The ICRC and the detainees in Nazi concentration camps ... · The ICRC and the detainees in Nazi concentration camps (1942–1945) Se´bastien Farre´ Se´bastien Farre´ has been - [PDF Document] (2024)

The ICRC and the detainees in Nazi concentration camps ...· The ICRC and the detainees in Nazi concentration camps (1942–1945) Se´bastien Farre´ Se´bastien Farre´ has been - [PDF Document] (1)

The ICRC and thedetainees in Naziconcentration camps(1942–1945)Sebastien FarreSebastien Farre has been an assistant teacher at the University

of Geneva’s Department of History since 2007. He was a fellow

of the Swiss National Research Foundation from 2010 to 2012.

During that time, he was a visiting researcher at the History

Department of Columbia University in New York, and at the

Modern European History Research Centre in the University of

Oxford’s Faculty of History.

AbstractA sharp debate has emerged about the importance of humanitarian organisationsspeaking out against misdeeds and, more generally, on the ethical and moralaspects of doing humanitarian work in the face of mass violence. That debate haspushed out of the spotlight a number of essential questions regarding the workof the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) during the Second WorldWar. The aim of this text is to scrutinize the ICRC’s humanitarian operations fordetainees of Nazi concentration camps during the final phase of the war in Europe.We look beyond the risks faced by ICRC delegates working in Germany to showhow difficult the organisation found it to carry out a humanitarian operation forconcentration-camp detainees in the very particular circ*mstances that prevailed inEurope at that time. The ICRC was an organisation designed to collect informationon and to protect and assist prisoners of war, and its hastily mounted response isindicative of the strenuous task it faced in re-inventing itself during the final stages ofthe war and the minor role it was assigned in the occupation programmes imposed bythe Allied forces.

Volume 94 Number 888 Winter 2012

doi:10.1017/S1816383113000489 1381

The ICRC and the detainees in Nazi concentration camps ...· The ICRC and the detainees in Nazi concentration camps (1942–1945) Se´bastien Farre´ Se´bastien Farre´ has been - [PDF Document] (2)

Keywords: International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC, Nazi Germany, concentration camps,

delegates, humanitarian action, deportation, deportees, food parcels, rescue operations, genocide,

Second World War.

It is impossible to study the history of humanitarian organisations and, especially,of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) without thinking aboutthe Second World War and particularly the ICRC’s work intended to help peopleaffected by the Third Reich’s policy of genocide. The ICRC tends to be presented asa founding institution of modern humanitarianism and as a model that showcasesthe ideal values put into practice by humanitarian organisations (neutrality,impartiality, etc.). But did it fail in its universal mission? That question lies at theheart of a major, often passionate debate. It has become an important milestone inthe historical background to modern-day humanitarian endeavour. Three events areof special significance and the source of much of the criticism directed at the ICRC’sattitude to the genocide: the ICRC’s decision, in October 1942, not to launch apublic appeal,1 the visit in late June 1944 by ICRC delegate Maurice Rossel toTheresienstadt, and his meeting at Auschwitz with, by his account, the campcommander in September 1944.2

These three events have played a decisive part in shaping the debate onthe ICRC’s past. Thus, while the ICRC ‘principle of silent neutrality’ has beendenounced in many quarters,3 Bernard Kouchner, co-founder of Médecins sansFrontières, has repeatedly referred to the role that past played in his own work:

We didn’t know what was happening in the concentration camps, so we didnothing. The International Red Cross, which was aware of the existence andpurpose of the Nazi camps, chose to remain silent. Its explanations for thatconcealment are unprecedented in their shamefulness. Those who shared thatextremely grave secret made no attempt to act.4

1 On the decision not to make an appeal, see Isabelle Vonèche Cardia, Neutralité et engagement. Lesrelations entre le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge et le gouvernement suisse (1938–1945), SHSR,Lausanne, 2012; and Jean-Claude Favez, ‘1942 : le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge, lesdéportations et les camps’, in Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire, Vol. 21, No. 21, 1989, pp. 45–56.

2 Sébastien Farré and Yan Schubert, ‘L’illusion de l’objectif. Le délégué du CICR Maurice Rossel et lesphotographies de Theresienstadt’, in Le Mouvement social, April–June 2009, pp. 65–83. This visit hasbecome one of the events best representing the ICRC’s failure in the face of Nazi genocide policy, inparticular after Claude Lanzmann’s 1979 interview with Rossel for his film Shoah (1985). Although theinterview was ultimately not included in the film, it was used several years later in an unreleasedproduction, Un vivant qui passe. Auschwitz 1943 [sic] – Theresienstadt 1944, La Sept vidéo/Les FilmsAleph, Paris, 1997.

3 Mario Bettati, Le droit d’ingérence: mutation de l’ordre international, O. Jacob, Paris, 1996, pp. 54 ff.4 ICRC translation. Original French text : ‘Nous ignorions la réalité des camps de concentration, donc nous

n’avons rien fait. La Croix-Rouge internationale, qui connaissait l’existence et l’usage des camps nazis, achoisi de se taire. Les justifications de cette dissimulation portent la honte à un niveau inégalé. Ceux quipartageaient ce très lourd secret ne tentèrent pas d’intervenir’, Bernard Kouchner, Le malheur des autres,Odile Jacob, Paris, p. 283.

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The ICRC and the detainees in Nazi concentration camps ...· The ICRC and the detainees in Nazi concentration camps (1942–1945) Se´bastien Farre´ Se´bastien Farre´ has been - [PDF Document] (3)

Faulted for not issuing a public condemnation, the ICRC is also said to have playedinto the hands of Nazi propagandists, who used Rossel’s visit to Theresienstadt andhis subsequent report to present a distorted image of reality in the camps.

Public discourse on the ICRC’s failure to help people affected by Naziracial policy has been part of a broader movement marked by the emergenceof a public memory of genocide.5 In that context, the negative judgement ofthe ICRC was commensurate with first criticisms that began being levelled at it assoon as the war ended.6 In discussing the ICRC’s past, certain humanitarianpractitioners and thinkers, in particular those affiliated with the ‘without borders’movement, often cited that past to justify new forms of humanitarian action.In response to the ICRC’s wartime silence, they called for media scrutiny ofhumanitarian work so as to forge new ties between humanitarian organisationsand civil society.7 Their stance heralded the advent, in the late 1960s, more than100 years after Solferino, of a ‘new humanitarian century’, to use Philippe Ryfman’swords, of a mode of action in which the victims’ rights took priority and which waspredicated on individual commitment by humanitarian workers in the field.8

In this movement, the ‘right of intervention’ proclaimed first by the philosopherJean-François Revel and later by Kouchner appears as the final step in a process ofreaction to the ICRC’s failure at Auschwitz9 and was used to weave a founding talewhose justification lay in its break with an approach seen as outmoded, andembodied by the ICRC.10

The ICRC was deeply shaken by this debate. The criticism of its approachto the victims of Nazi racial violence led it to embark, in the 1980s, on a process ofanalysis and repentance and to open its archives to a well-known historian.11 In1988, Jean-Claude Favez produced a major study of the ICRC’s activities to helpracial and political deportees. The study gives an extremely detailed and nuancedpicture of the ICRC’s work, but that study was not carried out in a vacuum thatexcluded the lively ethics debate underway. Its conclusions repeat the ethics-basedarguments put forth and reserve a special place for the issue of the ICRC’s refusal to

5 Annette Wierviorka, L’ère du témoin, Plon, Paris, 1998.6 Fabrice Cahen, ‘Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) et les visites des camps. Étude d’une

controverse. De la mémoire à l’Histoire’, in Revue d’histoire de la Shoah, Le monde juif, Vol. 172, May–August 2001, pp. 7–51.

7 This is explained in theoretical terms by the philosopher Philippe Mesnard, whose book La victime écranpaints an extremely stark picture of ICRC policy during the Second World War: ‘The ICRC was a symbolof Switzerland’s neutrality policy. The organisations found itself helping to legitimize Nazism . . . . Thecredibility of its humanitarian discourse was based on this neutrality and thus in fact totally underminedby it’; Philippe Mesnard, La victime écran. La représentation humanitaire en question, Textuel, Paris, 2002,p. 18 [ICRC translation].

8 Philippe Ryfman, Une histoire de l’humanitaire, La Découverte, Paris, 2008, p. 45.9 Mario Bettati and Bernard Kouchner, Le devoir d’ingérence: peut-on les laisser mourir? First International

Conference on Humanitarian Law andMorals, held in Paris on 26 to 28 January 1987, Denoël, Paris, 1987.10 Rony Brauman, Penser dans l’urgence : parcours critique d’un humanitaire. Entretiens avec Catherine

Portevin, Ed. du Seuil, Paris, 2006.11 In 1995, on the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, the ICRC termed the episode ‘the greatest

failure’ in its history, see: (lastvisited 11 August 2012).

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The ICRC and the detainees in Nazi concentration camps ...· The ICRC and the detainees in Nazi concentration camps (1942–1945) Se´bastien Farre´ Se´bastien Farre´ has been - [PDF Document] (4)

publicly condemn Nazi violence. Favez concluded that the ICRC ‘really should havespoken out’.12

Favez’s contribution and the high degree to which discussion of the ICRC’ssilence was carried over into the media and society as a whole helped renew theprinciples of humanitarian action. It did not, however, facilitate the explorationby historians of new avenues of research on the ICRC’s wartime activities.13 Thisdiscussion centred on the importance for humanitarian organisations to speak outand more generally on the ethical and moral position of humanitarian workers inthe face of mass violence. To an extent, however, it pushed out certain essentialquestions regarding the ICRC’s activities during this period. In short, the impacton society’s views and popular memory of the ICRC’s ‘moral failure’ somewhatprevented historians from making their voices heard and exploring new avenues ofresearch.

