Taken - Chapter 50 - thinking1bee - Biohazard (2024)

Chapter Text

After cleaning up, bathing, and changing the sheets, you laid with Alcina on the bed. An air of contented tranquility surrounded the room as you basked in her presence and in her warmth. The last few hours were amazing, and you could see the fruits of your earlier activities on both you and her. Post coital bliss had never looked so amazing on one person. As Alcina laid face up beside you, you couldn’t help but take in her features. The first thing you noticed was just how bright and dazzling her gold eyes were. They were like suns, the gold illuminated, but not out of fury or rage, no. Alcina was truly happy, sated, and exhausted. Looking at her eyes caused you to admire the dopey smile that she had. Her lips, nude and free of makeup, and still swollen from your kisses, were curled up at the ends. Such a beautiful smile emphasized the wrinkles that came with her experience and age. Honestly, at this very moment, you realized just how much of a MILF Alcina was, and that realization had you fighting an amused smile. Her long, dark hair was fanned over her luxurious pillow, the strands slightly damp from the bath and curling as they dried. You’ve ran your fingers through that soft hair more times than you could count and a part of you wanted to caress her hair right now. A slight blush had settled into her skin. Alcina’s cheeks, neck, and the top of her chest were kissed in a pink hue. Goddess. That was what she was to you right now.

You were catching your breath while Alcina shifted. She wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled you closer to nuzzle you from behind. A satisfied hum left her when your back pressed against her front.

“Did you have fun?” you asked her, checking one more time to ensure that she was comfortable and gratified.

“Darling, I haven’t felt that amazing in decades. Thank you.”

Her voice was husky, her hands rubbing your skin. It wasn’t meant to be sexual, and after everything, you were too tired to go another round if you were being truthful. That org*sm, while it was one of the best ones of your life so far, in the top five for sure, had been so intense. You thought that your heart was going to give out.

“Of course,” you replied as you took one of her hands and kissed the back of it.

Things were quick to grow silent between you and her, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. The quiet allowed you to think, process, and consider things that you wouldn’t think about otherwise...like your future. Not for the first time, you considered your future now that you knew for sure that you had one. When you were human, it was different. Your future was decided for you in more ways than one, and that was before the gruesome events that involved your stepfather. To think of an endless expanse of years and years that would morph into countless decades or even innumerable centuries had you taking a deep breath.

“Are you okay?” Alcina asked you softly and you nodded. Even you could hear just how much harder your heart started to beat at the very thought of your immortality.

“Yeah, I was just...” you paused to release a sigh. “...considering the time I now have on my hands. I sort of don’t know what to do with it.”

“You can do whatever you want.”

“I know. The issue is that I don’t know what I want. I’ve never had the freedom to decide what I wanted to do, and now that I have that freedom, I feel overwhelmed.”

Alcina nodded as she listened, considering your words and how it tied into your earlier comments about never being in control. In a way she understood. Just as she knew your story, you knew hers. Up until now, she didn’t have control over her life either. Between her parents, the antiquated rules of society back then, her blood disease, and Miranda, Alcina had been kept on a tight leash for the majority of her life. The last person to have that leash was now dead by her hand. There were several things that Alcina wanted to do off the top of her head.

“Well, I know what I want to do,” she said out loud as she continued to hold you.

“Yeah? What’s that?”

“I want to fix my home, and I want to get the f*ck out of this village.”

You gasped. “Alcina! Language!” you chastised lightly, and she laughed at the fake insulted look you gave her. You clutched at your chest for that extra dramatic flair. Alcina continued to laugh before she kissed the back of your neck.

“I’m serious, darling,” she said between chuckles. “Staying here? Wasting away in the village that Miranda made by design? Y/n, I don’t want to do it. I’m close to a century old and I feel outdated. I want to travel the world. I want to see what has become of it. I want to know if I can be a part of it again.”

As you listened to her, you shifted in her arms and turned to face her. Your eyes gazed deep into hers, and what you saw made your heart skip a beat. Alcina was serious. Her words were already dripping with conviction, but you had no idea that she wanted to leave. You weren’t opposed to leaving either except that the village was the only home you knew. Unlike her, or Dani, or Cass, who all traveled in their human lives, you knew nothing outside the border of the village. Bela was probably the same way.

“Maybe we should ask the girls?” you suggested as you cupped Alcina’s cheek. “Maybe they feel the same way.”

Alcina nodded as she got up and began to get dressed, opting to shrug on a black silk robe. You did the same, opting to put on one of Alcina’s dress shirts, the white one that you used to wear just like old times. You rolled the sleeves up and turned to see Alcina smirking at you.

“Don’t get me wrong. I love that you have your own wardrobe but something about you wearing my clothes makes me want to strip you and ravage you.”

You smiled and caressed her forearm. “Maybe another time, but I’d love that.”

“I’m all for getting the ever-loving f*ck out of this village,” Cass said with exasperation.

