Version History - Traitors in Salem (2024)

These are the patch notes that can be seen in the Traitors in Salem beta.
The current version of Traitors in Salem can be found by clicking the "Patch Notes" button in the bottom of the login-screen.
As of August 9th of 2022, the game is in Beta 1.14.

DateChangesAugust 9th, 2022BETA 14
New Features:
  • Now introducing Friends! You and your buddies can now be Friends, allowing you to message them and invite them to play with you!
  • Added an attack sound for Pirate's kill.
  • Added ability for Prosecutor to text chat during prosecution the same as the Defendant.

Breaking Changes:

  • Changed the format for deck manager saves to invalidate old save files. This was necessary due to changes in the numbering used within the save files. You will need to recreate your saved game setups. Apologies for that, but we are still in Beta at this point and occasionally we need to break something to move the game forward.


  • Generic Kill Sounds - Refactored kill sounds based upon player feedback. The new way that kill sounds will work is that if you are either the killer or the victim, you will hear the specialized kill sounds specific to the killer's skin. If you are not the killer or the victim, but are simply a witness to a murder (even one on the edge of line-of-sight), you will only hear a generic kill sound. This means that you will not be able to identify the killer based solely on the sound the killer makes.
  • In the Role Deck screen, the Townie and Traitor basic roles now sort to the top of the available role list so they can be quickly banned without having to search through the list of available roles.
  • Banned roles will now display a ban icon on the role card in the available roles list.
  • Improved layout of dropdowns on Host Options page.
  • Improved pathing to gallows.
  • Removed the duplicated timer display during the Listen phase of trial (both standard and Prosecution).
  • In games where the Show Names host option has been set to false, certain roles such as Psychic and Seer will no longer see player in-game names in the HUD stackable notifications messages for their roles. Instead, they will now properly see the character (skin) names.
  • Added Shooting Range to minimap.
  • Added sound effect to Mayor Reveal.
  • Added sound effect to Barkskin shield being used.
  • Synchronized bell ring with cinematic and reduced bell sound to play only once rather than four times.
  • Refactored Discussion and Trial voting to prevent spam voting (voting for someone, then continually changing vote repeatedly) which could flood the chat log with vote entries and potentially cause lag when opening the chat log. The chat log will now only register the latest changed vote, rather than every changed vote.
  • Discussion and Trial voting chat log entries will now say "You" rather than your in-game name on vote log entries.
  • Layout improvements on Dispel Magic match runes minigames.
  • Improved appearance of skip button on Discussion screen. Dark background and highlight were about 5 pixels off.
  • The Ice Storm spell does not slow ghosts, so the HUD Banner text has been slightly tweaked to make it more proper for when ghosts read the message.
  • The chat log message for a body being reported will now say where the body was found (if allowed by Host Options settings).
  • Fixed HUD Banner message when Medium dies to make it more obvious they have a short time to reveal another player's role.

Bug Fixes:

  • Certain abilities such as Speed Boost will now be removed at the end of a game as the player is returned to Lobby phase.
  • Fixed Role Deck Manager button to properly open the Role Deck Manager.
  • Fixed Role Deck Loader to properly load saved role lists containing multiples of a role.
  • The + and - buttons no longer display on the Role buttons in Classic Mode lobby if you are the host. These were improperly displaying even though they were non-functional.
  • Fixed an issue where the victim's role during the Who Died announcement would sometimes use the improper version of the indefinite article a/an.
  • After you have completed the Hidden Passage bookcase minigame, subsequent games in the same session will now properly show the books in the base again.
  • After you have completed the Collect Firewood chop wood minigame, subsequent games in the same session will now properly show the log atop the cutting base again.
  • Fixed Seer and Investigator ability use counts decrementing by two rather than one when ability is used on an Illusion.
  • When a Seer either Gazes or Intuits an Illusionist's illusion, the intuit will now always report different factions.
  • Fixed the use count label on the Seer's Intuit ability to start at 2 uses rather than 3.
  • Using the Seer's ability on an Illusionist's illusion will no longer potentially trigger the earning of achievements such as checking a revealed Mayor.
  • Fixed missing Hammond pet on Mac machines.
  • Fixed grammar error on Illusionist role card.
  • Fixed sound effect on Report Body cinematic.
  • Spelling fixes to some items.
  • Some fixes to camera following timings.
June 27th, 2022BETA 13
New Features:
  • Killing and dying sounds added (first pass).


  • Improved the autosizing of the Shuffle button text in the Dispel Magic minigame to better support localization.
  • To avoid extremely long upper case player names, updating the player name in Customization will now count every upper case letter as two characters towards the character limit of 16.
  • Added a Submit button next to the Customization name panel as some people would change their name and then close the panel without pressing enter. This makes it more obvious the name needs to be submitted before it can take effect.
  • Setting in-game player name in Customization to blank will now reset the player back to using default skin name.
  • Barkskin shield effect icon will now show in Discussion player buttons.
  • Minor layout improvements on Discussion screen buttons to reduce potential overlapping of elements.
  • Lowered the highest point of the Townie Ghosts on end game screen to prevent running off the top of the screen.
  • Added more task types to the Quest Board to ensure more variety when pulling new quests.
  • Reworded the message received by Town players when a Traitor casts a Displace spell to make it more applicable when received by a ghost.
  • Synchronized the bell ringing sound with the cinematic.
  • Added temporary sound effects to regular kill and final kill cinematics to add drama pending final sound effects.
  • Removed Pirate's peg leg sound until we obtain a better sound file.
  • Additional sound effects added.

