Ranking Each 1st Round QB's Situation (2024)


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Video vocabulary


A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

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US / ðəʊz /

UK / ðoz /


  • determiner
  • The people or things we are talking about
  • pronoun
  • The objects far from the speaker

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US / 'dʒʌstɪn /

UK / 'dʒʌstɪn /


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US / fə(r) /

UK / fɔr,fə /


  • preposition
  • Used to show the purpose, or need of something

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US / sʌtʃ /

UK / sʌtʃ /


  • determiner
  • Being similar to
  • (Thing) as previously stated or referred to
  • adverb
  • (Used to emphasize the quality of an adjective)

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US / ləʊd /

UK / lod /


  • noun
  • Large, often heavy, amount of a thing to be moved
  • A burden; heavy responsibility
  • Many or much of something; a lot of
  • Items that fill a truck, machine
  • verb
  • To put in items for use (e.g. bullets in a gun)

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US / ɪnˈkredəbl /

UK / ɪnˈkrɛdəbəl /


  • adjecitve
  • Very good; amazing
  • Really good; amazing; great
  • Very hard to believe

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US / eɪt /

UK / et /


  • number
  • 8

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US / gri:n /

UK / ɡrin /


  • adjecitve
  • Color of young leaves
  • Covered with vegetation, e.g. grass
  • Concerned about protecting the environment
  • The color of young leaves
  • Lacking in experience/knowledge due to being young
  • Being not fully grown or ripe, as in fruit
  • noun
  • Large grassy area
  • used as a part of a name of a place (UK)

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US / taɪm /

UK / taɪm /


  • noun
  • Speed at which music is played; tempo
  • Point as shown on a clock, e.g. 3 p.m
  • Number of hours, minutes needed to do something
  • Occasion when something happens
  • Period or occasion that something occurred
  • Period in history or the past
  • Something measured in minutes, hours, days, etc.
  • How long an event takes; duration
  • verb
  • To check speed at which music is performed
  • To choose a specific moment to do something
  • To measure how long an event takes, e.g. a race
  • To schedule something to occur at a specific moment

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US / set /

UK / sɛt /


  • adjecitve
  • Prepared for something; ready
  • noun
  • Complete group of something
  • Place where a television show or movie is filmed
  • Group of games in a tennis match
  • Device that receives radio or television signals
  • verb
  • To make a clock state or ring at a particular time
  • To decide upon or choose something
  • To make something ready for use (e.g. table)
  • To decide on a price for something
  • To become hard (of glue, concrete etc.)
  • To be located in a specific place or time
  • To put (e.g. a vase) down carefully in a place
  • To put someone in a certain condition or state
  • (Of the sun) to go lower than the horizon

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US / 'prɒmɪs /

UK / ˈprɑmɪs /


  • verb
  • To say you will certainly do something

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US / 'dɪfrəns /

UK / ˈdɪfərəns, ˈdɪfrəns /


  • noun
  • A thing or issue that people do not agree about
  • Not of the same kind; unlike other things

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US / ɡrəʊ /

UK / ɡro /


  • verb
  • To get bigger and more mature; make plants do this
  • To improve; to develop better skills over time
  • To develop and become bigger or taller over time

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US / 'sɒlɪd /

UK / ˈsɑlɪd /


  • adjecitve
  • Being able to be trusted; reliable
  • Substance that is hard or of fixed shape
  • Being well made and expected to last long
  • Having no space or emptiness inside
  • Being made entirely of one material or substance
  • noun
  • Something firm or hard; not gas or liquid

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US / fi:ld /

UK / fild /


  • noun
  • Area of study, such as physics or biology
  • Piece of land used to grow crops/raise animals
  • Open area of land, especially without buildings
  • Grassed area where you play some sports
  • verb
  • To respond to something or answer a question
  • To catch or stop a ball during a game

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US / ˈmɔdən /

UK / ˈmɑdən /


  • adjecitve
  • Of the present time; up to date; contemporary

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US / ˈtʌtʃdaʊn /

UK / ˈtʌtʃˌdaʊn /


  • noun
  • Getting ball over touch line in American football
  • When a plane, etc. lands on the ground, etc.

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US / dɪ'fend /

UK / dɪˈfɛnd /


  • verb
  • To protect and explain your position in court
  • To protect against an attack
  • To try to prevent another team from scoring

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US / dʒʌst /

UK / dʒʌst /


  • adjecitve
  • Proper or appropriate; as is deserved
  • Doing or being what is right or fair
  • Legally correct; having enough evidence
  • adverb
  • Almost; nearly
  • Exactly at the time of
  • Exactly (the same as, like)

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US / sɪns /

UK / sɪns /


  • adverb
  • At a point before the present time
  • conjunction
  • For this reason; because
  • preposition
  • From the time in the past that

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US / mʊə /

UK / mʊr /


  • other
  • English actor and comedian who appeared on television and in films (born in )

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US / fju: /

UK / fju /


  • pronoun
  • Not many, a small number

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US / 'ɔ:səm /

UK / ˈɔsəm /


  • adjecitve
  • Great; wonderful; stupendous

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US / 'wʌndə(r) /

UK / ˈwʌndɚ /


  • noun
  • Surprise caused by experiencing something amazing
  • verb
  • To feel curious about something
  • To think or consider about something over time

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US / ræŋk /

UK / ræŋk /


  • adjecitve
  • Complete and total; very obvious
  • Growing out of control
  • (Of a smell) very bad; pungent; stinking
  • noun
  • Group of people with a certain level of status
  • Level or position, as in society/sport competition
  • A place for taxis to wait for customers
  • Row in which people stand side by side, as in army
  • verb
  • To rate or class things
  • To assign a level or status, as of importance, to
  • To put items into a sequence, e.g. of importance

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US / 'pɜ:pəs /

UK / ˈpɚpəs /


  • noun
  • Reason for which something is done; aim; goal

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US / ɪkˈstri:mli /

UK / ɪk'strimlɪ /


  • adverb
  • In a way that is much more than usual or expected

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US / ˈpleɪə(r) /

UK / ˈpleɚ /


  • noun
  • Machine that plays recorded material
  • Person who plays a musical instrument
  • Person who plays games on devices
  • Person who plays sports

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US / 'strʌɡl /

UK / ˈstrʌɡəl /


  • noun
  • Strong efforts made to do something difficult
  • verb
  • To try very hard to do something difficult

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US / fæn /

UK / fæn /


  • noun
  • Thing you wave in front of your face to stay cool
  • Someone who admires a famous person, sport etc.
  • verb
  • To blow air upon a fire to make it stronger
  • To use a device to cool yourself, something

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US / haɪnd /

UK / haɪnd /


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US / reɪ /

UK / re /


  • noun
  • Person's name
  • Lines of light coming from an object
  • Fish with a pointed tail and flat body

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US / ˌəʊvər'ɔ:l /

UK / ˈovɚˌrɔl /


  • adjecitve
  • Viewed as a whole; in general, not as details

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US / tɔ:k /

UK / tɔk /


  • noun
  • Style of speaking
  • Discussion between two countries
  • Giving information in front of people; lecture
  • Saying things or ideas to someone with words
  • verb
  • To make a formal speech about something
  • To say things or ideas to someone with words

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US / hed /

UK / hɛd /


  • noun
  • Counter for the number of cattle
  • Natural mental ability or intelligence
  • Leader or person with the greatest authority
  • Mind; mental ability; mental state
  • Side of a coin with a head on it
  • Top part of your body with eyes and a mouth
  • Starting point of something, e.g. a river
  • verb
  • To hit a ball with your head in a game
  • To be first or at the front or top (e.g. a list)
  • To travel or move toward a particular place; To go in a particular direction
  • To become the leader of something
  • To lead or be responsible for something

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US / mʌtʃ /

UK / mʌtʃ /


  • adjecitve
  • Very; to a high level or degree
  • adverb
  • A lot; large amount; a high degree of
  • Nearly; basically
  • On many occasions; often
  • noun
  • A large amount; a great quantity

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US / wel /

UK / wɛl /


  • adjecitve
  • Being in a fortunate, good condition or state
  • Healthy and in good condition
  • adverb
  • In an acceptable, proper, or successful manner
  • In a complete, total, or full manner
  • A great and considerable degree
  • In a successful way, in a good or satisfactory way
  • exclamation
  • Used to begin or continue a particular statement
  • Used to show you want to start saying something
  • Used to express that you are waiting for a reply
  • You say this to change the topic of a conversation
  • Used to indicate you are making a final remark
  • noun
  • Long deep hole in the ground to get water
  • verb
  • To cause your eyes to fill with tears

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US / ˈpɪəriəd /

UK / ˈpɪriəd /


  • noun
  • Set amount of time during which events take place
  • A way to emphasize what you will say
  • A full stop (.), marking the end of a sentence
  • A menstrual cycle
  • A set time for a class to be held

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US / ˈʌndə(r) /

UK / ˈʌndɚ /


  • adjecitve
  • In the same place as another thing, but lower
  • adverb
  • In a lower quantity or price than expected
  • preposition
  • According to the terms of an agreement or law
  • Managed or controlled by the authority of
  • Being of a lesser quality or amount than expected
  • Influenced or affected by something or someone
  • Less or lower in age, amount, size or number

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US / stɑ:t /

UK / stɑrt /


  • noun
  • First time or place that a thing exists; beginning
  • First opportunity to achieve something, e.g. a job
  • Sudden action or movement because you are scared
  • other
  • Beginning of something in place or time
  • verb
  • To do, be or happen for the first time; begin
  • To turn something on

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US / ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn /

UK / ˌsɪtʃuˈeʃən /


  • noun
  • Place, position or area that something is in
  • Circ*mstance or condition surrounding an event
  • An unexpected problem or difficulty

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US / ˈdenvə /

UK / ˈdɛnvɚ /


  • proper noun
  • The capital of Colorado, in the central part of the state, on the South Platte River; population 598

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US / lænd /

UK / lænd /


  • noun
  • Region or country
  • Earth; the ground
  • verb
  • To arrive or cause a boat to arrive at the shore
  • To obtain or get something that you wanted
  • To (cause to) come down to the ground safely
  • To cause to arrive in a specific place or state

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US / swɪft /

UK / swɪft /


  • adjecitve
  • Quick

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US / ˈwaɪldˌkɑrd /

UK / ˈwaɪldkɑrd /


  • noun

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US / 'dʒɜ:zɪ /

UK / ˈdʒə:zi /


  • noun
  • Shirt worn as part of a sports uniform

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US / jʊ'ni:k /

UK / juˈnik /


  • adjecitve
  • Unlike other things; being the only one like it

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US / 'kɒnsət /

UK / ˈkɑnˌsɚt, -sət /


  • noun
  • Musical entertainment performed in public

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US / 'dʒæksən /

UK / 'dʒæksən /


  • proper noun
  • An industrial city in south central Michigan; population 33,518 (est. 2008).
  • The capital of Mississippi, an industrial and commercial city in the central part of the state, on t
  • A commercial city in western Tennessee; population 63,158 (est. 2008).