How can we (re)think the ICRC’s history vis-à-vis the victims of Nazigenocide? To our way of thinking, the solution is to float the ICRC off the reef onwhich it has been stuck and on which its past is written up essentially by thehumanitarian agents themselves and modelled in response to a debate beingconducted by humanitarian organisations. Undertaking new research projectsmeans turning away from remembrance and means repositioning the history ofhumanitarian organisations against the broader backdrop of States and entiresocieties mobilized for war. This implies opening the history of humanitarian actionto include the social history of the period, comprising in particular the study of fieldoperations. It implies leaving behind what are often sterile questions regarding theapplicability of humanitarian law or the obligation to bear witness and getting downto the nitty-gritty of field work, logistics (visas, transportation, import of goods,control of distributions), the actual activity that constitutes humanitarian response.It means moving beyond simply the question of involvement by humanitarianorganisations to include an analysis of their activities to help those affected, inparticular by assessing the effectiveness of their endeavours. This is a crucial aspectof assessing the past, yet it is often overlooked in studies on the history ofhumanitarian work, in which the scope and effectiveness of field operations arerelegated to the background.

Such an undertaking far exceeds the scope of a journal article, but itshould be stated that it would help direct the spotlight onto new aspects andwould serve to rekindle discussion of the question. It would poses a number ofcomplex methodological problems and require precise reconstruction and

12 Jean-Claude Favez, Une mission impossible ? Le CICR, les déportés et les camps de concentration nazis,Payot, Paris, 1988, p. 374. In English, Jean-Claude Favez, The Red Cross and the Holocaust, transl. by Johnand Beryl Fletcher, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999, p. 282. Annette Becker repeats some ofFavez’s conclusions in her book Les oubliés de la grande guerre. Humanitaire et culture de guerre.Populations occupées, déportés civils, prisonniers de guerre, Noêsis, Paris, 1998, p. 386.

13 See in particular two recent doctoral dissertations on the ICRC’s activities during the Second World War:I. Vonèche Cardia, above note 1, and Delphine Debons, L’assistance spirituelle aux prisonniers de guerre :un aspect de l’action humanitaire durant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale (1939–1948), Ed. du Cerf, Paris,2012. And Vasilis Vourkoutiotis, ‘What the Angels Saw: Red Cross and Protecting Power Visits to Anglo-American POWs, 1939–1945’, in Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 40, 2005, pp. 689–706.

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The ICRC and the detainees in Nazi concentration camps ...· The ICRC and the detainees in Nazi concentration camps (1942–1945) Se´bastien Farre´ Se´bastien Farre´ has been - [PDF Document] (5)

work on the sources. But would offer a useful lens through which to study theICRC’s work to help political and racial detainees in Nazi concentration campsduring the final phase of the war in Europe. The purpose of this article is thereforenot to consider the ethical obligations of humanitarian organisations by retellingthis key episode or to take part in the discussion about the ICRC’s silence on thegenocide. Rather, the purpose is to take a different approach in order to provideuseful fuel for that debate.

As the title suggests, our aim is to analyse the various initiatives taken bythe ICRC to help concentration-camp detainees. This article therefore covers onlypart of the Nazi policy to exterminate Jews and includes other categories ofdeportees (political, hom*osexual, etc.). Before going any further, it is important topoint out that the ICRC conducted no activities on the Eastern Front in responseto the acts of mass violence committed against Jewish populations in the wake ofthe German offensive against the Soviet Union. In addition, as we shall see, theICRC had no specific policy regarding the Jews locked up in concentration camps orregarding the death camps, even though it was prompted by information it wasreceiving on deportation and by the initiatives of Jewish groups to make the firstrepresentations regarding concentration-camp detainees. The concentration-campsystem was a complex and multi-faceted reality. Regardless of the grounds fortheir detention, the ICRC’s work in the camps concerned the Schutzhäftlinge,‘administrative detainees’, a category invented by the detaining power in order toset those detainees apart from the other categories (civilian internees and prisonersof war).14

Washington, Geneva, Berlin

Before we turn to the ICRC’s activities for concentration-camp detainees, it isimportant to briefly recall the orientation of the ICRC’s activities during thisperiod. The organisation had a complex identity. It was at once a private associationgoverned by a body of exclusively Swiss members and an organisation with aninternational identity at the head of the Red Cross Movement. At the beginning ofthe war, it had numerous ties with the Swiss government. The fact that the ICRC wasfirmly anchored in Switzerland caused it to be perceived in Bern as an instrument ofSwiss foreign policy, a view at complete odds with the Committee’s own concern toaffirm its central position on the international humanitarian scene.15

During the war, the ICRC faced a twofold challenge. It underwent sweepingstructural transformation as its activities expanded. A small office before the war, the

14 Given the extent of the confusion caused by the use of these terms, it is useful to remember that the wordSchutzhäftlinge referred to persons arrested on political, racial or other grounds and considered by theGerman authorities to pose a threat to State security. Civilian internees, on the other hand, had a statussimilar to that of prisoners of war, which Germany and the Western Allies had recognized at the start ofthe war. Civilian internees were only those, however, who found themselves on the territory of abelligerent when the hostilities broke out and were interned because of their enemy nationality.

15 I. Vonèche Cardia, above note 1; J.-C. Favez, above note 12.

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organisation grew in size starting in the summer of 1940 to become – by the end of1944, and as it had during the First World War – a large-scale humanitarianenterprise. As the Second War drew to a close, it had a staff of some 3,400professionals and volunteers.16 This rapid change did not occur without growingpains. The ICRC’s identity – that of a product of the philanthropic spirit of Geneva’supper classes –was ruffled by the need for specialists and new techniques to copewith problems of mass transportation, communications, record-keeping, etc. Thatit* leaders were somewhat out of sync with the new reality comes for exemplethrough in a book published in 1943 by Max Huber. A religiously inspired essay, LeBon Samaritain. Considérations sur l’Evangile et le travail de Croix-Rouge,17

discusses the bible parable in light of the organisation’s Christian roots and ofDunant’s own commitment, without ever referring to the ICRC’s activities or thechallenges posed by the brutality of the Second World War. It was strangelyuncoupled from the catastrophe that was at that very moment befalling entirepopulations and from the scope of the task confronting the ICRC.

Far from withdrawing into itself, however, the International Committeecontinued to grow during the war and adapted to the demands and needs of thebelligerents and the National Red Cross Societies. While it did not follow a specificroad map or a prepared procedure, the ICRC made use of its status as a neutralintermediary, thus providing much appreciated support for the National Societies,which devoted most of their efforts to relief work for prisoners of war. TheAmerican Red Cross, for example, transported over 200,000 tonnes of goods worthan estimated 168 million US dollars during the war for Allied prisoners of war.18

During the war, one of the ICRC’s main tasks was to have the CentralAgency centralize and exchange information on prisoners of war.19 It thereforefound itself distributing to prisoners of war food parcels funded by the NationalSocieties. In a way, the ICRC served as an international ‘postman’ for prisoners ofwar. Its services allowed information to be exchanged on places of detentionand helped transport letters and parcels. Given that most of the soldiers detainedwere in German hands, the ICRC focused a large part of its activities on Alliedprisoners. Although it wanted to assert its independence and its leadership inthe humanitarian field, the organisation was nevertheless but one link, albeit anessential one, in a complex operational chain that generally started with the

16 Rapport du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge sur son activité pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale(1er septembre 1939–30 juin 1947), Annexes, CICR, Genève, juin 1948, p. 58. For the English version seeReport of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its activities during the Second World War(hereafter Report), Vol. 1, ICRC, Geneva, 1948, p. 63.

17 Max Huber, Le Bon Samaritain. Considérations sur l’Evangile et le travail de Croix-Rouge, La Baconnière,Neuchâtel, 1943. In English, Max Huber, The Good Samaritan. Reflections on the Gospel and Work in theRed Cross, Victor Gollancz, London, 1945.

18 George Korson, At His Side: The Story of the American Red Cross Overseas in World War II, Coward-McCann Inc., New York, 1945; Red Cross Service Record, Accomplishments of Seven Years, July 1,1939 – June 30, 1946, Office of the Program Research – The American National Red Cross, Washington,1946.

19 Gradimir Djurovic, L’Agence centrale de recherches du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge, InstitutHenry Dunant, Genève, 1981. For the English version see Gradimir Djurovic, The Central Tracing Agencyof the International Committee of the Red Cross, Henry Dunant Institute, Geneva, 1986.

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production of food parcels on American Red Cross premises in Philadelphia. TheRed Cross parcels were then loaded onto ships financed by Washington or Londonbut flying the ICRC flag.20 The parcels were unloaded in Lisbon and transported towarehouses in Switzerland before being stacked in sealed rail cars headed for theThird Reich’s prisoner-of-war camps. The ICRC’s involvement in this complextrans-Atlantic transportation and distribution system, funded for the most part bythe Allies, is a key to understanding the organisation’s dealings and the types ofactivity it carried out for the concentration-camp detainees.

Before continuing, it is useful to recall that, contrary to common belief, theICRC’s activities were not strictly limited by international humanitarian law.Thanks to its statutory right of initiative,21 the ICRC participated right from thestart of the war in operations to help civilians, in particular in the framework of

The system set up for sending prisoner-of-war parcels. © ICRC photo library (DR)/Bouverat, V.