You, Alcina, and the girls were all seated in the main hall to discuss the future. You could have done it in Alcina’s room, but the girls all knew what had transpired in there. You thought that you were loud? Alcina had you beat in sheer volume. You appreciated that she hadn’t tried to be quiet. Being on the receiving end of her lovely moans and breathy pants was everything to you, but the consequence was that the girls knew what happened, and based off what was heard, they already knew who topped who. Dani and Bela were already sending knowing smiles and smirks to their mother. Bela gave you a congratulatory pat on the back which was…weird, considering that you topped her mother, but it was still something that you were trying to get used to, even after all this time. Cass, in typical fashion, refused to meet eye contact with anyone, including her sisters. You could smell smoke wafting from her body which meant that she, undoubtedly, fled to the safety of her metal working to escape the sounds emanating from Alcina’s room.

“I’d like to leave too,” Dani said in agreement. “But where would we go? I’m sure that all of us can fit in but Mom I’m worried about. The world has changed but I doubt that there are more people running around at 9 foot 6.”

You and Bela remained quiet as everyone conversed about the topic. Alcina ran a hand through her hair and settled in her chair as she considered her next words. “Actually, I was thinking that maybe we all can travel separately.”

Did you hear that right? You sat up straighter and turned to look at Bela. Her eyebrows were furrowed deeply, her displeasure at the idea made heavily known. Cass only offered a raise of her eyebrows, her expression one of mild intrigue. Dani looked nervous at most.

“You want to split us up?” Bela asked, her tone unsure, as though she was trying to give her mother the benefit of the doubt.

Alcina gave her a comforting smile and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “That’s not what I’m trying to insinuate, darling. What I want is for all of us to make a life for ourselves. If it were up to Miranda, we’d all stay here under her rule forever. We would be trapped here like animals as she continued to abuse her power and run our lives ragged in pursuit of something impossible. I’d resigned to rotting here, girls, but now, that’s not a future any of us have to endure. You deserve to know what’s out there and as long as you’re connected to me, you will never be alone.”

It was quiet as you all thought about what she said. You turned to look at Bela, who looked at Dani. Dani fiddled with her fingers nervously. Cass folded her legs to her chest before she wrapped her arms around them.

“Let’s do it,” she whispered. “I always wanted to know what became of my home in Greece, and I’m with Mom. There has to be more to life than these four walls. I can’t stay here forever.”

The last sentence was whispered, however, laced in her voice was a desperation everyone could hear. For you, the truth of her words didn’t hit until she mentioned forever.


You kept forgetting that you were going to live forever. An eternity of time stretched endlessly before you. It wasn’t something that you often thought about, but after Cass’s words, you considered it. Forever was too long to spend in a place that didn’t really feel like home. Alcina and her girls were your home. Each one of them held a piece of your heart, but this place...this village...at one point, you accepted that you were going to die here. You had even come close to doing so a couple of times, and by technicality, you did die once, but here you were. You were very much still alive. Did you really want to spend the rest of your days in a place that made you miserable? In a place where at one point, everyone wanted you dead? In a place where your estranged mother was only a few short minutes' walk away from the castle? No. You deserved more. You deserved better, and just like that, your resolve was strengthened.

“I can’t do it either,” you said out loud. “I can’t stay here knowing that the very same people who wanted to hurt me or wanted me dead are just outside of the gates. They may want to rot away here, but I don’t.”

Bela was the next to consider it, and given her history with the village, it wasn’t hard to see the decision she came to, especially when her golden eyes flashed.

“I agree. Let’s get out of here.”

The last person to offer their input was Dani, and she looked at her hands while she nervously picked at her nails.

“I guess only Y/n really knows of what happened to me in my human life, and I’m really unsure about this,” she admitted in a small voice. “I don’t like moving.”

That made total sense. Dani was kidnapped and subjected to human trafficking. She was forced out of her home, among others, and watched as people died around her during her forced travel from Hungary to here.

“You can stay with me for as long as you like, my little bug,” Alcina replied with so much comfort in her voice. She gave her youngest a fond smile and gently carded her fingers through Dani’s auburn locks. “I’m not going to want to leave immediately. I want to enjoy my castle. For the first time since Miranda imprisoned me here, it feels like I can finally enjoy my home.”

“Well, we should fix the castle before we leave,” you said. “The opera hall needs some TLC, and we still need to make the memorial garden for the people that used to work here.”

Cass nodded. “I’m actually almost done with the plaques. I only have a few more to go.”

“That also gives me the chance to speak with the Duke,” Alcina commented as she rubbed her cheek in thought. “We're going to need some documentation. We’ll all need IDs, passports, and birth certificates that match how we look and won’t go by our actual ages. The only person who’ll get away with that is Y/n.”

You laughed. “I know I’m young.”

“So, we fix the opera hall?” Dani asked as she looked around.

“And we finish the garden,” Cass added.

“Sounds like a plan,” Bela agreed.

“Shall we get started tomorrow?” Alcina asked and everyone nodded.

You watched as everyone got up to return to their respective rooms, and you were about to do the same when a soft hand stopped you. When you looked down, you saw that it was Bela who stopped you with a gentle hand wrapped around yours. Alcina passed you as she walked elegantly down the hall towards her room. Though the ends of her robe stopped just around her mid-thigh, the material still managed to flutter lightly with every step she took. She gave you a knowing smile and a wink and you returned it with a shy smile of your own. Then, you sat back down beside Bela and gave her your full attention.

