he knows is that he feels them and that most people would view them as unhealthy/disgusting.
  • He doesn't have the capability nor need to be vulnerable around his darling. The way he has lived has not been kind to vulnerability so it's especially hard for him. Dr. Gears knows that vulnerability is a big part of relationships but it always comes off as insincere when he does it. Even when he's trying to be sincere. So he has a tendency to close himself off, being detached as always. If he can't bring himself to be vulnerable around his darling, he might as well be their rock.
  • It takes a good while for Dr. Gear to trust a captive darling. Since he knows trust can be easily faked. So it be a while with many "tests" in the middle for him to fully come around. If his darling wasn't a captive, then he'd probably trust them faster and more. It's a different type of trust though, like professional trust.
Fight:How would they react if their darling fought back?
  • Indifference expression that leaves an underlying feeling of hurt in his heart. Again, he would stare like a dead fish as he restains/sedates his darling before leaving them to calm down. However, his heart would be filled with this type of self-hate and hurt that he's turned his darling into such a thing. The person he loves fighting against him so flippantly makes his heart tight.
Guilt:What would it take for them to feel guilty about their actions? Or do they feel guilty from the start?
  • He has this underlying feeling of guilt always. It starts with the guilt for feeling this way about another person, then the guilt about acting unnecessarily and gross, and finally, it's the guilt of ruining his love's life in an unfixable way. So he always has this guilt in him, even before he acts upon his feelings.
  • Now, if you'd like to see him ACT guilty. That's a much harder thing to do. I feel like he would begin to shake if any harm came to his darling through his actions. Maybe he'd even go full "I'm a worthless piece of garbage." mode if his darling ever offed themselves. Although it's hard to imagine, I can see what little light his darling left in him dispairing with their death, leaving Dr. Gears filled with nothing but a guilt he'll never be able to express correctly.
Hell:What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
  • The worst experience that his darling would experience would probably be trying to escape in the middle of the night. They would creep towards the door thinking they finally will see the night sky again. Only to have a hand suddenly cover their mouth and pull them to the ground, feeling a pinch on their neck at the same time.
  • They'd have to look up into the dark inky irises of Dr. Gear as their eyelids slowly get heavy. Imagine the panic that would rise in your chest as your forcible put to sleep. The way your body would get heavier as drugs flowed through you and all you could do was stare and panic at the blank expression of your kidnapper, not knowing what could happen to you while you were asleep. Yeah, that'd be the worst moment of pure terror his darling would experience.
  • It's funny because while his darling was panicking Dr. Gear was just moving like he had a schedule. Literally woke up finding his darling was gone and went "Well then." and grabbed the drugs he keeps just for this occasion. If you're wondering how he knew, it is because they either sleep in his bed or he has motion sessions on their door that alert him.
Ideals:What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
  • Ok so in my mind Dr. Gears would like some kind of normal life in a nice home by a lake. Just calm days after retirement with a person who brings him joy in life. You see, in my brain, Dr. Gear has a kid and has been divorced. So while he doesn't crave that part of life anymore. If his darling asked that of him, he would provide.
  • If his darling wanted something different. Like living in a city with a dog, I can also see him being ok with that as well. I see him as a man who could set roots down almost anywhere as long as his darling was by his side.
Jealousy:How easily do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
  • Dr. Gear does not get jealous easily and will not even show it when he is jealous. It's almost scary how calm he is always. Even with a person actually making his darling blush, he won't step in unless they make you uncomfortable. Then has a definable reason to get physical or tell the person to back off. It's just their senior helping them out of a sticky situation, or a nice man on the street doing it.
  • The way he lashes out or copes is just by simply ignoring his feelings. At most, he might try and ruin the person's day by dumping more work on them if they work for him. Maybe saying something like "If you have time to flirt Doctor then you have some extra time to finish up these reports for me. Correct?" and he says it so bluntly it comes off as genuine.
Kidnap:How would they go about kidnapping their darling? How much do they plan it out?
  • Dr. Gear would go about kidnapping his darling by injection of some kinda sleeping drug, or just drugging in general. He would start carrying a syringe full of some kind of liquid sleep agent. Or he would keep some powered tasteless pills in his pocket in a baggy (It looks like cocaine lol) and pour it into a drink of choice once an opportunity presents itself.
  • He also has everything planned out when he starts actively looking for a way to drug his darling. He has the actual kidnapping and moving of his darling down to any small detail along with everything that could go wrong. He has their little space and punishment room already picked out with all the things he needs. To say the least, Dr. Gear is prepared.
LoveLetters:How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
  • You see Dr. Gear is so subtle that it is almost isn't courting (It wouldn't be if it wasn't Dr. Gears) but he is straightforward if you know what you're looking for and who Dr. Gear is. He does acts of service and cares in a way that could be mistake as professional. Which it is to the outside eye, but to those who know him it's beyond strange.
  • I can also see him typing out an email concerning how you act/how you take care of yourself. Like he'll be typing this sh*t for hours trying his hardest to sound sincere and professional so no one gets on his ass. It comes out ok.
  • Example:

