The Black Gem - Chapter 33 - RSPBLiterature (2024)

Chapter Text

Steven and Greg are in the grasp of an Amethyst guard, as she enters a room and drops the two of them on the floor.

"These the ones?" The Amethyst asks.

Steven and Greg look up and find themselves in a room full of several Quartz guards, laughing at them intimidatingly.

"Steven! Greg!" The Quartz guards step to the sides, revealing Amethyst being held down by an Amethyst guard.

Amethyst is groaning. "They found us out!"

"Amethyst!" Steven cries out worried.

" You won't believe what I've been through. They took Y/n! These Amethysts, they're really, really... great!" Amethyst begins to laugh.

"Alright Amethyst you've had your fun." Y/n suddenly says appearing stood behind Steven and Greg.

"What?!"Steven cries out confused.

Amethyst and the Quartz guards begin laughing aloud altogether.

"Your faces!" The first guard laughs.

The second lets go of Amethyst now. "You were right! That was priceless!"

Amethyst runs over and hugs Steven. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I had to!" Amethyst chuckles. "What are you wearing? Greg! This is a good look for you." Amethyst says.

"I have no idea what's happening anymore." Greg groans.

Y/n closes his eyes and his gem begins to glow catching the attention of the other Amethysts.He takes up his original Black Gem and lets out a sigh of relief.

"Dude..." One of the Amethyst's says.

"Is that a..." Another starts to ask.

Y/n opens his eyes and looks at the Amethysts.

"Yes, I am a Black Gem. Surprise." Y/n says and bows.

"Oh Fu.." An Amethyst guard says but Amethyst quickly covers her mouth and Greg covers Steven's ears.

"I'm trusting you in doing this." Y/n says to the Amethysts.

"Hey You can trust us any friend of 8XM is a friend of ours!" One of the Amethyst guards says.

"Holly Blue will never know." Another says.

"It's not just Holly Blue. The Diamonds can never know I was here." Y/n stresses and the Amethyst's all nod.

"What is going on?" Steven asks.

"These Amethysts, they're all from Earth! They're from the Prime Kindergarten! Wait! Hey, 8XL!" Amethyst calls out.

"Yeah?" 8XL says.

"You guys, I'm an 8! Tell 'em. Tell 'em!" Amethyst says.

"The Amethyst under me never popped out! We're all waiting, and- pfft- nothing." 8XL says.

"I'm 8XM! Facet-5, Cut-8XM- that's me!" Amethyst says adn then she puts her arms around two Amethyst guards. "This is 8XG, this is 8XH."

"I'm J." One of them says.

"Ah, geez! Sorry! I'm worse than Holly Blue!" Amethyst says.

"Aren't we all?" 8JX says and all the Amethysts laugh together.

"Prime, prime, prime. You Amethysts are so cliquey." A Skinny Jasper says.

"Skinny's a Jasper! There are Gems here from the Beta Kindergarten, too! Hey, where's Carnelian?" Amethyst ass.

"Celebrating." Skinny says.

"I'm not the shortest anymore!" Carnelian lifts Amethyst up and runs around the room with her, while they both laugh and the others watch on.

"This is unreal."Greg says.

"Hey! Please, if you don't mind me asking, we really need your help. We came in with Sapphire, Ruby, and Pearl. We've gotta find them and get them out of-" Steven starts but The door into the room behind Steven suddenly opens up, revealing Holly Blue, Sapphire, Ruby and Pearl standing in the doorway, and Y/n, Steven and Greg quickly run away to hide.

"I'll only be a moment." Holly Blue says to Sapphire.

Holly Blue enters the room, and the Quartz guards all stand in attention, as Steven and Greg hide behind one of them and Y/n hides behind another..

"What are you all doing in here?! Get to your stations! Even you hideous off-color Betas! Get out of your cubbies and into your places! It's the least you can do for the Diamond that kept you worthless sorry Gems in service! That's right. Blue is back already! Now go pretend your filthy vein of Quartz is capable of gratitude! Go, go, go!" Holly Blue shouts and commands them.

The Quartz guards begin running out of the room, with Y/n, Steven and Greg sneaking behind their backs.

"Disperse! My Diamond is waiting!" Holly can be heard shouting.