“Hey,” you said lightly as you kissed the back of her hand. You were surprised to see her blush. You can’t remember the last time you’ve seen her cheeks turn that light, rosy color.

“Are you okay?”

“I wanted to ask you something,” she began. When she didn’t say more, you motioned for her to continue while you remained patient. “I missed you.”

You gave her a crooked smile before leaning in and kissing her cheek. “I miss you too, babe.” You gave her a curious look. “Is that what you wanted to say?”

“No.” There was a pause. “Not saying that it’s not true, but it isn’t the only thing that I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Sure, Bela. Whatever it is, I’m here for you.”

“I was wondering if you would want to travel with me,” she asked you timidly. “Of course, I will never get in the way of what you have with Mom. I was only offering...”

It looked as though she would say more, but she pursed her lips closed and looked away. You brought your hand up and cupped her cheek, using your touch to guide her gaze back to you.

“What else?” you prompted with a smile. She met your eyes and took a deep breath.

“I love you, Y/n. I am so in love with you that it’s surreal sometimes. Prior to you entering my life, I was resigned to spending the rest of it with my sisters and mother, and I’m not saying that I would have hated that because that is the complete opposite. I would have loved spending the rest of my days in their presence. I guess what I’m trying to say is...”

Bela was rambling. She was rambling. You’ve never seen her like this before. She was usually so eloquent and precise, her tongue sharper than any other person you’ve ever met in your life. You’ve never seen her stumble over her words like this.

“...that I want to spend my life with you. If there was ever a person I would want to metaphorically grow old with, it’s you. If there was ever a person that I would want to travel the world with, it’s you. I love you Y/n, and if we go our separate ways, I wanted you to know that you’re the best thing to happen to me in decades.”

In that exact moment, you felt your heart beating harshly in your chest. You could hear the sound of your own blood whooshing through your ears. You were shocked speechless by her confession, the emotion within you swelling until it felt like you were going to choke on it. You wanted to tell her that you felt the same, that without her or Alcina, you wouldn’t have survived everything that life put you through. Bela especially held a special place in your heart. She’d been there for you since the very beginning. She cared about you since the very beginning. Bela cared for you in mind and body. She had seen both, had seen the scars that adorned you like armor, and whispered how you were still deserving of the love that was starved from you by your parents. You loved her with everything inside of you, your eyes meeting hers as tears came to yours. You were already moving as you climbed into Bela’s lap and straddled her hips. You cupped her cheeks with both hands as you looked deep into her radiantly golden eyes, words failing you spectacularly when a small sniffle left you. Her beauty never ceased to take your breath away as your hands caressed her skin. Slowly, so that she had the chance to pull away if she wanted to, you leaned down and pressed your lips against hers, the kiss light and gentle as you sought out her touch. Bela responded in kind. She was eager, her hands coming to rest on your hips as she pulled you closer to her body. A breathy sigh left you as you deepened the kiss, and you were rewarded with her groan of desire as you felt her chest press against yours. The kisses were quick to turn passionate as your tongue dipped into her mouth to steal tastes of her. Bela’s scent drowned your senses until you could comprehend nothing but her. She was all you could focus on at the moment. Her smell. Her taste. Her touch. You had to pull back first to take a breath. You were so close to suffocating against her, but that would have been more than okay if that meant that you got to kiss her one more time.

“Does that mean that this is a yes?” she asked as she gave you a blinding smile. You smirked as you ran your fingers through her blond hair, holding her close as you pressed another kiss to her lips.

“Yes,” you replied resolutely. “I would love to be by your side as we travel the world.”

The exact moment she beamed, when her excitement and love became evident, when you saw her features light up at your answer, you knew. You knew exactly what you wanted, right then and there, what your forever would look like in the immediate future. It was just a matter of talking to Alcina.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Y/n,” she replied when she cupped your cheek.

“Are you sure?” you asked her, a bit nervous that Alcina felt like she had to be supportive of your decision, but all she did was give you that confident smirk that made your knees go weak.

“Y/n, I told you many, many times that you could come and go as you please, and that you were free to love who you wanted, when you wanted. Just because we love each other does not mean that has changed,” she said to you as you both sat at the edge of her bed.

The smell of sex still faintly lingered in the air, but the smell of spiced wood from the fireplace was slowly replacing the scent, and you leaned against the woman beside you as you held her hand. She pressed a kiss to your short hair, a small hum leaving her before she pulled away to look into your eyes.

“And just because you wish to spend more time with Bela does not mean your choosing favorites or replacing her with me. That’s not how I feel at all. I hope that you know that.”

You could feel the honesty in her words, the conviction, the truth of her emotions. Feeling her, put you at ease because a part of you did feel concerned that your choice would disappoint her. When she said her words, you exhaled a breath that you hadn’t realized that you were holding, and you knew that Alcina could both hear and feel the relief that flooded you. She co*cked a perfect eyebrow, her smirk growing wider as she kissed the back of your hand.

“You should know me better than that, my darling. Whatever you choose, you know I’ll support you until the end of my days. Truthfully, I’m relieved.”

“Really?” you asked. “Why?”