20 The American Red Cross, with the help of the Canadian Red Cross, financed a fleet of 10 ships, four ofwhich were chartered by the British government, the rest by the ICRC (G. Korson, above note 18). Duringthe war there were 127 trans-Atlantic voyages to Genoa and later Lisbon. See Foster Rhea Dulles, TheAmerican Red Cross. A History, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1950; Report of the ‘Foundation for theOrganisation of Red Cross Transports’ on its operations since inception in April 1942 up to 31st December1946, ICRC, Geneva, 1947.

21 Article 5 of the ICRC’s Statutes stated that ‘it may also on its own initiative take any humanitarianinititative which is in accordance with its traditional role’, Manuel de la Croix-Rouge internationale,Huitième édition, Genève, 1942 [ICRC translation].

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The ICRC and the detainees in Nazi concentration camps ...· The ICRC and the detainees in Nazi concentration camps (1942–1945) Se´bastien Farre´ Se´bastien Farre´ has been - [PDF Document] (8)

the Joint Relief Commission it set up with the League of Red Cross Societies.22 In1940, President Huber said the following to representatives of the German pressgathered in Geneva:

This lack of rights is perhaps the secret of our organisation’s strength. For theRed Cross sees its work as being wherever people are in distress, wherever it canrelieve suffering. The Committee is not bound by any pre-established mandate.If it can base itself on any principles set out in international law or in treatiesbetween the belligerents that might be of use. Nor does it confine itself to theactual law in force. Rather, it endeavours to act in accordance with the idea thatoriginally inspired the Red Cross – to take ever more effective action to ease thesuffering of people affected by war.23

First representations in behalf of concentration camp detainees

Discussion of concentration-camp detainees started to gather pace at the ICRC asthe year 1942 progressed. This was mostly prompted by information received fromthe ICRC delegation in Berlin on the deportation of Jews from the German capitaleastwards and the first deportations from French territory.24 The Committeedelivered a note on the subject to the German government on 24 September inwhich it suggested that, on a reciprocal basis, foreign detainees should be treated thesame as civilian internees in terms of correspondence and reception of foodparcels.25 Though the note proved fruitless, the ICRC nevertheless managed togradually develop a very modest relief programme after it received Germanauthorization, in January 1943, for foreign Schutzhäftlinge whose names and placeof detention were known to it to receive parcels.26 That very limited concession,

22 Rapport de la Commission mixte de Secours de la Croix-Rouge internationale, 1941–1946, CICR, Genève,1948. For the English version see Report of the Joint Relief Commission of the International Red Cross,1941–1946, ICRC/League of Red Cross Societies, Geneva, 1948.

23 ICRC translation. Original French text: ‘C’est d’ailleurs dans cette absence de droits reconnus que résidepeut-être la force de l’institution. La Croix-Rouge voit son devoir essentiel partout où le malheur l’appelle,partout où elle peut combattre ou l’atténuer. Et son Comité n’est lié par aucun mandat établi d’avance. Si leComité peut se réclamer de principes énoncés par le droit des gens et de traités existant entre belligérants,cela ne peut qu’être utile à son action. Mais là non plus il ne s’appuie pas seulement sur le droit positif ; ils’efforce, selon l’idée qui inspira la Croix-Rouge à sa naissance, d’accomplir, en faveur des victimes de laguerre, des actions sans cesse meilleures’. ‘La Croix-Rouge comme réalité nationale et internationale, 1940’,address to the German Press representatives on the occasion of their visit to Geneva, in Max Huber, Croix-Rouge : quelques idées, quelques problèmes, Payot, Lausanne, 1941, p. 162.

24 The ICRC, it should be noted, had previously conducted several visits to Nazi concentration camps.Following the 1934 visit by Louis Ferrière to National Socialist sympathizers held in Austria, after thefailed July putsch, at Vienna police prison and Wöllersdorf camp, Burckhardt visited the concentrationcamps of Lichtenburg, Esterwegen and Dachau. During the summer of 1938, another ICRC representative,Guillaume Favre, paid another visit to Dachau. After the start of the war, in August 1940, two ICRCdelegates, Pierre Descoeudres and Roland Marti, were authorized to visit Buchenwald, which had a sectionfor a group of Dutch civilians from the Dutch East Indies. See J.-C. Favez, above note 12.

25 Note for Marti by Gallopin, 24 September 1942, ICRC Archives (hereafter ACICR) DAS ZA 12;J.-C. Favez, above note 12, pp. 60–67.

26 Note from the Amt Auslandsdienst to the ICRC, 14 January 1943, ACICR DAS ZA 73; see also note fromRoland Marti (head of delegation in Germany), 17 February 1943, ACICR G 3/26.

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given how difficult it was for the ICRC to obtain such information, was in fact theresult of Himmler’s decision of late October 1942 to allow next-of-kin to send foodparcels to foreign and German detainees not subject to the strictest regime. Thisopening enabled the Swedish Red Cross, for example, to send the first parcels toScandinavian detainees.27 The concession can be explained, we believe, by thecomplexity of the concentration-camp system. In that context, the parcels became auseful means of establishing a hierarchy of privileges between the various categoriesof detainees. With the cooperation of the Scandinavian solidarity networks, theICRC launched a very modest operation, sending a few hundred parcels intendedmostly for detainees of Norwegian nationality.

This operation, which was based on practices developed for prisoners ofwar, probably allowed a compromise within the Committee between those membersin favour of action for deportees and those who opposed initiatives that mightthreaten both relations with Germany and the work for prisoners of war, whichhad priority. However, in 1944, two things happened that explain the gradualdevelopment of an operation to help concentration-camp detainees. In January ofthat year, President Roosevelt set up the War Refugee Board, whose purpose was todevelop a programme to save Jews and other minorities being persecuted by theNazis.28 The War Refugee Board embodied the new attention that was being paid inWashington to this issue and held the promise of fresh financial and diplomaticmeans for the ICRC. In early February, the War Refugee Board and the StateDepartment entrusted an important operation to the ICRC and allocated USD100,000 to it from the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, therebyplacing at the ICRC’s disposal a sum of 429,000 Swiss francs. On the strength ofthose funds, the Committee drew up a distribution scheme for Jewish populationsdeported to Transnistria and Bessarabia (100,000 francs sent to Romania),dispatched aid to Theresienstadt (119,000 francs worth of standard Hungarianparcels) and Krakow (Lactissa vitamin-enriched milk worth 100,000 francs), andearmarked 70,000 francs for the pharmacy. It also obtained agreement to use part ofthe amount to send parcels on a trial basis so as to open new channels for relief.29

The remaining 40,000 Swiss francs were set aside for the shipment of parcels toconcentration camps in the Netherlands and Upper Silesia, i.e. enough to ship about2,700 standard parcels.30

27 J.-C. Favez, above note 12, p. 69. Raul Hilberg also notes that German deportees were allowed to receivefood parcels, in The Destruction of the European Jews, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2003 (1961),p. 1689.

28 Ariel Hurwitz, ‘The struggle over the creation of the War Refugee Board (WRB)’, in Holocaust andGenocide Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1991, pp. 17–31; Sarah E. Peck, ‘The Campaign for an American Responseto the Nazi Holocaust, 1943–1945’, in Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1980, pp. 367–400;David Wyman, L’abandon des Juifs, les Américains et la solution finale, Flammarion, Paris, 1987.

29 Confidential letter from Burckhardt to the American legation in Bern, 28 February 1944, ACICR DAS ZA69 and ZA 20.

30 Daniel J. Reagan, commercial attaché at the US Legation in Berne, 18 March 1944, ACICR DAS ZA 20.The scheme obtained final approval from Saly Meyer, the Joint Distribution Committee’s representative inSwitzerland, in March.

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This development explains why the ICRC wanted to obtain Germany’spermission to visit the camps and ghettos: the relief supplies came for the most partfrom the United States and Canada, and their importation into Germany wassubject to authorization by the blockade authorities, which controlled all transportsto central Europe. The Allies did not want the food supplies to end up in Germanhands, which is why, since the start of the war, the dispatch of Red Cross parcels forprisoners of war had been linked to a system of guarantees overseen by the ICRC.The receipts that the prisoners of war signed for the parcels and the delegates’ visitsthemselves provided a degree of verification. As in the case of prisoners of war, theblockade authorities tied permission for importation of parcels destined fordeportees to the guarantees provided by the ICRC delegates’ visits to concentrationcamps.31

Rossel’s visit to Theresienstadt in June 1944 must therefore be seen as partof a broader operation for sending parcels to concentration-camp detainees.32

During this period, the ICRC held talks with the British and American governmentsabout the blockade.33 Did the ICRC deliberately play along with Nazi propaganda soas to obtain authorization for its delegates to visit other camps? In the summer of1944, Roland Marti, ICRC delegate, again visited Buchenwald and Dachau as theoperation gradually picked up, and the sending of parcels progressively increased.34

The operation was made possible thanks to the American government’s decision toauthorize the ICRC to use goods salvaged from the sunken cargo ship SS Cristina,which had been loaded with standard American Red Cross parcels for prisoners ofwar. Questions as to the quality of the salvaged food explain why the parcels werenot sent directly to the prisoners of war.35 The food was nevertheless used in lateAugust 1944 to assemble 25,600 food parcels for concentration-camp detainees, areminder that the operation for deportees continued to take second place to the onefor prisoners of war. The status of this potentially tainted cargo may also have madeit easier to obtain a concession from the blockade authorities.