Bug Fixes

  • Resizing the game from windowed to full screen will no longer display black bars at the sides or top of the screen.
  • Updated Illusionist role card text to mention using the secondary button.
  • Updated Disguiser role card text to mention using the secondary button.
  • Fixed some issues with Classic Mode's Role Deck Viewer.
  • The Extended role card in Role Deck Viewer will no longer show a blank card upon the first open of role deck.
  • The Confuse spell effect icon is now removed from a character when they are killed, rather than showing the effect icon on the corpse and/or ghost.
  • The Confuse spell effect icon will no longer fall off from players that leave line-of-sight and return.
  • Fixed issue in the Dispel Magic minigame where clicking either of the bottom 2 tiles above the Shuffle button triggered a shuffle.
  • Using a Telescope as a ghost in a Capture The Flag game will no longer leave you stuck on a black screen when you respawn.
  • Fixed Gravedigger quest to say Thomas on both the NPC nametag and the Quest dialog.
  • Fixed the acceptable in-game name maximum characters to sixteen and synced client and server length checking.
  • Fixed several non-crashing exceptions.
June 15th, 2022BETA 12
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue with the Report Body button. Previously, if you were killed in a game, then in the next game, the Report Body button would not appear. This is now resolved by this emergency patch.
June 13th, 2022BETA 11
New Features:
  • Added new ShadowWolf skin.
  • Added new Coyote pet.


  • NPC nametags and talk bubbles are now only visible in roaming mode.
  • Updated the Chop Wood quest instructions to say "at the Farm" rather than "at the Clearing".
  • Removed the Seeing Double spell countdown timer and banner notification text.
  • Due to new player's confusion over what happened to their character when they get transported by a Traitor's Displace spell, the stackable notification and chat log entry have been re-added to provide clarity.
  • Added server-side validation checks to reject actions like meetings, most minigames, body reporting, etc. once the final quest has started.
  • The Catch Sheep quest labels now say "(0/3)", "(1/3)", etc. to indicate how many sheep remain to be caught.
  • Minor refactor to audio system.
  • Added weapons dropping and weapon hung sounds to the Retrieve Dagger minigame.
  • Observatory wind sound is now 2D.
  • Moved boat sound effect to play when the actual boat movement occurs.
  • Some repeating sound effects (such as the gunshots in the Shooting Range) are now randomly pitched slightly to provide some variation in sounds.
  • Fixed an issue with the danger music during kill cinematic.
  • Ghosts will no longer hear danger music. After all, ghosts feel no fear.
  • Added click sounds to Shop and Refer-a-Friend buttons and tabs.
  • Shop will now scroll to the top of the list when switching tabs.
  • Reduced ability effect system chattiness from server to client.

Bug Fixes:

  • Art - Fixed missing Potion Master hand in an animation.
  • Art - Fixed Death's Lantern missing after a hanging.
  • Art - Fixed Pilgrim's eyes.
  • A Poisoner being killed while their poison is still active on a player will now properly result in the poisoned player being delay killed.
  • Report Body ability button is no longer visible during discussion if you are next to a dead body.
  • Hot Key T will now show on the Report Body ability button when hovering the mouse over.
  • Fixed an issue where a Knighting announcement from a previous game could bleed over to the next game and be announced during the first Discussion phase.
  • Fixed footstep sounds of characters walking to gallows.
  • The Shooting Range minigame will no longer occasionally play the gunshot sound when you click the Close (X) button.
  • Fixed some issues related to Townie frozen ability cooldowns during Ice Storm spell.
  • Fixed a non-crashing exception that could occur during character hangings.
  • Fixed an IndexOutOfRangeException affecting a small number of users.
May 31st, 2022BETA 10
New Features:
  • Added new Cob spider pet.
  • Added new Widowmaker Tailor skin.
  • Added new Report Body button. This functionality was separated out of the Use button, to resolve situations where a dead body could interfere with the use of stairs, ladder, teleporter, etc. The button will only appear when you are within range of a dead body that can be reported.


  • Ice Storm spell has been improved. Along with slowing everyone that is outside, it will now freeze the cooldowns of Town members. If an ability is on cooldown, it will stop counting down but if it is available for use it can still be used.
  • Reformatted the Discussion Player buttons to show the icons underneath the player name.
  • Added a Close button to the Lobby Player List.
  • Rebecca's (Seance station) button now says Talk rather than Use.
  • Removed labels on spellbook buttons to get a cleaner look on the spellbook. The button labels were redundant to the title and description.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a couple of non-crashing exceptions that affected a small number of players.
May 25th, 2022BETA 9
  • Fixed player name tag panel on Discussion screen to properly clear death info from previous game.
  • Fixed coven leader animations on trial.
  • Fixed order of pets in shop.
May 23rd, 2022BETA 8
New Features:
  • Added new Tutorial mode.
  • Added new Hammond pet pig.
  • Added new Bessie pet cow.
  • Individual players can now have their volume changed in the Player List (hotkey P).
  • Added effects for when a player's character changes (in lobby and when disguised).
  • Added new victory animations on win screen.