"Run! Just run! I'll find you! Go! And Y/n keep them safe!" Amethyst says to the three. Y/n, Steven and Greg run off, leaving Amethyst behind with the Quartz guards. They enter dimly-lit room, as the door closes behind them, and look up, spotting bubbles of Quartz gems floating in the ceiling.

"Who bubbled all these Gems?" Y/n asks slightly off put by it.

Steven and Greg peek from behind a pillar, seeing thousands of bubbled Quartz floating all around the room.

"Wow! It's kind of like a birthday party in here." Greg says.

Steven then notices he is beginning to tear up and he gasps in shock.

"Oh, no! We gotta hide!" Steven says.

"Huh?" Greg asks.

"Y/n She's coming!" Steven whisper shouts to Y/n and he quickly runs over to them. Y/n, Steven and Greg hide behind the pillar, when Blue Diamond enters the room.

"You have got to be kidding me..." Y/n whispers to Steven and Greg.

"Pearl, close the door." Blue Diamond sighs.

Blue Diamond kneels down in the room, removes her hood and begins to tear up. The door opens again, as Yellow Diamond enters as well.

"Please tell me you're joking. You only just left, and you're already back?" Yellow asks Blue.

"Yellow! W-What are you doing here?" Blue asks surprised.

"I'm here to bring you back to reality, Blue." Yellow Diamond says.

"I'm fine. Just leave me alone." Blue Diamond says.

"It's been thousands of years, Blue, and you still can't bring yourself to destroy these Gems? She was shattered by a Rose Quartz! The entire cut of Gem deserves the same fate!" Yellow argues angrily.

"But they were hers." Blue says.

"They should be wiped out of existence, not kept safe in bubbles!" Yellow says still angry.

Steven and Greg run towards the door they entered from and try to open it, to no avail. Y/n however stands behind a pillar watching the two Diamonds interaction.

The Black Gem - Chapter 33 - RSPBLiterature (1)

"Yellow, she made them. This is all we have left of her. These Gems, this place, and the Earth." Blue Diamond says sadly.

Steven and Greg then run back towards the pillar to hide behind it joining Y/n.

"I thought we agreed we need to put that planet and this whole debacle behind us." Yellow Diamond says frustrated.

"Why can't you just let me grieve? Black understands." Blue Diamond says.

"Black has not left his palace for Five thousand years! Blue, You can't keep coming here forever!" Yellow says.

"Why not?"Blue Diamond asks Yellow.

Yellow Diamond sighs. "Pearl, do something. Sing for her. Make her feel better." Yellow Diamond says and Y/n now notices the two Pearls.

"Yes, my Diamond." The Yellow Pearl says. "Ahem. She turns to Blue Pearl. "Ahem!"

"Uh... Oh." Blue Pearl says.

The Blue Pearl and Yellow Pearl begin to harmonize together.

♪ Aah haa haa, aah haa haa, Aah ha aah ha, aah haa haa, Aah haa haa, aah haa haa, Aah haa haa haa haa haa haa haa haaaaa. ♪ The Pearls start to sing.

Steven has to drag Y/n as he and Greg attempt to sneak between pillars to pillars, as Yellow Diamond begins to sing over the Pearls' harmonization.

♪ Why would you want to be here? What do you ever see here, That doesn't make you feel worse than you do? And tell me, what's the use of feeling, Blue?♪

Why would you want to employ her, subjects that destroyed her?♪

Yellow Diamond pushes the bubbled Rose Quartzes away as she sings to Blue Diamond.

♪Why keep up her silly zoo? Oh, tell me what's the use of feeling, Blue? ♪

♪ An army has a use, they can go and fight a war, A Sapphire has a use, she can tell you what it's for. An Agate terrifies, a Lapis terraforms. Where's their Diamond when they need her, Blue? You've got to be a leader, Blue! ♪

Blue Diamond clings to a pillar under Yellow Diamond's condescending song, as the Pearls continue to harmonize and dance together. Y/n, Steven and Greg continues to sneak between pillars, avoiding the Diamonds' notice.

♪ Yes, of course, we still love her, And we're always thinking of her. But now, there's nothing we can do, So tell me! ♪

The Pearls join in now. ♫ What's the use of feeling? What's the use of feeling? What's the use of feeling, Blue? Ohh! ♫

Y/n, Steven and Greg peek from behind a pillar, watching nervously as Yellow Diamond put her hand in front the Pearls, and they hop onto it. She lifts them and they continue singing the song.