31 Memorandum from Jean-Etienne Schwarzenberg (ICRC official in charge of relief activities in theconcentration camps), original given to Livingston (British consul), 7 July 1944, ACICR SG 4; Livingstonto Howard Elting (American consul in Geneva), 9 August 1944, ACICR G59/40 335; Ronald W. Zweig,‘Feeding the Camps: Allied Blockade Policy and the Relief of Concentration Camps in Germany, 1944–1945’, in The Historical Journal, Vol. 41, No. 3, 1998, pp. 825–851.

32 S. Farré and Y. Schubert, above note 2.33 Albert Lombard to the delegation in London, 30 June 1944, ACICR ZA 28; note from the delegation in

Washington to the Special Division for Assistance (Division d’assistance spéciale –DAS), 7 July 1944,ACICR G 59/7; confidential memorandum, 7 July 1944, ACICR SG 4; American representative to Huber,2 May 1944, ACICR G 59 334.

34 See the Marti report, 8 August 1944, ACICR DAS ZA 84; see also DAS ZA 85.35 Schwarzenberg to Roswell McClelland (War Refugee Board representative in Geneva), 21 August 1944,

ACICR DAS ZA 19, and note for Rudolph Wasmer (director of the ICRC Relief Division), 18 August1944, ACICR DAS ZA 72. ‘Rapport sur la distribution des marchandises du vapeur Cristina (août-septembre 1944)’, Documents sur l’activité du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge en faveur des civilsdétenus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne (1939–1945), CICR, Genève, 1946, p. 71–72. For theEnglish version see ‘Report by the Service CCC on the distribution of cargo from the SS “Cristina” (Augustand September 1944)’, in Documents Relating to the Work of the International Committee of the Red Crossfor the Benefit of Civilian Detainees in German Concentration Camps Between 1939 and 1945 (hereafterDocuments), ICRC, Geneva, 1975, pp. 61–62. See also correspondence from Schwarzenberg toMcClelland, 1 November 1944, ACICR DAS ZA 69.

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The ICRC was probably allowing itself to be duped in its visits to thecamps, since they were usually limited to a meeting with the camp officers anddid not entail a genuine assessment of the conditions of detention andrelief distributions. The ICRC was unable to exercise any control over thedistributions of parcels. Despite those difficulties, its initiatives for the detaineeswere supported by Washington and soon by the new French government.The ICRC’s involvement in the relief system for deportees was an additional reasonfor the blockade authorities to grant further permission for goods to be shippedto deportees.

For the French authorities, relief for deportees became a priority afterD-Day because numerous Resistance members and other important individualswere being held in the camps.36 It was this new policy that prompted a delegationfrom the Belgian and French Red Cross Societies to visit Geneva in September.37

During a meeting with ICRC representatives, the French Red Cross representativestressed that the deportees should be given priority. This determination to act wasbolstered by rumours of reprisals against military and civilian prisoners in Germanyfor acts of violence against collaborators in France. Jean-Etienne Schwarzenberg,head of the ICRC’s Special Assistance Division, which was responsible for aid toconcentration-camp detainees, referred in September 1944 to the situation ofdeportees and ‘Jews’ in Germany as being ‘more precarious than ever’, as they werenow ‘especially dangerous’ witnesses.38 Schwarzenberg therefore asked the ICRC to‘adapt’ its approach and ‘review its policy’39 on the delegates’ activities in view of the‘present circ*mstances’.40 In the autumn, the ICRC apparently was sometimes ableto send three shipments per month, chiefly for Norwegian, Dutch, French, Belgianand Polish deportees.41 Lastly, a few visits were made by ICRC delegates to Dachau,Buchenwald, Natzweiler, Ravensbrück and Sachsenhausen camps, where the parcelswere said to be received by ‘representatives’ (‘hommes de confiance’)42 of the variousnationalities of detainees.43 During this period, it is significant that the War RefugeeBoard representative in Switzerland, Roswell McClelland, regularly asked the ICRCfor news of its visits to the camps.44

36 See inter alia the record of the meeting held on 18 September at the Métropole Hotel with representativesof the French Red Cross, 19 September 1944, ACICR DAS ZA 72; and J.-C. Favez, above note 12, p. 251.

37 Documents, above note 35, pp. 59–60.38 Note from Schwarzenberg for Chenevière, 14 September 1944, ACICR G 44/00.39 Note from Schwarzenberg to Lombard, 25 September 1944, ACICR G 44/Sec 215.40 ‘Procès-verbal’ No. 4, 21 September 1944, ACICR DAS ZA 1.41 ACICR DAS 179, DAS ZA 111.42 The representatives were elected by the prisoners and were in charge, among other things, of distributing

‘collective shipments’ within the camps.43 Note from the Service for Parcels to Concentration Camps (CCC Service) for Gallopin, 1 November 1944,

ACICR G 44/Sec-215.44 See correspondence from McClelland to Schwarzenberg after Rossel’s visit to Auschwitz, 17 November

1944, ACICR G 59/40.

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Parcels, trucks, delegates

Huber’s letter of 2 October 1944 asking the German authorities to expand therights of ‘administrative’ detainees was evidence that the ICRC was stepping up itsactivities for concentration-camp detainees in response to American and Frenchpressure. In late January 1945, several days after allowing ICRC delegates to visitcamps for German internees, Henri Frenay, the French Minister of Prisoners,Deportees and Refugees, proposed that German civilians be exchanged for Frenchdeportees in Germany, with priority being given to women and children.45

World War II. Label and receipt for a parcel sent to Dachau concentration camp. © ICRC.

45 Henri Frenay to Burckhardt, 26 January 1945, ACICR DAS ZA 73.

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In addition, he asked the ICRC to take prisoners of war and deportees under itsprotection.46 Those French initiatives were followed by an appeal by the NationalRed Cross Societies of the governments in exile for ‘a high-level representation tothe German authorities to release the civilian, political and racial detainees’.47

Several days before this appeal, A. R. Rigg, deputy director of the ICRC ReliefDivision, stated that ‘this is an opportunity for the Swiss Confederation to carry outan operation that could have favourable political repercussions, and it would beregrettable to miss it’.48

As we know, the collapse of the Third Reich unleashed a disaster thatcaused grave humanitarian concern. As the Allied troops advanced, the camps wereevacuated in forced marches from one camp to another.49 Hitler wanted toeliminate all trace of the camps. On the other hand, some Nazi officials, Himmler

World War II. ICRC parcel for French deportees at Dachau. © ICRC photo library (DR).

46 Letter from the French Minister for Foreign Affairs to Burckhardt, 31 October 1945. See also Frenay toBurckhardt, 26 January 1945, ACICR DAS ZA 73. Frenay proposed exchanges by category, i.e. betweenGerman civilians and French nationals deported to Germany, starting with women and children.

47 Request made by the Czech, Polish, Yugoslav, Dutch, Belgian, Norwegian, Italian, Romanian and GreekNational Societies. Philippe Koenig to Burckhardt, 28 February 1945, ACICR G 44/13-13 [ICRCtranslation].

48 Note from A.-R. Rigg, deputy director of the Relief Division, 16 February 1945, ACICR SG 4 [ICRCtranslation].

49 Daniel Blatman, The Death Marches: The Final Phase of Nazi Genocide, transl. by Chaya Galai, HarvardUniversity Press, USA, 2011; Ian Kershaw, The End. The Defiance and Destruction of Hitler’s Germany,1944–1945, The Penguin Press, London, 2011.

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among them, hinted that certain detainees might be exchanged for political oreconomic gain.50 It was in this context that rescue operations were undertaken,notably by former Swiss president Jean-Marie Musy,51 who negotiated theevacuation from Theresienstadt of a first contingent of 1,200 Jewish detainees.They arrived in Switzerland in early February 1945. Several weeks later, the vice-president of the Swedish Red Cross, Count Folke Bernadotte, met with Himmlerand received permission to transport 4,700 Scandinavian detainees toNeuengamme, where they would await repatriation. At the end of April he usedICRC trucks, among other vehicles (Swedish trucks), to evacuate 2,900 womendetainees from Ravensbrück (Operation White Buses).52

The ICRC found itself in an unusual position. Its contacts with the campcommanders since the summer of 1944 and its status as a neutral institution gave itgreater operational potential. For the first time since the start of the war, the ICRCwas receiving large quantities of relief supplies intended specifically for concen-tration-camp detainees. By the end of 1944, 300,000 parcels financed by the WarRefugee Board were stored in the port of Göteborg.53 In addition, with the Germanrail system in ruins, the Allies made available to the ICRC a large fleet of trucks inearly March 1945. This gave it a means of taking action in the camps. The SupremeHeadquarters Allied Expeditionary Force had made available 468 trucks to shipparcels to prisoners of war, but the ICRC was allowed to use the trucks on theirreturn journeys to transport former concentration-camp detainees to Switzerland.54

Lastly, the camp commanders no longer opposed the shipment of parcels fordetainees from Western Allied countries. The German Minister for Foreign Affairs,Joachim von Ribbentrop, replied positively on 1 February 1945 to Huber’s requestof 2 October 1944, giving French and Belgian deportees the right to exchangecorrespondence and receive parcels. That concession is a practical illustration of thegradual opening of the camps to Red Cross parcels.55

In March 1945, for the first time since the start of the war, the ICRC was ina position to conduct a genuine relief operation for concentration-camp detainees.The final weeks of the war are therefore a decisive and significant time when itcomes to defining the ICRC’s attitude towards the victims of deportations. Howmuch did it do to the rescue concentration-camp deportees during that period?What was the operation’s result in humanitarian terms? The operation had three,often complementary, components: the shipment of relief parcels, the evacuation of

50 Yehuda Bauer, Jews for Sale? Nazi-Jewish Negotiations, 1933–1945, Vale Ballou Press, New York, 1994.51 Alain Dieckhoff, Rescapés du génocide. L’action Musy : Une opération de sauvetage de Juifs européens en

1944–1945, Helbing & Lichtenhahn, Basel/Frankfurt-am-Main, 1995; Daniel Sebastiani, Jean-Marie Musy(1876–1952), un ancien conseiller fédéral entre rénovation nationale et régimes autoritaires, doctoraldissertation for the University of Fribourg Faculty of Arts, February 2004.

