Insecure, Uncontained, Unprotected (SCP Harem x Male Reader D-class) - The_Banana_Lord (2024)

It was late, with the crescent moon in the sky shining down apon a small town. The town seemed mostly abandoned, apart from the heavily armoured men that roamed the streets. They were dressed in swat-type gear, with flashlights at the end of their rifles that helped them search as they look between the buildings.

Blood stained walls along with puddles on the road. The occasional limb was found, ranging from severed hands to decapitated heads.

Eventually, one of them finds a trail of blood. They look up, their eyes following the trail with the flashlight until they spot a figure sat against a wall with his head hung low. His h/c (hair colour) hair was stained with blood, like his dirty and torn clothing. His body was covered in cuts and bruises.

He was breathing, but barely. The one who found him pulled up a radio from his belt before speaking into it with a half muffled voice.

Guy: I have a survivor here. Request immediate medical attention at section 3C.

He puts away his radio, as he looks over at the unconscious guy. Letting out a long and annoyed sigh, only for it to be interrupted by a loud roar that echoed in the distance as he almost jumps.

[ Y/n's One's POV ]

My eyes slowly open to a bright light above me. I raise my hand to block the light from hitting my eyes, as I take a few more seconds to properly wake up.

I sit up on a stiff mattress, as the thin sheets drape of me revealing my orange prison-like attire and with bandages around my body, with one in particular on my head as it wrapped around and covered my eye almost like an eyepatch. I look around the blank small white room with a confused expression.

In the top corner of the room, opposite my bed, a speaker is perched. It isn't too long after I wake up that a voice speaks through it either, as the voice of an older male speaks.

???: Hello. Hello? Is this thing on? Wave if you can hear me.

I frantically look around seeing if I'm being watched, only to notice a camera in yet another corner of the room.

I slowly raise my hand for a short wave, with an uncertain expression, before putting it back down.

???: Okay, well I suppose your probably thinking “Where am I?”, “What is this place?”, “Who is that amazing person speaking to me?”

I stare at the camera with a blank expression, but regardless he continues on.

???: To start with, welcome to the S.C.P. Foundation. We are in charge of containing anomalous entities and keep them away from the public. Now your probably thinking, “Well then, why am I here.” Well you, my good sir, are a D-class. Now you are either here because you are a criminal, or you were involved in a supernatural event or activities. Now that I've answered your questions, it's about time you answer ours.

I gulp, unsure if any of this is actually real or just one big prank.

???: For now, we only have one question for you. What do you remember?

I open my mouth to speak, before realising that I don't remember much. I remember living in a small town at the edge of a forest, my name, and a few other personal details, but then everything is a blur. Something… Big appeared in the forest one day… And…

Y/n: I… Don't remember…

I look down as the voice continues to talk to me.

???: I see. Oh well, it doesn't really matter. Good luck, D-8762. You are going to meet one of our “residents”. But be warned, she isn't known to be particularly friendly.

I look at the camera confused, but the room is only accompanied by the following silence. I look at my bright orange shirt, only to see that the numbers “8762” were in bold on my back.

I let out a sigh, as I lay in my bed being trapped in this room. I place my hand on my head as I let out a groan, feeling annoyed.

Suddenly, the door opens. I look over, only to see armed men in what look like swat gear enter the room. Before I can ask any questions, they speak up.

Guy: 8762, come with us.

I reluctantly stand from my bed. My black and white shoes stepping one the clean white floors. They lead me into the corridor, as I look down seeing multiple doors like my own each with their number. “D-8521”, “D-3769”, and “D-5982” to name a few.

After at least 10 minutes of walking and an occasional turn though this maze, things become a little different. For starters, doors have become less frequent and are labelled differently, I think the most recent one I saw read “SCP-097, ShyGal, Euclid”.

Another thing that stuck out was, unlike the empty corridors from before, this area was a lot more crowded with more armed people as well as what I think are scientists, or at least they look the part.

They eventually stop, as I accidentally bump into one of them while I was looking around. They turn back to me annoyed as I quietly apologise. I look up at a door, reading “SCP-682, The Hard to Destroy Reptile, Keter”.

