Sony v. Tenenbaum (Sony Reply Brief) - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/7/2019 Sony v. Tenenbaum (Sony Reply Brief)


  • 8/7/2019 Sony v. Tenenbaum (Sony Reply Brief)




    TABLE OF AUTHORITIES...................................................................................iii

    INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY OFARGUMENT........................................1


    I. Tenenbaums Broad Attacks On Section 504(c) AreNeitherPreserved Nor Meritorious..............................................................................4

    A. FeltnerDid Not Render Section 504(c)Inoperable..............................5

    B. Section 504(c) Does Not Differentiate BetweenCommercial andNoncommercial Infringers..................................9

    C. Section 504(c) Does Not Require Proof of Actual Damages.............18

    II. The Jurys Award IsConstitutional...............................................................26

    A. Remittitur Is Not a Viable Means ofConstitutionalAvoidance............................................................................................26

    B. Constitutional Review is Governed by Williams, notGore................31

    C. The Jurys Award Is Constitutional Under Williams..........................38

    D. The Jurys Award Is Constitutional Under Gore................................44

    III. The District Courts Jury Instructions Were AccurateAndAdequate........................................................................................................46

    A. The Courts Instruction on the Statutory Range WasNotErroneous.............................................................................................47

    B. Tenenbaum Was Not Entitled to an Instruction RegardingHarmCaused by or Flowing toNonparties.........................................51

    C. Tenenbaum Was Not Entitled to an Instruction thatStatutoryDamages Must Bear a Reasonable Relationship toActualHarm....................................................................................................54

    D. The Courts Instruction Correctly DefinedWillful.........................55

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    A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.,114 F. Supp. 2d 896 (N.D.Cal. 2000)..........................................................13,14

    A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.,239 F.3d 1004 (9th Cir.2001)................................................................12,13, 14

    Accounting Outsourcing LLC v. Verizon Wireless Pers. Commcns,L.P.,329 F. Supp. 2d 789 (M.D. La.2004).................................................................35

    Am. Geophysical Union v. Texaco, Inc.,

    60 F.3d 913 (2d Cir. 1994).................................................................................13

    Ashwander v. Tenn. Valley Auth.,297 U.S. 288(1936)..............................................................................................7

    Bielunas v. F/V Misty Dawn, Inc.,621 F.3d 72 (1st Cir.2010).................................................................................27

    Bigelow v. RKO Radio Pictures,327 U.S. 251(1946)......................................................................................25,45

    Bly v. Banbury Books, Inc.,638 F. Supp. 983 (E.D. Pa.1986).......................................................................55

    BMW of N. Am., Inc. v. Gore,517 U.S. 559(1996).....................................................................................passim

    Brady v. Daly,175 U.S. 148(1899)............................................................................................22

    Capitol Records Inc. v. Thomas-Rasset,

    680 F. Supp. 2d 1045 (D. Minn.2010)...............................................................29

    Columbia Pictures Television, Inc. v. Krypton Broad. ofBirmingham, Inc.,259 F.3d 1186 (9th Cir. 2001)..............................................................................6

    Cooper Indus., Inc. v. Leatherman Tool Grp., Inc.,532 U.S. 424(2001)............................................................................................33

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    Correia v. Feeney,620 F.3d 9 (1st Cir.2010).....................................................................................5

    Curtis v. Loether,415 U.S. 189(1974)..............................................................................................6

    Davis v. E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co.,249 F. Supp. 329(S.D.N.Y. 1966).....................................................................55

    Daz-Fonseca v. Puerto Rico,451 F.3d 13 (1st Cir.2006).................................................................................49

    Dimick v. Schiedt,293 U.S. 474(1935)..............................................................................................9

    Douglas v. Cunningham,294 U.S. 207(1935)..........................................................................19,21, 22, 27

    Exxon Shipping Co. v. Baker,554 U.S. 471(2008)............................................................................................37

    F.W. Woolworth Co. v. Contemporary Arts,344 U.S. 228(1952)..........................................................................15,20, 21, 54

    Feltner v. Columbia Pictures Television, Inc.,523 U.S. 340(1998).....................................................................................passim

    Fitzgerald Publg Co. v. Baylor Publg Co.,807 F.2d 1110 (2d Cir.1986).............................................................................56

    Forest Grove Sch. Dist. v. T.A.,129 S. Ct. 2484(2009)..........................................................................................8

    Gray v. Genlyte Grp., Inc.,289 F.3d 128 (1st Cir.2002)...............................................................................52

    Harris v. Emus Records Corp.,734 F.2d 1329 (9th Cir. 1984)............................................................................25

    In re Aimster Copyright Litig.,334 F.3d 643 (7th Cir. 2003)........................................................................41,42

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    In re Barboza,545 F.3d 702 (9th Cir. 2008)..............................................................................56

    Kepner-Tregoe, Inc. v. Vroom,186 F.3d 283 (2d Cir. 1999)...............................................................................57

    L.A. News Serv. v. Reuters Television Intl, Ltd.,149 F.3d 987(9th Cir. 1998)..............................................................................25

    L.A. Westermann Co. v. Dispatch Printing Co.,249 U.S. 100(1919).....................................................................................passim

    Lord Townshend v. Hughes,86 Eng. Rep. 994 (C.P. 1677)...............................................................................9