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US / li:ɡ /

UK / liɡ /


  • noun
  • Group of people, countries with a common goal
  • Association of sports teams that organizes matches

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US / ˌminiˈsəutə /

UK / ˌmɪnɪˈsotə /


  • other
  • A midwestern state

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US / ə'meɪzɪŋ /

UK / ə'meɪzɪŋ /


  • adjecitve
  • Surprising in a pleasing way
  • verb
  • To cause wonder; to surprise completely

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US / ˈpɒzətɪv /

UK / ˈpɑzɪtɪv /


  • adjecitve
  • Showing agreement or support for something
  • Being sure about something; knowing the truth
  • Having the charge produced by electrons
  • Being good or useful
  • Showing that a chemical is present in a test

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US / ɑ:sk /

UK / æsk /


  • verb
  • To say to someone that you want something

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US / ʃɔ:t /

UK / ʃɔrt /


  • adverb
  • Less than what is needed
  • Suddenly stopping what you are saying or doing
  • verb
  • (Of electric circuit) to spark because faulty
  • adjecitve
  • Measuring a small distance
  • Happening for a small amount of time
  • Unfriendly or rude

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US / pi:s /

UK / pis /


  • noun
  • A counter in a board game
  • Small part of something larger
  • verb
  • To put items together to assemble something

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US / θru: /

UK / θru /


  • adjecitve
  • having finished using or doing something
  • adverb
  • From the beginning of something until the end
  • preposition
  • Over, in, across an entire thing or place
  • Allowing you to pass between, or to
  • By a particular way or process; by the use of

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US / 'steɪbl /

UK / ˈstebəl /


  • adjecitve
  • In a position where something does not fall over
  • Having a chemical state that is not easily changed
  • Reacting in an even way; having good mental health
  • In good condition, and not likely to deteriorate
  • noun
  • Group of racing horses that belong to one owner
  • verb
  • To put horses in a stable

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US / kəˈmɑ:ndə(r) /

UK / kəˈmændə(r) /


  • noun
  • Person with authority who commands or controls

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US / ˈbeɪsɪs /

UK / ˈbesɪs /


  • noun
  • Main ingredient or part of something
  • Starting situation, fact, idea to develop from

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US / saʊnd /

UK / saʊnd /


  • adjecitve
  • Sensible, dependable and reliable
  • Unbroken or undisturbed, as of sleep
  • Firm or solid in structure
  • Sane; not mentally ill
  • Clearly reasoned; involving sense, good judgment
  • noun
  • Unique quality that characterizes a style of music
  • Waves traveling in air or water that can be heard
  • verb
  • To seem or appear to be, from what was said
  • To say in a clear deliberate manner
  • To make a noise, e.g. to ring a bell

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US / laɪn /

UK / laɪn /


  • noun
  • Border that divides two places or regions
  • Long crease in the skin, often from age
  • Mark that is long, straight and very thin
  • Row of words, letters or numbers that are written
  • Telephone connection
  • People waiting one behind the other; queue
  • Long thin wire, e.g. for electrical signal
  • verb
  • To put material along the inside of something

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US / feɪs /

UK / fes /


  • noun
  • Side or outer surface of something
  • An expression using mouth, nose, eyes etc.
  • Front part of the head where eyes, mouth etc. are
  • Characteristics you show in public
  • verb
  • To cover a surface with something like paint
  • To deal with a problem or responsibilities
  • To look toward; point in a certain direction

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US / kəʊ'ɔ:dɪneɪtə /

UK / koʊ'ɔ:dənˌeɪtə /


  • noun
  • Someone tasked to see that work goes harmoniously

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US / tʊə(r) /

UK / tʊr /


  • noun
  • A trip to several places to perform a show
  • A journey to visit several places for pleasure
  • verb
  • To travel to several places to perform a show
  • To visit several places for pleasure

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US / ˈmʌltɪpl /

UK / ˈmʌltəpəl /


  • adjecitve
  • Having or involving more than one of something
  • noun
  • Number produced by multiplying a smaller number
  • Shop with many branches

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US / wʌn /

UK / wʌn /


  • pronoun
  • You; we; people in general; someone
  • The thing or person previously referred to
  • adjecitve
  • Used to refer to people generally
  • Being a strong example of (something mentioned)
  • number
  • Number 1

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US / bʊən /

UK / bɔ:n /


  • noun
  • A small stream, especially one that flows intermittently or seasonally.
  • A limit or boundary.

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US / rɪˈvaɪvəl /

UK / rɪˈvaɪvəl /


  • noun
  • Process of becoming active, strong or alive again
  • New revised version of a play or movie

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US / 'ʌðə(r) /

UK / ˈʌðər /


  • adjecitve
  • A thing different from that mentioned
  • determiner
  • (Something) else; not the first (one)
  • pronoun
  • Being the one and only thing of that category

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US / flɪp /

UK / flɪp /


  • noun
  • Act of turning your body in the air; somersault
  • Movement of something from one position to another
  • verb
  • To turn your body in the air, as in gymnastics
  • To move into a different position quickly
  • To move a button or switch to turn on or off

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US / pleɪ /

UK / pleɪ /


  • noun
  • Loose, free movement between two objects
  • Single action in a sports game
  • Performance in which people act in a theater
  • verb
  • To act as a character in a movie, or on stage
  • To perform music on an instrument
  • To use a device, e.g. a video game
  • To do something for enjoyment and fun
  • To do or perform a game or sport

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US / ɪˈfektɪv /

UK / ɪˈfɛktɪv /


  • adjecitve
  • Working efficiently to produce a desired result

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US / fri: /

UK / fri /


  • adjecitve
  • Living, happening without being controlled
  • Costing no money
  • Not working; not busy
  • verb
  • To release (e.g. bird) from a cage or prison

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US / let /

UK / lɛt /


  • verb
  • To allow someone to do something
  • Introducing a suggestion to do something together
  • To rent a house, etc. to others

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US / tɜ:m /

UK / tɚm /


  • noun
  • Conditions applying to an agreement, contract
  • Length of time something is expected to happen
  • Fixed period of weeks for learning at school
  • The (precise) name given to something
  • verb
  • To call; give a name to

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US / bɪɡ /

UK / bɪɡ /


  • adjecitve
  • Popular
  • Serious
  • Large

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US / 'ɪntə /

UK / ˈɪntu /


  • preposition
  • Moving or going inside something
  • In the same direction as; in the direction of
  • So as to become; taking the state of

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US / ˌaʊtˈsaɪd /

UK / aʊtˈsaɪd, ˈaʊtˌsaɪd /


  • adverb
  • Beyond the limits or edges of some place, thing
  • noun
  • Area around or near something, such as a building
  • preposition
  • Beyond the limits or edges of some place, thing

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US / ˈsi:zn /

UK / ˈsizən /


  • noun
  • One of Spring, Summer, Autumn (Fall) and Winter
  • Time of year when something usually happens
  • verb
  • To add pepper and salt to something
  • To prepare wood for use by allowing it to dry

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US / rɪ'si:v /

UK / rɪˈsiv /


  • verb
  • To get something someone has given or sent to you
  • To allow someone to become a member (of a club)
  • To welcome someone as a guest into your home
  • To respond to (e.g. news) in a particular way

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US / θri: /

UK / θri /


  • number
  • Number 3

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US / 'levl /

UK / ˈlɛvəl /


  • adjecitve
  • (Sports) equal to another
  • Being steady and determined (e.g. a voice)
  • noun
  • Specific height of something
  • Amount of ability you have compared to others
  • Floor or deck within a building
  • Tool used to determine if something is lying flat
  • verb
  • To aim a gun at someone
  • To destroy a building; flatten an area completely
  • To make things flat or even
  • To make a score equal to another, in sports

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US / ˈi:zəli /

UK / ˈizəli /


  • adverb
  • Clearly; without doubt; certainly
  • Without difficulty

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US / waʊ /

UK / waʊ /


  • exclamation
  • Sound people make when they make are impressed
  • verb
  • (Informal) to greatly impress someone

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US / ðə /

UK / ðə /


  • article
  • Used to refer to something already mentioned
  • Used to show there is only one of something
  • determiner
  • Used to describe all of a family

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US / meɪk /

UK / mek /


  • noun
  • Product made by a particular company; brand
  • verb
  • To arrange or prepare something e.g. dinner
  • To get to (a place) on time
  • To gain the status of (teacher, lawyer, etc.)
  • To create something by putting things together
  • To earn a certain amount of money at a job
  • To cause or force a person to do something
  • To cause something to happen or be formed

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US / reɪt /

UK / ret /


  • noun
  • Current price or cost of something
  • Speed or frequency of events over time
  • verb
  • To assess something or consider its qualities

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US / əˈkrɔs /

UK / əˈkrɔs,əˈkrɑs /


  • adverb
  • Distance from one side to another
  • (Go) from one side to the other of something

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US / fɪt /

UK / fɪt /


  • adjecitve
  • Good looking; physically attractive
  • Proper or acceptable; morally or socially correct
  • noun
  • Sudden loss of body control; attack (of crying)
  • verb
  • To install a machine, equipment etc.
  • To adjust or change to the right size or shape
  • To be the right size and shape that you want

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US / əˈtrəʊʃəs /

UK / əˈtroʊʃəs /


  • adjecitve
  • Extremely bad or cruel

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US / jʊ /

UK / ju /


  • pronoun
  • Person someone is speaking or writing to
  • Person or people in general

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US / ɑ:m /

UK / ɑrm /


  • noun
  • Part of your body from your shoulder to your hand
  • A branch of another object e.g. company
  • The side part of a chair where your arms go
  • The influence or power an authority has
  • verb
  • To activate a weapon or bomb for use
  • To give a gun or other weapon to a person or group

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US / dɪ'vɪʒn /

UK / dɪˈvɪʒən /


  • noun
  • How many times a number is contained in another
  • One part of an organization
  • Act of dividing or separating into parts
  • Something that acts as a separating line or point

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US / meɪ /

UK / me /


  • noun
  • 5th month of the year
  • other
  • Used to express a desire
  • Expresses permission, possibility or probability
  • Used to show that a thing could be true

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US / maɪt /

UK / maɪt /


  • other
  • Used to politely request an action
  • Used to express that something could happen
  • Power, strength, force or influence

Copy vocabulary

US / ðən /

UK / ðən /


  • conjunction
  • Used to compare two things that are not equal

Copy vocabulary

US / jə: /

UK / jɪr /


  • noun
  • Unit of time equal to 12 months or 365 or 366 days
  • Used to refer to the age of a person

Copy vocabulary

US / 'ævərɪdʒ /

UK / ˈævərɪdʒ, ˈævrɪdʒ /


  • adjecitve
  • Typical or normal; usual; ordinary
  • noun
  • Total of numbers divided by the number of items
  • verb
  • To add numbers then divide by the number of items

Copy vocabulary

US / bæd /

UK / bæd /


  • adjecitve
  • Not good; wrong
  • Lacking in good morals; evil
  • No longer fresh; spoiled

Copy vocabulary

US / 'eɪbl /

UK / ˈebəl /


  • adjecitve
  • Skilled; good at something
  • Having the ability to do something

Copy vocabulary

US / ðɪs /

UK / ðɪs /


  • adjecitve
  • Used to indicate something already been discussed
  • Used to indicate something happening around now
  • adverb
  • An indication by a physical motion or gesture
  • A specific amount of
  • determiner
  • Person, thing, or idea near you
  • pronoun
  • Person, thing that has already been discussed

Copy vocabulary

US / faɪv /

UK / faɪv /


  • number
  • 5

Copy vocabulary

US / rʌn /

UK / rʌn /


  • noun
  • Journey between two places made by ship or car
  • Series of similar things or successes and failures
  • Act of running; exercise of running
  • verb
  • To depart or travel according to a schedule
  • To cause an animal to move in a certain direction
  • (Of an engine) to be operating
  • To start or use a computer program
  • To flow in a certain direction, like a liquid
  • To manage or operate a business
  • To operate or drive something
  • (Of a road) to go from one place to another
  • To move your legs faster than walking

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US / ɔ:lˈðəu /

UK / ɔlˈðo /


  • conjunction
  • Despite the fact that; however

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈɔ:kwəd /

UK / ˈɔkwəd /


  • adjecitve
  • Lacking smooth movement
  • Causing embarrassment or trouble
  • Difficult to deal with

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US / ˌprəʊtə'tɪpɪkl /

UK / ˌproʊtə'tɪpɪkl /


  • adjecitve
  • Original type where things are patterned

Copy vocabulary

US / haʊ /

UK / haʊ /


  • adjecitve
  • To what degree? in what amount?
  • adverb
  • (Used to explain the way to do something)
  • exclamation
  • For what purpose or reason?
  • (Used to ask someone or something's condition)

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US / 'ɔ:lsəʊ /

UK / ˈɔlso /


  • adverb
  • In addition; too; in a similar way

Copy vocabulary

US / 'lʌkɪ /

UK / ˈlʌki /


  • adjecitve
  • Fortunate; having good things happen by chance

Copy vocabulary

US / prəʊ /

UK / proʊ /


  • noun
  • Reason given in support of something
  • Someone experienced and very good at something
  • Playing a golf, tennis etc. as a job

Copy vocabulary

US / 'ɑ:nsə(r) /

UK / ˈænsɚ /


  • noun
  • Reply to a question someone asks
  • Solution to a problem or test question
  • verb
  • To reply to a question someone asks
  • To solve a test question or a problem

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US / /

UK / /


Copy vocabulary

US / klɪk /

UK / klɪk /


  • noun
  • The sound a computer mouse makes when you press it
  • A short, slight, and sharp sound
  • verb
  • To work well with someone or something
  • To press a computer mouse
  • To make a short, slight, and sharp sound

Copy vocabulary

US / hɔ:l /

UK / hɔl /


  • noun
  • Area just inside the entrance of a building
  • Large room/building for public events/gatherings
  • Large, impressive older home
  • Part of the name of a building

Copy vocabulary

US / lʌv /

UK / lʌv /


  • noun
  • Person's name
  • A very strong feeling of affection
  • The person you care very deeply about
  • Strong, deep emotional and sexual attraction
  • verb
  • To care for and like someone very strongly, deeply
  • To like doing very much; enjoy greatly
  • To feel a strong emotional and romantic attraction

Copy vocabulary

US / maɪnd /

UK / maɪnd /


  • noun
  • One's opinion or way of thinking about something
  • Part of humans that allows us to think or feel
  • verb
  • To be bothered or upset by something
  • To take care of someone e.g. as a bodyguard

Copy vocabulary

US / smɪθ /

UK / smɪθ /


  • noun
  • Someone who works hot metal to make things
  • Someone who works hot metal by hammering it
  • other
  • Religious leader who founded the Mormon Church in
  • Rhodesian statesman who declared independence of Zimbabwe from Great Britain (born in )
  • Scottish economist who advocated private enterprise and free trade
  • Someone who works at something specified