Dear [Name],

It has come to my attention that you have not been eating sufficiently and have been overworking yourself, despite the consequences to your health. It is essential to take care of your body and nutrition in order to remain productive and healthy in the long run.

I recognize the importance of your work and dedication, but it is also crucial to prioritize your well-being and take the necessary steps to nourish your body appropriately.

Please take good care of yourself. - From Charles Ogden Gears

Mask:Are their true colors drastically different from the way they acted before?
  • Not particularly. He is still cold and robotic so there isn't much that has changed. Dr. Gears is only slightly kinder because his darling is supposed to be his romantic partner, so it's understandable he acts more favorably toward them. Don't get me wrong. It's still stiff and blunt, but there's his own kinda charm in it.
Naughty:How would they punish their darling?
  • Dr. Gears would punish his darling by isolation and forced sedation. Add some manipulation via accidental love bombing and we have a f*cked up punishment soup. I use love bombing extremely loosely, but when he's the only person his darling sees for the past forever. Any affection is prized since there's so little of it.
  • Back to the isolation and forced sedation. You see Dr. Gear is a man who knows conflict can be avoided with a little time alone and a nap. So his darling gets locked in a room to calm down and full of nap drugs. Of course, he knows this isn't a complete solution, he doesn't completely ignore his darling feelings. So he tries to address their concerns. Like if they tried to escape, he'd take them outside more.
Oppression:How many rights would they take away from their darling? What rights can be earned with time and trust?
  • Dr. Gears actually doesn't take away that many rights away from his darling. He probably only takes away their right to free roam without him and unlimited internet access. Other than that, he doesn't force them to sleep in the same bed as him, he doesn't take away the right to cook, and he lets them have some kind of internet access with his supervision. The most he would take away if they were bad was doing such things alone. Like he'd stand beside them while the cook if they tried to take a knife out of the kitchen.
  • Honestly, none of the rights he took away would be returned. He might bend them a little or expand them, but it would never be the same as when his darling wasn't with him. Dr. Gear would put a tracker in his darling and then let them free roam, just in case. Or he'd let them access more internet they used to have (Reddit, Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, etc) but monitor what they say to people, ready to take it away at the slight hint they're trying to leave.
Patience:How patient are they with their darling?
  • He is extremely patient with his darling halfway because he understands what he doing is f*cked up, secondly, he can't really show his patient is running thin when it is. Even when his patience is running thin, he can't really blame his darling since he is technically the one who made them this way. So he tries his best to not blame them and keep a level head.
Quit:If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
  • If his darling dies he'd be able to function if it was natural. Of course, he'd be sad and definitely a little more empty than before but he'd be able to do his job and continue living. If it was because of him he'd break down into an empty shell of the man he was. Dr. Gears would become a complete vegetable filled with nothing but guilt and despair, all of this displayed in his empty eyes and face.
  • If Dr. Gear Darling left of successfully escape, I think he'd look for them for at least a few years. He wouldn't be sending out any SCP agent to look for you but he'd definitely look over cameras and any other leads he could find in his spare time. If they could escape his sites for that long, he'd eventually let them go and return to his meaningless routine.
Rage:How do they act when angry? How do they calm down?
  • Sorry to break it to you, this man is impossible to get a reaction out of. Even if he is angry he's so detached from his emotions that it's like a current under a calm ocean, unseen and dangerous. If Dr. Gears let himself get stuck into those thoughts, he might MIGHT do something that could be called "Anger". But sadly not even Dr. Clef can break this man.
  • Hypothetically if Dr. Gears did get angry. He could calm himself by doing a quick breathing exercise and removing himself from the situation or ignoring the person. If he's feeling rather drained by the interaction, he'd visit his darling under the guides of "Checking how your workload is going." and just bath in their presence until the negativity leaves his body.
Soulmate:What made them fall in love with their darling? How did they first meet? When did they realize they loved their darling?
  • Dr. Gears would fall in love with his darling by chance. It's just how they smile or how their eyes sparkle when they do something they like. Something so small that he couldn't even remember it once he get's deeper into his obsession. All he knows is his chest is filling with warmth and he desires to get closer.
  • The way Dr. Gears and his darling would met would either be randomly outside of the foundation (Which is rare but not impossible) or inside the foundation as a researcher (Most likely to happen). Again, just a passing moment in time when his darling wouldn't give it any thought, but it changed everything for him.