  • Capture the Flag: Teams are now notified when someone dies with the flag and drops it on the ground.
  • Discussion screen player buttons:
    • Removed the skin name from the buttons to alleviate confusion.
    • Players are now sorted top-to-bottom by alive/recently dead/older dead.
    • Certain ability effects are now shown on the buttons. Traitor effects are shown first, then townie effects.
    • On dead players, a tombstone image with day/night number of death is now displayed. Tombstones appear opaque for recently dead players, 50% transparent for old dead players.
    • Player names are now shown in normal case rather than all upper case.
    • The Executioner's target player name will no longer be colored yellow since we now have an icon signifying the same thing.
  • Barkskin Boon:
    • The effect icon will now be visible to all players, so all players will know when a person has the boon.
    • An attack upon a player with the Barkskin boon will now show the attack animation and a shield break effect.
  • Improved the Confuse spell to randomly change how our controls are inverted.
  • Bloody hands are now cleared upon town meetings.
  • Refactored our 3D audio. Fixed some missing spatial sfx.
  • Pets and characters now share localized name across all screens (Customization, Shop, in-game, etc).

Bug Fixes:

  • Capture the Flag:
    • Users disconnecting from a game will now drop the flag.
    • Players can no longer grab the flag exactly as they get killed and keep the flag beyond death.
    • The goblin will no longer be missing their flag in win animation.
    • The trumpet will no longer get stuck on win screen.
  • Players are less likely to pop when they move thru a lag spike.
May 16th, 2022BETA 7
New Features:
  • Added a new Chaos - Capture the Flag game mode.
  • Added Coven Leader skin.


  • Quest reticles now autoactivate to point the way to the first quest in your task list. You can still click other tasks in your task list to change the arrow to point to another task.
  • Quest reticles will now autopoint to an active spell Totem.
  • The selected task (for targeting reticles) will now be retained even when going through other phases such as Discussion, Trial, etc.
  • The task text "Complete Quests to help stop Evil" is now removed when the final quest starts to remove any confusion as to what the player should be doing. Only the final quest text will remain in the task list area.
  • Simplified the Dispel Magic minigame.
  • Added a Shuffle button to the Dispel Magic minigame.
  • Reduced the cooldown of the Displace spell from 120 seconds to 90 seconds.
  • The Select Spell button now uses the same hotkey as the Spell Book icon, since they both now take you to the same Spell Book popup.
  • Renamed hotkeys (Alpha1, Alpha2, Alpha3) to (1, 2, 3) respectively. This will show in the Settings popup key bindings panel, as well as the hotkey labels themselves that are displayed on various buttons.
  • Refactored AFK to be tracked on the server. Added an AFK icon that displays over player's head to notify players when someone is AFK.
  • Renamed Coral to Barnyard on map and in all quest text.
  • Added pigs and cows into the Catch Frog quest minigame.
  • Integrated pig, sheep, and cow collision sounds into Catch Frog quest minigame.
  • Rearranged the animals in the Catch Frog quest minigame to make it slightly harder to complete.
  • Added click sounds to NPC dialog OK/Cancel buttons.
  • New custom lobby names will now default to include the account name of the host (i.e.: "MyAccountName Lobby").