Copy vocabulary

US / delt /

UK / dɛlt /


Copy vocabulary

US / bɛː /

UK / bɛr /


  • noun
  • Large brown animal with fur that lives in forests
  • Someone who expects stock market to fall
  • verb
  • To accept (responsibilities or duties)
  • To give birth to a child; to produce fruit
  • To accept or suffer the weight of difficulties
  • To keep moving left or right while going forward
  • To show (sign of something)
  • To support the weight of something, e.g. a bridge

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US / kəd /

UK / kʊd /


  • other
  • Past form of 'can' to mean have ability
  • Used to ask for something politely, or to offer

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US / nekst /

UK / nɛkst /


  • adverb
  • The one that follows another in time or order
  • At a time or place directly after the present one
  • noun
  • The one that follows after
  • adjecitve
  • Immediately after the previous one
  • First occurrence after the present one

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US / ˈkwɪkli /

UK / ˈkwɪklɪ /


  • adverb
  • Without taking a lot of time; fast

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈɛvərət /

UK / /


  • proper noun
  • An industrial city in northeastern Massachusetts, just north of Boston; population 37,353 (est. 2008
  • An industrial port city in northwestern Washington, north of Seattle, noted for its huge Boeing airc

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US / ˈmænɪdʒ /

UK / ˈmænɪdʒ /


  • verb
  • To survive hardships and difficulties; to cope
  • To run or operate a business by directing others

Copy vocabulary

US / ʃɪ'kɑ:gəʊ, -'kɔ:- /

UK / ʃɪ'kɑ:ɡoʊˌ -'kɔ:- /


  • proper noun
  • A city in northeastern Illinois, on Lake Michigan; population 2,853,114 (est. 2008). Chicago develop

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US / klɪə(r) /

UK / klɪr /


  • adjecitve
  • Empty; without anything in it or on it
  • Being certain and without doubt
  • Being without any streaks, spots, or cracks
  • Easy to understand; well-explained; obvious
  • adverb
  • Completely; entirely; through the whole of
  • Away from; free from
  • verb
  • To recover from or remove a problem
  • To get rid of the entire contents of
  • To give permission for something to happen
  • To make a place or surface empty by removing
  • To prove that someone is not guilty or to blame

Copy vocabulary

US / 'fræntʃaɪz /

UK / ˈfrænˌtʃaɪz /


  • noun
  • Right to run a business using name of a company
  • verb
  • To sell the use of a brand to run a company

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US / pɒlk /

UK / poʊk /


Copy vocabulary

US / wɜ:ld /

UK / wɜrld /


  • noun
  • All the humans, events, activities on the earth
  • Political division due to some kind of similarity

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US / ˈspɒnsə(r) /

UK / ˈspɑ:nsə(r) /


  • noun
  • Person that supports the passage of a new law
  • Person giving money for someone's education
  • verb
  • To support the passage of a new law
  • To help someone succeed by giving them money
  • To pay for an event, usually as an advertisem*nt

Copy vocabulary

US / taʊn /

UK / taʊn /


  • noun
  • Small city
  • Part of city with shops and entertainments

Copy vocabulary

US / həv /

UK / hæv /


  • verb
  • To drink, smoke, eat or use something
  • To experience the effects of something
  • To organize an event, or join in an activity
  • To own, possess, or hold something
  • To cause to happen or produce a particular effect

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US / jʌŋ /

UK / jʌŋ /


  • adjecitve
  • At an early stage of existence; not mature
  • Being recently created or started
  • noun
  • Babies in a group or family of animals

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US / trænˈzɪʃn /

UK / trænˈzɪʃən, -ˈsɪʃ- /


  • noun
  • Change from one state, movement, place to another
  • verb
  • To change state, movement, place, or subject

Copy vocabulary

US / 'hʌndrəd /

UK / ˈhʌndrɪd /


  • number
  • 100

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US / si: /

UK / si /


  • verb
  • To go on a date with someone
  • To predict whether something is, or will be true
  • To understand what someone says
  • To use your eyes to look at something
  • To visit a place often for sightseeing or pleasure
  • To visit or meet with someone
  • To find out by waiting or looking
  • To watch (a game, movie or TV show)

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US / rɪ'membə(r) /

UK / rɪˈmɛmbɚ /


  • verb
  • To give someone a gift, e.g. birthday, wedding
  • To hold a thought in your mind to not forget it
  • To bring a previous image or idea to your mind

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US / 'ɪərə /

UK / 'ɪrə /


  • noun
  • Period characterized by particular events, people

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US / ˈɔfən /

UK / ˈɔfən,ˈɑfən,ˈɔftən,ˈɑf- /


  • adverb
  • Many times; frequently; on many occasions

Copy vocabulary

US / drɔ: /

UK / drɔ /


  • noun
  • Something that attracts people to visit a place
  • A lottery or prize
  • Result of a game, contest where the score is equal
  • verb
  • To attract attention to someone or something
  • To get closer to or approach something or someone
  • To influence a person's involvement in something
  • To move an object by pulling
  • To create an image using pen or pencil and paper
  • To take one thing out of a container, etc.
  • (Of 2 teams) to finish a game with the same score

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US / twelv /

UK / twɛlv /


  • number
  • 12

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US / kəʊst /

UK / kost /


  • noun
  • Land near the sea or ocean
  • verb
  • To progress in something without trying hard
  • (Of a vehicle) to move forward without power

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US / eə(r) /

UK / er /


  • noun
  • Mixture of gases around the earth that we breathe
  • A person's manner intended to impress others
  • verb
  • To expose to the outside, to dry or freshen
  • To broadcast a TV or radio show
  • To open a subject to discussion and debate

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US / /

UK / /


  • noun
  • Another spelling of off-season

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US / ˈsæm /

UK / ˈsæm /


  • abbreviation
  • Surface-to-air missile.

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US / hænd /

UK / hænd /


  • noun
  • Cards given to a player in a card game
  • Piece of a clock that points to the time
  • Someone who performs physical tasks or work
  • Body part at the end of a person's arm
  • Help for someone performing a particular action
  • Condition of having power or influence
  • Member of the crew of a ship
  • verb
  • To give something to someone personally

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US / ɡɪə(r) /

UK / ɡɪr /


  • noun
  • A speed selector connected to an engine
  • Special clothes you use for a purpose
  • Toothed wheel shifting power from engine to wheels
  • verb
  • To aim at or prepare yourself for something

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US / pɑ:t /

UK / pɑ:rt /


  • adjecitve
  • To some degree; half; not fully
  • noun
  • Division of a book
  • Ratio of something, e.g. 3 of gin, 1 of tonic
  • A line in a person's hair, made with a comb
  • Character an actor plays on stage, movie, or TV
  • Some, but not all of a specific thing
  • Role in causing something to happen
  • verb
  • To make a line in a person's hair, by using a comb
  • To move two things apart creating a space
  • To leave someone, or to break off a relationship

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US / sɪks /

UK / sɪks /


  • number
  • 6

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US / 'sentə /

UK / ˈsɛntɚ /


  • noun
  • Community place people go health or social reasons
  • Place in the middle of something
  • Person or thing that is attracting attention
  • verb
  • To direct focus toward something

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US / 'enɪˌtaɪm /

UK / ˈɛniˌtaɪm /


  • adverb
  • At a time you choose, it's not important when

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US / 'hɪstrɪ /

UK / ˈhɪstəri /


  • noun
  • Established pattern or record
  • Study of past events as an academic subject

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US / ˈnɪk /

UK / ˈnɪk /


  • noun

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US / wɪð /

UK / wɪð, wɪθ /


  • preposition
  • As an employee of a certain company
  • Against something or someone
  • By using something as a means
  • Due to; because of
  • Including
  • Possessing as a feature
  • Related to
  • (Of the manner/attitude by which you do something)
  • Used to express that people or things are together

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US / 'ɪndʒərɪ /

UK / ˈɪndʒəri /


  • noun
  • Physical or emotional harm or damage

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US / hɪz /

UK / hɪz /


  • pronoun
  • Something belonging to a male person

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US / 'bɪzɪ /

UK / ˈbɪzi /


  • adjecitve
  • Working hard doing something; full of activity
  • verb
  • To actively be occupied with doing something

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US / ˈkɑ:dɪnl /

UK / ˈkɑ:rdɪnl /


  • adjecitve
  • Of the greatest importance; paramount

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US / end /

UK / ɛnd /


  • noun
  • The point where a process or activity stops
  • A point that marks the limit of something; finish
  • Goal or desired result
  • The tip, edge or limit of something
  • verb
  • To be the last part of something

Copy vocabulary

US / wi:k /

UK / wik /


  • adjecitve
  • Not having a strong character
  • Less valuable compared to money of other countries
  • Ineffective; unconvincing; not strong
  • Having little power or ability
  • Not having the necessary or proper amount
  • Having little power; not strong; easy to break
  • (Of a drink) having lots of water and little taste

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US / ˈhju:dʒli /

UK / ˈhjuːdʒli /


  • adverb
  • Greatly; extremely

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US / lɑ:st /

UK / læst /


  • adjecitve
  • Most recent; the latest
  • The one before
  • adverb
  • Final; with nothing following; after all others
  • Most recent; the latest
  • determiner
  • The one at the end
  • verb
  • To remain or continue for a certain period of time

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US / ɪnˈseɪn /

UK / ɪnˈsen /


  • adjecitve
  • Mentally ill; crazy
  • Being mentally disturbed
  • Being crazy or stupid

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US / nəʊ /

UK / noʊ /


  • verb
  • To be familiar with a person or place, thing
  • To feel sure or be convinced about something
  • To discover or be aware of something
  • To be able to distinguish
  • To have knowledge of things

Copy vocabulary

US / ə'wɔ:d /

UK / əˈwɔrd /


Copy vocabulary

US / 'terɪ /

UK / ˈtɛri /


  • other
  • A pile fabric (usually cotton) with uncut loops on both sides; used to make bath towels and bath rob
  • English actress

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US / θrʌst /

UK / θrʌst /


  • noun
  • Movement of (e.g. a knife) towards someone
  • Primary purpose or meaning of something
  • Power or force that an engine produces
  • Strong or forceful push
  • verb
  • To move (e.g. a knife) forcefully towards someone
  • To push someone or something with great strength

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US / pɑ:st /

UK / pæst /


  • adjecitve
  • No longer current or new
  • adverb
  • So as to go beyond, or further than something
  • noun
  • Time that existed before now, e.g. long ago
  • preposition
  • After a particular time
  • At a later point in distance; beyond

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US / ˈhelθi /

UK / ˈhɛlθi /


  • adjecitve
  • In good condition physically, or financially; well

Copy vocabulary

US / hɪmˈself /

UK / hɪmˈsɛlf /


  • pronoun
  • The same (male) person who did the action

Copy vocabulary

US / æθ'letɪklɪ /

UK / æθ'letɪklɪ /


  • adverb
  • In a strong and physically capable manner

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈpri:viəs /

UK / ˈpriviəs /


  • adjecitve
  • Existing or happening before the present time

Copy vocabulary

US / ʃɔ:n /

UK / ʃɔ:n /


Copy vocabulary

US / 'ɑ:ftə(r) /

UK / ˈæftɚ /


  • adverb
  • Later than another time, or behind something
  • conjunction
  • Following something before
  • preposition
  • When an event happened or time has passed

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US / ənˈles /

UK / ʌnˈlɛs /


  • conjunction
  • Negative of 'if'

Copy vocabulary

US / kəʊd /

UK / kod /


  • noun
  • A password made of a set of letters or numbers
  • Set of rules for behavior
  • A secret language using secret symbols
  • Written part of a computer program
  • verb
  • To express information in a series of numbers
  • To write a secret message using secret symbols
  • To write programs using computer languages

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US / rɪˈsi:və(r) /

UK / rɪˈsivɚ /


  • noun
  • Earpiece of a telephone

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US / saɪd /

UK / saɪd /


  • adjecitve
  • In addition to the central or most important thing
  • Next to, or very close to, the right or left of
  • noun
  • Position or opinion that is opposite to another
  • Right or left part of a person's body
  • Feature of someone's personality
  • Straight edge of an object
  • One of two or more groups fighting each other
  • verb
  • To decide to agree with one point, not the other

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US / hɪə(r) /

UK / hɪr /


  • adverb
  • In this place; at this location, position or time

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US / ˈfɔ:tʃənət /

UK / ˈfɔrtʃənɪt /


  • adjecitve
  • Having good luck

Copy vocabulary

US / wɪl /

UK / wɪl /


  • noun
  • Desire or choice of someone
  • Document saying who gets your money when you die
  • Strong desire to do something; determination
  • Desire to do something; strong wish to do
  • other
  • Used with verbs to express the future
  • verb
  • To leave property to someone after your death
  • To use mental effort to make something happen
  • Am (is, are) likely to do
  • To influence someone to do something
  • To make something happen by strongly wanting it