52 Sune Persson, Escape from the Third Reich. The Harrowing True Story of the Largest Rescue Effort InsideNazi Germany, Skyhorse Publishing, New York, 2009. A total of 4,000 detainees were evacuated by trainby the camp officers while the rest were forced to leave the camp on foot. The ICRC sub-delegation inLübeck provided trucks for this operation.

53 Schwarzenberg to McClelland, 6 January 1945, ACICR DAS ZA 69.54 R.W. Zweig, above note 31, p. 848.55 See ICRC communiqué No. 259b, entitled ‘Improved conditions for civilian detainees in Germany’,

13 February 1945, ACICR DAS ZA 73.

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detainees and the presence in the camps of delegates who acted as intermediariesduring the camps’ surrender.

The ICRC’s principal contribution was the development of theparcel operation in early 1945. During that period, the ICRC shipped to thecamps a significant portion of the 751,000 parcels it sent to deportees duringthe war.56 The organisation’s fresh resources gave it a new scope for action, even ifthe quantity seems small in comparison with the needs of an underfed populationestimated in early 1945 at 700,000.57 Moreover, those parcels did not represent agreat deal compared with the aid being shipped to prisoners of war. It is difficultto compare the two relief operations, which were carried out in far differentcontexts and circ*mstances, but it is worth noting that the soldiers fromWestern Allied countries received, through the ICRC, over 24 million parcelsduring the war.58

Several ICRC delegates were busy distributing parcels to detainees in thefinal days of the war, a period during which the Germans emptied a number ofcamps by force and moved the detainees in harrowing conditions.59 A delegatecarried out the first distribution, of two truckloads of food parcels on 2 April inTheresienstadt.60 From 22 April, delegates were present in the field, for the firsttime, as part of an emergency operation in which they came into direct contact withthe victims of the concentration-camp system. Thus, parcels were distributed byICRC delegate Willy Pfister along the road taken by detainees on a forced marchfrom the evacuated Sachsenhausen camp north of Berlin, as well in the Below Forest,near Wittstock, where thousands of exhausted detainees had spent several dayswithout food. That it was possible to launch this operation, which the ICRC had notplanned, was thanks to the 5,000 War Refugee Board parcels and 3,000 standardAmerican Red Cross parcels stocked in the ICRC warehouse in Wagenitz, about70 km west of Berlin,61 and also to two trucks available at Nauen that were used tomake initial distributions on the afternoon of 21 April to detainees on the forcedmarch.62 It is very likely that, on 27 April, a convoy of 15 ICRC trucks from Lübeck

56 It is hard to know the exact number of parcels. ICRC documents contain figures varying between 750,000and 1.6 million. We have used the lowest estimate, which we believe is the closest to reality, rather than thelater estimates, made when the ICRC faced criticism for the shortcomings in its work for concentrationcamp victims. Service memo from G. Stamm, 31 May 1945, ACICR DAS 2/6. According to Report,Annexes, above note 16, p. 13, the number of parcels for civilian detainees and deportees totaled over1.6 million, i.e. 6,836 tonnes of food and clothing. But that figure includes the parcels distributed after theGerman capitulation.

57 Daniel Blatman, ‘The death marches and the final phase of Nazi genocide’, in Jane Caplan, NikolausWachsmann (eds), Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany. The New Histories, Routledge, London/New York, 2010, p. 167.

58 Report, Annexes, above note 16, p. 7.59 D. Blatman, above note 49.60 Note to Marti’s secretariat, 24 March 1945, visit to Theresienstadt authorized by SS-Obergruppenführer

Müller, head of the Sicherheitsdienst, ACICR G 59/12/368.61 Note from Willy Pfister to Schwarzenberg, 28 June 1945, ACICR G 44/13-20.02.62 Sébastien Farré (with Yan Schubert), ‘From Sachsenhausen to Schwerin. The ICRC and the Death

Marches’, in Jean-Luc Blondel, Susanne Urban and Sebastian Schönemann (eds), Freilegungen. Auf denSpuren der Todesmärsche, Jahrbuch des International Tracing Service, Vol. 1, Wallstein, Göttingen, 2012,pp. 282–299.

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managed to distribute a large shipment of parcels to evacuees.63 According to thereport from the ICRC Transport Service, the convoy made two distributions of foodin Below Forest (on 27 and 30 April) of 56,000 kg each.64 Those distributions weremade pursuant to a request from SS-Obersturmbannführer Rudolf Höss.65 Thissuggests that the Germans were using the relief supplies to facilitate the detainees’

World War II. Death march from Oranienburg-Sachsenhausen to the Wittstock concentrationcamps. A crate of Red Cross parcels is opened by German guards. © ICRC/Pfister, Willy.

63 Report by H. Landolt (delegate), undated, ACICR G 44-222.3.64 Rapport sur l’activité du Service Transports Camions (STC) du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge,

Geneva, 1946.65 See ‘Le journal de la délégation’, 21 April 1945, ACICR BG 003-73.

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evacuation but probably also to make sure food was available for the officers andguards.

During the operation for the Sachsenhausen deportees, another delegatewitnessed a forced march by detainees from Dachau. The ICRC was unprepared tocope with the chaos spreading across the country. As it had in northern Germany,it improvised a humanitarian operation in the Munich area. The difficultiesencountered by one delegate, Jean Briquet, in conducting a relief operation inDachau testify to the ICRC’s isolation and the limited means available to deal withthe emergency unfolding in the concentration camps. From 18 April to 8 May,Briquet made repeated journeys from Dachau, north of Munich, to Uffing (lying tosouth-west of the city, where the ICRC sub-delegation was located for the westernzone in Germany), and to Moosburg, to the north-east of Munich, where the mainfood depot for prisoners of war and the collection point for the ICRC’s truckswas located. During the first eight days of his mission, Briquet attempted severaltimes – in vain – to obtain authorization to establish an ICRC presence at Dachauand faced numerous problems because it was so difficult to communicate with thedelegation and owing to the shortage of available trucks.

On 27 April, Briquet was informed that a column of French deporteesevacuated by force from Buchenwald had spent the night at the prisoner-of-warcamp in Moosburg. He sent trucks to the camp and distributed a small number ofparcels (807), later providing additional relief supplies to 182 sick people from thecolumn. Returning to Dachau at the end of the afternoon, he was informed bythe commander’s adjutant that the Germans intended to surrender the camp to theAllies by means of ICRC mediation. According to the plan presented to Briquet,around 16,000 ‘Allied’ detainees would stay in the camp under his supervision, whilethe German, Russian, Italian, Austrian and Balkan internees would be evacuatedby the Germans. This plan was reminiscent of the policy applied at Ravensbrück,where the detainees from Allied countries were not subject to the same treatmentand conditions as the others. When he was informed of the plan, Briquet decided togo to Uffing. Along the way he met a column of women, most of them Jewish,who had been evacuated from Dachau and were being marched to Mittelwald.Several kilometres later, outside Pasing, he encountered another column, about10 kilometres long, of prisoners being marched in the rain. He observed piles ofbodies ‘a metre high’ on the sides of the road and heard numerous gunshots. Afterstopping at the delegation, he left with trucks of supplies for people in the column.He found himself blocked by retreating columns of Germans and returned to Uffingon the evening of 28 April having found no trace of the detainees. The next day, inBernried, Briquet managed to provide supplies to a trainload of Jewish deportees(2,621 parcels). The operation was paralysed during the following days, however,following the arrival of the American armed forces. One week later, on 5 May,Briquet carried out another distribution for 220 sick Jewish deportees fromDachau, and later to 2,000 deportees housed in a former SS school in Feldafing.66

66 Note from Claude Empeyta (delegate), 11 May 1945, ACICR G 44/13-15.

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The next day he took 210 French political detainees from Moosburg to the Swissborder.67

As we have seen, the ICRC was able to distribute parcels because theAllies had provided it with a fleet of trucks. Using the trucks, the ICRC was ableto evacuate several groups of deportees to Switzerland. It is hard to say exactlyhow many deportees were evacuated by the ICRC. According to the figures givenin an internal ICRC report from June 1945, it transported 6,098 people,including 2,685 French and 1,193 Dutch68 (the figures are fairly close to those wefound in the Archives). By way of comparison, the Swedish Red Cross evacuatedapproximately 17,000 people from Germany at the end of the war, according toSune Persson.69

The ICRC carried out two main evacuation operations. The first wassubsequent to the meeting of 12 March 1945 between Carl Burckhardt andSS-Obergruppenführer Ernst Kaltenbrunner – the head of the Reich Security MainOffice (‘Reichssicherheitshauptamt’) and the man in charge of all the concentrationcamps – in a country inn near the German-Swiss border on the road from Feldkirchto Bludenz.70 The following days saw a series of negotiations between AdolfWindecker and Fritz Berber, Joachim von Ribbentrop’s representative to the ICRC.The main subject of discussion was in all likelihood the exchange of Frenchinternees in Germany for German internees held in France. Other subjectsdiscussed were visits by delegates to the camps, the grouping of detainees bynationality and shipments of relief supplies.71 The discussions soon came to astandstill, which prompted the ICRC to dispatch a special representative to Berlin,Hans E. Meyer. He had been assistant to Karl Gebhardt, the SS chief surgeon from1943 to August 1944 who had become vice-president of the German Red Cross inthe meantime. His good contacts in Berlin72 enabled him to meet with Himmlerand make the operation possible.73 His intervention was no doubt decisive in finallyallowing the transportation from Ravensbrück to Switzerland of 299 French and one

67 Documents, above note 35, pp. 116–117; and J.-C. Favez, above note 12, pp. 262–266.68 Report by Paul Kuhne, 19 June 1945, ACICR DAS 168; see also the list headed ‘Rapatriement’, ACICR

DAS 174.69 S. Persson, above note 52.70 During the negotiations with Himmler, Musy encouraged him to make contact with President

Burckhardt, to whom Himmler proposed a meeting in early February. After obtaining the backing ofthe American State Department and approval from de Gaulle, Burckhardt agreed to meet with Himmler,who ultimately delegated SS-Obergruppenführer Kaltenbrunner. Paul Stauffer, ‘Sechs furchtbare Jahre . . .’:Auf den Spuren Carl J. Burckhardts durch den Zweiten Weltkrieg, Verl. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zurich,1998, p. 321; Peter R. Black, Ernst Kaltenbrunner. Ideological Soldier of the Third Reich, PrincetonUniversity, New Jersey, 1984, p. 239. However, according to Favez (above note 12, p. 262), the meetingtook place on Burckhardt’s initiative.