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a number of issues relating to the Disguiser role, including disguise not being removed upon death, Disguiser ability effect icon remaining over the Disguiser ghost's head, Kill Cinematic when Disguiser is killed showing their disguise insted of their real skin, Disguiser ghosts not appearing on Traitor Victory screen, and a killed Disguiser showing up in the next game with the disguised skin still.
  • Fixed an issue where totem destructions were not being properly registered on the server.
  • Fixed an issue when two players attempt to claim the same findable quest.
  • Self-targeting reticles no longer shows on a traitor when they cast a totem spell.
  • A Cultist killing a player which results in the game ending will no longer occasionally show the "Game Over" screen rather than the final kill cinematic.
  • Day/Night shading is now always correct on the Victory screen. Day for Town win, Night for Traitor win.
  • Fixed several areas where NPCs could not enter that they should have had access.
  • Fixed the Hotkey display on the Coroner Examine button.
  • Fixed a number of tooltip issues in the Chat Log popup while mousing over icons in the chat log entries.
  • Town Points rollup cinematic no longer gets stuck at +1 TP remaining.
  • Fixed a number of non-crashing Null Reference Exceptions.
May 9th, 2022BETA 6
  • Refactored Disguiser to make their disguise permanent until removed by player.
  • Person last hanged no longer disappears at the start of the final hanging cinematic.
  • Refactored the Spell hotkey system to make better use of the Spellbook UI.
  • Fixed a rare issue where ability effect icons that are only supposed to be visible to the Traitor faction could be seen by Town faction.
  • Chat log now displays the correct portrait for a player that died to the hangman's noose.
  • Dead chat is now properly cleared between games.
  • The Dead Chat icon now remains visible even when the icon drawer is closed, and has been moved to the right-most position in the icon list.
  • Rich text and html remain disallowed in all input fields, however, the < and > characters can now be used for emojis, but not both at the same time.
  • Hidden Passage (Bookcase) minigame can now be properly closed by clicking the Close (X) button.
  • Fixed character popping before lobby but after game wrapup.
  • Added baa sound as each sheep is collected in Catch Sheep minigame.
  • Refactored some audio code for specific interactions.
  • Fixed an ArgumentException affecting a small number of players.
  • Fixed several NullReferenceExceptions affecting a small number of players.
May 2nd, 2022BETA 4 & 5
  • Added Anubis skin.
  • Added dead text chat during roaming phase.
  • Added new results phase for a transition overlay.
  • Prosecutors are now allowed to voice chat during prosecutions.
  • Added Prosecutor voice bubble during prosecution.
  • All players can now voice chat during an innocent vote announcement and while returning to roaming phase.
  • Settings: Fixed the mute buttons for My Voice and Other Voices so they each mute the proper item.
  • Settings: My Voice slider can now go up to 200%.
  • Role reveal screen animation fixed to go completely black at end.
  • Matte painting at top of map adjusted so it is not visible when in caves as a Lookout/ghost.
  • Fixed being able to see the Gallows outside when player is inside a structure.
  • Seer ability uses reduced from 3 to 2.
  • Increased default discussion time by 15 seconds (25%).
  • Reduced the transition time from winning by hanging screen to victory screen.
  • Jester base kill ability increased from 45s to 60s to incentivize Jester to push towards being lynched to unlock their power.
  • Fixed a bug where the Jester possession cooldown was 15 seconds shorter than it should have been after being hanged.
  • Added a host option to allow a tuneable number of trials per discussion period.
  • Traitor ghosts are now visible on the Traitor Victory screen.
  • Transitions (moving from interior to exterior, ladders, etc.) and Teleporters can no longer interrupt the Displace spell.
  • On a classic game, if 2 out of 6 players vote to start, then 3 players leave, the game will no longer autostart. The minimum number of players is now enforced in this scenario.
  • You can no longer report bodies or use the town bell at exactly the same time as a prosecution starts.
  • Increased the starting speed of Necromancer minions (they still ramp up speed over time).
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Necromancer minions to get stuck (and potentially other NPCs).
  • Updated Arsonist role card to explicitly say use your ability to immolate bodies causing them to disappear, rather than implying that this happens automatically.
  • Updated the voice on/off icons.
  • Made large movement detected a bit harder to trigger.
  • Fixed an issue with tooltips occasionally leaving behind a very light shadow of themselves.
  • Added "Quest Completion Progress" tooltip to the progress bar in game.
  • Added "This person has voted" tooltip to the gavel on each player's list item in Discussion screen.
  • The successful username change confirmation message no longer states that you will need to login with the new username, as users don't login with usernames.
  • Fixed character popping between hanging and townies win screen.
  • Renamed Barnyard in all quest text to Corral.
  • Removed possibility of entering html in chat, game name, or lobby name.
  • Fixed an end game camera issue.
  • Fixed some map clipping issues.
April 27th, 2022BETA 3
  • Many performance improvements.
  • Increased Veteran alert duration from 5s to 10s
  • Increased Veteran number of alerts from 3 to 5
  • Increased duration of bloodyhands to 45s
  • Fixed missing townpoint and achievement updates during game (visual only, you were always getting rewarded and would see them after relog).
  • You can no longer report a body while dying.
  • Anchored the Confuse spell icon effect properly over player's head.
  • Lightened the in-game rolecard.
  • Added highlight when interacting with Dagger for Retrieve Dagger quest.
  • Added highlight when interacting with Bookcase for Retrieve Spellbook quest.
  • Added highlight when interacting with Clock for Hidden Passage findable quest.
  • Discussion Phase transition banner changed to say just Discussion.
  • Updated flame on town square torch.
  • Added animation to Ritual Circle cursor to draw the player's eye to it.
  • Fixed host name occasionally being covered up by the Start Game button in Classic games.
  • Prosecutor can no longer prosecute players once the final Escort Priest quest is active.
  • By default, when entering any lobby, if you have not previously set an in-game name, the Wardrobe panel will open and display the In-Game Name input box.