One of the armed men reach into their pocket, pulling out a key red key card. They swipe it against a small panel just besides the door, and with a green flash from the panel the door slides up. I look inside, only to see a small corridor that was more comparable to a closet than anything, but unlike everything else of this it was dark and the walls were made of a black metal. One of the guards hand me an envelope, as I look down at it confused.

Guy: Ask her the questions.

Y/n: Huh-?

Before I can say anything, a hand pushes me from behind as I am shoved in. The door closes, leaving me in the darkness scared and confused.

A few seconds later, I am sprayed with warm steam from above that actually burned.

Y/n: Ah-!?

After a few seconds, the second door opens. Reluctantly, I step forward…

I stand on a metal floor, is held above a liquid that fills the room below.

The yellow liquid occasionally hisses and bubbles, as it provides a glow just barely enough to illuminate the room.

From the pool rises a giant figure, as I stare in a mix of awe and fear…

Insecure, Uncontained, Unprotected (SCP Harem x Male Reader D-class) - The_Banana_Lord (1)

She opens her mouth, filled with pointed teeth, as she speaks in a deep, harsh and sore voice.

???: Let's get this over with.

I stare at her for a few more seconds, as my brain still tries to understand what on earth she is…

Y/n: … What's your name?

She looks at me, before speaking in a irratated tone.

682: I have no name. I don't need a name. But the other filth here refer to me as682”.

I look down at the envelope for a few seconds, before looking back up at her. I open it up, looking at the questions.

Y/n: Is it okay if I ask you some questions? They want me to do it.

She stares, her facial expression softening a little.

682: HmmFine.

Y/n: Thank you. First question is “Where did you come from?”

She rears up, puffing her chest out a little.

682: Even if I wanted to explain that to filth like yourself, you would not be able to understand.

Y/n: Okay, rude.

We stare at each other blankly for a few seconds, before I ask the next question.

Y/n: “What were you doing in France?” your French?

672: I do not know what that place is or what that word means.

I look at the questions skimming through them.

Y/n: Some of these questions are a bit weird.

I take a seat on the floor, crossing my legs as I lean into one hand and continue reading through only to get a confused look from 682 as she raises an eyebrow. I glance up at her.

Y/n: Do you have any questions for me?

Her facial expression becomes slightly annoyed, as she speaks louder with a tint of venom in her tone.

682: Do you know who I am? What I am capable of? Everyone fears me.

I stare at her blankly, before speaking up.

Y/n: I'll be honest with you, I just woke up here maybe an hour ago. And I'm trying to make the best with what I've got.

She pauses for a moment, before growing a grin. Before I can react, she grabs me with her giant boney hand with a tight grip as I let out a yelp of pain.

She brings me towards her face as I drop the envelop and paper, as they fall into the liquid only to burn up apon contact.

682: That will change very soon. This place will tear you down. Or maybe it won't get the chance to

She tightens her grip slightly as the wind is squeezed out of me. I look at her with wide eyes filled with fear.

Y/n: I-If your going to crush me… At least take me out to dinner first…

She pauses for a moment as her face goes blank, before a odd yellow tint grows on her cheeks as she becomes shocked. She throws me, as I hit the door I cam from with a yell of pain… Everything begins to go blurry… As I weakly look up… Only to see 682 dive back into the acid before everything goes black…

time skip brought to you by flustered chibi 682 floating in a pool of acid

I lay in bed, letting out a groan of pain. I look over to the camera, letting out an audible groan. It has been maybe a few hours since meeting 682, I'm not to sure since I was knocked out and had to be dragged out.

There are also no windows, so it's hard to get a sense of time without a clock.

My door opens, and I look over expecting someone to come in. But I only see other D class walking down the corridor. I stand up, before walking towards the door. I watch as others leave their rooms, with guards around to escort them.

Y/n: What's going on?

A passing D class, a old pale bald guy, looks over to with an annoyed expression as he answers my question.

D-class: They are taking us to the cafeteria.

I look at him as he passes, only for a guard to grab me by my collar and pull me out of my room. I am forced with the others as they herd us like cattle, forcing us down the corridor. People push and shove each other, with the stronger and more fit prisoners forcing their way to the front.

After what felt like forever, the cafeteria was in sight just down the corridor.

As we enter, we are forced to line up in a single file. There were at least 100 of us, and the wait felt like it was taking forever. But finally, I get my food-

I sit alone, staring at a single slice of cheese between two pieces of bread that lay on a paper plate on a tray. I look over, seeing everyone else eating their food like nothing was wrong.