    Lowrys Reports, Inc. v. Legg Mason, Inc.,302 F. Supp. 2d 455 (D.Md.2004)....................................................................35

    Lyons Pship, L.P. v. Morris Costumes, Inc.,243 F.3d 789 (4thCir. 2001)..............................................................................56

    Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc. v. Grokster Ltd.,545 U.S. 913(2005)............................................................................................41

    Negron v. Caleb Brett U.S.A., Inc.,212 F.3d 666 (1st Cir.2000).........................................................................47,48

    New Line Cinema Corp. v. Russ Berrie & Co.,161 F. Supp. 2d293 (S.D.N.Y. 2001)................................................................55

    Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Servs.,523 U.S. 75(1998)..............................................................................................14

    Ortiz-Gonzalez v. Fonovisa,277 F.3d 59 (1st Cir.2002)...................................................................................5

    Parker v. Gerrish,547 F.3d 1 (1st Cir.2008)...................................................................................25

    Parker v. Time Warner Entmt Co., L.P.,331 F.3d 13 (2d Cir. 2003)...........................................................................36,37

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    Penn. Dept of Corr. v. Yeskey,524 U.S. 206(1998)............................................................................................17

    Philip Morris USA v. Williams,549 U.S. 346(2007)......................................................................................51,52

    Plumley v. S. Container, Inc.,303 F.3d 364 (1st Cir.2002)...........................................................................5,10

    RCA/Ariola Intl, Inc. v. Thomas & Grayston Co.,845 F.2d 773(8th Cir. 1988)..............................................................................57

    Recording Indus. Assn of Am. v. Diamond Multimedia Sys.,Inc.,180 F.3d 1072 (9th Cir. 1999)............................................................................16

    Rivera Castillo v. Autokirey, Inc.,379 F.3d 4 (1st Cir.2004).............................................................................49,52

    Rodriguez de Quijas v. Shearson/Am. Express, Inc.,490 U.S. 477(1989)............................................................................................35

    Romano v. U-Haul Intl,233 F.3d 655 (1st Cir.2000)...............................................................................36

    Russello v. United States,464 U.S. 16(1983)..............................................................................................10

    Sega Enters. Ltd. v. MAPHIA,857 F. Supp. 679 (N.D. Cal.1994).....................................................................13

    Segrets, Inc. v. Gillman Knitwear Co.,207 F.3d 56 (1st Cir.2000)...................................................................................5

    Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios, Inc.,464 U.S. 417(1984)............................................................................................39

    St. Louis, I. M. & S. Ry. Co. v. Williams,251 U.S. 63(1919).......................................................................................passim

    Tull v. United States,481 U.S. 412(1987)..............................................................................................6

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    Udemba v. Nicoli,237 F.3d 8 (1st Cir.2001).....................................................................................9

    United States v. LaMacchia,871 F. Supp. 535 (D. Mass.1994)......................................................................11

    United States v. Paramount Pictures, Inc.,334 U.S. 131(1948)............................................................................................41

    United States v. Sampson,486 F.3d 13 (1st Cir.2007).................................................................................35

    Venegas-Hernandez v. Peer,2004 WL 3686337 (D.P.R. May 19, 2004)........................................................55

    Warner Bros. v. Dae Rim Trading, Inc.,677 F. Supp. 740 (S.D.N.Y.1988).....................................................................55, Inc. v. Consumer Innovations, LLC,388 F. Supp.2d 435 (D. Del.2005)....................................................................55

    Wildlife Express Corp. v. Carol Wright Sales, Inc.,18 F.3d 502(7th Cir. 1994)................................................................................56

    Williams v. Philip Morris USA Inc.,176 P.3d 1255 (Or. 2008)...................................................................................52

    Worldwide Church of God v. Phila. Church of God,227 F.3d 1110(9th Cir. 2000)............................................................................13

    Yurman Studio v. Casteneda,2008 WL 4949775 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 19,2008)....................................................55

    Zomba Enters., Inc. v. Panorama Records, Inc.,491 F.3d 574 (6thCir. 2007)........................................................................35,56


    17 U.S.C.101..................................................................................................11,12

    17 U.S.C.107........................................................................................................13

    17 U.S.C.402........................................................................................................56

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    17 U.S.C.504.................................................................................................passim

    17 U.S.C. 506............................................................................................10,11, 12

    Act of May 31, 1790

    1 Stat. 124....................................................................................................39,41

    Audio Home Recording Act of 1992,Pub. L. No. 102-563, 106 Stat.4237..................................................................16

    Copyright Act of 1909,35 Stat. 1075.................................................................................................20,21

    Copyright Act of 1976,Pub. L. No. 94-553, 90 Stat. 2541......................................................................22

    Digital Theft and Copyright Damages Improvement Act of 1999,Pub.L. No. 106-160, 113 Stat. 1774.........................................................7, 8,17

    No Electronic Theft Act of 1997,Pub. L. No. 105-147, 111 Stat.2678..................................................................11


    Dept of Justice,Report of the Department of JusticesTask Forceon Intellectual Property,

    Fed. R. Civ. P. 51...............................................................................................47,52

    H.R. Rep. 92-487(1971)..........................................................................................15

    H.R. Rep. No. 94-1476(1976)...........................................................................12,14