  • Fixed tooltip fadeout.
April 25th, 2022BETA 2
  • Added an AFK system.
  • Reduced default volume of effects and music to 50%.
  • Updated end game victory music.
  • Added new sounds to interactables such as ladders, stairs, and boats.
  • Updated minimap to better reflect the final map.
  • Fog of war no longer shows if you are in a "full vision" mode like Trial or Game Results.
  • Made some roleblock trigger more resilient.
  • Refactored chat filtering for all text chat.
  • Added client-sided system messaging to chat box.
  • Fixed an issue where there could be no UI after joining a lobby.
  • Jester possessions should no longer cause loss of player movement after possession expire.
  • Jester possessions should no longer cause server instability at random.
  • Fixed other suspected causes of player movement loss.
  • Refactored some rendering to improve performance, particularly on Windows.
  • Changed how the camera stack is reseted to ensure returning to Home doesn't result in strange camera view.
  • Fixed a server crash.
  • Some typo fixes.
  • You will now get a maximum of two quests per game that are considered difficult.
  • Refactored filtering for custom lobby names.
  • A player disconnecting which leads to the game ending will no longer cause the ending cinematic to be skipped.
  • Fixed multiple clicks playing very loudly upon opening bind spells list.
  • Made the bind spells button a toggle so that it can open or close the bind menu without binding a spell.
  • Added the beginnings of a "Tips" system.
April 22nd, 2022BETA 1
  • Initial beta release.
March 18th, 2022Changes:
  • Updated Smith & Hunter kill animations.
  • Added logging which should reveal what exactly is blocking character movement.
  • John Jr. NPC at the farm can now give out a new Collect Frog quest and minigame that rewards you with a Vision Boost when successfully completed.
  • Player List is now available in Roaming mode.
  • Added Player List button that displays during Discussion phase.
  • If you finish dialog with Eden after nightfall, she will now be properly sent home after the dialog is closed.
  • Eden NPC dialog balloon adjusted to prevent overlapping nametag.
  • The Holy Water quest is now given out by Sister Mercy instead of Reverend Parris.
  • Updated Catch Loose Animals quest to Catch Loose Sheep.
  • Effect type icons such as poisoned or Executioner target will now be properly removed after a player dies.
  • Fixed the "Fast Movement Detected" warning that occurred after a player was awarded a speed boost.
  • The "Displace Spell has dissipated" stackable notification has been removed.
  • Ice Storm slowness is now properly removed after the Ice Totem is destroyed.
  • Fixed null reference exceptions upon opening the Deck Manager in any lobby but the first lobby you joined.
  • When switching between saved games in Deck Manager, Custom Settings (Host Options) will now update appropiately in the interface.
  • The "You are the host!" banner notification will no longer display every time you switch between private and public lobby.
  • Ghosts can no longer click the Skip button during the Discussion phase.
  • Fixed positioning of Lobby Chat box title and repick button.
  • Players will no longer spawn inside the gallows when found innocent at trial.
  • Medusa dead pose adjusted to be more anatomically correct.
  • Ease added to Sheep NPC's transition from Walking to Idle.
  • Ashpile particles adjusted to look better on Report Body screen.
  • Bard will now play his lute and sing on trial and can play and sing whilst running.
  • Fixing and sabotaging gears now have focus highlights in-world.
March 11th, 2022Changes:
  • Added new Fix Bridge Gears minigame.
  • Added new Sabotage Bridge Gears instant interaction for Traitors.
  • There are now multiple waterflow minigame boards, guaranteed solvable.
  • Added new Gardener NPC (Eden).
  • Refactored Shooting Range to be a daytime findable quest that awards a protective barkskin shield. The quest is given out by the new Gardener NPC.
  • Clicking the close button in Shooting Range minigame no longer plays the gunshot sound.
  • Added Barkskin Shield icon to ability effects that display over the character's head for completing the Shooting Range quest.
  • Added Speed Boost icon to ability effects that display over the character's head for completing the Pan's Flute quest.
  • Added animations and sound to Unlock Safe minigame.
  • Character is now properly hidden during Chop Wood minigame.
  • Removed extraneous chop sound when Chop Wood minigame opened.
  • Reticle is now properly hidden when character is hidden in minigames.
  • Added graphics to telescope UIs to clarify that they can be rotated.
  • Ghosts will no longer see ghosts around the gallows during Town meetings.
  • If you are a ghost, you will only see nametags on a player's ghost, not their corpse.
  • The cinematic of someone reporting an ash pile no longer creates an eternal ashpile at the world's center.
  • Players will no longer spawn inside the gallows after being hanged.
  • After prosecution, the Prosecutor is properly transported back to their starting position rather than left clipped into the gallows.
  • Added spatial sound effect for rope swinging on gallows.
  • Added hanging sound effects (male and female).
  • Fixed an issue with achievements which could result in some incorrect achievements being awarded.
  • Refactored player list to be a separate UI with additional functionality added.
  • Added ban popup.
  • Added animations and sound to Unlock Safe minigame.
  • Fixed an issue with the end game cinematics.
  • Totems will now be hidden unless they are currently being channeled for power.
March 4th, 2022Changes:
  • Fixed skin selection. Skins now show up after characters in the customization panel and behave correctly.
  • Potential fix to prevent the lobby chat from eating movement commands.
  • Several minigames now hide all characters.
  • New Ghost texture (WIP)
  • Added Cat Burglar NPC.
  • Pets are now purchaseable.
  • Fixed Graveyard colliders to be more accurate with new art assets.
  • Fixed sight colliders on the planters in the mansion.
  • Fixed curse spell black background covering HUD at smaller aspect ratios.
  • Added Catch Loose Animals quest with new NPC John Jr. (Farmer's son).
  • Added Unlock Safe quest with new NPC Sabrina (Cat Burglar)
  • Improvements to ghost textures.
  • New Merman and Crowe NPCs as the boatmen at north and south docks.
  • The names of corpses are now hidden if you are dead to prevent them from overlapping with their own ghosts.
  • Tweaked graveyard colliders to match with new art assets.
  • Ghosts can now move through the tombstones in the graveyard.