“I could tell that you needed each other, Y/n. A few days after you entered the castle, I knew that you were going to do something miraculous for Bela. You did something for her that I knew I would never be able to do. You did something to all of us really, but the changes I see in my eldest now is nothing short of a miracle because I believe you are the angel we needed in this life.”

You felt your jaw quiver at her words, and she gave you a wide smile as the image of her began to blur. Hot tears began to trail down your cheeks and she reached up to wipe them away with her thumb.

“I am so lucky to have met you, to have loved you, to have held you, and to have worshipped you. No matter where we are in the world, you will always be a part of me and now, I am a part of you. If you call for me, I’ll be there. I don’t care what ocean separates us.”

You sniffled. “That was so poetic that it was corny.”

Alcina laughed and kissed your cheek. “It’s how I feel, Y/n, and you deserve to know how I feel about you. Go and be with Bela. I’m going to enjoy my home the way I was always meant to enjoy it.”

“If you need me, you’ll call for me, yes?”

“Of course,” she replied with a reassuring smile. “Just make sure to take this with you.”

You looked down to see what she placed in your hands, and you saw that it was both the collar that matched hers and the bracelet that the girls made for you. Your teary smile widened as you took both and held them close to your chest. These would be with you wherever you went.

***1 Year Later***

You, Alcina, and the girls all stood outside as you wiped dirt and sweat from your foreheads. It was all done. Everything was as it was supposed to be. The opera hall was better than what it was before. It shined with a newness and a luster that came with the materials that were provided to you by the Duke. Gold flecked, white marble adorned the floors. The stage was made out of mahogony wood. Everyone’s instruments were replaced, and you’d even convinced Bela to take her cello with her for when you would leave. A crystal chandelier hung opulently from the ceiling. When the castle was rebuilt, Alcina decided to include some form of electricity in the room. How she did it, you would never know, but the newest fixture shined and twinkled brightly. Refracted bits of light danced on the walls and ceilings, and everyone admired the glow it cast in the cavernous room.

The outside was also restored. Aurora’s tree, luckily, did not suffer any major damage from Alcina’s fight with Heisenberg. It’d simply been knocked off center. A nice, little push from Alcina and her impressive strength righted the tree, and Cass worked on burying the roots to ensure the tree would remain stable. After, everyone worked on the garden. It took several long months, with a break in between for winter, but it was all finally done. A tree was planted for every person who worked for Alcina and died in her home. The plaques that Cass created were beautiful. With glossy metal and elegant cursive, each plaque included a name, just as she showed you in the cellar all that time ago. The trees were still saplings, but they were all growing, all healthy and strong.

Currently, you, Bela, and Cass were by the front door, all with luggage in hand. Spring was in the process of turning into summer, and the sun was shining brightly in the blue sky above. Alcina was thorough with securing documentation, and she handed you each an ID, a travel visa, a passport, proof of Romanian citizenship, and a birth certificate. Duke went above and beyond with this, and you made sure to send your thanks to him in the form of a handmade card.

“Be careful out there,” she said to you all as she gave you each forehead kisses. “I’ve arranged for a carriage ride to the nearest city, and from there you’ll have to take a plane. There’s money in each of your accounts in case you find yourself in a bind.”

Another thing Alcina had done was to modernize and create bank accounts for all of you. In your wallet, was a debit card that you had no idea how to use, but Bela reassured you that she would help you learn.

“Please be safe out there, okay? Don’t give me a reason to burn the world to the ground because I’ll do it if any one of those humans lay a malicious finger on you.”

“Mom don’t worry. We’ve got this,” Bela reassured her as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Alcina’s cheek the moment she bent over. Alcina gave Cass a kiss to her head which Cass accepted happily. For you, she pressed a chaste kiss to your lips before she regarded you all equally.

“I trust you. It’s them I don’t trust.”

Bela gave her a smile. “You know that we can take care of ourselves, and most importantly, we know how to hide a body if it comes to that.”

Alcina chuckled before she stepped back and opened the massive front door for you. You took a deep breath, and you slung your luggage over your shoulder. You remembered when you were dragged here in chains, broken, bloodied, and in pain. The hunter had broken your nose with the butt of his shotgun before he practically threw you inside. Now, here you were, about to face a world you knew nothing about. From beside you, you felt Bela gently take your hand in her hold and you turned to look at her as she gave you a reassuring smile.

“Are you ready to do this, baby girl?”

You nodded. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.” You looked to Cass on your other side, and you held her hand as well as she gave you a small smile. Side by side, you all walked out the door, your head held high but your heart beating nervously at what was to come.

***5 Years Later: Italy***

The first time Bela spoke fluent Italian had been the hottest moment of your life. You hadn’t known that she could speak multiple languages, and when you asked her about it, all she told you was that you learn things when you’ve been around for as long as she has. After all this time, hearing her speak as the vowels rolled fluently and effortlessly off her tongue still had you swooning for her. She’d ordered you a coffee while she drank a cup of tea while you sat in a coffee shop.

“Be honest, do you like it here?” Bela asked as she turned to you. You looked at her.

“Of course. Have you seen the beaches and the sunsets?”