    H.R. Rep. 105-339(1997)..................................................................................12,14

    H.R. Rep. 106-216(1999)..............................................................................8,17, 42

    4 Melville B. Nimmer & David Nimmer,Nimmer on Copyright14.04......................................................................25,57

    Prohibiting Piracy of Sound Recordings:

    Hearings on S. 646 and H.R. 6927 Before Subcomm. 3

    of the H. Comm. on the Judiciary, 92d Cong. 4 (1971).....................................15

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    S. Rep. 102-294(1992)............................................................................................16

    Staff of H. Comm. on the Judiciary, 87th Cong., Copyright LawRevision:Report of the Register of Copyrights on theGeneralRevision of The U.S. Copyright Law(1961)............................11, 19, 23

    U.S. Const. art. 1, 8.........................................................................................39,40

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    In his opening brief, Tenenbaum asks this Court to do nothingless than

    rewrite the Copyright Acts statutory damages provision anddisregard a Supreme

    Court decision interpreting it. In Tenenbaums view, statutorydamages should be

    available if at all only against commercial actors who infringewith the

    specific intent of obtaining a direct profit from theirinfringement. Even then,

    damages should not be awarded within the ranges Congress hasprovided, but

    rather should be limited by whatever quantifiable proof ofprofit or injury a

    copyright owner can provide, notwithstanding the extent to whichthe infringer

    himself makes such proof impractical or even impossible toobtain. If that were

    not enough, Tenenbaum also urges this Court to effectivelyoverturn the Supreme

    Courts decision in Feltner v. Columbia Pictures Television,Inc., 523 U.S. 340

    (1998). Tenenbaums hostility to the statute Congress actuallywrote and the role

    of the jury under Feltneris palpable. However, Tenenbaumsarguments, which in

    large part echo the district courts reasons for rejecting thejurys award, do not

    provide any justification for deeming the jurys award within thestatutory damages

    range unconstitutional or otherwise invalid.

    Statutory damages remain available after Feltner, which did notinvalidate

    17 U.S.C. 504(c), but rather held that a jury, not a judge, mustassess statutory

    damages within the range Congress provided. As is plain from thetext of the

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    statute, as well as the legislative history and multiple SupremeCourt cases, such

    damages are available against any infringer, without regard towhether the

    infringer acted for commercial gain, achieved a direct financialprofit, or caused

    quantifiable injury to the copyright holder. Indeed, the raisondtre of statutory

    damages is to provide an alternative to actual damages incontexts where they may

    be difficult to prove or otherwise inadequate. In any event,Tenenbaums rampant

    file-sharing with numerous unknown peer-to-peer network userswas

    commercial as Congress and courts have defined that term, anddirectly caused

    Plaintiffs real and substantial injury.

    Tenenbaum also fails to show any constitutional infirmity in thejurys

    award of statutory damages well within the range Congress hasauthorized. A

    statutory damages award is governed by the standard set forth inSt. Louis, Iron

    Mountain & Southern Railway Co. v. Williams, 251 U.S. 63(1919), the touchstone

    of which is deference to the legislatures wide latitude ofdiscretion in

    responding to public wrongs. Id. at 66. Tenenbaums attempt toreplace the

    Williams standard with the punitive damages guideposts set forthinBMW of North

    America, Inc. v. Gore, 517 U.S. 559 (1996), ignores the factthat those guideposts

    are designed to compensate for the absence of the verylegislative judgment to

    which Williams defers. Moreover, Tenenbaums focus on the awardsratio to

    actual damages runs head-on into Williams itself, whichexpressly rejects the

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    notion that statutory damages must be confined or proportionedto [a plaintiffs]

    loss or damages. Williams, 251 U.S. at 66.

    Applying the Williams standard, the jurys award should bereinstated.

    Congresss judgment concerning the appropriate response tocopyright

    infringement cannot be said to be so severe and oppressive as tobe wholly

    disproportioned to the offense and obviously unreasonable. 67. Moreover,

    although Williams makes clear that statutorily authorizeddamages can withstand

    constitutional challenge even without regard to the harm causedby a particular

    defendant, the jurys award here was surely an appropriateresponse to the

    egregiousness of Tenenbaums actions and the substantial harmthey caused. By

    his own admission, Tenenbaum infringed upon these and hundredsof other

    copyrighted works, distributing them to countless peer-to-peernetwork users for

    free, all the while knowing his actions constituted copyrightinfringement. He did

    not stop even after Plaintiffs threatened and brought legalaction, but instead

    reacted by repeatedly blaming friends and family for his ownactions. The

    Copyright Acts damages provisions make crystal clear thatwillful infringement is

    subject to greater damages, and Tenenbaums conduct was willfulin the extreme.

    As Plaintiffs evidence at trial showed, this willfulinfringement caused them real

    and substantial injury.

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    Finally, Tenenbaums new trial arguments are for the most partunpreserved

    and in any event are meritless. At bottom, Tenenbaums juryinstruction

    challenges are just a repackaged attack on the competency of ajury to award

    statutory damages, an argument conclusively rejected byFeltneras contrary to the

    Seventh Amendment.