  • Fixed some improper clipping in the maze.
February 28th, 2022Changes:
  • Trials no longer get stuck in Trial Camera.
  • Bookcase minigame is completeable again.
February 25th, 2022Changes:
  • Added a shop to the Home screen.
  • Added Falconer character skin.
  • Added Medusa character skin.
  • Added Farmer Boy NPC.
  • Updated and improved end game splash screen.
  • When the game ends with a hanging, there is now a cinematic.
  • Updated environment: Tavern textures, Courtyard & Mines flattened, Church facade & cutout fixes.
  • Really fixed the discussion players list colors.
  • Moved Puck end waypoint after flute is retrieved to be a bit further out from the gate.
  • Changed the reward for completing the Pan's Flute quest to a 25% movement speed boost.
  • Added ability effect icon over the player's head when they have a speed boost.
  • Reduced the size of the Demon Dog and Pan's Flute.
  • Fixed issue where your character could briefly show when entering the Demon Dog minigame.
  • Moved Mr. Stuffins a bit south to avoid conflicting with the new Demon Dog minigame gate.
  • Displace spell no longer works on dead or dying players.
  • Enlarged the Match3 minigame hitboxes.
  • Non-evil players will no longer see a revealed Mayor that is a converted cult member with a purple nametag in discussion, chat log, and other lists. Instead, the Mayor will appear with Town faction colors.
  • Hanged players will no longer appear in the Unreported Dead list at the Seance station.
  • Customization screen now properly shows your saved in-game name.
  • Added tombstone graphic and red tint in role card when dead.
  • Fixed issues with player speed not being properly set at various points in the Demon Dog minigame.
  • NPCs will now pause while you are talking to them and not move again until dialog is dismissed (or 30 seconds have passed).
  • Interactables will now automatically highlight again after exiting an incomplete minigame.
  • The assignment of multiple quests with the same NPC is now disallowed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Taskboard was inaccessible even though a player had completed all of their quests.
  • Added Set Clock minigame which opens the secret passage between Mansion and Church.
  • Fixed Minigame camera on Catch Fruit minigame.
  • Fixed Catch Fruit minigame so that you cannot gain points if a good fruit hits you while you are knocked down by a bad fruit.
  • Added Demon Dog barking sounds to animation.
  • Added Tracker Hound barking sounds to animation.
  • Fixed Fireworks animation appearing at odd times.
  • Added Tracker achievements.
  • Added Medium achievements.
  • Added King achievements.
  • Added Cultist achievements.
  • Added Illusionist achievements.
  • Localized text on Repick button.
  • Added Repick stackable notice.
  • Added HudBanner notice when new host is picked.
  • Fixed NullReferenceException being thrown in Necromancer's Minion.
  • Fixed patch notes sometimes showing when you log out.
  • Showing patch notes for a new release will now take precedence over autologin.
  • Tab behavior now works as expected on Registration form.
  • Added Steam Community Page link to Social Media section of Settings Popup.
  • Kitsune, Faerie, Pirate, Warlock characters added to shop.
  • Black Cat, White Wolf pets added to shop.
  • Red Warlock, Betty, Dusty Moth, Husky, White Witch skins added to shop.
  • Fixed colliders near dagger quest minigame.
  • Updated collision for south side dock.
  • Brambles, bookcase, and drawbridge no longer block ghosts.
February 10th, 2022Changes:
  • Ghosts will now look more like ghosts.
  • Non-ready players will no longer crash parties and throw the rolecount off in the lobby.
  • Added Tailor character skin.
  • Added Lumberjack character skin.
  • Added Final Kill Animation.
  • New Secret Passage minigame.
  • Bloody hands increased from 10 seconds to 30 second duration.
  • Added Arsonist achievements.
  • Added Banshee achievements.
  • Added Coroner achievements.
  • Added Disguiser achievements.
  • Added Executioner achievements.
  • Added Hex Master achievements.
  • Added Inquisitor achievements.
  • Added Investigator achievements.
  • Added Mayor achievements.
  • Added Necromancer achievements.
  • Added Poisoner achievements.
  • Added Prosecutor achievements.
  • Added Psychic achievements.
  • Added Saint achievements.
  • Added Seer achievements.
  • Added Serial Killer achievements.
  • Added Veteran achievements.
  • Added Wildling achievements.
  • Added Wraith achievements.
  • Several out-of-bounds clips fixed.
  • Moved haybales in farm for smoother movement.
  • Map Upgrades: Demon Dog Gate added, Graveyard updated, Blood Moon and Ice Storm Totems updated, Foliage and Tile updates.
  • Smoothed out collision near the mouth of the cave.
  • Added movement speed and distance checks to detect and prevent move speed hacks.
  • Added Mr. Stuffins scarecrow NPC at the farm. Mr. Stuffins will now award the Dispel Magic at Farm quest.
  • All weapons in the put back weapons minigame are now properly clickable.
  • New bookcase minigame added to open hidden passageway from Church to Mansion.
  • Added new environmental sound for waterwheel.
  • During trial voting, only the headshot of the current voting player will now animate.
  • Refactored boat stations. They now have a 5-second cooldown after use. The boats now have a NPC that offers to take you to the other dock when you interact with them. Using a temporary NPC until the new boat NPC artwork is completed.
  • Fixed chopping sound in chop firewood minigame.
  • Resolved issue in the put back weapons minigame where some weapons were non-clickable.
  • The interactable for the Demon Dog minigame is now a gate, rather than the placeholder rune.
  • Dying while Pan's Flute quest is assigned but not completed will now allow another user to find Puck and do the quest.
  • Disconnecting while Pan's Flute quest is assigned but not completed will now allow another user to find Puck and do the quest (after the next town meeting, where the disconnected player officially dies).
  • If two players attempt to accept the Pan's Flute quest from Puck, the second player will be informed that the quest has already been assigned to another Townie.
  • If the Pan's Flute quest is present in the game, Puck will now spawn on the first night and will no longer despawn during the day, but will continue to patrol throughout the remainder of the game. They will also resume patrolling after receiving the flute from you.
  • Puck's character will no longer have their flute in their hand until the flute has been to them, flowing completion of the Retrieve Pan's Flute quest.
  • You will now automatically face a NPC when you talk with them.