Bela smirked as she gave you a knowing look. “I remember what we did at an Italian beach during a sunset,” she quipped, and you blushed.

You remembered too. The org*sms she gave you had been magnificent, but you found out the hard way that there was a reason that not a lot of people had sex at the beach. There had been sand in weird places for days. The years spent here gave you both ample time to explore Italy and everything it had to offer you, but you could tell that it wasn’t somewhere that Bela wanted to settle down in.

“Wanna choose where we go next?” she asked you.

“Not without throwing a dart at the map and going where it lands.”

“You don’t care, do you?” she asked with a smile, and you shook your head.

“As long as I’m with you, I don’t care where we go.”

Bela smiled dreamily before she leaned forward and gave you a kiss. You could taste the herbs from the tea on her lips, and it clashed horribly with the mocha from your coffee. Still, you savored that kiss all the same as you bit your bottom lip.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

***3 Years Later: Ireland***

The Irish people had been some of the most welcoming people you had ever met. Generally, no matter where you went, everyone was polite and reserved. You and Bela loved it. It was a stark contrast to the way you were treated at the village. When you first arrived, it’d been off putting and nerve wracking. At first, you thought that you were in danger, but the more time you spent here, the more you came to learn that this was how they were.

Bela purchased a small plot of land out in the countryside, and she had a modest home built on it. You had a small debate with her about whether you should live on the west side, closer to the beaches, or on the east side, which was closer to the rocky shores and cliffs. Eventually, the beaches won with their crystal blue and emerald green waters, and their smooth sand that reminded you of golden wheat. You and Bela officially had a beach house. Not only that, but you also had phones now. It made keeping in contact with each other and the family infinitely easier. It was how you found out that earlier this year, Alcina and Dani finally left the castle to embark on their own journeys. Cass spent most of her time reacquainting herself with Greece as she explored her home that was now a stranger to her. She spent a few years there, then went to Russia where she lived for about two more years. Now, she was in South Korea.

Bela was rested on the couch with an open book in her hand. The windows were open in the living room to let in the fresh air and the soothing sounds of ocean waves crashing in the background. It was slightly cloudy, but the sun still shone through the thick clouds in the sky. And you? You were currently on your knees in front of Bela with your tongue buried deep into her core. Your arms wrapped around her thighs as you pulled her closer to you, the sounds of your slurps and groans contending with the ocean waves. Bela hummed absentmindedly as she turned a page in her book. Her hand ran through your hair, which you were now in the process of growing. For a really long time, you had kept it short, but now, you were ready for a change. It was finally long enough for Bela to grip on to, and it was something she was taking advantage of thoroughly as she guided your mouth back to her cl*t with a gentle tug of your hair.

“That feels so good, baby girl,” Bela moaned as her free hand played with her nipples, her fingers teasing the sensitive flesh as you continued to eat her out.

You hummed again as you gently sucked her cl*t into her mouth, and it was just enough for her concentration to break. She gasped softly as the book slipped from her hold and flopped heavily on the couch cushion beside you. Her other hand threaded into your hair to keep you in place as she began to grind against your face. You smirked against her, her desire covering your cheeks and chin.

f*ck,” she swore as you laved your tongue against her mercilessly.

You could feel her cl*t growing firm in your mouth. You could feel the way her thighs began to shake as you worked her higher. You knew her body like the back of her hand, had grown to learn and memorize the noises she made and the moans that were like music to your ears. You could tell that she was close.

“I-I’m gonna-”

“I know, baby,” you murmured against her before gently sucking her cl*t back into your mouth

Bela’s breath hitched, her hips moving of their own accord as they bucked against your face. She didn’t get the chance to finish her sentence before she fell over the edge, the ball of energy that had been collecting in her lower stomach snapping to engulf her in pleasurable energy. Bela’s moans filled the living room as her cl*t pulsed in time with her fluttering heartbeat. You continued to lick her through her org*sm, your tongue never faltering as her fingers tangled into your hair to keep you against her. She rode your face wildly as she chased her high, and you thought that you were going to drown in her as her come dripped down your chin and onto the carpet below. You didn’t give a damn. If you drowned, then so be it. What a delicious way to die. You licked her slowly until she whimpered from oversensitivity, and when she did, you placed a sweet kiss on her core before pulling away. You didn’t move too far back as you placed messy kisses on the soft skin of her inner thighs. Bela smiled at you lovingly as she met your eyes, and you returned it as you kissed your way up her body and to her lips. She groaned when she got a taste of herself, her tongue dominating yours in another searing kiss. Her eyes swept over the collar around your neck and the bracelet on your wrist as she relaxed more and more into the couch.

“Thank you,” she murmured against your lips, her voice raspy from her moaning.

“Anything for you.”

You got up and sat beside her on the couch, and she was just about to cuddle into you when you both felt it. An intense sadness, the kind to take your breath away. Grief. Like a bomb, it detonated in your chest to unfurl up and outwards, your heart lurching at the intensity of it, and you froze when your hand flew to your chest. That wasn’t yours, and when you turned to look at Bela, her eyes wide with the force of what she felt, it solidified the idea of who it came from. You were on your feet in a second as you scrambled to find your phone, and when you found it discarded on the floor by the couch, you quickly dialed a number. It was a few short rings later before she answered.