    I. Tenenbaums Broad Attacks On Section 504(c) Are NeitherPreservedNor Meritorious.

    Throughout its opinion striking down the damages award in thiscase, the

    district court evinced an implicit hostility to the judgments ofCongress and the

    Supreme Court, both with respect to the ability of a jury toassess statutory

    damages for copyright infringement and with respect to the rangeof statutory

    damages and the scope of infringing conduct. Tenenbaum now asksthis Court to

    make that implicit hostility explicit, by rejecting the SupremeCourts holding in

    Feltnerthat juries may assess statutory damages, as well asCongresss judgment

    that statutory damages should be available regardless of whetherinfringement was

    done with a commercial motive or caused readily quantifiabledamages.

    Tenenbaums broad attacks on 504(c) aside from beingunpreserved

    would require this Court to ignore the holdings of no fewer thanthree Supreme

    Court cases and to override Congresss policy judgments in anarea uniquely

    within its discretion. These attacks on 504(c) should berejected out of hand.

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    A. Feltner Did Not Render Section 504(c) Inoperable.SinceFeltnerwas decided more than a decade ago, not a single courthas

    suggested that statutory damages are no longer available forcopyright

    infringement. To the contrary, courts including this Court haverepeatedly and

    unanimously recognized that Feltnersimply mandated that a partymay demand a

    jury determination of the amount of statutory damages to beawarded. Ortiz-

    Gonzalez v. Fonovisa, 277 F.3d 59, 63 n.6 (1st Cir. 2002); seealsoSegrets, Inc. v.

    Gillman Knitwear Co., 207 F.3d 56, 63 (1st Cir. 2000) (applyingFeltner

    retroactively to entitle defendant to jury trial on statutorydamages).

    Perhaps in recognition of that reality, Tenenbaum has neverbefore argued

    that 504(c) did not survive Feltneror required subsequentcongressional action to

    be revived. To the contrary, he requested and stipulated to ajury trial. See

    Stipulation to Jury Trial (Consol. Doc. No. 674).1 His facialattack on the statutes

    continued existence is therefore forfeited. See Plumley v. S.Container, Inc., 303

    F.3d 364, 372 n.7 (1st Cir. 2002) (arguments raised for firsttime on appeal are

    forfeited); see also Correia v. Feeney, 620 F.3d 9, 15 (1st Cir.2010) (court will

    consider forfeited argument only if alleged error was obviousand clear under

    current law). It is also meritless.

    1 Citations in this brief are as follows: Add. denotes citationsto the Addendum toPlaintiffs Opening Brief; Appx. denotes citationsto the Joint Appendix; Doc. No.denotes citations to docket entriesin 1:07-cv-111446; and Consol. Doc. No. denotescitations to docketentries in 1:03-cv-11661.

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    The Court in Feltnerdid not hold the statute unconstitutional.It instead held

    that a plaintiff may still seek statutory damages, but that if aparty so demands, a

    jury must determine the actual amount of statutory damages under504(c).

    Feltner, 523 U.S. at 355. For that reason, the Ninth Circuit onremand rejected the

    argument that 504(c) does not survive Feltner as contrary to theexpress

    language of the Supreme Courts decision. Columbia PicturesTelevision, Inc. v.

    Krypton Broad. of Birmingham, Inc., 259 F.3d 1186, 1192 (9thCir. 2001). As that

    court also recognized, see id. at 1192, such a holding would becontrary to the

    Supreme Courts approach in other Seventh Amendment cases wherethe Court

    followed the same practice of curing a Seventh Amendmentviolation by reading a

    statute to provide a jury trial right. See Tull v. UnitedStates, 481 U.S. 412, 425

    (1987) (reading into Clean Water Act provision a right to have ajury determine

    liability); Curtis v. Loether, 415 U.S. 189, 194 (1974) (readinginto Civil Rights

    Act provision a right to a jury trial).2 That practice, in turn,reflects a much broader

    2 Tenenbaum makes a half-hearted attempt to distinguish Tull asa case in which theCourt honored congressional intent by actuallyallowing judges to set the amount ofstatutory damages. Def.s Br.76. He is wrong on two counts. The question presented

    in Tull was whether the Seventh Amendment guarantee[s] a rightto a jury trial onboth liability and amount of penalty in an actioninstituted by the Federal Governmentseeking civil penalties andinjunctive relief. 481 U.S. at 414 (emphasis added). Whilethe Courtheld that the Seventh Amendment does not provide a right to have ajurydetermine the amount of civil penalties, it first held that theAmendment does provide aright to have a jury decide liability, andthat the statute must be read to provide that rightas well. Id. at425. Tenenbaum also misleadingly describes Tull as allowing judgestoset statutory damages. Def.s Br. 76. As the Court noted whendistinguishing Tull in

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    and deeply-rooted practice of construing statutes to beconstitutional and operative,

    rather than rendering them a nullity. See, e.g., Ashwander v.Tenn. Valley Auth.,

    297 U.S. 288, 354-55 (1936) (Brandeis, J., concurring).

    Tenenbaum makes no real attempt to reconcile his argument withthe

    Courts clear holding in Feltner. He instead attacksFeltnerhead-on, accusing the

    Court of engag[ing] in outright judicial legislation, andclaiming it lacked

    power to rewrite the statute in this manner. Def.s Br. 75, 77.Tenenbaums

    disparagement of the Supreme Courts Seventh Amendmentjurisprudence cannot

    change the reality that Feltneris the law of the land.