  • NPCs will now face you when you talk with them.
  • Characters (if not moving) will now turn towards the player they are killing.
  • Use button will now always show the generic! icon if you can't currently interact with anything.
  • Fixed bug where exiting the town bell screen could lose your sight and range settings.
  • Hud Banner notice of player disconnection will now show their role and location when they disconnected.
  • Fixed scrolling of Characters in Customization screen so that bottom-most name labels are not cut off.
  • On quest dialogs, the E key now has the same behavior as clicking the accept quest button.
  • Added textual role name next to role card in discussion players list, including whether they were a cult member.
  • Textual role name in graveyard will now indicate whether the person was a cult member.
  • Role card backings in various locations (Discussion player list, Graveyard, etc.) will now show as gold or purple depending on role displayed.
  • When players first join a lobby, their character will face towards the gallows when created.
  • When players gather for a meeting, they will now all properly face towards the gallows.
  • Fixed spellbook text to curve appropiately.
  • Added server-side distance checks for ability usage.
  • Tweaked discussion player list, player, and skin name's colors.
January 28th, 2022Changes:
  • Fixed Vigilante Server StackOverflow.
  • Lobby Chat log icon no longer requires clicking twice the first time to open chat.
  • Fixed Lobby chat automatically showing on subsequent games if it wasn't closed in a previous game.
  • Added Transporter, Sheriff, and Lookout achievements.
  • Graveyard and river have had their tiles updated.
  • Dead bodies are now thrown out of the flute glade.
January 26th, 2022Changes:
  • Ice Storm now does not slow you when you are in an interior.
  • Brambles spell now prevents NPCs from walking through brambles.
  • Bottom-left UI now doesn't get stuck invisible after the You Got Killed cinematic is interrupted.
  • Polished Collect Dagger minigame.
  • Widened labels on available role cards deck and increased vertical space between cards to alleviate card graphics overlapping onto labels.
  • If you are changing your name when the game starts, your character will now be able to properly move.
  • Message that more votes are required to start will no longer appear when Custom game is starting.
  • Stacked notice will now be displayed when a player votes to start a Classic game early.
  • Message with countdown timer and tick tock sound will now display when a Classic game is starting.
  • Chat log, when opened during discussion and voting, will now properly scroll to the bottom of the chat.
January 24th, 2022Changes:
  • You can now slightly move around telescopes.
  • Observatory & Ladder warp points refined.
  • Adjusted colors of nametags for townies/NPCs.
  • Retrieve Pan Flute's quest is now randomly available. Some games will have this quest, some won't.
  • Pan's Flute quest is intended to be a unique quest for the first player to accept the quest. Once a player has accepted the quest, other players will no longer be able to also accept the quest.
  • Demon Dog placeholder cube has been replaced with a placeholder dog character.
  • Added 15-second game timer to Demon Dog minigame.
  • Dying during Demon Dog minigame now ends the minigame correctly and your ghost is properly set back into the active play area of the map.
  • The Displace spell will now properly transport you out of the Demon Dog minigame.
  • After flute is retrieved, Puck now travels quickly to the Glade gate to make them easy to find.
  • Demon Dog minigame will now properly detect movement with the up and down arrow keys.
  • Demon Dog minigame Go and Stop texts are now hooked up and will pulse and change color.
  • Hex Totem has been renamed to Curse Totem to remove potential confusion with the HexMaster hex.
  • Being doomed by a Jester will no longer display EN-US:GUI_GAME_JESTER_DOOM_ME.
  • Discussion screen will now show proper death cause for Prosecutor that has died of doom.
  • Discussion screen will now show proper death cause for Vigilante that has died of guilt.
  • When the Jester is lynched, the notification on the right side now properly reads that the Jester doomed someone.
  • Seance screen no longer shows recently lynched players.
  • Wraith no longer receives random messages that they are no longer invisible.
  • Removed unneeded apostrophe from spellbook.
  • If you are chatting in the lobby and the chat has focus when the game starts, you will be able to properly move your avatar.
  • Various collision fixes.
  • Game will now cancel the 5 second starting countdown if someone disconnects.
  • Fixed some camera nearclipping issues based on whether you are in a minigame vs. what play phase you are in.
  • Added Maid NPC.
  • Added Demon Dog.
  • Updated foliage throughout map.
January 14th, 2022Changes:
  • Added Deck Manager UI.
  • Role List and Graveyard List in-game have new open/close animations.
  • Custom lobby information panel will be hidden while wardrobe is open.
  • Increased the size of the Dispel Magic minigame in the Cave.
January 10th, 2022Changes:
  • Vigilante or Veteran killing Necromancer's minion no longer prevents the Necromancer from summoning a new minion until a meeting is called.
  • Necromancer will now receive proper notification in the chat log when their minion is killed.
  • When all your tasks are complete and you are told to go to the task board, clicking on the notice will display a reticle pointing towards the task board the same way other tasks work.
  • Medium reveal now adds role name to player name tags visible to all players.
  • After prosecuting, a Prosecutor's name tag will now show their role.
  • Chat log now receives proper Veteran kill notifications, both when Veteran is Town and when Evil (including rest of evil faction receiving notifications).
  • Chat log now receives Who Died and How, Doomed, and Lynched notifications.
  • Chat log now receives role reveal after execution.
  • Chat log, Graveyard list, and Role List will now all close automatically when transitioning to trial phase.
  • You can now open role list, graveyard, chat log, and settings during trial.
  • Texture updates: Mansion, Cave Interior & Exterior, Farm Haybales & Fences.
  • Added click sounds to spell bind/use buttons and close button on spell book.
  • Reduced size of pre-trial discussion chat.
  • Your name and role will now display in the upper-right of the screen when you are on trial.
  • When on trial, Guilty/Abstain/Innocent vote headshots are now updated in real-time.
  • During Discussion voting, headshots are now shown on skip button and update in real-time.
  • Stackable notices will no longer display during cinematics.