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US / kənˈsɜ:n /

UK / kənˈsɚn /


  • noun
  • Company, firm or business
  • Feeling of worry or anxiety
  • verb
  • To be about a particular topic
  • To have a direct impact on someone
  • To be responsible or mixed up in; to be involved
  • To feel worry or anxiety

Copy vocabulary

US / sɪ'ætl /

UK / sɪ'ætl /


  • proper noun
  • A port and industrial city in the state of Washington, on the eastern shores of Puget Sound; populat

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US / 'ɔ:lweɪz /

UK / ˈɔlwez,-wɪz,-wiz /


  • adverb
  • For a very long time
  • At all times; in every situation
  • For ever

Copy vocabulary

US / nju: /

UK / nu, nju /


  • adjecitve
  • Not old, recently born, built or made
  • Being or doing something for the first time
  • Not felt, seen or known previously
  • Having been recently bought or obtained

Copy vocabulary

US / dɪ'skraɪb /

UK / dɪˈskraɪb /


  • verb
  • To tell the appearance, sound, smell of something

Copy vocabulary

US / 'evə(r) /

UK / ˈɛvɚ /


  • adverb
  • At any time; at all times in the future

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US / 'bəʊlstə(r) /

UK / ˈbolstɚ /


  • verb
  • To prop up or support (e.g. a wall)

Copy vocabulary

US / i:t /

UK / it /


  • verb
  • To put food in your mouth

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈækjərəsi /

UK / ˈækjərəsi /


  • noun
  • Being exactly right; correctness

Copy vocabulary

US / 'eərɪə /

UK / ˈɛriə /


  • noun
  • Amount of measured space
  • A specific section or space; part of a region
  • A subject or field of study

Copy vocabulary

US / ju:s /

UK / ju:s /


  • noun
  • Ability to employ something
  • Need to enable it to work
  • Permission to do something with something
  • Act of spending money
  • Operation of a machine for its function
  • verb
  • To have; to eat, drink, consume etc.
  • To need to operate or work
  • To operate a machine, e.g. a computer
  • To treat a person badly
  • To do something with, for a task or purpose

Copy vocabulary

US / drɑ:ft /

UK / dræft /


  • noun
  • Withdrawal of money from the bank
  • System for selecting people to join the military
  • Method of selecting players for sports teams
  • Cold wind coming through a door or window
  • First attempt at a piece of writing
  • verb
  • To order people to join the army in time of war
  • To select people for a task or team
  • To write something that will be edited later

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈɒbviəsli /

UK / ˈɑːbviəsli /


  • adverb
  • In a way that is obvious/easy to see or understand

Copy vocabulary

US / tru:θ /

UK / truθ /


  • noun
  • Real facts about something

Copy vocabulary

US / ʃʊə(r) /

UK / ʃʊr /


  • adjecitve
  • Having no doubts about something
  • Have confidence in your own words or actions
  • Firmly established or held; being firm or stable
  • Being correct or true
  • adverb
  • What you say to agree willingly

Copy vocabulary

US / fɔ:(r) /

UK / fɔr, for /


  • number
  • 4

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US / feɪl /

UK / fel /


  • noun
  • A mark on a test showing you did not pass
  • verb
  • To be unsuccessful in passing a class or exam
  • To not do or provide something that is needed
  • To stop working or functioning; to break down
  • To not achieve a goal, or to go wrong

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈθaʊznd /

UK / ˈθaʊzənd /


  • number
  • Number 1,000

Copy vocabulary

US / 'strætədʒɪ /

UK / ˈstrætədʒi /


  • noun
  • Careful plan or method for achieving a goal
  • other
  • Branch of military dealing with command

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US / 'tælənt /

UK / ˈtælənt /


  • noun
  • Natural ability of a person to do something well
  • Person with a strong natural ability in something

Copy vocabulary

US / tu: /

UK / tu /


  • adverb
  • In addition, also; with emphasis
  • Say that something is more than you want

Copy vocabulary

US / reɪd /

UK / red /


  • noun
  • Sudden entry by police; surprise attack by army
  • (Army) to suddenly enter or attack a place
  • verb
  • (Army) to suddenly enter or attack a place
  • To suddenly enter or attack, e.g. to steal or harm

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US / ɪtˈself /

UK / ɪtˈsɛlf /


  • pronoun
  • Referring to it

Copy vocabulary

US / fi:l /

UK / fil /


  • verb
  • To be aware of or experience an emotion, sensation
  • To sense through direct contact; touch

Copy vocabulary

US / rʌf /

UK / rʌf /


  • adjecitve
  • Causing or involving violence, force, and harm
  • (Of situations) tough; difficult to get through
  • Being imprecise, inexact, and not detailed
  • Not gentle or not soft
  • Having an uneven or not smooth surface
  • Raw and natural
  • (Of sea weather etc.) not calm with strong winds
  • Involving or causing sudden, forceful movements
  • adverb
  • In a manner that is difficult, or violent
  • noun
  • Violent, loud, and unpleasant person
  • Incomplete drawing or draft done lacking detail
  • verb
  • To make something less smooth

Copy vocabulary

US / 'vetərən /

UK / ˈvɛtərən /


  • adjecitve
  • Experienced through long service or practice
  • noun
  • Person experienced through long service

Copy vocabulary

US / deɪ /

UK / de /


  • noun
  • A period of 24 hours beginning at midnight
  • The period of time when it is light outside
  • Person's name

Copy vocabulary

US / plʌs /

UK / plʌs /


  • noun
  • A benefit or advantage
  • preposition
  • In addition; add
  • In addition to; Indicates a number above
  • Having a value greater than zero

Copy vocabulary

US / ʃɒk /

UK / ʃɑ:k /


  • noun
  • The passage of an electricity through the body
  • Sudden bad feeling caused by something unexpected
  • verb
  • To affect someone with an electrical current
  • To cause great surprise, horror, or anger

Copy vocabulary

US / traɪ /

UK / traɪ /


  • noun
  • Act of putting the ball over the rugby goal line
  • verb
  • To make an effort, to attempt to do something
  • To examine someone or something in a court of law
  • To test to see if it is good or you like it
  • To make a person go through hardship; test
  • To examine something to see if it works

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈmɪljən /

UK / ˈmɪljən /


  • number
  • 1,000,000

Copy vocabulary

US / kən'sɪdə(r) /

UK / kənˈsɪdər /


  • verb
  • To think carefully about something

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈaɪðə(r) /

UK / ˈiðɚ, ˈaɪðɚ /


  • adjecitve
  • One of two (used when there is a choice of two)
  • adverb
  • (After negative statements) likewise, in addition
  • conjunction
  • Used as the first of two connected things
  • determiner
  • Used as the first of two connected things
  • pronoun
  • The one or the other

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US / θɜ:d /

UK / θɜ:rd /


  • adjecitve
  • 3rd: Number after second

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US / ti:m /

UK / tim /


  • noun
  • Group of people working on a task together
  • Group of people playing a sport together

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US / ʃʊd /

UK / ʃʊd /


  • other
  • Used to indicate what is proper or reasonable

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US / pɪt /

UK / pɪt /


  • proper noun
  • The name of two British statesmen.

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US / ˈprɒbəbli /

UK / ˈprɑbəbli /


  • adverb
  • That is likely to happen or be true

Copy vocabulary

US / əˈtendəns /

UK / əˈtɛndəns /


  • noun
  • Number of people present at a place or event
  • State of being present at a place or event

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US / məˈkɑːθi /

UK / məˈkɑrθi /


Copy vocabulary

US / 'entə(r) /

UK / ˈɛntɚ /


  • verb
  • To start a career or an education
  • To become a competitor in a contest
  • To add or type information in a computer
  • To go into a room, building etc.

Copy vocabulary

US / ˌʌnˈʃʊə(r) /

UK / ʌnˈʃʊr, -ˈʃə:r /


  • adjecitve
  • Lacking confidence or certainty
  • Lacking confidence in your own words or actions

Copy vocabulary

US / 'vɪdɪəʊ /

UK / ˈvɪdiˌo /


  • adjecitve
  • Of a moving film, with sound
  • noun
  • Recording capturing action with sound
  • verb
  • To make a moving film of, with sound

Copy vocabulary

US / kəm'peə(r) /

UK / kəmˈpɛr /


  • verb
  • To consider how similar and different things are

Copy vocabulary

US / pɪk /

UK / pɪk /


  • noun
  • Sharp tool used for breaking the ground
  • Item selected from a group of choices
  • verb
  • To take fruit or vegetables from a plant or tree
  • To decide on a thing from various choices; select
  • To remove (flower, etc.) with your fingers

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈrʊki /

UK / ˈrʊki /


  • noun
  • New to doing something; beginner

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈpeɪtən /

UK / /


Copy vocabulary

US / raʊnd /

UK / raʊnd /


  • adjecitve
  • Being in the shape of a circle or ball
  • Consisting of curved and not straight lines
  • Somewhat fat or curved in physical appearance
  • Being a whole number, not a fraction, decimal
  • adverb
  • From beginning to end (e.g. of the year)
  • noun
  • One of the three-minute periods in boxing
  • Drinks bought by one person for a group
  • Series regular visits, routes, or stops at places
  • Single shot or bullet fired from a gun
  • An object with a circular shape
  • One stage in a series of games, e.g. football
  • One's turn in a game such as cards
  • preposition
  • Going around
  • verb
  • To cause or make a circular or curved shape
  • To go or pass around the bend or corner
  • To change from a fraction to nearest whole number

Copy vocabulary

US / ə'bɪlətɪ /

UK / əˈbɪlɪti /


  • noun
  • The power, resources or skill to do something

Copy vocabulary

US / seɪm /

UK / sem /


  • adjecitve
  • Being equal in quality and amount
  • Identical; not different
  • Not changing; constant

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US / spɔ:t /

UK / spɔː(r)t /


  • noun
  • Something that is done for fun, e.g. football
  • Game or physical exercise with rules
  • Someone with a good attitude when things go badly
  • verb
  • To do something for fun, e.g. playing with animals
  • To wear, or show something off by wearing it

Copy vocabulary

US / rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp /

UK / rɪˈleʃənˌʃɪp /


  • noun
  • Connection between two or more people or things
  • Way people interact or live with each other
  • Romantic or loving friendship between two people

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈelɪveɪt /

UK / ˈɛləˌvet /


  • verb
  • To make something higher
  • To raise something in status, importance, feeling

Copy vocabulary

US / wɔnt /

UK / wɑnt, wɔnt /


  • noun
  • Something you desire or wish for
  • State or condition of poverty
  • verb
  • To desire or wish for something; hope for a thing

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US / ˈɛərən /

UK / ˈɛrən, ˈær- /


  • proper noun
  • (in the Bible) brother of Moses and traditional founder of the Jewish priesthood.

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US / ɪk'spɪərɪəns /

UK / ɪkˈspɪriəns /


  • noun
  • Thing a person has done or that happened to them
  • An event at which you learned something
  • Knowledge gained by living life, doing new things
  • verb
  • To gain knowledge by doing things

Copy vocabulary

US / 'sɪŋɡl /

UK / ˈsɪŋɡəl /


  • adjecitve
  • Being one only, without others
  • Only; merely
  • Not married or in a relationship
  • noun
  • One run in cricket or a hit baseball
  • An individual song from a CD or album
  • Person who is not married or in a relationship

Copy vocabulary

US / hʊk /

UK / hʊk /


  • noun
  • Bent tool used to catch fish or to hang things on
  • The start of a story which catches your interest
  • verb
  • To make a bent or curved shape
  • To catch your interest completely
  • To catch, hang or attach something with a bent wire

Copy vocabulary

US / kɒn /

UK / kɑ:n /


  • noun
  • Argument pointing out the negatives of a position
  • verb
  • To trick or deceive someone

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US / ˈsevn /

UK / ˈsɛvən /


  • number
  • Number 7

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US / 'dænjəl /

UK / 'dænjəl /


  • noun
  • (Old Testament) a youth who was taken into the court of Nebuchadnezzar and given divine protection w
  • other
  • A wise and upright judge
  • An Old Testament book that tells of the apocalyptic visions and the experiences of Daniel in the cou

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US / 'pænɪk /

UK / ˈpænɪk /


  • noun
  • Overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety
  • verb
  • To feel sudden anxiety and fear and cannot think

Copy vocabulary

US / pə'reɪd /

UK / pəˈred /


  • noun
  • Large group walking in a public celebration
  • verb
  • To display something publicly

Copy vocabulary

US / ɡɪv /

UK / ɡɪv /


  • noun
  • Degree of flexibility in something, a material
  • verb
  • To hand over or present something to someone
  • To cause someone to have or experience something

Copy vocabulary

US / 'wɪlsn /

UK / 'wɪlsən /


  • proper noun
  • An industrial city in east central North Carolina; population 48,433 (est. 2008).