    Moreover, in asking this Court to hold 504(c) invalid, Tenenbaumdoes not

    just ask this Court to disregard the Supreme Courts holding inFeltner. He also

    asks it to ignore a subsequent act of Congress. Feltnerwasdecided in 1998. One

    year later, Congress passed the Digital Theft and CopyrightDamages Improvement

    Act of 1999, which increased the amount of statutory damagesavailable under

    504(c). See Pub. L. No. 106-160, 113 Stat. 1774 (increasingminimum to $750,

    maximum to $30,000, and maximum for willful infringement to$150,000). That

    Acts amendment of 504(c) would have had no effect had Feltnerrendered

    504(c) a dead letter, and the fact that Congress passed it oneyear later makes

    Feltner, Tull involved civil penalties to be paid to theGovernment, not statutorydamages to be paid to private parties.Feltner, 523 U.S. at 355.

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    clear its intent that 504(c) continue to operate with a jurytrial right, as the Court

    held in Feltner.3

    In any event, it is clear that Tenenbaums hostility is not somuch to the

    Supreme Courts chosen means of resolving the Seventh Amendmentproblem

    created by 504(c), but rather to Feltners holding that the juryhas a role in

    assessing statutory damages under the Seventh Amendment.Tenenbaum does not

    consider assessment of statutory damages an appropriate task[]for a jury, which

    in his mind lacks sufficient expertise to determine what measureof damages is

    just. Def.s Br. 78. Although the district court was less directin disparaging the

    jury, it, too, evinced skepticism of the capabilities of a jury,positing that jurors

    are in need of additional guidance if they are to be entrustedwith the

    responsibility of awarding statutory damages. Add. 39 n.12.

    That disdain for the jurys ability is contradicted by more than200 years of

    this countrys history and tradition, and is foreclosed by theSeventh Amendment

    3 That Congress did not specifically mention Feltner whenpassing the 1999 Act isirrelevant. First, the legislative historyreveals that Congress recognized the authority of

    juries to render statutory damages awards. See H.R. Rep.106-216, at 6 (1999) (Courtsand juries must be able to renderawards that deter others from infringing intellectualpropertyrights. (emphasis added)). In any event, it is well settled thatCongress ispresumed to be aware of ... [a] judicial interpretationof a statute and to adopt thatinterpretation if it re-enacts astatute without change. Forest Grove Sch. Dist. v. T.A.,129 S. Ct.2484, 2492 (2009) (internal quotation marks omitted). And whateverthe forceof that presumption as a general matter, it would surelybe extraordinary to conclude thatCongress was unaware of a veryrecent Supreme Court decision that, on Tenenbaumsrather remarkableview, rendered the congressional amendment of a nullified provisionacomplete fools errand.

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    itself. It has long been recognized that by the law the jury arejudges of the

    damages. Feltner, 523 U.S. at 353 (quotingLord Townshend v.Hughes, 86 Eng.

    Rep. 994, 994-95 (C.P. 1677)). Indeed, assessment of the amountof damages has

    historically been understood as so peculiarly within theprovince of the jury that

    the Court should not alter it. Id. (quotingDimick v. Schiedt,293 U.S. 474, 480

    (1935)). The Supreme Court relied on precisely thatconstitutional tradition to hold

    that [t]he right to a jury trial includes the right to have ajury determine the

    amountof statutory damages, if any, awarded to the copyrightowner. Id. This

    Court has neither the authority nor any basis to alter thatconclusion.

    B. Section 504(c) Does Not Differentiate Between CommercialandNoncommercial Infringers.

    Tenenbaum next suggests that this Court bypass the due processquestion by

    holding that statutory damages are unavailable where there isneither purpose nor

    fact of profit. Def.s Br. 48. Once again, this is an argument hefailed to preserve

    below. Although Tenenbaum argued that the purportedlynoncommercial nature

    of his actions provided a basis upon which to reduce the award,see Def.s Mot.

    and Mem. for New Trial or Remittitur (Def.s Post-Trial Mot.) 18(Doc. No. 26),

    he did not file a motion for judgment as a matter of law on theground that his

    actions were noncommercial or argue in his post-trial motionthat 504(c) is

    inapplicable to noncommercial infringement. Accordingly, theargument he now

    raises is forfeited. See Udemba v. Nicoli, 237 F.3d 8, 13 (1stCir. 2001) (to

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    challenge denial of judgment as a matter of law, the challengermust first have

    presented the same claim to the district court); Plumley, 303F.3d at 372 n.7. The

    District Court embraced a junior varsity version of thisargument in rejecting the

    amount of the jurys award. See Add. 32-38. Whether framed as achallenge (by

    Tenenbaum) to the applicability of the statute or (by thedistrict court) to the jurys

    damages award, this argument fails as a matter of law andfact.

    1. As explained in Plaintiffs Opening Brief (at 30-37), 504makes no

    distinction between commercial and noncommercial infringement,but rather

    broadly applies to any infringer of copyright. 17 U.S.C. 504(a).The absence

    of a commercial infringement limitation in 504(c) isparticularly telling, as the

    criminal provision of the Act ( 506) does include such alimitation: it requires

    infringement to be both willful[] and, inter alia, for purposesof commercial

    advantage or private financial gain. Id. 506(a)(1).4 [W]hereCongress includes

    particular language in one section of a statute but omits it inanother section of the

    same Act, it is generally presumed that Congress actsintentionally and purposely

    in the disparate inclusion or exclusion. Russello v. UnitedStates, 464 U.S. 16, 23

    (1983) (internal quotation marks omitted).