71 Kaltenbrunner to Burckhardt, 29 March 1945, quoted in Documents, above note 35, pp. 70–71; Y. Bauer,above note 50, pp. 339–340.

72 Gérard Chauvy, La Croix-Rouge dans la guerre, 1935–1947, Flammarion, Paris, 2000, pp. 177–178 and267–268. According to Bauer (above note 50, p. 336) on 2 April Himmler refused to release theFrenchwomen from Ravensbrück to Bernadotte.

73 ‘Rapport d’un délégué du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge sur le rapatriement des détenues deRavensbrück’, in Documents sur l’activité, above note 35, p. 108 (pp. 89–90 of the English version).

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Polish74 female detainees in exchange for the release in France of 454 Germancivilians.75

After the roads between northern and southern Germany were closed,making it impossible to organise another convoy for Ravensbrück, the core of theICRC operation shifted to the south of the country. It organised three deporteeconvoys from Mauthausen (columns 35, 36 and 37),76 which transported a total of780 French, Belgian and Dutch deportees on 23 and 24 April. Several days later, twoother convoys evacuated successively 183 and 349 deportees from Mauthausenand 200 Swiss from Landsberg.77 Besides the above-mentioned transports (1,512people), the ICRC took part in the repatriation of 2,250 French civilians fromnorthern Italy in late April78 and in the transfer aboard two ICRC-chartered boats

World War II. Kreuzlingen. 300 women released from Ravensbrück concentration camp arrive inSwitzerland on board ICRC trucks. © ICRC photo library (DR).

74 The Polish detainee was Countess Karolina Lanckorońska. See P. Stauffer, above note 70, p. 336; KarolinaLanckorońska, Michelangelo in Ravensbrück: One Woman’s War against the Nazis, Da Capo, Cambridge,Mass., 2007.

75 J.-C. Favez, above note 12, p. 264.76 According to a note from Bachmann during his meeting in Innsbruck with Kaltenbrunner, the latter told

him he had telegraphed Himmler on 20 April agreeing to the immediate transport of 1,000 Frenchdetainees from Mauthausen. About 2,000 Frenchmen were subsequently to be included in the operation.Report by Bachmann, 14 May 1945, ACICR G 44/13-7.

77 See report ‘Personnes transportées en Allemagne par les camions CICR’, ACICR DAS 168.78 ‘Rapatriement de détenus civils’, in Revue internationale de la Croix-Rouge, No. 319, July 1945,

pp. 461–467.

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of 806 former detainees from the port of Lübeck to Sweden in early May.79 Once thefighting had ended, the ICRC facilitated the transport of 2,600 people released fromthe camps between 24 May and 12 June.

One of the most noteworthy ICRC activities was its delegates’presence inside the camps during the Reich’s final days, when they tried toact as mediators between the German guards and the Allied forces. It is hard totrack down the precise origin of this operation, but it would seem that, at hismeeting with Burckhardt, Kaltenbrunner authorized the delegates to enterthe camps on condition that they remained there until the arrival of the Alliedtroops.80 Despite this oral pledge, however, the delegates’ attempts to enterthe camps remained in vain until the final days of the war. It was only after ameeting in Innsbruck on 24 April between Kaltenbrunner and Burckhardt’ssecretary, Hans Bachmann, that the first delegates were apparently able to enterthe camps.81

In Theresienstadt, where he arrived on 2 May, Paul Dunant oversaw thetransition between the departing German guards and the arriving Czech Red Crossrepresentatives on 10 May.82 Maintaining order in the camp was of considerableimportance for health and security reasons. For one thing, steps had to be taken toensure that the detainees were not eliminated before liberation and to preventreprisals against the guards after liberation.

In the other camps, the delegates arrived after the camp had been evacuatedand liberated (e.g. Landsberg,83 Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald), or the ICRC facedthe commandant’s refusal to hand over the camp until it had been evacuated(Sachsenhausen, Ravensbrück). Victor Maurer, who arrived in Dachau on 28 April,after Briquet, was allowed to distribute parcels inside the camp and to spendthe night in the barracks of the SS guards. During the night, he watched as mostof the guards slipped out of the camp. The following morning, he apparentlyapproached SS-Obersturmbannführer Wickert, who had been sent during the nightto take charge of the camp and, so it seemed, to hand it over to the American forces.As part of his mission to avoid reprisals and to prevent the spread of epidemics inthe areas around the concentration camps, Maurer persuaded Wickert that theguards should remain in the watchtowers and ensure the detainees did not leavethe camp. Towards the end of the afternoon, accompanied by the German officer,he received a group of jeeps from the American 42nd Infantry Division at the gates

79 Report by M.W. Jeanfavre (delegate) on his mission to Trellenborg from 30 April to 3 May 1945 to receiveinternees arriving from Germany; report by Kuhne to Marius-Georges Stamm, 19 June 1945, ACICR DAS168, and list headed ‘Rapatriement’, ACICR DAS 174.

80 J.-C. Favez, above note 12, p. 262; P. Stauffer, above note 70, p. 321; P.R. Black, above note 70, p. 239.81 Report by Bachmann, 14 May 1945, ACICR G 44/13-7.82 Report No. 4 by Dunant, 22 May 1945, ACICR G 59/3/th/63 and ACICR DAS/ZA 76; see also ACICR G

59/12/368 and 369 and note from Kuhne on ICRC activities in Theresienstadt, June 1945, ACICR G 59/368; see also Documents du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge concernant le ghetto de Theresienstadt,s.l., 1990, ACICR.

83 In Landsberg, on 26 April two ICRC delegates, Moynier and Hort, arrived in a camp that had beenevacuated and abandoned by its guards. Only 500 detainees had been left behind, most of them sick andunable to undertake a forced march. During the first few days, Hort helped organise supplies and basicmedical care. Report by Dunant, 15 May 1945, ACICR G 59/12/13-364.

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to the camp.84 By acting as an intermediary, Maurer may have prevented fightingfrom breaking out inside the camp, but his report makes no reference either to thearmed uprising by escaped detainees put down by the SS the night before in thetown of Dachau85 or to the fighting that broke out that afternoon between the 45thAmerican Infantry Division and the SS regiment in the barracks adjacent to thecamp, which culminated in the summary execution of German prisoners.86

The episode that is most emblematic of this operation was the mission byanother delegate, Louis Haefliger, to Mauthausen.87 Haefliger is considered a hero insome quarters for having persuaded camp commander Franz Ziereis not to obey his

World War II. Dachau, concentration camp. An American officer, ICRC delegate Maurer, SS-Oberleutnant Wickert and a German officer in front of a convoy loaded with the corpses ofdeportees. © ICRC/Algoet, Raphaël.

84 The presence in the American detachment of Belgian journalist Paul Levy, his photographer RaphaelAlgoet, two correspondents, Marguerite Higgins of the New York Herald Tribune and Peter Furst of Starsand Stripes, and two other photographers, Brigadier General Banfill and Lieutenant Cowling, explains thevarious photos of Maurer’s mission. See the series of photos of the ICRC photo library, v-p-hist-03094-1,03103-2 to 7; report by Maurer, 18 May 1945 (the report exists in French and German), ACICR G 44/13-7;Robert H. Abzug, Inside the Vicious Heart –Americans and the Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps,Oxford University Press, New York/London, 1985; Marguerite Higgins, News is a Singular Thing,Doubleday & Co., Garden City, New York, 1955.

85 Stanislav Zámečník, ‘The Dachau Concentration Camp in the System of the National SocialistDictatorship’, in The Dachau Concentration Camp, 1933 to 1945 (catalogue for the exhibition TheDachau Concentration Camp, 1933–1945), International Dachau Committee, Dachau, 2005, p. 24.

86 Report by Maurer, above note 84; John H. Linden, Surrender of the Dachau Concentration Camp,29.04.1945. The True Account, Sycamore Press, Elm Grove, 1997.