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US / dɪˈskrɪpʃn /

UK / dɪˈskrɪpʃən /


  • noun
  • Explanation of what something is like, looks like

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US / rɔ: /

UK / rɔ /


  • adjecitve
  • Being uncontrolled or strong, as your emotions
  • Being inexperienced
  • Being in a natural or unchanged state
  • (Of skin) being red and sore on the surface
  • (Of foods) uncooked

Copy vocabulary

US / naʊ /

UK / naʊ /


  • adverb
  • At the present time or moment
  • Right away or in the next possible moment
  • Used to refer to something that just happened
  • Time between the present and a moment in the past
  • conjunction
  • Resulting from or because of something

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US / ə'fensɪvlɪ /

UK / əˈfɛnsɪvlɪ /


  • adverb
  • In an aggressive manner

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US / ˈri:əli /

UK / ˈriəˌli, ˈrili /


  • adverb
  • Used to stress something that is said; definitely
  • In a true or accurate manner
  • Very

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US / dɒt /

UK / dɑt /


  • noun
  • Small round mark
  • verb
  • To place small amounts/things in various places
  • To mark something by placing a small, round spot

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US / rəʊl /

UK / rol /


  • noun
  • Character played by an actor
  • Part you play in an activity; job; responsibility

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US / bət /

UK / bʌt,bət /


  • conjunction
  • Used before you say something different, opposite

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US / ˈsevnti /

UK / ˈsɛvənti /


  • number
  • 70

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US / həul /

UK / hol /


  • adjecitve
  • Complete or full; all of
  • Being in a good condition
  • noun
  • Complete amount or sum; total

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US / di:l /

UK / dil /


  • verb
  • To cope with something - usually troubles
  • To give (something bad e.g. news) to
  • To buy and sell illegal drugs
  • To give out (cards, etc.) to; distribute
  • To do business with someone or to sell products

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US / tʌf /

UK / tʌf /


  • adjecitve
  • (Of food) difficult to chew or bite through
  • Very difficult to do or deal with
  • Having strict standards
  • Being firm and not easily bent or broken
  • Being strong physically or mentally
  • Being difficult to persuade
  • Capable of violence

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US / 'rekɔ:d /

UK / ˈrekərd /


  • noun
  • Highest or most extreme level achieved
  • Round plastic disc on which music has been stored
  • History of a person's past actions or achievements
  • verb
  • To indicate a temperature, speed, etc.; register
  • To write down or say what happened
  • To put music, sounds onto a device to store it

Copy vocabulary

US / kæn /

UK / kən,kæn /


  • noun
  • A metal container for storing food
  • other
  • Able to; have the skill to; have the time to
  • verb
  • To have permission to
  • To be possible to do
  • To preserve food by sealing it in a metal container

Copy vocabulary

US / dɪ'zaɪə(r) /

UK / dɪˈzaɪr /


  • noun
  • Thing that is wished for or wanted
  • verb
  • To wish for, hope or want something

Copy vocabulary

US / jet /

UK / jɛt /


  • adverb
  • At a later time (used after ‘not’)
  • (Used to emphasize that thing is, will be greater)
  • Eventually; at a future time
  • Until now; up to the present
  • conjunction
  • Adding to what has been said, often as a contrast

Copy vocabulary

US / waɪd /

UK / waɪd /


  • adjecitve
  • Having a great distance from one side to the other
  • adverb
  • Fully; completely

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US / ˈmuni /

UK / /


  • noun
  • Used with reference to various concepts relating to the measurement of physical properties of rubber

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US / ˈfɪŋkəl /

UK / /


Copy vocabulary

US / kʌt /

UK / kʌt /


  • noun
  • Act/instance of reducing the size or amount of
  • Small opening made using a sharp object, knife
  • A wound on someone's skin caused by a sharp object
  • verb
  • To reduce the size or amount of something
  • To use knife or scissors to divide, open surfaces

Copy vocabulary

US / ɡʊd /

UK / ɡʊd /


  • adjecitve
  • Proper, appropriate or right
  • (Of an amount) enough; plenty
  • Excellent; high quality
  • Acting well or properly; of moral character
  • In a positive or happy emotional state
  • noun
  • Advantage or benefit

Copy vocabulary

US / skeɪl /

UK / skel /


  • noun
  • Size, level, or amount when compared
  • Small hard plates that cover the body of fish
  • Device that is used to weigh a person or thing
  • Range of numbers from the lowest to the highest
  • Dimensions or size of something
  • verb
  • To change the size of but keep the proportions
  • To climb something large (e.g. a mountain)
  • To remove the scales of a fish

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US / nɪk /

UK / nɪk /


  • noun
  • Person's name
  • Scratches caused by accidentally knocking
  • verb
  • To make a scratch in
  • To steal

Copy vocabulary

US / jɑ:d /

UK / jɑ:rd /


  • noun
  • Unit of length equal to 3 feet or 91.44 cm
  • Outdoor area or garden next to a house

Copy vocabulary

US / dɪ'sɪʒn /

UK / dɪˈsɪʒən /


  • noun
  • Choice made after thinking; final judgment
  • Ability to make quick and confident choices

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US / əˌlɒŋˈsaɪd /

UK / əˌlɔ:ŋˈsaɪd /


  • preposition
  • Side by side with something

Copy vocabulary

US / saɪz /

UK / saɪz /


  • noun
  • How big or small a thing is
  • Standard measurements for clothing, shoes
  • verb
  • To make something to fit a particular measurement
  • To organize or group from small to large

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈdi:snt /

UK / ˈdisənt /


  • adjecitve
  • Being fairly good; acceptable

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US / nɒt /

UK / nɑt /


  • adverb
  • Word indicating the negative
  • (Used to form the negative of verbs)

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US / ˌenef'el /

UK / ˌenef'el /


  • abbreviation
  • National Football League.

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US / naɪs /

UK / naɪs /


  • adjecitve
  • Being attractive or of high quality or value
  • Good or enjoyable
  • Being kind or friendly

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US / ˈhaʊəl /

UK / /


Copy vocabulary

US / /

UK / /


  • noun
  • A person who has signed a contract or other official document.

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US / ɪˈfektɪvli /

UK / ɪˈfɛktɪvli /


  • adverb
  • In a way that produces the desired result

Copy vocabulary

US / swɒp /

UK / swɑp /


  • noun
  • A trade or exchange of goods without using money
  • verb
  • To exchange goods without spending money; trade

Copy vocabulary

US / bɪ'li:v /

UK / bɪˈliv /


  • verb
  • To think or accept that something is true
  • To have a particular opinion about something

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈfestɪvl /

UK / ˈfɛstəvəl /


  • noun
  • Cultural event with a program of events

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US / hju:dʒ /

UK / hjudʒ /


  • adjecitve
  • Very very large

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US / red /

UK / rɛd /


  • adjecitve
  • Being the color of blood

Copy vocabulary

US / æk'tɪvətɪ /

UK / ækˈtɪvɪti /


  • noun
  • An action or task, e.g. sports, washing clothes

Copy vocabulary

US / mu:v /

UK / muv /


  • noun
  • Act of moving a playing piece in chess, etc.
  • An action; doing something
  • Step taken to achieve a goal
  • verb
  • To cause someone to have certain emotions
  • To cause something to change to a different place
  • To change where people live or a business operates
  • To take action to do or achieve something

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US / ˌaʊtˈwɪt /

UK / aʊtˈwɪt /


Copy vocabulary

US / 'wɒʃɪŋtən /

UK / 'wɑ:ʃɪŋtənˌ 'wɔ:ʃɪŋ- /


  • other
  • A state in northwestern United States on the Pacific

Copy vocabulary

US / weɪ /

UK / we /


  • adverb
  • Used to emphasize the amount of something
  • noun
  • Particular aspect of something being thought about
  • One of various choices that could be made
  • Particular existing condition or state
  • (Often long) distance or length of time
  • How something is done
  • Route to go to a place
  • Small street
  • Usual behavior, emotions or habits of someone

Copy vocabulary

US / web /

UK / wɛb /


  • noun
  • Skin between ducks' toes that enables them to swim
  • Internet's collection of interrelated information
  • Net made from silk threads produced by spiders
  • Complicated set of relationships or connections

Copy vocabulary

US / ðeɪ /

UK / ðe /


  • pronoun
  • Two or more people, animals, or things

Copy vocabulary

US / ˌbækˈsteɪdʒ /

UK / ˈbækˈstedʒ /


  • adverb
  • In the area of a theater behind the stage

Copy vocabulary

US / spekˈtækjələ(r) /

UK / spɛkˈtækjəlɚ /


  • adjecitve
  • Impressive or out of the ordinary

Copy vocabulary

US / bɪt /

UK / bɪt /


  • noun
  • Device put in a horse's mouth to control it
  • Small piece of something
  • verb
  • (E.g. of fish) to take bait and be caught

Copy vocabulary

US / teɪk /

UK / tek /


  • noun
  • Filming of a single scene for TV or the movies
  • verb
  • To accept something that is offered
  • To use a method of traveling, e.g. a bus or train
  • To use a camera to make (a photo)
  • To pick up something and go away with it
  • To study a subject in school
  • To attempt to pass (an exam)
  • To require a certain amount of time, money, space

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈdɒlə(r) /

UK / ˈdɑ:lə(r) /


  • noun
  • A basic unit of money equal to 100 cent

Copy vocabulary

US / bɪld /

UK / bɪld /


  • noun
  • Your physical shape; physique
  • verb
  • To establish e.g. a reputation, over time
  • To construct a house, office, factory

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US / ðɛː /

UK / ðer /


  • determiner
  • Belonging to them

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US / ˈɒnɪstli /

UK / ˈɑnɪstli /


  • adverb
  • With truth or sincerity; I'm being honest with you

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US / tʃeɪndʒ /

UK / tʃendʒ /


  • noun
  • Exchange of one set of clothes for another
  • Money in the form of coins instead of paper
  • Money returned after giving too much
  • Act of making or becoming something else
  • verb
  • To exchange one set of clothes for another
  • To exchange one kind of money for another
  • To replace something with another thing
  • To make or become something else
  • To go from one train, bus, etc. and go to another

Copy vocabulary

US / 'tækl /

UK / ˈtækəl /


  • noun
  • Equipment used in fishing
  • Arrangement of ropes and wheels used for lifting
  • Attempt to force a person to the ground
  • verb
  • To start working on a difficult problem
  • To grab and throw a person to the ground

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US / ˌweərˈæz /

UK / hwɛrˈæz, wɛr- /


  • conjunction
  • Taking into consideration the fact that

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US / 'daʊnləʊd /

UK / ˈdaʊnˌlod /


  • noun
  • Transfer of data from the internet to a computer
  • verb
  • To transfer data from a computer or the internet

Copy vocabulary

US / kæp /

UK / kæp /


  • noun
  • Covering for the end or top of something
  • Small, soft hat often with a front visor or shade
  • An upper limit on the amount of (e.g. budget)
  • verb
  • To cover the top or end of an object
  • To limit the amount of usage of something

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈwʌri /

UK / ˈwɜ:ri /


  • noun
  • Something that causes trouble or concern
  • verb
  • To cause concern or trouble over something

Copy vocabulary

US / wɜ:k /

UK / wɚk /


  • adjecitve
  • Activity completed in order to make money
  • noun
  • The product of some artistic or literary endeavor
  • Everything created by an author, artist, musician
  • Activity you do in order to make money
  • Place of employment
  • Final product or result of a some labor or effort
  • verb
  • To bring into a specific state of success
  • To be functioning properly, e.g. a car
  • To do your job in your company or workplace
  • To make an effort to do something
  • To operate a machine or device

Copy vocabulary

US / lɪŋk /

UK / lɪŋk /


  • noun
  • Any one of the rings that are part of a chain
  • Connection between two or more things or people
  • Webpage item you click to go to another webpage
  • verb
  • To join or connect together

Copy vocabulary

US / pru:v /

UK / pruv /


  • verb
  • To demonstrate truth by providing evidence

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US / mɪs /

UK / mɪs /


  • noun
  • Action of not hitting something or someone
  • Form of address to unmarried girl or woman
  • verb
  • To be absent
  • To fail to hit something e.g. a ball
  • To do without something
  • To fail to see or sense something
  • To fail to understand someone's message
  • To be too late to ride on something e.g. train
  • To feel you want to see someone who is not there

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US / bɪˈtwi:n /

UK / bɪˈtwin /


  • preposition
  • From one person, thing, or place, to another
  • In the space that separates two objects
  • Among two or more people who share something

Copy vocabulary

US / drɒp /

UK / drɑp /


  • noun
  • Distance between a higher and a lower level
  • Act of letting something fall (from your hand)
  • A decrease in quantity or quality; reduction
  • Tiny amount of liquid, with rounded bottom
  • verb
  • To drive someone to a place and then drive away
  • To let something fall from your hand
  • To fall or lie down quickly, as when shot
  • To decide to stop something e.g. a course)
  • To (cause to) reduce in quantity or quality