You put the call on speaker so that Bela could hear her as well. “Alcina? Babe? Are you alright?” you asked her, your concern for her evident in your voice. There was a heavy and weary sigh.

“Where are you?”

“New York.” Alcina answered quietly.

“Are you okay?” you asked again and when you heard her quiet sniffles, your worry ratcheted a level higher.

“Send me your address,” you said calmly and a moment later, you felt your phone vibrate. “We’ll be there in a day.”

“Okay. Be safe.”

You ended the call and sent the address to Dani and Cass. You also sent a text letting them know that they needed to get here quickly. Dani messaged back with a thumbs up while Cass’s phone sent a read receipt. Bela was up and in your shared bedroom in a flash. She was already dressed, and her speed sent her to the closet and back as she packed a bag for you and her in the blink of an eye. You worked on securing plain tickets for the next flight out, which so happened to be tonight. You bought them without a moment’s hesitation. Ten minutes later, a car was driving you to the airport and an additional hour later, you were in the sky. Your leg shook nervously, your anxiety making itself known as you nibbled your bottom lip. Bela looked to you and kissed your cheek nervously.

“She’s okay,” she reassured you. “We would know if she was physically in any danger.”

You gave her a strained smile and took a deep breath as you put effort into calming down. She was right. Alcina was okay, or she better be. No force on earth was going to stop you from tearing apart the person who hurt her.

***New York***

You couldn’t help the gag that left you when you stepped out of the airport and on to the streets of New York City. It was f*cking rancid here! It reminded you of Alcina’s cellar before Cass cleaned and restored it. It smelled like it was actively in the process of rotting. Muck and trash littered the streets. A thick layer of smog was in the air. Already, you were questioning the appeal of this place, of the Big Apple. It was clear that this city was romanticized and glamorized because you already wanted to leave. Bela was just as tensed as you were, her lips pressed into a thin line of displeasure.

“Maybe it was different during the 1920s,” she suggested and all you could do was shrug.

As surreptitiously as possible, you both super sped through the crowd, dodging and weaving through it as you followed the phone’s directions to the address. Though it had been a near 24-hour flight, the sky was dark by the time you arrived, and according to the GPS on your phone, Alcina was just outside the city limits. It became apparent when the noise began to die down, and some fresh air began to creep in as the breeze blew. You and Bela sped through the night, your powers getting you to Alcina in twenty minutes. When you arrived at the address, you stepped foot in a cemetery, and the anxiety you were trying to fight came back in full force as you took in all the gravestones. You couldn’t help but reach for Bela’s hand as your eyes widened.

“Bela??? Why would she…?”

You didn’t get the chance to finish your sentence. Just as quickly as the panic engulfed you, the relief that filled you was just as quick to chase it away. Your eyes fluttered as you breathed, your hand resting above your heart when you felt Alcina use her influence to calm you. Instantly, you knew where she was, and you and Bela, with bags in hand, followed the pull of her until you saw her.

You’ve never seen Alcina wear anything beyond her cream-colored dress, or elegant dress clothes, for that matter, so when you saw her sat in the grass, wearing a flannel and jeans, you couldn’t help but blush. To see her in modern wear made your heart do flips in your chest. Bela took your bag and sat it down along with hers as you approached Alcina and sat by her side. When you got closer, you could see that she wore her collar, the one that matched yours that you were currently wearing now.

“You look good, pet,” she said to you quietly, and when she turned to face you, you saw them. The tears in her eyes.

You took her hand in yours and kissed the back of it before you leaned against her. Bela leaned against her other side, giving her mom a warm smile as she accepted the kiss against her forehead.

“You both look great,” Alcina commented quietly.

Not long after she said it, two sets of footsteps could be heard approaching her and when you looked up, you saw Dani and Cass stepping out of the shadows. Cass looked the same as she usually did, except her hair was longer and the look in her eyes was…softer? She looked less on edge as she dumped her duffel bag next to your abandoned luggage and took a seat by her mother’s feet. Dani somehow looked older. Wiser. Though you knew that it was impossible for her to age, Dani definitely looked more mature.

But some things never change, like the way she took a seat in her mother’s lap. Alcina smiled and kissed Dani’s hair with a fond look in her eye.

“Where has everyone come from?” Alcina asked.

“Ireland,” Bela answered.

“Korea,” came Cass’s voice.

“Hungary,” Dani murmured. “What about you, mom?”

“After you left, I decided to move back to Bucharest, just to be closer to home. Those few years were nice, but it reminded me of my parents. I did some research and found out that after the World Wars, they moved back to America. I didn’t know what became of them. So, I followed their trail, which led me here to New York. I moved here.”

At that, Bela frowned. “You live here?” she asked, her voice unsure. Based off what she’s seen, it was hard to believe that her mother would want to live here.

Alcina chuckled. “Upstate is much better, darling.”

There was a moment of silence before Bela broke it. “What happened to them?”

A slight nod of Alcina’s head was her answer. You all followed the direction of her nod and took in the gravestones before you. They were neat and clean, even after all this time. One was for Alcina’s father. One was for Alcina’s mother, and the last…the last was for Alcina herself.