♪ How can you stand to be here with it all? ♪ Yellow sings.

♪ Here with it all! ♪ The pearls repeat.

♫ Drowning in all this regret? Wouldn't you rather forget her? ♫ The three sing.

♪ Ohh! Won't it be grand to get rid of it all? ♪ Yellow Diamond sings.

♪ Rid of it all! ♪ The Pearls repeat.

♫ Let's make a plan of attack! Start looking forward and stop looking back! ♫ Yellow Diamond and the Pearls sign together.

Steven and Greg run to another pillar, when Greg trips and falls. Y/n looks to see if The Diamonds notice them but luckily they don't, as Yellow Diamond kneels down to Blue Diamond and holds her hands. He helps Greg up.

♪ Ohh! Yes, of course, we still love her, And we're always thinking of her. Don't you know I miss her too? But tell me, What's the use of feeling? What's the use of feeling? What's the use of feeling? ♪ Yellow Diamond's singing calms and she turns away and grabs onto the side of the stairs, bowing down seemingly in grief. Steven and Greg makes it to the pillar next to the second door in the room, as Yellow Diamond begins humming the Pearls' song. Y/n watches for a moment feeling conflicted before he shakes himself out of it and joins Steven and Greg.

♪ Hmm hmm hmm, hmm hmm hmm, Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm, Hmmmmm... ♪

Blue Diamond walks over and places a reassuring hand to Yellow Diamond's back, comforting her as her song concludes. The door then opens, and Holly Blue, Ruby, and Sapphire enter.

"And we have arrived. That will be all, Pearl." Holly Blue says and she claps twice, and Pearl walks away. "My Diamond. My gracious, wondrous, luminous, lustrous Diamond...sss?" She notices Yellow Diamond and gasps in surprise. "Oh, my! It's truly an honor to bask in your"

"Get to the point, Agate." Yellow says.

Holly Blue clears her throat. "Yes, of course. My deepest apologies. You'll be pleased to know that your Sapphire has completed your special delivery."

Blue Diamond turns and glares at Holly Blue. "What special delivery?"

"Um, the special delivery you requested from Earth, of course." Holly Blue says nervously.

Blue Diamond gets suspicious. "I never asked any Sapphire to go to Earth." She says.

"I... Um..." The floor beneath Sapphire begins to freeze up as she stammers.

"Oh, no! She's freezing up!" Steven says and Y/n moves to a pillar behind the Diamonds he makes a gesture of two hands holding above his head.

Ruby suddenly sees Y/n's signalling and grabs hold of Sapphire's hand behind her, providing her some comfort and confidence.

"My... future vision foresaw you, my Diamond, desiring more... humans for the zoo, so I... acted accordingly." Sapphire says nervous.

"... It's true. The window for preserving Earth specimens is closing." Blue Diamond sighs sadly.

"Phew..." Steven whispers.

"We need to move now this will be our only chance to escape." Y/n says quietly to Steven and Greg.

"Is that what you want? Sapphire, has the Cluster emerged yet?" Yellow Diamond asks Sapphire.

"No, it has not." She replies.

"Then there's still time. That will be all." Yellow Diamond says and she claps twice.

Holly Blue bows. "My Diamonds."

Holly Blue, Sapphire and Ruby begin to leave the room as the Diamonds turn their backs around. Y/n, Steven and Greg quickly escape the room before the door closes, rejoining with the Crystal Gems to an unknowing Holly Blue. Blue Diamond looks at the door before it closes.

"What is it Blue?" Yellow asks looking at her.

"I thought I saw... A black Gem among them." Blue Diamond says.

"That's impossible Blue, You know all Gems have been instructed to report any sightings of Black Gems, Besides how would they get past all these Amethysts pathetic as they are." Yellow Diamond says and Blue Diamond nods her head and turns back round.

"Two Diamonds?! I can't believe it! Can you believe it? Oh, well, of course, you can. You probably foresaw the whole thing." Holly Blue says.

"Of course! No surprises here." Sapphire says.

Holly Blue begins leading Sapphire and her group through the hallways, while Y/n, Steven and Greg sneak cautiously behind.