Copy vocabulary

US / hu: /

UK / hu /


  • pronoun
  • Which person
  • Used to introduce information about people

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US / tɒp /

UK / tɑp /


  • adjecitve
  • Being good or great; excellent
  • Being the most in degree or quality
  • noun
  • Item of clothing covering shoulders to waist, hips
  • A cover or lid
  • Part (e.g. road) that is the furthest away
  • Highest or upper part or point of something
  • Best or highest status or position
  • Flat upper surface or edge of an object
  • Child's toy that spins on its point
  • Upper section or leaves of fruits and vegetables
  • Winning in a sport or contest
  • verb
  • To be higher or larger than a specific value
  • To arrive at the highest point of something
  • To put a cover or layer or over something
  • To kill; murder
  • To hold the highest position on a list
  • To be more important, successful or better than
  • To beat someone or win at a game

Copy vocabulary

US / belt /

UK / bɛlt /


  • noun
  • Band of material worn around a person's waist
  • Area with a lot of a particular feature e.g. corn
  • verb
  • To leave somewhere quickly (UK use)
  • To put a belt around something or someone

Copy vocabulary

US / lɪst /

UK / lɪst /


  • noun
  • Lean of a boat to one side
  • Series of written names, words or numbers
  • verb
  • To lean to one side, like a boat or ship
  • To present for sale for a specific price
  • To write a series of names, words, or numbers

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US / rəʊm /

UK / rom /


  • other
  • Leadership of the Roman Catholic Church

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US / prəˈdʒekt /

UK / prəˈdʒɛkt /


  • noun
  • A planned piece of work for specific purpose
  • Group of homes built by government for poor people
  • verb
  • To predict what will happen in the future
  • To show something on a screen using light
  • To stick out past the edge of something

Copy vocabulary

US / ˌɡærən'ti: /

UK / ˌɡærənˈti /


  • noun
  • A promise to repair a broken product
  • Promise that something will be done as expected
  • verb
  • To promise to repair a broken product
  • To promise that something will happen or be done
  • To promise to pay if another person fails to do so

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US / brɪŋ /

UK / brɪŋ /


  • verb
  • To take or go with someone to a place

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈregjələ(r) /

UK / ˈrɛɡjəlɚ /


  • adjecitve
  • Having an equal amount of space or time in between
  • Occurring or being done frequently
  • Being normal, usual, or average
  • noun
  • Customers who frequently visit a place
  • Soldier who has a permanent job in the army

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US / æd /

UK / æd /


  • verb
  • To include as well
  • To put two things or numbers together, e.g. 2+2

Copy vocabulary

US / prə'dju:s /

UK / prəˈdus, -ˈdjus, pro- /


  • noun
  • Fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables
  • verb
  • To grow something naturally
  • To make something appear
  • To manufacture something using machines
  • To control the making a movie or television show

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US / bəuθ /

UK / boθ /


  • determiner
  • Used to refer to two things at the same time
  • pronoun
  • Used to refer to two things at the same time

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US / ˈʃəʊldə(r) /

UK / ˈʃoldɚ /


  • noun
  • Part of the body where an arm attaches or joins
  • Meat that comes from an animal's upper front leg
  • Part of a shirt or coat that covers the shoulders
  • verb
  • To carry something around your neck
  • To push something using the top part of your arm
  • To accept a job or responsibility

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈfiɡə /

UK / ˈfɪɡjɚ /


  • noun
  • Your body shape
  • Numbers in a calculation
  • Doll-like thing meant to represent a person
  • Picture or diagram giving information in a text
  • Person who is very important or famous
  • Shape of a person seen indistinctly or in outline
  • Amount that is expressed in numbers
  • verb
  • To appear in a game, play or event
  • To calculate how much something will cost
  • To understand after thinking; work out

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US / ˈevriwʌn /

UK / ˈɛvriˌwʌn /


  • pronoun
  • Every person; everybody

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US / ˈrɒbɪnsn /

UK / ˈrɑːbɪnsn /


Copy vocabulary

US / 'gri:nɪ /

UK / 'gri:nɪ /


Copy vocabulary

US / ˈevrideɪ /

UK / ˈɛvriˈde /


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US / θæŋk /

UK / θæŋk /


  • verb
  • To tell someone you are grateful to them

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US / lʊk /

UK / lʊk /


  • noun
  • Person's beauty or physical attractiveness
  • Particular style of dress, clothes, or appearance
  • The way someone, something appears to be
  • Act of searching for or examining something
  • verb
  • To appear to be; seem

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US / stɑ:f /

UK / stæf /


  • noun
  • Employees of a company
  • Long stick that a person uses to help them walk
  • verb
  • To hire workers for a business

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US / snæp /

UK / snæp /


  • noun
  • An informal word for a photograph
  • verb
  • To close your mouth quickly like biting something
  • To break something dry and thin, e.g. a branch
  • To lose control of your emotions; get angry

Copy vocabulary

US / ɔ:l /

UK / ɔl /


  • adverb
  • Completely; totally
  • determiner
  • Being every one of something
  • pronoun
  • 100% of something; the complete amount

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US / ˌɔ:gənaɪˈzeɪʃn /

UK / ˌɔrɡənɪˈzeʃən /


  • noun
  • Group of people with a particular purpose

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US / ʃəʊ /

UK / ʃo /


  • noun
  • False display of love, emotion or action
  • An event for displaying or promoting goods
  • Play, opera or theater production
  • Presentation that is broadcast on TV or radio
  • verb
  • To be easily seen or displayed
  • To display your emotions or feelings
  • To let someone see something; display
  • To explain or teach how something is done
  • To lead someone somewhere; point them to something
  • To prove something to be true, correct
  • To reveal or allow something to be seen

Copy vocabulary

US / rɪ'tɜ:n /

UK / rɪ'tɜ:rn /


  • adjecitve
  • Do again; repeated
  • noun
  • Faulty or unwanted product sent back to a company
  • Enter key; the main key on the computer keyboard
  • Profit made as a result of a business activity
  • Process of going back to a previous way or state
  • verb
  • To hit something back to the other player or team
  • To come back after being away from somewhere
  • To repay someone's actions, kindness etc.
  • To put, bring, take, give, or send something back
  • To occur again

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US / ɪˈnʌf /

UK / ɪˈnʌf /


  • adjecitve
  • Sufficient to answer the need
  • adverb
  • To a satisfactory degree
  • pronoun
  • Equal to what is needed; as much as required
  • Adequate number or amount

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US / ə'ɡen /

UK / əˈɡɛn /


  • adverb
  • One more time, once more

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈkɔ:ldwəl /

UK / ˈkɔldˌwɛl, -wəl, ˈkɑld- /


Copy vocabulary

US / ɡreɪt /

UK / ɡret /


  • adjecitve
  • Very large in size
  • Very important
  • Very good; fantastic; wonderful
  • adverb
  • Very good; better than before
  • noun
  • Successful and well-admired person

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US / ˈkevin /

UK / ˈkɛvin /


Copy vocabulary

US / ˈnʌmbə(r) /

UK / ˈnʌmbɚ /


  • noun
  • Symbols such as 1, 2, 56, 793
  • Particular song or dance performed during a show
  • Total quantity or amount of things
  • verb
  • To put numbers on things
  • To assign a sequence within a group, series, set
  • To claim to be part of a larger group, series, set

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US / ˈhaɪə(r) /

UK / haɪr /


  • noun
  • Short term rental of something e.g. car, phone
  • verb
  • To give a job to someone in exchange for pay
  • To give the use of something in exchange for money

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US / 'tɪkɪt /

UK / ˈtɪkɪt /


  • noun
  • Piece of paper allowing you enter or use something
  • Official paper showing something illegal was done
  • Printed paper showing a price, size or information
  • verb
  • To sell tickets for an event, journey or activity
  • To give paper to show someone had acted illegally

Copy vocabulary

US / saɪt /

UK / saɪt /


  • noun
  • Place that is reserved for a particular activity
  • Location of building work
  • Location of something
  • Place where something of special interest happened
  • Website
  • verb
  • To place something in a particular position, area

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US / daɪˈnæmɪk /

UK / daiˈnæmik /


  • adjecitve
  • Always active or energetic; getting things done

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US / ˈdɪfrənt /

UK / ˈdɪfrənt /


  • adjecitve
  • Not of the same kind; unlike other things

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US / i:tʃ /

UK / itʃ /


  • determiner
  • Every one of two or more things
  • pronoun
  • Per one person or thing

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US / ˈlaɪnmən /

UK / ˈlaɪnmən /


  • noun
  • A person who repairs electrical or telephone lines

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US / taɪp /

UK / taɪp /


  • noun
  • Printed letters or blocks used for printing them
  • Group of things or people sharing common features
  • verb
  • To identify something belonging to a group
  • To write by touching keys on a keyboard

Copy vocabulary

US / 'i:vn /

UK / ˈivən /


  • adjecitve
  • Being equal in influence, power, possibility etc.
  • Being divided equally or fairly
  • (Of teams/contest) with similar chances of success
  • Smooth, level, or regular
  • Can be divided by 2; ending in 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0
  • At a regular, equally steady manner
  • Remaining steady and unchanging
  • adverb
  • (When this is surprising) as well; too
  • (Used to compare two things/stress the difference)
  • verb
  • To make something level; to flatten
  • To make something equal

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US / 'flɒrɪdə /

UK / 'flɔ:rədə /


  • noun
  • A state in southeastern United States between the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico; one of the Confed

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US / pleɪs /

UK / ples /


  • noun
  • Particular location, area or region
  • verb
  • To put someone in a particular type of situation
  • To put something in a certain location or position

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US / fɔ:s /

UK / fɔrs, fors /


  • noun
  • Group of persons trained for military action; army
  • Pressure; attraction
  • The use of physical strength/violence to persuade
  • verb
  • To use physical strength or violence to persuade

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US / 'kʌzn /

UK / 'kʌzn /


  • noun
  • Child of your uncle or aunt
  • Something similar to or related to something else

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US / ˈpætrik /

UK / ˈpætrɪk /


  • other
  • Apostle and patron saint of Ireland; an English missionary to Ireland in the th century

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US / ˈkwɔ:təbæk /

UK / ˈkwɔ:rtərbæk /


  • noun
  • Payer who directs play in American football

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US / ˈmænɪdʒə(r) /

UK / ˈmænɪdʒɚ /


  • noun
  • Person who controls and runs a business or group

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US / 'sekənd /

UK / ˈsɛkənd /


  • adjecitve
  • 2nd; the one following first
  • noun
  • Unit of time; one sixtieth of a minute
  • Short period of time that you wait for someone
  • (Do) soon

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US / li:st /

UK / list /


  • adverb
  • In the smallest or lowest way
  • noun
  • Something that is of the lowest or smallest degree

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US / raɪt /

UK / raɪt /


  • adjecitve
  • Correct or true
  • The south side of you looking at the rising sun
  • adverb
  • Exactly in a place or time
  • Being appropriate for a particular event
  • In a straight or direct manner
  • noun
  • Something you are legally or morally allowed to do
  • Ideal of what is just and good
  • Political view based on conservatism
  • verb
  • To fix something previously wrong or unjust
  • To make upright, as a boat that has turned over

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US / 'pi:pl /

UK / ˈpipəl /


  • noun
  • Persons sharing culture, country, background, etc.
  • Men, Women, Children

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US / 'faɪə(r) /

UK / faɪr /


  • noun
  • Heat and the flame produced when burning
  • Intense energy for or about something
  • verb
  • To apply heat to something to make it hard
  • To make a person leave their job; dismiss
  • To shoot a gun or weapon
  • To launch something into the sky, e.g. a rocket
  • To start working on something e.g. a project

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US / ɪgˈzɑ:mpl /

UK / ɪɡˈzæmpəl /


  • noun
  • Thing, person which represents a category

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US / ˈædisn /

UK / ˈædɪsən /


  • proper noun
  • A village in northeastern Illinois, northwest of Chicago; population 36,917 (est. 2008).