  • I think he realized he was in love with his darling pretty quickly. Dr. Gears is pretty self-aware so once he realizes he's been thinking of his darling more than the average stranger it kinda clicks. After that, he probably puts down his pen and takes a few very deep breaths (frightening some of the people around him since they've never seen Dr. Gears do that)
Tears:How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
  • If Dr. Gear darling screamed I don't think he'd feel much of anything. This was one of the top reactions he was expecting. To experience anger in this situation is normal and completely expected. He has prepared himself for this sight so it's no skin off his bones.
  • Now if his darling was to cry, he's feel a pang of sympathy. While this was also expected, he feels bad because he knows they are scared and probably frustrated. Dr. Gears might act like a robot but he is as human as everyone else. So it hurts him to see someone he loves also hurt, even if he caused it.
  • However, if they isolate themselves Dr. Gear might be a little happy. Don't get him wrong. Dr. Gears doesn't like how you're pulling away from him this way, but at least you're not reacting violently. It could be worse, is his thinking process as he watches you reflect and isolate. Dr. Gears also knows you can only stay that way for so long.
Unique:Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
  • Dr. Gear never really had that violent snap side of a yandere. Yes, he is scheming and will plan people's downfalls but never does he resort to violence first. He always tries to find a less bloody solution to the problem before he gets his weapons out. He does understand that sometimes violence is the only logical and effective solution.
Visit:Would they allow anyone else to visit their darling? Do they trust their darling to talk to their loved ones (in person, on the phone, etc.) or not at all?
  • Dr. Gears would allow his darling family to visit them because he doesn't want to raise suspicion from them. This would be after he has faith in them not to suddenly start crying and begging for them to help his darling. He doesn't want to get rid of their entire family and upset his darling that much. That and Dr. Gear uses this time as a reward for good behavior. So the exchange is clear, he gets a good darling and his darling gets to see their loved ones.
  • If his darling is from the foundation then their families are probably used to only getting calls for long periods so he doesn't worry too much at the beginning. He would prefer them to write letters or call them since he can monitor them more easily, but he can be swayed.
Weakness:What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
  • The weakness his darling could exploit is his desire for their happiness. His darling can get so much if they are just good and don't fight against him every second. Other then that soft part of his heart, everything else is pretty locked down. So his darling has to be crafty and plan correctly. They have to build up their escape slowly because he'll catch on if they ask for a bunch of things all at once. So they gotta long con Dr. Gears and he doesn't piece together all the pieces before they can escape.
Xoanon:How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
  • So while he doesn't show it, Dr. Gear has this small level of worship for his darling. He thinks of them as the light of his life that brings warmth to his heart. He might not show it but he really believes he loves and adores his darling, in his own messed-up sort of way.
  • I can't really tell you how far he'll go but I can tell you where he draws the line of winning his darling over. He draws it when he thinks of changing himself for them. Dr. Gear can't be super smiley or bubbling so if their darling loves those kinda people, he's sh*t outta luck. He won't force himself to play a clown for a person he loves, it isn't about the embarrassment or other stuff. It's just about he can't, it isn't genuine. Dr. Gear feels like he owns his darling something genuine.
Yearn:How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
  • Oh awhile. Dr. Gear is the master of waiting and being patient. I honestly don't think anyone else in the SCP foundation can last as long as he does. So I say he could last years if not a century of biding his time and preparing. He might not even do anything since he honestly might be completely satisfied with working alongside you.
Zero Tolerance:What is the thing that always makes them snap? What things will they not allow their darling to do under any circ*mstances?
  • The thing that would make him snap or break would be his darling ending themselves because of him. Other then that, this man keeps up a pretty rock-solid appearance. Although his inside might be a wreck he keeps himself composed on the outside.
  • Now what he will never allow his darling to do is self harm themselves. Any kind of self-harm is off the limits. Hair pulling, cutting, burning, force vomiting, etc. Dr. Gears know these times with him are hard but he absolutely can not allow his darling to take back control in this way. He much rather them take up an art or hobby. Possibly even hurting him instead.

#Yandere scp doctors | theunderneath (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.