    4 [C]ommercial advantage or private financial gain is not anabsolute requirement;there are two other potential triggers forcriminal responsibility. See 17 U.S.C. 506(a).

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    That presumption holds true here. Over its centuries ofexperience setting

    copyright policy, Congress has recognized that in many instancesinfringement

    may result in little or no profit or profits that may beimpossible to compute.

    See Staff of H. Comm. on the Judiciary, 87th Cong., CopyrightLaw Revision:

    Report of the Register of Copyrights on the General Revision ofThe U.S.

    Copyright Law 103 (1961 Report) (Comm. Print 1961). Statutorydamages were

    adopted in part to respond to and compensate for this reality.It would turn

    Congresss intent on its head to make them unavailable absentpurpose []or fact of

    profit, Def.s Br. 48.

    2. In any event, even if 504 could somehow be read to includethe same

    financial gain limitation as 506, that would not help Tenenbaum.As Congress

    made clear in the No Electronic Theft (NET) Act of 1997,financial gain where it

    actually appears in the statute is not limited to actual profit,but rather includes

    receipt, or expectation of receipt, of anything of value,including the receipt of

    other copyrighted works. Pub. L. No. 105-147, 2(a), 111 Stat.2678 (1997),

    (codified as amended at 17 U.S.C. 101 (1997)). Congress expandedthe

    definition in this manner in direct response to the holding inUnited States v.

    LaMacchia, 871 F. Supp. 535 (D. Mass. 1994), that the creationof an unauthorized

    electronic forum to share copyrighted works for free was notcriminal

    infringement because it was not done for profit. In clarifyingthat financial gain

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    includes receipt of anything of value, 17 U.S.C. 101, Congressrecognized

    that infringers who do not realize a direct financial benefitmay nonetheless

    substantially damage the market for copyrighted works. H.R. Rep.105-339, at 7


    Tenenbaum responds by pointing out that [t]he NET Act was notintended

    to create parity between civil and criminal provisions. Def.sBr. 72. Fair

    enough. But the lack of parity stems from the fact that 504(c)scivil provision

    contains no financial gain limitation at all. The amendments to506s

    financial gain limitation thus lessened the gap between criminaland civil

    liability by clarifying that monetary gain was not aprerequisite for criminal

    liability. The remaining lack of parity reflects Congresssconsidered judgment to

    make a showing of financial gain wholly unnecessary under504.

    3. Tenenbaums alternative attempt (at 71) to paint his actionsas outside the

    scope of 101s definition is equally implausible and reveals acentral flaw in his

    noncommercial exception argument: not only is this argumentlegally specious,

    but his actions do not fit within any legitimate conception ofnoncommercial. As

    courts have repeatedly recognized when addressing the commercialnature of an

    alleged fair use, [d]irect economic benefit is not required todemonstrate a

    commercial use. A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc., 239 F.3d1004, 1015 (9th

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    Cir. 2001).5 Infringement may be commercial when it is done forthe benefit of

    others, see, e.g., Worldwide Church of God v. Phila. Church ofGod, 227 F.3d

    1110, 1118 (9th Cir. 2000) (church that copied religious textfor members

    unquestionably profit[ed] from unauthorized distribution and useof [the text]

    without having to account to the copyright holder); Am.Geophysical Union v.

    Texaco, Inc., 60 F.3d 913, 922 (2d Cir. 1994) (researchersgained indirect

    economic advantage by photocopying copyrighted scholarlyarticles), or simply to

    save oneself the expense of having to purchase the copyrightedwork, see, e.g.,

    Sega Enters. Ltd. v. MAPHIA, 857 F. Supp. 679, 687 (N.D. Cal.1994)

    (downloading copies of video games to avoid having to buy videogame

    cartridges constitutes commercial use).

    For precisely those reasons, the Ninth Circuit affirmed adistrict courts

    finding that file-sharing constitutes commercial copyrightinfringement. See

    Napster, 239 F.3d at 1015. As the district court explained, ahost user sending a

    file cannot be said to engage in a personal use whendistributing that file to an

    anonymous requester, and those who download files frompeer-to-peer networks

    get for free something they would ordinarily have to buy.A&M Records, Inc. v.

    5[T]he purpose and character of the use is one of multiplefactors that guide a courtsdetermination of whether a defendantsactions are subject to the Copyright Acts fairuse defense. See 17U.S.C. 107. Whether a use is commercial or noncommercial isthus aconsideration but not a dispositive one in determining whether itis fair.See Napster, 239 F.3d at 1015.

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    Napster, Inc., 114 F. Supp. 2d 896, 912 (N.D. Cal. 2000). TheNinth Circuit

    agreed that commercial use is demonstrated by a showing thatrepeated and

    exploitative unauthorized copies of copyrighted works were madeto save the

    expense of purchasing authorized copies. Napster, 239 F.3d at1015. The same is

    true here: Tenenbaums unauthorized uploading and downloading ofPlaintiffs

    copyrighted works was done with the commercial purpose of savinghimself and

    other network users the expense of purchasing authorizedversions, and is

    materially indistinguishable from the LaMacchia-like behaviorCongress

    targeted in the NET Act. H.R. Rep. 105-339, at 7.