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US / ˈdʒefəs(ə)n /

UK / ˈdʒefərsən /


Copy vocabulary

US / 'ækʃn /

UK / ˈækʃən /


  • noun
  • Something that a person or thing does
  • verb
  • To act to do something

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US / bʌntʃ /

UK / bʌntʃ /


  • noun
  • A group of things of the same kind
  • verb
  • To group people or things closely together
  • (Cloth) to gather/be gathered together in folds

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US / laɪk /

UK / laɪk /


  • adjecitve
  • Being equal in status or kind to something else
  • Similar; the same
  • adverb
  • For example
  • preposition
  • Used as a filler; used to ad emphasis
  • In a way similar to the way something is done
  • Such as; for example
  • verb
  • To want to
  • To find something pleasing; to prefer something

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US / 'pɑ:tnə(r) /

UK / ˈpɑrtnɚ /


  • noun
  • One you have a business/personal relationship with
  • Someone you have personal relationship with
  • verb
  • To join with others for work or other activity

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US / ə'baʊt /

UK / əˈbaʊt /


  • adverb
  • To be ready to; going to
  • Nearly; approximately; roughly
  • Near; next to; close to
  • In every direction; in the area of
  • preposition
  • Concerning or of (a topic)

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US / ɪm'peɪʃns /

UK / ɪmˈpeʃəns /


  • noun
  • Condition of not wanting to wait

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US / ɡet /

UK / ɡɛt /


  • verb
  • To become affected by illness or disease
  • To begin to feel or understand an emotion or idea
  • To send or bring someone or something home, etc.
  • To go somewhere to obtain something
  • To (cause to) do a particular thing
  • To obtain, receive or be given something
  • To currently have
  • To prepare for use
  • To understand something being said or read

Copy vocabulary

US / wɒt /

UK / hwɑt, hwʌt, wɔt, wʌt,hwət, wət /


  • pronoun
  • Thing or things that; the same kind as
  • Used to emphasize something you are about to say
  • adjecitve
  • Used to refer to a particular amount, or number
  • Used to place emphasis on a particular quality
  • adverb
  • To a certain degree
  • determiner
  • Question words used for asking for information
  • exclamation
  • Used to express excitement, shock, or surprise
  • Used to ask people to repeat something they said

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US / ˈrʌsəl /

UK / ˈrʌsəl /


  • noun
  • English film director (born in )

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US / kəʊtʃ /

UK / kotʃ /


  • noun
  • Large, comfortable bus
  • Person who teaches others how to do (sport, job)
  • verb
  • To teach others how to do something (e.g. sport)

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US / sɪk /

UK / sɪk /


  • adjecitve
  • Having a physical or mental illness
  • Morally wrong; perverted

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US / ˈhɑ:dli /

UK / ˈhɑ:rdli /


  • adverb
  • Clearly or undoubtedly not; very little
  • Almost not; scarcely

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US / ˈkɜ:təsi /

UK / ˈkɜ:rtəsi /


  • noun
  • Polite and respectful behavior

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US / steɪ /

UK / ste /


  • noun
  • Legal order to stop or delay an action
  • Strong rope or wire that supports a ship's mast
  • Period of time spent living in or visiting a place
  • verb
  • To keep trying without giving up
  • To remain in the same place and not move away
  • To spend time visiting a place or someone's home

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US / ˌdeɪʒɑː /

UK / ˈdidʒə /


Copy vocabulary

US / ðæt /

UK / ðæt, ðət /


  • adjecitve
  • The person or thing being talked about
  • Used to identify something both the speakers know
  • adverb
  • Used to reinforce adjectives and adverbs
  • To such a degree
  • conjunction
  • Used to connect a noun clause
  • Used to introduce an adverbial clause
  • Used to introduce a noun clause
  • determiner
  • Used as a noun to refer to something
  • pronoun
  • Referring an object far away
  • Used to refer to the relative pronoun ‘which’

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US / kəʊl /

UK / koʊl /


  • noun
  • A brassica, especially cabbage, kale, or rape.

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US / bɔ:l /

UK / bɔl /


  • noun
  • Large dance where people dress formally
  • Small round object often used in a game or sport

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US / mi:n /

UK / min /


  • adjecitve
  • Being good at
  • Nasty; unkind
  • Not liking to spend money; cheap; stingy
  • noun
  • Average of a set of numbers
  • verb
  • To express a particular idea or thought
  • To intend to do something in particular
  • To have a particular meaning or value

Copy vocabulary

US / ded /

UK / dɛd /


  • adjecitve
  • Not alive
  • Being bored or not interested
  • Unable to operate because electricity etc. ran out
  • Being unable to feel, physically or emotionally
  • adverb
  • Completely; absolutely

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US / əˈfens /

UK / əˈfɛns /


  • noun
  • Attempt to score in a game or match
  • Breaking of a rule or law
  • Something that causes hurt; a rude act

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US / fɜ:st /

UK / fɚst /


  • adjecitve
  • 1st; Coming before all others in time or place
  • noun
  • Something that has not happened before
  • Position of the winner of a competition

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US / ˈɪntrəstɪŋ /

UK / ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ, -tərɪstɪŋ, -təˌrɛstɪŋ /


  • adjecitve
  • Taking your attention; making you want to know
  • verb
  • To make someone want to know about something
  • To persuade to do, become involved with something

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US / sɪ'lekt /

UK / sɪˈlɛkt /


  • verb
  • To choose a suitable thing from a group

Copy vocabulary

US / depθ /

UK / dɛpθ /


  • noun
  • Distance below a surface

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US / staɪl /

UK / staɪl /


  • noun
  • The (tasteful) way something is designed or done
  • verb
  • To shape or design something in a certain way

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US / ˈsɪəriəs /

UK / ˈsɪriəs /


  • adjecitve
  • Giving something great energy or sincerity
  • Needing thought or concentration; important; grave
  • Being sincere about something; not joking

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US / ˈfeɪvərəbl /

UK / ˈfeɪvərəbl /


  • adjecitve
  • When a good result or positive outcome is likely

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US / wɪn /

UK / wɪn /


  • noun
  • Success in beating the other team or competitors
  • Success in a game or contest
  • verb
  • To get something as a prize because of a success
  • To gain something you want because of your efforts
  • To succeed in a game or contest

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US / ˈdjʊərɪŋ /

UK / ˈdʊrɪŋ, ˈdjʊr- /


  • preposition
  • At some point in the course of an event or thing

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US / ɪnˈklu:d /

UK / ɪnˈklud /


  • verb
  • To make someone, something part of a group

Copy vocabulary

US / 'wɪtnəs /

UK / ˈwɪtnɪs /


  • noun
  • Person who was present to see an event take place
  • Evidence or proof of something
  • verb
  • To see the signing of an official document
  • To see an event take place (usually a crime)
  • To serve as an example or evidence of something

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US / wenˈevə(r) /

UK / hwɛnˈɛvɚ /


  • adverb
  • At any or every time that

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US / spel /

UK / spɛl /


  • noun
  • Making some magic happen; form of words to do this
  • Period of time; time when an action is being done
  • verb
  • To lead to future trouble
  • To be able to write (or say) the letters of a word

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US / ʃeɪm /

UK / ʃem /


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US / sɪt /

UK / sɪt /


  • verb
  • To take an exam
  • To be in a resting position on a chair
  • To provide seating for people
  • To remain in a still position while being painted

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US / ˈfɔ:lkən /

UK / ˈfælkən /


  • noun
  • Fast-flying hunting bird

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US / θru:ˈaʊt /

UK / θruˈaʊt /


  • adverb
  • From the beginning of something until the end
  • preposition
  • Over/across an entire place/thing; in every part

Copy vocabulary

US / hwɛə /

UK / hwɛr, wɛr /


  • conjunction
  • At or in the place which
  • In whatever place
  • pronoun
  • Word you use to ask the location of something

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US / dʒɔɪn /

UK / dʒɔɪn /


  • verb
  • To bring something close to another, to become one
  • To become a member of
  • To participate in an activity with others

Copy vocabulary

US / li:v /

UK / liv /


  • noun
  • Permission to do something
  • Vacation time; time off work
  • verb
  • To go away from; depart
  • To gift property to someone after you die
  • To allow something to continue happening
  • To let something remain unused or available
  • To let something or someone remain somewhere

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US / ˈeniθɪŋ /

UK / ˈɛniˌθɪŋ /


  • pronoun
  • A thing of any kind

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US / ˌæriˈzəunə /

UK / ˌærɪˈzonə /


  • proper noun
  • A state in the southwestern US, on the border with Mexico; population 6,500,180 (est. 2008); capital

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US / pəˈhæps /

UK / pɚˈhæps /


  • adverb
  • Possibly, but not certainly; maybe

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US / ˈəunli /

UK / ˈonli /


  • adverb
  • Just one; just that amount or thing; not more than
  • Not very important or serious
  • Just that type of thing, person
  • Short time ago; not before a certain time
  • conjunction
  • Except; but

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US / 'enɪ /

UK / ˈɛni /


  • adjecitve
  • One, or some, no matter which
  • pronoun
  • One (thing) of many; some

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US / ten /

UK / tɛn /


  • number
  • 10

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US / ˈhəʊpfəli /

UK / ˈhopfəli /


  • adverb
  • In a manner wishing something to happen

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US / ɪn'vestɪɡeɪt /

UK / ɪnˈvɛstɪˌɡet /


  • verb
  • To try to find out facts; to carry out research

Copy vocabulary

US / aʊt /

UK / aʊt /


  • adverb
  • No longer stylish (e.g. fashion)
  • Away from home, business, or the usual place
  • In a direction/movement away from inside or center
  • noun
  • Act when a batter cannot continue playing
  • verb
  • To tell people a secret

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US / ˈnɔ:məli /

UK / ˈnɔːrməli /


  • adverb
  • In the manner that is usual or ordinary

Copy vocabulary

US / 'peɪtrɪət /

UK / ˈpetriət, -ˌɑt /


  • noun
  • Person who loves and defends their own country

Copy vocabulary

US / θɪŋk /

UK / θɪŋk /


  • verb
  • To have an idea about something without certainty
  • To have an idea, opinion or belief about something

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈpreəri /

UK / ˈpreri /


Copy vocabulary

US / bæk /

UK / bæk /


  • adjecitve
  • Farthest from the front e.g. in a classroom
  • adverb
  • Have returned to a place you were before
  • noun
  • The part of a chair that the upper body leans upon
  • Location at the rear of something
  • The reverse of side something
  • Area on the rear of your body
  • verb
  • To bet money on something
  • To go backwards in a car
  • To support and encourage someone or some cause

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US / dɪˈfensɪv /

UK / dɪˈfɛnsɪv /


  • adjecitve
  • Protecting something, yourself from attack

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US / ɡeɪm /

UK / ɡem /


  • noun
  • Activity with rules that people play to have fun
  • Birds and animals people hunt to kill and eat
  • Match between two teams

Copy vocabulary

US / əˈtend /

UK / əˈtɛnd /


  • verb
  • To take care of someone in need
  • To listen or watch carefully; to concentrate
  • To be present at an event
  • To go to a place regularly

Copy vocabulary

US / dæn /

UK / dɑn, dæn /


  • noun
  • Any of ten degrees of advanced proficiency in judo or karate.
  • A small marker buoy with a lightweight flagpole.
  • proper noun
  • (in the Bible) a Hebrew patriarch, son of Jacob and Bilhah.

Copy vocabulary

US / frʌnt /

UK / frʌnt /


  • adjecitve
  • Opposite of back; the forward part of an object
  • noun
  • Behavior not showing a person's true feelings
  • Area where fighting in a war is happening
  • Place where air of different temperatures meets
  • verb
  • To have the forward part facing something
  • To lead a group of people, usually a band

Copy vocabulary

US / kʌm /

UK / kʌm /


  • verb
  • To arrive at a place
  • (Of mail) to be delivered
  • To move toward someone; go with someone
  • To reach a certain point or state

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈsə:tnli /

UK / ˈsɚtnli /


  • adverb
  • Sure; of course

Copy vocabulary

US / dɪ'zɑ:stə(r) /

UK / dɪˈzæstɚ, -ˈsæs- /


  • noun
  • State of extreme ruin and misfortune

Copy vocabulary

US / 'eɪdʒənsɪ /

UK / ˈedʒənsi /


  • noun
  • Business that provides some service for others

Copy vocabulary

US / ənd /

UK / ənd, ən,ænd /


  • conjunction
  • Used to refer to two or more things
  • Plus; in addition; on top of that
  • Used to introduce an action that follows another

Copy vocabulary

US / məʊst /

UK / most /


  • adverb
  • Very; extremely
  • Greatest possible degree
  • pronoun
  • Nearly all of something

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈɔ:stin /

UK / ˈɔstən /


  • noun
  • State capital of Texas on the Colorado River; site of the University of Texas

Copy vocabulary

US / ɡaɪ /

UK / ɡaɪ /


  • noun
  • Man; boy; any person

Copy vocabulary

US / plʌg /

UK / plʌɡ /


  • noun
  • Wood, rubber or metal used to block a hole
  • Thing on a wire to connect to electricity supply
  • A promotion of a product
  • verb
  • To use an object to block a hole
  • To promote or advertise a product

Copy vocabulary

US / pʊt /

UK / pʊt /


  • phrasal verb
  • to make a light stop shining by pressing or moving a switch
  • verb
  • To move or place a thing in a particular position
  • To rate something in importance or value
  • To write or say something in a certain manner

Copy vocabulary

US / 'ɪʃu: /

UK / ˈɪʃu /


  • noun
  • Important topic discussed, debated or argued over
  • Single edition of a magazine
  • verb
  • To make something available to be used or sold
  • To deliver a statement, etc. in an official manner