87 Report by Haefliger, 24 May 1945, ACICR G 44/13-18.

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orders to blow up the airplane factory next to Gusen I and II camps with thedetainees inside. It is hard to know for certain the scope of Haefliger’s initiatives.For his part, SS-Obersturmbannführer Kurt Becher, who was close to Himmler, saidafter the war that he intervened to prevent the camp’s destruction.88 Haefligernevertheless took part in the camp surrender plan and placed himself at the service ofthe Allied troops, negotiating the replacement of the SS guards by US soldiers. As hewrote in his report, the liberation was a chaotic process, with the camp stores beinglooted and the former detainees carrying out acts of vengeance in the following days.In the midst of this extremely vague picture, it is difficult to define the exact roleplayed by Haefliger, who resigned after the war in controversial circ*mstances.89

Assessment, problems, issues

In the early 1970s, a journalist wrote a hagiographic account of the decisive roleplayed by certain delegates in the operations organised by the ICRC.90 In responseto criticism of the ICRC’s attitude to the genocide, the journalist highlighted thedelegates’ courage and commitment, and portrayed them as incarnating the ICRC’suniversal values. Previously, the ICRC had omitted from its official account theindividual role of its delegates in Germany during the final phase of the war. Bycontrast, the account written by Dr Marcel Junod after the war became a referencework for the organisation.91 This text, which heralded the emergence of the delegateas a figure in his own right, contains only a few lines on the ICRC’s initiatives to helpconcentration-camp prisoners.92 That omission reflects the depth of the organisa-tion’s crisis of memory. Beyond the individual merit and courage of certaindelegates in the field, what assessment can be made of the ICRC’s operations forconcentration-camp detainees? Its activities during the war appear to have beendetermined essentially by the demands of the Allied powers, in that they wereclosely tied to the requests made by the Allied governments, which financed itsoperations and provided most of the relief supplies at its disposal. In the last phaseof war, the rescue of deported populations emerged as a diplomatic and political

88 Y. Bauer, above note 50, p. 341.89 According to Haefliger, the ICRC forced him to resign for having called on the American troops. All trace

of his work was erased from institutional memory. Belatedly recognized as the ‘saviour of Mauthausen’,Haefliger was decorated in 1977 for his action during the liberation of Austria and was awarded the peacemedal in 1980 and various distinctions in Israel. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1950 and1988, and rehabilitated by the ICRC president in 1990, see: (lastvisited 13 August 2012); Alphons Matt, Einer aus dem Dunkel. Die Befreiung des KonzentrationslagersMauthausen durch den Bankbeamten H., Schweizer Verlagshaus, Zurich, 1988; Johannes Starmühler,Louis Haefliger und die Befreiung des Konzentrationslagers Mauthausen. Eine Betrachtung vermittelterGeschichte in Österreich nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, University of Vienna, 2008, dissertation available at: (last visited 11 August 2012).

90 Drago Arsenijevic, Otages volontaires des SS, Famot, Genève, 1974. For the English version see DragoArsenijevic, Voluntary Hostages of the SS, Ferni Publishing House, Geneva, 1979.

91 Marcel Junod, Le troisième combattant, CICR, Genève, 1989 (1947). For the English version see MarcelJunod, Warrior Without Weapons, transl. by Edward Fitzgerald, Jonathan Cape Ltd., London, 1982(1951).

92 Ibid., pp. 230–231.

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issue for Swiss foreign policy, the aim of which was to maintain Swiss neutrality asan institution in the new post-war international order, to deflect criticism of itsrelations with Nazi Germany during the war and to preserve the ICRC’s reputationat a time when the humanitarian playing field was being reconfigured by theestablishment of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.

As the ICRC adapted to the new situation, it shifted away from its mainrole as an agency that collected information on and supervised the distribution ofparcels and correspondence to prisoners of war, and began launching operationsto help concentration-camp detainees. Its involvement nevertheless reflected thedifficulties its main leaders were encountering in redirecting the ICRC’s work inthis new context. Huber’s temporary departure at the end of December 1944 and theappointment of his successor, Burckhardt, as Switzerland’s chief representative inFrance in February 194593 may explain some of the difficulties the ICRC had indefining its policy and moving into new areas of action. Its work appears to havebeen guided mostly by caution and concern to do nothing that might conflict withthe interests of the Swiss authorities and the main warring parties. The way in whichthe ICRC negotiated with SS leaders during the final weeks of the war is a perfectexample of its cautious approach. Burckhardt’s restraint is reflected in his refusal totravel personally to Berlin, unlike Count Bernadotte, or to send a high-level ICRCrepresentative. The ICRC president took care to avoid involving the organisationin any secret negotiations. At the same time, the Swiss authorities, who fearedthey would be overwhelmed if masses of refugees and former prisoners arrivedat the country’s borders, were greatly circ*mspect regarding the rescue operations.94

In fact, Burckhardt’s meeting with Kaltenbrunner appears on the whole to be arelatively insignificant episode amid the various negotiations concerning concen-tration-camp detainees. The ICRC operation to evacuate deportees pales incomparison with that carried out by Bernadotte, even though Operation WhiteBuses concerned mainly Scandinavians, who benefited from more favourabletreatment and conditions.

The ICRC rescue operation for deportees is noteworthy, in our view, for itsimprovised nature and because the means mobilized were so inadequate given theenormous needs of the concentration-camp detainees. The ICRC was overwhelmedby the scope of the task at hand and, as we have seen, had recourse to practicesand means originating essentially in its work for prisoners of war. Its belatedinvolvement explains why the delegates most involved in the concentration-campoperation were recruited mere days before their departure for Germany. With themeans of transport guaranteed, the ICRC conducted a rapid campaign to recruitdelegates at the end of March, which resulted in little more than a dozen being hired.Burckhardt was looking for men who were relatively mature (over 27), spoke fluentGerman and were familiar with perhaps one more language, and had a ‘firm and

93 Burckhardt takes up his post as Switzerland’s chief representative in France only in May 1945.94 André Lasserre, ‘Les réfugiés de Bergen-Belsen et Theresienstadt ou les déboires d’une politique d’asile en

1944–1945’, in Revue Suisse d’Histoire, Vol. 40, 1990, pp. 307–317; Jean-Claude Favez, ‘Le proche et lelointain. L’accueil et l’asile en Suisse au printemps 1945’, in Revue Suisse d’Histoire, Vol. 38, 1988,pp. 390–402.

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upright character’. In his view, Swiss army officers with ‘a true spirit of sacrifice’were the best prepared for the operation’s demands. The ICRC provided eightdays of training and a monthly salary (1,000 Swiss francs) that was twice that of anordinary delegate.95

In the midst of a country that lay in ruins and was crisscrossed bycolumns of refugees, Allied troops, and Wehrmacht soldiers in retreat, the ICRC’sdelegates were isolated and unable to communicate with Geneva. Often forcedto improvise, their room for manoeuvre – already slim –was further narrowed bytheir limited contact with Allied troops. The difficulties encountered by the convoyof trucks headed by one delegate, Jean-Louis Barth, illustrate the predicamentsthe ICRC faced during the final days of the war. The convoy left Konstanz, on theSwiss border, on 13 April at 8.45 a.m. and took three whole days to cover the 450 kmto its destination, the Flossenbürg camp, where it arrived on 15 April at around6 p.m.96 En route the convoy was repeatedly delayed by flat tires, the numerousdetours it had to make around the trees lying in the middle of the road and thedamage caused by bombing. It was also stopped at roadblocks and by air–raid alerts.

The next day, on 16 April, the convoy set off for the camp itself but wasstopped by a battle during which a train carrying deportees was machine-gunned bySS guards, resulting in around 30 deaths. At that point Barth ordered the trucks backto the town of Floss. Uneasy, he nevertheless decided to try once more to reach thegates of the camp. This time, the convoy was met by drunken guards. According tothe delegate’s account, there reigned a ‘horrid atmosphere’, which prompted thetrucks to return yet again to Floss. After this second failure, Barth finally persuadedthe town’s SS officers to allow him to provide supplies to a column of 400 Russianprisoners of war he had encountered on the road. In exchange for a few bars ofchocolate for the German guards, Barth was allowed to open some 30 parcels andgive some of their contents to the prisoners. On 18 April, he finally decided tounload the remaining 1,200 parcels at Stalag XIII (a prisoner of war camp) and thento flee for fear that the Allies would arrive and requisition the trucks. During thereturn trip, somewhere in the vicinity of Munich, the convoy came across numerousrefugees on the road. Barth continued on his way, remarking, ‘The world seemsgripped by madness In the panic and chaos . . . people are half-crazy, clinging to thetrucks’.97 Finally, after an eight-day journey, the convoy arrived back in Konstanz on21 April without having been able to enter Flossenbürg camp.