    4. Although Tenenbaum has amassed a considerable collection oflegislative

    history in an attempt to prove that Congress meant to exemptconsumer

    infringement (at 50-65), none of it advances his cause. Hedocuments little more

    than that Congresss protection of sound recordings was motivatedby a desire to

    curb commercial bootlegging and piracy, see Def.s Br. 54, whichdoes nothing to

    counter the fact that the plain language of the statuteencompasses consumer

    infringement. SeeOncale v. Sundowner Offshore Servs., 523 U.S.75, 79 (1998)

    ([I]t is ultimately the provisions of our laws rather than theprincipal concerns of

    our legislators by which we are governed.).

    Moreover, the same legislative history reveals that Congressintended to

    prevent losses to the copyright owner, which may occur evenwhere an infringer

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    does not directly profit from his infringement. See, e.g.,Prohibiting Piracy of

    Sound Recordings: Hearings on S. 646 and H.R. 6927 BeforeSubcomm. 3 of the

    H. Comm. on the Judiciary, 92d Cong. 4 (1971) (statement of Rep.Emanuel

    Cellar, Chairman, H. Comm. on the Judiciary) ([T]he siphoningoff of sales that

    would otherwise be made by the creators and owners of therecording has

    reached alarming proportions.); id. at 55 (statement of LeonardFeist, Vice

    President, Natl Music Publishers Assn) (these increased remedieswill enable

    the copyright proprietor to deal effectively and forcefully withthose who steal the

    creative efforts of others not only the large and ratherprofessional operators,

    but all the innumerable small operators who are fully aware ofwhat they are

    doing). Indeed, Tenenbaums version of noncommercial infringementmay

    cause even greater injury to copyright holders than for-profitinfringement it

    is, after all, hard to compete with free. See F.W. Woolworth Co.v. Contemporary

    Arts, 344 U.S. 228, 232 (1952) (recognizing that sales at asmall margin might

    cause more damage to the copyright proprietor than sales of theinfringing article at

    a higher price).

    Tenenbaum alternatively latches onto legislative historyindicating that

    Congress did not intend the Copyright Act to cover homerecording for private

    use and with no purpose of reproducing or otherwise capitalizingcommercially,

    H.R. Rep. 92-487, at 6 (1971), reprinted in 1971 U.S.C.C.A.N.1566, 1572, and

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    later made that intent explicit by exempting noncommercial useby a consumer

    of a digital or analog recording device, Audio Home RecordingAct of 1992

    (AHRA), Pub. L. No. 102-563, 1008, 106 Stat. 4237, 4244.Congresss

    exemption of personal home recording is wholly irrelevantbecause, as Tenenbaum

    grudgingly acknowledges (at 63), Congress deliberatelyexcludedsound recordings

    copied and stored on computers from this exemption. SeeRecording Indus. Assn

    of Am. v. Diamond Multimedia Sys., Inc., 180 F.3d 1072, 1078 n.6(9th Cir. 1999)

    (noting evidence that the exclusion of computers from the Actsscope was part of

    a carefully negotiated compromise between the various industrieswith interests at

    stake). In any event, once again, Tenenbaums sharing ofinfringing works with

    the general public in expectation of receiving other infringingworks for free is a

    far cry from the kind of noncommercial use Congress exempted inthe AHRA.

    See, e.g., S. Rep. 102-294, at 55 (1992) ([F]or purposes ofillustration, the making

    of an audiogram by a consumer for use in his or her home, car,or portable tape

    player, or for a family member, is protected by thislegislation.).

    5. Finally, Tenenbaums related suggestion (at 73-74) thatfile-sharing itself

    is outside the scope of 504 is equally without merit. As aninitial matter, his

    argument once again finds no support in the text of the statute,which provides no

    exemption for any particular means of infringement and appliesto any infringer

    of copyright. 17 U.S.C. 504(a). Moreover, as detailed inPlaintiffs Opening

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    Brief (at 34-35), Congress expressly targeted Internet-basedinfringement when it

    increased the available statutory damages in 1999. As a Housereport on an earlier

    version of the 1999 Act explained, Many computer users areeither ignorant that

    copyright laws apply to Internet activity, or they simplybelieve that they will not

    be caught or prosecuted for their conduct. Also, many infringersdo not consider

    the current copyright infringement penalties a real threat .H.R. Rep. 106-216,

    at 3.

    Tenenbaum urges this Court to follow the district courts leadin

    disregarding this legislative history because Napster was notlaunched until shortly

    after the 1999 Act was first drafted. But the fact thatpeer-to-peer networks were

    not the specific impetus for the bill hardly obscures Congresssintent to curb

    infringement through new advances in computer technology. Whatis clear is that

    Congress intended 504(c) to reach so-called ordinary computerusers who

    believe they can infringe with impunity, Add. 32, which isequally plain from the

    fact that the statute does not exempt such infringers. [T]hat astatute can be

    applied in situations not expressly anticipated by Congress doesnot demonstrate

    ambiguity. It demonstrates breadth. Penn. Dept of Corr. v.Yeskey, 524 U.S.