  • Task tips in Quest Task List now have expanded tooltips.
  • Icon drawer border is now colored purple when you are a Traitor.
  • Spell book drawer icon now toggles with other drawer icons.
  • Integrated TransitionOverlay with the game browser.
  • Integrated automated bug reporting.
December 21st, 2021Changes:
  • New Game Browser for browsing custom games.
  • New login screen music.
  • New placeholder discussion screen music.
  • Chat log, graveyard, role list, minimap, and spell book now close when a cinematic starts.
  • Chat log now receives lobby chat.
  • Chat log now receives Fortune Teller role reveals.
  • Chat log now receives real-time entries for discussion votes.
  • Chat log now receives final results for discussion votes.
  • Chat log now receives real-time entries for trial votes, as well as the final trial results.
  • Chat log now receives Report Body notifications.
  • Chat log now receives Town Meeting notifications.
  • Chat log now receives real-time entries for discussion votes, as well as the final results.
  • Chat log now receives real-time entries for trial votes, as well as the final trial results.
  • Chat log now shows abstain votes even if the Abstain button is not clicked.
  • Nametags will now be properly hidden when the You Got Killed cinematic starts.
  • Fixed Necromancer bug that caused Miller to play kill animations when their minion kills players.
  • Fixed Necromancer cooldown issues.
  • Knight ability effect icon will now be removed upon the knighted player's death.
  • Kicking someone from a lobby will now block them from rejoining.
  • Fixed Elder headshots occasionally improperly showing up over voting buttons before voting has occurred.
  • Fixed coroutine exception that could occur when chatting in lobby when the game starts.
  • Drawbridge and hidden passage have sounds now.
  • New sound effects have been placed through the game, including: discussion, prosecution, summon Brambles spell, Blood Moon spell, Confuse spell, background sound effects for all active spells, completing a minigame, wood chop minigame, dispel magic minigame, catch fruit minigame, and more!
December 13th, 2021Changes:
  • Displace will no longer affect people in teleporters.
  • Fixed a few issues that could cause your rolecard to wipe.
  • Animations now reset before players are warped to discussion points such that kill animations and more aren't given away.
  • Added a new phase to show why a meeting was called.
  • Abilities used are now written to the chat log.
  • Body reporting, calling a meeting, Hex totem and Hex bomb now have cinematics.
  • Improved look of chat log items.
  • One second delay between choosing different skins has been added.
  • Players can no longer use abilities or interact with anything while Jester possessed.
December 3rd, 2021Changes:
  • Added targeting effect icon to highlight the Necromancer's minion target.
  • Harmful Traitor abilities are now purified from a target who is converted to a cult member. Hex, Executioner Target, Necromancer Target, Poison are now removed.
  • Unable to reload the same skin you're using in customization.
  • Users won't get stuck in a non-existent game during server restarts anymore.
  • Added Anti-spam checks.
  • Poisoner timer works correctly when a meeting is called during an active poison.
  • Dead bodies now get moved when the bridge raises instead of staying in the river.
  • Added some bulletproofing to Medium's Reveal ability to help it not fail if it got a bad player proxy ID.
  • Abilities now handle entities like illusions and minions more consistently.
November 29th, 2021Changes:
  • Ability Effects System added. This system displays icons near the player name tags showing various effects. Some effects are only visible to the player effected, others can be seen by everyone (like Revealed Mayor), while most can only be seen by Traitors (the informed minority). Effects displayed as icons include the following: Alerted Veteran, Cultist Convert, Active Bloodlust, Disguised Disguiser, Eagle Eye, Executioner Target, Heightened Senses, Hexed, Possessed by Jester, Knighted, Poisoned, Invisible Wraith, Revealed Mayor, Illusion, Double, Doomed, and Disconnected.
  • Dead chat has been fixed so it no longer appears to look like live chat.
  • When Hide Names is chosen in host options, only the default character name will be shown in discussion chat.
  • Fixed "words words words" showing up in chat box.
  • Fixed Lobby Send chat button not working.
  • Fixed Lobby Repick Host button not working.
  • When playing with "Roles hidden upon death" host option, Graveyard cause of death will now say Unknown rather than None, and Role will now say Unknown rather than Missing Info: NONE.
  • Added halos to dead players' headshots in discussion screen, graveyard, and Seance screen.
  • Displaying multiple cached chat messages the first time the chat window is opened no longer plays a chat sound for every single entry.
  • The Graveyard List in game now resizes in place so that all dead players are always visible at one time so scrolling is not needed.
  • The Seance graveyard list now shows only unreported bodies, and will resize items in place so scrolling is not needed.
November 23rd, 2021Changes:
  • Fixed cave collision that allowed clipping through and clipping into terrain.
  • Fixed the pantry ladder collider to make moving around less glitchy.
  • NPC names have been updated and occupations added to the nametag.
  • All text related to NPCs and quests have been updated with the proper names.
  • Discussion chat now has a scroll bar, improved performance, and no longer jumps when scrolling back through earlier chat messages when a new chat arrives.
  • Banshee Silence no longer gives Veteran access to Alert's kill ability.
  • Coroner now performs an autopsy on a dead body, gaining information on who has killed them.
  • Coroner then uses a secondary ability to check players to see if they are the killer.
  • Upon being killed, the Medium has 30 seconds to reveal the role of a player. (Note: The Medium cannot reveal the role of their killer.)
  • Updated Coroner and Medium rolecards.
  • Disconnected players now get repositioned correctly at start of trials.
  • All spells are now correctly cancelled when the game ends.
  • Banner messages are now cleared when the end game screen appears.
  • Added check to prevent interactions from starting if we aren't currently in Roaming phase.
  • Wraith invisibility now cancels when Roaming phase ends.
  • Added a Settings button to the Discussion screen.
  • Fixed characters getting shoved into the gallows.
  • Added Coroner autopsy feedback message.
Version History - Traitors in Salem (2024)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.