Our ears were met with a blaring alarm as most of us flinched and covered our ears. A voice speaks out through the speakers across the corridor, as they sound distressed.

???: [Containment breach! I repeat, this is not a drill! Containment breach! SCPs 969, 682, 172-]

Before it can continue, everything goes dark as the power goes out. I don't move, but I can hear shuffling around. After a few seconds, the lights come back on and people are fighting. Guards and D class are at each other's throats, with the sheer number overpowering the guards as they fire their weapons at the D class.

As bullets are fired across the cafeteria, I panic as I jump to the floor. I look over as my fellow D class stand victorious over the supposed dead guards though with some casualties of their own.

They strip the guards if any useful items, such as weapons, key cards, cash. I was beginning to wonder how frequent this happened.

People pushed and shoved to get the guards stuff, and once all the important stuff was gone they scattered. Rushing down different corridors to god knows where.

I stand up, now alone if you don't count the dead bodies, as I am shaken by the whole ordeal. My breath shudders as I feel the need to take a minute to calm down, but just as I think it is over… A roar screams out down a corridor. I look over with wide eyes, seeing a terrified D class run out of the corridor, long messy hair and a scruffy beard, as the ground shakes with heavy stomps. He trips up, just barely being missed by the limp scientist body that is flung into the cafeteria and across the room before splatting against the wall in a display of guts and organs.

I look to the corridor in fear, seeing 682 emerge as she looks at the frightened D class. He raises his hands towards her, as he begins screaming out.

D class: W-Wait! Wait! I-

Before he can even finish, she slams a giant fist down as blood platters across the room. She huffs, annoyed as she moves her hand out of the way and sees the mess of insides she has made.

682: Filth. Thinking he can talk about me that way.

Her eyes then notice me as she pauses for a moment.She stands up as she walks towards me. I wanted to run but my legs wouldn't move…

I close my eyes, with my heart beating against my chest as I could feel her footsteps as they send tremors through the ground…

I hold my breath and pray that it is painless…

Only to be scooped up off my feet in her hands as I open my eyes in shock, only to see a worried expression on her face as well as a small yellow tint on her cheeks.

682: WhatWhy do you make me feel warm?

I look up at her as she brings me close to her face, staring at me with her eyes. I calm down a little as I stare back nervously, having to choose my words carefully if I didn't want to die.

Y/n: I… I just offered to have dinner with me?

She stares at me for a couple seconds as her blush grows. She then brings my close as she seems annoyed, squeezing me a little.

682: Is this a trick? Do you see me properly? How can anyone care about me? It's my purpose to eliminate all life-

She stops as I reach out and place my hands on her cheeks, before speaking up myself as I avoid eye contact.

Y/n: I think your quite amazing.

There is a brief moment as silence as I begin to scold myself internally knowing full well that I was about to die with my terrible choice of words. I reluctantly look at 682, expecting to see a annoyed expression.but only to see a completely flustered face.

Slightly confused, I was about to say something else but instead 682 speaks up.

682: I suppose your a bit better than filth

She sits down with a loud thud, crushing a few tables under her as she then places me on one of her laps facing towards her.

682: Your mine now.

She earns a confused noise as I look up at her, only to be met with one of her fingers gently patting my head.

She has a nervous smile as she seems like she is trying her best to be gentle.

Y/n: … H-Hey.

682: Hmm?

I look up at her as she stops petting me. I gulp, grabbing her finger as she tries move it away. She lets me pull it closer, as I hold onto it.

I hear a confused grunt from above me, looking up only to see her with a flustered face mixed with an annoyed expression.

682: … How dare you be so adorable

I am suddenly grabbed by both hands letting a yelp as I am lifted up once again. But this time she lays down on her back, flattening even more tables, as she places me right on her huge and soft chest as she looked at me, while I was flustered.

Before I can say anything, we are interrupted as-

Guard: Fire!

682 immediately sits up as bullets are fired towards her, flinging me off with a panic as I hit the ground face first, and become unconscious once again…

Insecure, Uncontained, Unprotected (SCP Harem x Male Reader D-class) - The_Banana_Lord (2024)


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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.