Copy vocabulary

US / tu: /

UK / tu /


  • number
  • 2

Copy vocabulary

US / /

UK / /


Copy vocabulary

US / lɒt /

UK / lɑt /


  • noun
  • What happens to a person in life from chance; fate
  • A group of people seen together
  • Item for sale at an auction
  • Small area of land used for a purpose e.g. parking

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈdʒɔ:dn /

UK / ˈdʒɔrdn /


  • noun
  • An Arab kingdom in southwestern Asia on the Red Sea

Copy vocabulary

US / fɑ:(r) /

UK / fɑr /


  • adjecitve
  • A long way away
  • Being a long way away
  • adverb
  • To a large degree or extent

Copy vocabulary

US / əˈfensɪv /

UK / əˈfɛnsɪv /


  • adjecitve
  • Causing displeasure or anger
  • Being physically unpleasant
  • Attacking or intended to attack
  • noun
  • A military attack

Copy vocabulary

US / frəm /

UK / frʌm, frɑm,frəm /


  • preposition
  • Starting at a particular place, time or level

Copy vocabulary

US / 'meɪdʒə(r) /

UK / ˈmedʒɚ /


  • adjecitve
  • Main league; esp. referring to American baseball
  • Important, serious, or large in scope, size
  • noun
  • High-ranking officer in the army
  • Main subject you study at university
  • verb
  • To study a particular subject at university

Copy vocabulary

US / ki:p /

UK / kip /


  • noun
  • Large, strong tower in the middle of a castle
  • Money spent on you so you can live in a place
  • verb
  • To continue doing something; not to stop
  • To stop balls going in a goal in sports
  • To not give back or return something
  • (Of food) to not spoil or not rot
  • To take possession of something to own, e.g. a pet
  • To have and continue to hold something
  • To do something that you have promised or agreed
  • To stay in a certain place or condition
  • To maintain the rules

Copy vocabulary

US / əˈnʌðə(r) /

UK / əˈnʌðɚ /


  • adjecitve
  • One more, but not this
  • determiner
  • One more added
  • pronoun
  • One more (thing)

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈrɒstə(r) /

UK / ˈrɑstɚ, ˈrɔstɚ /


  • noun
  • List of people's names who have some duty to do

Copy vocabulary

US / zəʊn /

UK / zoʊn /


  • noun
  • Area of space designated for a particular use
  • verb
  • To divide an area for a particular reason

Copy vocabulary

US / 'əʊvə(r) /

UK / ˈovɚ /


  • adverb
  • Finished; no longer happening
  • Towards the ground/away from a standing position
  • noun
  • A set of six consecutive balls bowled in cricket
  • other
  • Finished
  • preposition
  • Showing the relation when a thing is above another
  • On or covering something
  • Above or across something
  • More than you need
  • From one side to the other
  • In the direction of; toward

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈɒfɪs /

UK / ˈɔ:fɪs /


  • noun
  • Room or building used for business
  • Important job position, often in a government

Copy vocabulary

US / dreɪk /

UK / drek /


  • noun
  • Male duck

Copy vocabulary

US / peɪn /

UK / pen /


  • noun
  • Strong feeling of hurt or discomfort
  • Something or someone that bothers or upsets you
  • verb
  • To cause someone to feel upset or worry

Copy vocabulary

US / ˈkwɪltɪd /

UK / ˈkwɪltɪd /


Copy vocabulary

US / taɪt /

UK / taɪt /


  • adjecitve
  • Showing anxiety or anger; tense
  • Positioned physically close together
  • Managed or controlled in a strict and careful way
  • (Of road, bend) curving sharply
  • Drunk
  • Being equally matched in ability or score
  • Lacking extra space
  • Having limited time available
  • Being very limited in supply
  • Not generous; mean with money; stingy
  • (Rope or tie) pulled strongly
  • Being in a good solid relationship
  • adverb
  • Firmly; so it can't move

Copy vocabulary

US / tʌn /

UK / tʌn /


  • noun
  • Unit of weight; 907 kilograms (US); 1016 (UK)
  • Subtitles section
  • The NFL draft was insane.
  • Six quarterbacks were selected in the top twelve, each landing in unique places that have their pros and cons.
  • Now the truth for these guys is it's often just as much about where you land as it is how talented you are.
  • So in today's video, I want to investigate each first round rookie quarterback situation and rank it on a tier list.
  • Now, the draft itself set an all time record for draft attendance, with over seven hundred thousand people attending over the course of the three days, and I was fortunate enough to be a part of it, courtesy of today's video sponsor, SeaGeek and the Arizona Cardinals.
  • SeaGeek is the official ticketing partner of the Arizona Cardinals.
  • They hooked me up with some free gear, including this KTO Cardinals jersey, which was sick, and for the event itself,
  • there was a ton of activities to keep us busy.
  • We even got to tour backstage.
  • And for the draft itself, we were lucky enough to be sitting in the draft theater and witness the action up close.
  • I even ran into Ray Finkel.
  • With over twenty eight million downloads, SeaGeek is the number one rated ticketing app.
  • There are more than seventy thousand events every single day on SeatGeek, including concerts, sports, festivals, and more.
  • There's going to be awesome things to do on a regular basis, and you don't want to miss out.
  • They put all the tickets across the web into one place to make sure you are getting a good deal.
  • Each ticket is rated on a scale from one to ten, so look for the green dots.
  • Green means good and red means bad.
  • Every ticket is backed by their buyer guarantee and SeatGeek is the only site that lets you return your tickets ahead of the event with swaps.
  • And you know I came through for you guys.
  • Use my code KTO for twenty dollars off tickets at SeatGeek.
  • Make sure you click the link in the description to download the app.
  • And thanks again to SeatGeek and the Arizona Cardinals.
  • As far as number one overall picks go, this is about as favorable as it gets.
  • Normally, the team picking here was atrocious the previous season, but the Bears were a seven win team last year with the major concern really being at quarterback.
  • The roster had some promising pieces in the year, which will still be a part of the team in the year, including wide receiver DJ Moore and tight end Cole Komet, who both proved extremely effective in the past game.
  • And throughout this offseason, the Bears have really bolstered this offense with multiple weapons including veteran Keenan Allen, running back DeAndre Swift, tight end Gerald Everett, and wide receiver Rome Adunze, who they used their other first round pick on.
  • Also, they added depth to the offensive line,
  • which should be at least average if they can stay healthy in the year.
  • Now on the flip side, it is Chicago.
  • They have struggled offensively for most of their modern history.
  • But with that said, Caleb is easily one of the most talented quarterbacks this organization has ever had.
  • Also, things do change, and I like this situation a lot.
  • The team hired offensive coordinator Shane Waldron, who proved himself to be able to revive Genel Smith in Seattle.
  • Factoring in a favorable offensive situation alongside Caleb's outstanding talent, I'll give his situation an A tier.
  • Honestly, this might be the best situation a number one overall quarterback has had that I could remember.
  • Florida drops into a zone.
  • Daniel is trying to run it.
  • That's his face.
  • What a move!
  • Jayden Daniels again!
  • Jayden Daniels, touchdown LSU!
  • With the number two overall pick, Washington fans are seeing the Deja Vu of the year with Jaden Daniels.
  • As the most athletically dynamic quarterback of the class, Daniels will be able to produce in the run game unlike any of the others, which adds such a weapon to the team's offense.
  • Washington is not that bad of a situation for being the second pick.
  • However, it's not as impressive as Chicago.
  • Last season, they struggled offensively, and saw most of the coaching staff get fired.
  • The team hired defensive minded Dan Quinn as the head coach, and brought in Cliff Kingsbury as offensive coordinator, which will be a good fit for Jaden Daniels.
  • Outside of Terry McLaurin,
  • Their weapons offensively are average.
  • They brought in Austin Eckler and Zach Ertz, which are decent, but are not huge splash signings by any means.
  • This team will be somewhat of a wildcard, since their offense will look so much different, going from that West Coast style with Sam Howell to an Air Raid RPO style with Jaden Daniels.
  • But one of the biggest issues this team will have is figuring out how they're going to manage on the offensive line.
  • At the end of the year, the commanders had one of the worst o lines in the league, and they cut their best offensive linemen in the offseason.
  • With no clear answer at left tackle for now, they project as one of the worst o lines entering the year, which spells disaster for a rookie quarterback.
  • I like Daniels the player, but I think this first year might be tough considering the o line and the average pieces around him.
  • So this situation lands in C tier.
  • With the third overall pick, the New Era Patriots selected Drake May, the most prototypical quarterback of the class considering his size and arm talent.
  • Honestly, I feel bad for May.
  • He's perhaps the most raw of these first round quarterbacks and needing the time to learn.
  • Yet, he's going to the worst situation of all the quarterbacks and will probably start day one.
  • There's just hardly anything positive to say about this situation.
  • They were arguably the worst offense last season, and they didn't add any pieces and free agency that make you go, wow, this team looks so much better.
  • Their best receivers entering the year are Kendrick Bourne, who had four hundred yards last year, and second round rookie Jalen Polk, who might be good, but is a rookie.
  • With a first time head coach taking over the Patriots, hardly any weapons that have proven to be good, and worst of all, an offensive line that doesn't project well entering the year, there is going to be some serious growing pains.
  • They do have Jacoby Bursette, and hopefully he can somewhat shoulder the load during this rough transition period, but either way,
  • Drake May's situation goes in D tier.
  • When the Falcons selected Penix Jr., everyone was shocked.
  • After signing Kirk Cousins to a four year deal in free agency and parading him around town,
  • The Falcons went ahead and drafted another quarterback in the top ten.
  • There will be some awkward team dynamics considering the relationship between Cousins and the front office, but this video's purpose is to analyze the situation for Penix himself.
  • Out of all the first round quarterbacks, Penix will probably sit the longest unless an injury takes place.
  • Although he has been described as one of the most plug and play guys because of experience, it's not a bad thing in the NFL to sit for a year and learn the ropes from a veteran.
  • Lamar Jackson, Patrick Mahomes, and Jordan Love are great examples of this playing out effectively.
  • This seems like one of the most sound strategies in terms of building up a young quarterback, but we just see the impatience set in too often and guys are thrust into the starting role.
  • The worry here is that with a new coaching staff, including a first time head coach and first time offensive coordinator, you just don't know what you're going to get.
  • They could have a whole new staff by the time Panics plays, but as of right now, Atlanta has some nice offensive pieces in a weak division.
  • including Drake London, Bijon Robinson, new signee Daryl Mooney, and perhaps the revival of Kyle Pitts with a better quarterback under center.
  • Plus, they project to have a top five offensive line entering the year.
  • So if Penix does see the field, it's a hugely favorable situation.
  • This one's a bit of an unknown, but assuming Penix sits at least a year, I will give this situation a B tier.
  • J.J.
  • McCarthy couldn't have asked for a better situation.
  • Minnesota is the most stable organization offensively out of all these teams that picked a quarterback.
  • Considering Kevin O'Connell has been the head coach for years and is seen as a promising young head coach.
  • And also their offensive coordinator has been there the past two years.
  • Stability does wonders for a franchise.
  • This offense has been built for Kirk Cousins, which is great for a guy like McCarthy.
  • He doesn't have the same ceiling as the other quarterbacks, but shows promise as a game manager type, which really isn't a bad thing in the NFL.
  • Plus McCarthy will have incredible weapons, including the best receiver in the league, Justin Jefferson, a solid number two Jordan Addison, and an amazing receiving tight end TJ Hawkinson from last season.
  • Also, they signed running back Aaron Jones and did bring in a veteran quarterback in Sam Darnold,
  • so they can always start with him first and work in McCarthy whenever they feel it's time.
  • Also, they have a projected top ten offensive line, so honestly, it doesn't get much more favorable than this.
  • I don't think he'll be the best quarterback of the bunch, but he certainly has the best and most stable situation, so I'm going to put his situation in S tier.
  • This last one's interesting.
  • It's the one I'm most unsure about.
  • Knicks was the least desired of the top six, but those who defended him comped him to Drew Brees for his decision making and short area accuracy.
  • Obviously, anytime you're compared to a hall of famer, you're set up to fail.
  • But not talking about the level of play, and more about the style of play, and you get what Sean Payton likes in a quarterback, a guy who can take the snap
  • make his read, and get the ball out quickly.
  • Obviously the difference was that Drew Brees had multiple pro seasons under his belt when he joined forces with Peyton, whereas Nicks is a rookie.
  • I think Denver does have some good pieces offensively.
  • Also, I believe this roster will be one of the weaker ones of the six for the next few years, considering how much they're eating in the dead cap because of Russell Wilson.
  • They will have an average offensive line, and their offensive weapons are promising, but they won't be the most spectacular offense in the world.
  • Because Sean Payton has proven his ability to elevate quarterbacks, Knicks is in good hands.
  • I just feel like there will be at least some growing pains in year one.
  • I'll put his situation in B tier.
Ranking Each 1st Round QB's Situation (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Views: 6320

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.