“I found them yesterday,” Alcina explained quietly, and you realized that this must have been the source of her grief that you and Bela felt.

“They died decades ago, and I wasn’t there for it. They died not knowing where I was, or what happened to me. They assumed that I was dead, and they made a grave site for me knowing that they would be buried next to an empty coffin.”

You could hear the emotion in her voice. You could hear the way she was trying to speak around it, her throat bobbing with the thick swallows she tried to choke down. Grief filled you again and your eyebrows furrowed with concern as you kissed the back of her hand. Bela hugged Alcina’s arm. Cass laid a comforting hand on her thigh, and Dani cuddled closer into her chest.

“I couldn’t watch them grow old. I wasn’t there when they took their last breaths. I don’t even know who died first,” she continued on, her arms tightening around her youngest as she rested her chin on top of her head. Dani could feel the teardrops dripping in her hair, but she didn’t care.

“Despite the way I butted heads with my parents, and despite the things that they did that I didn’t agree with, I loved them. I loved them immensely. I just wish that they knew that I’m okay now.”

You all were quiet as you let her cry. Nothing had to be said to fill the silence because nothing could be said that was going to make this any better. Though you couldn’t understand what it was like, to love your parents, you knew what it was like to lose a loved one, and in that regard, Alcina had your empathy. You leaned against her as she sobbed, and you pressed kisses against her clothed shoulder. When she calmed, she turned to look at her family.

“Thank you,” she whispered gratefully to you. Her eyes swept over the bodies that surrounded her as she smiled tearfully.

“Of course,” you answered. “If you call, I’ll come. That hasn’t changed. We all love you.”

She smiled and kissed your cheek as she remembered your words from all that time ago. “And I love you. Where will you go next?” she asked, not just to you but Dani and Cass as well.

Dani smiled. “I’ve been playing around with the idea of going to Thailand or India. I haven’t decided yet.”

Cass shrugged. “I was thinking Canada.”

Bela looked at you and you gave her a shrug. “We haven’t decided yet.”

“I wish you all the best, darlings. Don’t feel pressured to stay.”

Everyone was already shaking their heads before Alcina could finish the sentence. “We’ll stay as long as you like, mom,” Cass said reassuringly.

“I’d love it if you did.”

*** 2 Years Later: Utah***

It’d been a total of ten years since you left Romania and traveled the world. You’d seen so much, had learned so much, and had broadened your horizons in ways you didn’t think possible. The world was so much bigger outside of the village you grew up in. It constantly took your breath away that all of this was hidden from you behind the ignorance and prejudice that kept you walled in for so long.

You and the girls stayed with Alcina for about a year since meeting her in New York. That was when you learned that she bought a mansion and had a custom-made car built for her. When you asked about it, she only gave you a smile and told you that she knew how to drive long before Miranda entered her life. When Alcina mentioned her car, you and the girls all but begged her to let you all see it. Now that you traveled the world and integrated yourself into modern society, you had some knowledge of what cars were and what they can do. That was how you were able to identify Alcina’s car as more of a lavish, oversized SUV then an actual car. It was sleek, the entire car fitted with the fun gizmos and gadgets that fit a woman of her taste. Her mansion was reminiscent of her castle, but not as big. It was filled to the brim with expensive artwork and paintings. Like her castle, the floors were crafted from marble. Her furniture was all custom made, reinforced for her body, and made of expensive wood and materials. The backyard was just as extravagant. The pool itself was a feat all in its own. It was large and very deep to compensate for Alcina’s height. You spent a lot of months swimming and sunbathing with the girls. Alcina moved her wine making business to the States where her wealth grew tenfold. By all accounts, Alcina was officially a millionaire according to the American tax bracket. She was one way before moving here, but her business took off when she invested in the market. Americans must love their alcohol, and their love of it was currently funding your lifestyle. Alcina reloaded a vast sum of money for her daughters and for you, and you never seen that many zeros in one number before.

After that year, in which you caught up with everyone and made more memories, you said your goodbyes to Alcina, Dani, and Cass before you and Bela continued with your adventure. You teased your girlfriend with the idea of heading west, and after some research, you both settled on Utah. Why Utah? It was a simple answer. It was the perfect distance from all the major tourist sites you wanted to see. The Grand Canyon. The numerous monuments and national parks that waited to be discovered in Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico. You wanted to experience all of it, though you both couldn’t run and fly your way to every location.

Well…you could.

But you didn’t want to. After seeing Alcina’s vehicle, Bela made it her life’s mission to get her driver’s license. After several months of lessons and practicing, she secured her laminated card that officially made it legal for her to operate a vehicle, and the next thing you knew, you were both at a car dealership. Bela wanted something sporty but not overtly ostentatious.

“What? You don’t want to drive around in a Lamborghini?” you’d asked her, and she chuckled with a shake of her head.