This episode reflects the minor part assigned the ICRC in the Allied reliefand reconstruction programme, under which, after an initial period of work underthe responsibility of the occupation forces, the task in the occupied territories was tobe handed over to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.From that point on, private agencies played no more than a secondary role underthe Administration’s supervision. In addition, the ICRC was not recognized by

95 Burckhardt to Divisional Colonel Gugger (army head of personnel), 29 March 1945, ACICR BG 00326 58.

96 Report by J. Barth, 25 April 1945, ACICR DAS ZA 76.97 Ibid.

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the Soviet Union. This placed it in an awkward position on the front andresulted, among other things, in the four remaining staff members at the Berlindelegation (Otto Lehner, Albert de Cocatrix, the secretary Ursula Rauch, andthe driver André Frütschy) being interned for four months in a Soviet camp inKrasnogorsk.98

Isolated, underprepared or totally unprepared, the delegates seemedinsignificant in number given the major human catastrophe that accompanied thecollapse of the Third Reich. From the ICRC’s viewpoint, however, this was, aspointed out above, the main field operation conducted for concentration-campdetainees. For the first time, delegates had at their disposal a large quantity of reliefsupplies intended for deportees and financed by the War Refugee Board amongothers. And they had the transport to carry out unprecedented missions. However,the means at their disposal often turned out to be inadequate compared with thedetainees’ needs. Despite the commitment of certain delegates, these activitiesrevealed the limits of and problems faced by an operation mounted in haste as a‘side show’ to the massive work in aid of prisoners of war. It was in fact impossible tosupervise the distribution of parcels in the camps, and as a result the parcelswere repeatedly diverted and stolen by camp officials. In early May 1945, ICRCrepresentatives visiting the camp at La Plaine, in the canton of Geneva, were told byformer detainees from Mauthausen interned there that the only parcels they hadseen in Mauthausen had arrived on 28 April. The content had been consumed bythe guards, who allegedly forced the detainees to sign receipts but did not give themthe parcels.99 In addition, former detainees from Sachsenhausen, moved at the endof the war to Mauthausen, stated that 25 per cent of the parcels arriving atSachsenhausen ended up in the hands of the guards or the representatives’ ofdetainees (‘hommes de confiance’).100 These statements suggest that there existed inthe camps a kind of sinister black market fed by the arrival of relief parcels. Beforereaching the detainees, the parcels were passed from the camp staff to the kapos andthe block leaders,101 each in turn removing the most coveted items or using thecontents as a means of exacting concessions and obedience.102 According to EugenKogon, the shipments of parcels constituted a highly profitable system for the campguards. For example, the SS officer in charge of the Buchenwald customs officereportedly diverted 5,000 to 6,000 Red Cross parcels in August 1944, and in March1945 seven rail cars (loaded with 21,000 to 23,000 Red Cross parcels) apparentlydisappeared.103

It must also be emphasized that the contents of the parcels, intended toprovide additional nourishment for prisoners of war, were not suitable for the

98 The Soviet government’s goal was to pressure the Swiss authorities into repatriating the Soviet internees inSwitzerland. It finally released the ICRC staff along with a group of other Swiss citizens in mid-October.See D. Arsenijevic, above note 90, pp. 263–270.

99 Letter from Kohn to the ICRC on 26 April 1945; see also undated note from Jung, ACICR DAS 2/6.100 Report by Kohler on the visit to the camp at La Plaine, 4 May 1945, ACICR G 44/13 22.101 Note for the delegation in Berlin, 16 February 1945, ACICR DAS ZA 73.102 Paul Lobstein to the ICRC, 26 June 1945, ACICR DAS 2/6.103 Eugen Kogon, L’Enfer organisé. Le système des camps de concentration, La jeune Parque, Paris, 1947,

pp. 119–120.

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starving inmates of the camps.104 Rich in proteins, sugar and vitamins, the food washard to digest to the point that it killed some of the weakest detainees. Moregenerally, the ICRC does not seem to have given real thought to the detainees’ actualhealth needs. The organisation took one improvised initiative after another, often ina clumsy manner and without giving special consideration to the specific needs ofthe people involved. The operations to repatriate detainees from Ravensbrück andMauthausen were an example of this, revealing as they did what little attention theSwiss authorities paid to the extraordinary circ*mstances of the deportees strugglingto survive the concentration camps. In the report he filed on his return fromMauthausen, ICRC delegate Rubli complained bitterly of the conditions in whichthe evacuees were received in Switzerland, which he considered ‘scandalous’.105

World War II. Kreuzlingen. Detainees from Ravensbrück concentration camp are housed in agym after their evacuation by the ICRC. © ICRC photo library (DR).

104 The first parcels, which were relatively light (1.845 kg), contained basically sugar and dairy products (600 gof jam, 430 g of sweetened concentrated milk, 80 g of Ovo-sport, 150 g of biscuits (Soso), 250 g of smokedsausage, 225 g of cheese (Gerber-anémone), 100 g of chocolate). ‘Content of a standard parcel forNorwegian internees’, note from Rigg for Schwarzenberg, 13 April 1943, ACICR DAS ZA 72. Thecontents had apparently been improved by the autumn, when the standard parcel contained three 100 gpackets of biscuits-cake, two packets of soup (15 cubes per parcel), six packets of vegetable powder forsoup (165 g, i.e. two of beans, two of peas and two of lentils), 165 g or three tins of Globus goulash, onebottle of Pritamin, a packet of plum marmalade and 500 g of noodle soup. ‘Composition of the standardparcel (second order)’, 12 November 1943, ACICR DAS ZA 12.

105 Procès-verbal, 27 April 1945 ACICR DAS ZA 1.

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Rubli was in charge of convoy 36, which was held up at the border (23Avril) by the Swiss authorities from 5 p.m. to 10 a.m. the following morning. Theformer detainees were forced to spend the night on the road, without blankets, hotdrinks or food. Rubli also spoke of the lack of sanitary facilities and shelter and thetransfer of the evacuees into third-class rail cars.106 More generally and except forthe work of a delegate by the name of Hort, who took it upon himself to provide firstaid for 500 detainees in Landsberg,107 the ICRC made only a modest contribution tothe various medical missions undertaken to save released detainees. For example,Jean Rodhain, chaplain general for prisoners of war and deportees in France,organised three medical missions to Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, Mauthausen andBuchenwald.108 The British Red Cross mobilized five teams in Bergen-Belsen,backed by British Quakers.109 The ICRC, for its part, dispatched a team made up of

World War II. Detainees with a Red Cross parcel at Dachau concentration camp shortly after itsliberation. © ICRC photo library (DR).

106 Report by Rubli, 27 April 1945, ACICR G 44/R-217.107 Report by Dunant, 15 May 1945, ACICR G 59/12/13-364.108 Paul Weinding, ‘For Love of Christ: Strategies of International Catholic Relief and the Allied occupation of

Germany, 1945–1949’, in Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2008, pp. 477–491; PaulWeinding, ‘"Belsenitis”: Liberating Belsen, Its Hospitals, United Nations Relief and RehabilitationAdministration, and Selection for Re-emigration, 1945–1948’, in Science in Context, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2006,pp. 401–418; Mark Harrison, Medicine and Victory. British Military Medicine in the Second World War,Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004.

109 Hagit Lavsky, ‘The Day After. Bergen-Belsen from Concentration Camp to Center of the Jewish Survivorsin Germany’, in German History, Vol. 11, 1993, pp. 36–59.

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six doctors and twelve nurses, which arrived in Bergen-Belsen on 2 May to assist theBritish teams.110 Several months later, the ICRC’s lack of medical expertiseprompted it to launch a monthly internal bulletin entitled Documentation médicaleà l’usage des délégués, whose purpose was explained in the first issue: to provide theinformation needed by delegates, who ‘for many years had been kept unaware of themedical progress made by the Allies’.111

Our aim in this brief summary of the problems raised by the ICRC’s workfor concentration camp detainees has been to shift the focus away from the usualquestions of principle and broaden the scope by recounting some actual history ofhumanitarian operations. We have sought to show that, during the final phase of thewar, the ICRC seized the opportunity afforded by the first German concessionsregarding concentration camp internees to conduct operations made possiblethanks to support from the American and French governments. Rather thanreflecting an existing commitment to help the racial and political victims of theThird Reich, the ICRC’s work appears to have resulted from three factors: itsparticipation in the Allied humanitarian effort to help prisoners of war; the Swissgovernment’s concern to ensure Swiss neutrality in the emerging new order; and theICRC’s own determination to maintain its leadership in the humanitarian field.While it is true that the delegates working in Germany during the final days of theEuropean war courageously took risks, the ICRC did not manage to carry out agenuine humanitarian operation. The organisation had been designed to gatherinformation about and deliver aid to prisoners of war, and its response, hastilythrown together, is indicative of the difficulty it had redefining itself during the finalphase of the war and of the minor role it played in the occupation programmesimposed by the Allied forces.112

110 Anny Pfirter, Souvenirs d’une mission du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge, Geneva, 1955; Johannes-Dieter Steinert, ‘British Relief Teams in Belsen Concentration Camp: Emergency Relief and the Perceptionof Survivors’, in Genocide Studies, Vols 1–2, Nos 1–2, 2006, pp. 62–72. See also Muriel Knox Doherty,Letters from Belsen 1945: an Australian nurse’s experiences with the survivors of war, Allen & Unwin,N.S.W., 2000.

111 Documentation médicale à l’usage des délégués, Vol. I, March–June 1946, CID 362-191.557 [ICRCtranslation].

112 Johannes-Dieter Steinert, ‘Food and the Food Crisis in Postwar Germany, 1945–1948: British Policy andthe Role of British NGOs’, in Frank Trentmann, Flemming Just (eds), Food and Conflict in Europe in theAge of the Two World Wars, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2006, pp. 266–287; Jean-Daniel Cohen,‘Between Relief and Politics: Refugee Humanitarianism in Occupied Germany 1945–1946’, in Journal ofContemporary History, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2008, pp. 437–449; Jessica Reinisch, ‘Introduction: Relief in theAftermath of War’, in Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2008, pp. 371–404. Moreparticularly on the ICRC, Dominique-Déborah Junod, La Croix-Rouge en péril, 1945–1952 : La stratégiedu CICR, de la Seconde Guerre mondiale au conflit de Palestine-Eretz-Israël, Payot, Lausanne, 1997 (for theEnglish version see Dominique-Déborah Junod, The Imperiled Red Cross and the Palestine-Eretz-YisraelConflict 1945–1952: The Influence of Institutional Concerns on a Humanitarian Operation, transl. byMartha Grenzeback, Kegan Paul International, London/New York, 1996); Catherine Rey-Schirr, De Yaltaà Dien Bien Phu. Histoire du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge, 1945–1955, Editions Georg, Geneva,2007.

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