"I never expected to see Yellow Diamond in person. Of course she's not Black Diamond but what a commanding presence. You can just feel strength and confidence radiating from her. Holly Blue turns around, Amethyst quickly shapeshifts into Quartz-sized, hiding A crouching Y/n, Steven and Greg behind her, and the group smile nervously at her.

"Don't misunderstand me, of course. I'll always be in Blue's confidence, but if I had been made for Yellow, you wouldn't see me complaining. Being made for Black though what an honor that would be!" Holly Blue leads the group back to the ship hangar. The Amethyst guards then notice Y/n, Steven and Greg sneaking with the group, and try to act ignorant.

"I do hope they appreciate all my hard work to preserve the Pink Diamond legacy. It would really make it worth being stationed here with these sorry excuses for Gems. Oh! It's a shame though." Holly Blue begins to monologue to herself with her eyes, and the group attempts to sneak past her to their Roaming Eye.

"This outpost is so remote, I was beginning to think we'd been forgotten. But we haven't! Two Diamonds, one day! What an honor. I don't think anything could spoil this for me."

Holly Blue then notices Steven and Greg boarding ship, who laugh nervously.

"What... is... the meaning of this?!" Holly Blue shouts.

All the Quartz guards appear in the doorway, startled at Holly Blue's discovery.

"Why are these two outside the containment area?!"

"Holly Blue, I can explain." Sapphire quickly says.

"No need, your clarity. Not even you could have foreseen how incompetent these Amethysts are." Holly Blue summons a blue, electric whip."Well, if you want something done right, you just do it yourself. You two are coming with me!"

Holly Blue lashes her whip at Steven and Greg. Ruby and Sapphire quickly fuse back together into Garnet as Y/n catches the whip revealing his presence. Holly Blue and the Quartz guards gasp in shock and surprise as the electricity flows through the whip and into his body but he stands resolute.

"Y/n!" The gems call out worried.

"Steven, get Greg on board." Y/n says calmly and he pulls the whip in his hand and pulls it away from Holly Blue knocking her off her feet.

"Yes, please!"Greg says eager to leave.

"A Black Gem!? Quickly summon the Diamonds!" Holly Blue says but the Quartz's don't move

"What are you doing?!" She asks.

"Let me make this clear to you Holly Blue." Y/n says as he walks over to Holy Blue a strange Black aura surrounds him and his hand is lifted and showing off his ring. Holly Blue's eyes lock onto it.

The Black Gem - Chapter 33 - RSPBLiterature (2)

"That's impossible your supposed to be a Myth!" Holly shouts terrified.

"I assure you, I am no Myth! If you value your existence you will carry on as if nothing ever happened." Y/n says looking down Holly Blue at his feet.

"Or would rather the Diamonds found out that you allowed a band of traitorous rebels to infiltrate a highly-secure facility and escape from right under your careful watch? Doesn't sound like a wise thing to do, Holly Blue~" Pearl says sassing Holly.

"So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut." Y/n says to the Agate as Pearl makes her way over to Y/n and stands by his side now. She looks down at a defeated Holly Blue.

"That will be all." She says and bows, and Y/n claps twice. Pearl chuckles amused and takes Y/n's hand now intertwining her fingers with his

"Don't make me come back here Holly Blue." Y/n warns and he and Pearl turn around and the Black aura dies down.

The Quartz guards begin waving and saying goodbyes to the Crystal Gems as they board the ship.

Amethyst blows a kiss. "Famethyst for life!" She cries out

Holly Blue groans in misery while the Quartz guards continue to laugh at her and waving goodbye to the Crystal Gems, as they begin to take off and leave the human zoo.

"Thanks so much for coming to get me. That has to be, like, the third craziest weekend I've ever had." Greg says.

"Dad, I'm really sorry I got you into all this. This whole thing started 'cause... I wanted answers." Steven says sound more sorry than ever.

"You don't have to be sorry about a thing. I hope you found what you were looking for." Greg says.

"I did. I found you."Steven says.

"And I found you..." Pearl say quietly to herself as she smiles while looking at Y/n.

The gravity engine of the Roaming Eye activates, and it warps away through space, back towards Earth.

The Black Gem - Chapter 33 - RSPBLiterature (2024)


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

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Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.