Bela got a convertible, two-door, sports car. And it was a manual car. She effortlessly shifted through the gears as she drove, her hand working the stick while her foot worked the clutch. The engine revved smoothly as she pressed on the gas pedal, and you never felt more attracted to the girl that reduced you to a passenger princess so easily. Currently, you were on your way to a national park for a week stay in a cabin. You told her about how you wanted to go stargazing and the next thing you knew, you were on the road with Bela whisking you away on some adventure. It hadn’t even been two hours since you told her, and she already had a location and some plans in fruition.

“You know,” Bela began as she broke you away from your thoughts. “I kind of want to f*ck you in this car.”

You snorted as you looked at her with amusem*nt lighting your features. “Are you trying to christen the thing?”

Bela gave you a devilish smirk and co*cked her perfect eyebrow. That was how you ended up on the side of the road on Bela’s lap, riding her strap roughly as the car rocked from the force of your shared movements. You straddled her in the passenger seat of the car, and you could just see the highway from where you were pulled over. Bela had her hands on your hips as she helped guide you. Her hips bucked up to meet yours halfway as you lifted yourself and sank on her co*ck. Your head was thrown back in ecstasy, and you couldn’t stop the loud moans that spilled from your lips. When Bela’s thrusts met your body, your breasts bounced and Bela worked a nipple into her mouth, her tongue laving the sensitive flesh as more and more pleasure crashed into you.

“God, you’re so beautiful like this,” she whispered to you as she watched you lose yourself to the pleasure.

In her eyes, you were perfect. Everything was as it should be. Your face was twisted with arousal. She could see your extended fangs every time you nibbled your lower lips. The gold flecks in your eyes had expanded to completely color your eyes in smoldering gold. A deep blush had settled into your cheeks, neck, and ears. The sounds of wet skin slapping against skin contended with Bela’s grunts and your breathy moans. She really wasn’t holding back. Your desire was coating you, her, the toy, and it was surely leaking onto the seats.

“Bela,” you moaned, your mind working through the overload of sensations as you tried your hardest to not make too much of a mess. “Y-Your seats.”

She snapped her hips into yours the moment she brought you down to her lap. She pressed a kiss to your forehead and gave you a soul stealing smile. “Don’t worry, baby girl. They’re leather. Right now, it’s just you and me.”

You offered her a rapid nod of your head before pressing a messy kiss to her lips. She could feel your core tightening around the silicone. You were sucking her in, just begging for her to f*ck you harder and deeper. While Bela knew that you could take it, she was a little worried about the car. It was rocking up and down aggressively, and while you were concerned about the seats, she was a little worried about her shock absorbers, but she wasn’t so worried that she was going to stop. You were drowning in Bela’s touch. You could taste her on your tongue. You could feel the heat of her body against your own. Electric pleasure had turned your body into its own playground, the energy playing your nerves like a fiddle as you felt heat pool low in your stomach.

“You’re going to come, aren’t you?” Bela asked with a co*cky smile, and all you could do was nod. Bela tightened her grip on your hips, and using her strength, she began to f*ck you harder.

“f*ck! f*ck! f*ck!” you cried out every time she buried herself as deep into you as your body allowed.

Your toes curled as tears came to your eyes. Your org*sm was rushing towards you now, it growing in intensity just as Bela’s thrusts did. You couldn’t keep up with her anymore, your body slumping forward as you buried your face into the crook of your neck. Bela completely took over for you, her soothing words washing over you as she took you higher and higher.

“It’s okay, baby. It’s okay,” she said into your sweaty hair. “Let go. I know you can do it.”

With a small whimper and a release of a breath, you came harder than you did in a while. You could feel the gush of hot fluid leave you as you org*smed. Bela removed one of her hands to wipe your tears away with her thumb.

“That’s right, Y/n,” she encouraged in her soothing voice as she pressed gentle kisses against your cheeks, her slow and languid thrusts helping to draw out your org*sm. “You’re so gorgeous when you come.”

Damn…” you whined as you fought to catch your breath, your body helpless against the heat that was drowning you alive. Bela gave you a sweet smile as she kept offering you grounding touches and kisses.

“Stunning,” she murmured as she rubbed a hand up and down your sweaty back.

You melted against Bela as aftershocks of pleasure made you shiver. You threaded your fingers through hers as you held her other hand.

“f*ck,” you breathed when you were able to. You looked between your bodies to see the fluid that was settling into the seats and dripping down your shared skin. “Christening, huh?”

Bela laughed, her head tipping back as her chest shook with mirth. It took some time to clean up and get dressed. A few hours later, you and Bela were checking into the cabin, and later that night, you were stargazing with her. The stars were beautiful, and being surrounded by the sounds of nature made the atmosphere much more serene.

“Thank you for this,” you whispered to Bela dreamily. She looked at you, her gold eyes glowing and reflecting the bright stars in the sky. She rolled over to lean over you, her hand caressing your cheek as she looked deep into your eyes.

“I am so in love with you,” she said to you. You looked at her fondly and placed your hand over hers.

“I love you so much. I can’t wait to spend forever with you,” you whispered to her lovingly as you held her close.

Bela kissed you passionately, her lips moving against yours as the tip of her tongue dipped into your mouth. When she pulled away, she placed another kiss on your forehead.

“Forever is not long enough with you, baby girl.”

Taken - Chapter 50 - thinking1bee - Biohazard (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.