    206, 212 (1998) (internal quotation marks omitted). ThatCongress didattempt to

    anticipate and respond to the rapidly increasing practice ofcomputer-aided

    copyright infringement should lay to rest any argument thatCongress intended

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    statutory damages to be unavailable or judicially circ*mscribedfor the kind of

    infringement in which Tenenbaum engaged.

    C. Section 504(c) Does Not Require Proof of ActualDamages.Finally, Tenenbaums argument that statutory damages shouldbe

    unavailable where harm caused by a particular defendant has notbeen proved

    must be rejected out of hand. Def.s Br. 48. That argument notonly finds no

    support in the text of the statute, which pointedly providesstatutory damages as an

    alternative to actual damages, but also is expressly contrary toCongresss clearly

    and repeatedly stated intent, not to mention nearly a century ofSupreme Court case

    law. Indeed, even the district court rejected such aconstruction of 504(c) as

    implausible. Add. 12.6 In any event, contrary to Tenenbaumsarguments (at 23-

    25) and the district courts faulty analysis, see Add. 44-53,Plaintiffs did prove that

    Tenenbaums infringement caused them real and substantialinjuries. See Pls.

    Opening Br. 25-30.

    1. By its plain language, 504(c) does not condition theavailability of

    statutory damages on proof of actual damages. Quite thecontrary, the statute

    permits a copyright owner to elect to recover statutory damagesinstead ofactual

    damages and profits. 17 U.S.C. 504(c) (emphasis added). Indeed,one of the

    6According to the district court, Tenenbaum suggested imposingthis actual damagesprerequisite as a means of avoiding the dueprocess question. Although the district courtdiscussed thispossibility at a hearing on his post-trial motion, see Mar. 8, 2009Tr. 39(Doc. No. 42), Tenenbaum did not preserve this argument inthe motion itself.

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    driving forces behind Congresss adoption and retention ofstatutory damages has

    been its desire to compensate for the acknowledged inadequacy ofactual damages

    and profits in many cases, which results because actual damagesare often

    conjectural, and may be impossible or prohibitively expensive toprove. 1961

    Report 102; see alsoDouglas v. Cunningham, 294 U.S. 207, 210(1935).

    For those reasons, the Supreme Court has repeatedly andemphatically

    rejected Tenenbaums argument. The Court first addressed theissue in L.A.

    Westermann Co. v. Dispatch Printing Co., 249 U.S. 100 (1919).Much as in this

    case, the record there, while showing that the plaintiff wasdamaged by the

    infring[ement] , d[id] not show the amount of the damages. 103. As the

    Court noted, the absence of such proof was aptly explained bythe fact that

    damages primarily consisted of discouragement of and thetendency to destroy

    [the plaintiffs] system of business, which rendered any accurateproof of actual

    damages obviously impossible. Id. at 103-04 (internal quotationmarks

    omitted). Nonetheless, because the plaintiff was unable toprovide such proof, the

    district court declined to award damages within the statutorilyprescribed range and

    instead awarded only nominal damages. Id. at 102.

    The Supreme Court reversed. The Court explained that byproviding for

    statutory damages in lieu of actual damages, Congress made clearthat

    something other than actual damages are intended that anothermeasure is to be

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    applied in making the assessment. Id. at 106 (quoting CopyrightAct of 1909, 35

    Stat. 1075). Congress also made clear what that other measureshould be: the

    courts conception of what is just in the particular case is madethe measure of

    damages to be paid, but with the express qualification that inevery case the

    assessment must be within the prescribed limitations. Id. TheCourt thus

    concluded that the Copyright Act not only permits but requires awithin-range

    statutory damages award regardless of whether a plaintiff offersa definitive

    measure of [its] harm, Def.s Br. 16. See 249 U.S. at 107-08.

    The Court took that logic a step further in F.W. Woolworth.There, the

    district court awarded the maximum statutory damages of $5,000,even though

    uncontradicted evidence showed only about $900 in actualdamages. The Supreme

    Court granted certiorari to determine whether a court may awarddamages

    authorized by the statute but in excess of proven actualdamages. See 344 U.S. at

    229. It answered with a resounding yes. Not only did the Courtreject the

    argument that statutory damages are confined to proven actualdamages; it

    confirmed that a plaintiff need not even suffer any actualdamages, let alone

    quantify and prove them. It instead concluded that [e]ven foruninjurious and

    unprofitable invasions of copyright the court may, if it deemsit just, impose a

    liability within statutory limits to sanction and vindicate thestatutory policy. Id.

    at 233.

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    As the Courts analysis in these cases confirms, the very purposeof statutory

    damages is to offer a measure of recovery in contexts whereactual damages are

    difficult or impossible to prove. Id. at 231 (quotingDouglas,294 U.S. at 209).

    And as the Court recognized, the Acts statutory damagesprovision embodies

    Congresss considered and reasonable judgment that copyrightinfringement is

    always against the public interest and should always bedeterred. For that reason,

    a rule of liability which merely takes away the profits from aninfringement would

    offer little discouragement to infringers [and] would fall shortof an effective

    sanction for enforcement of the copyright policy. Id. at233.

    Ignoring this century of Supreme Court precedent rejecting hisproposed

    interpretation, Tenenbaum instead attempts to derive an actualdamages

    limitation from the legislative history of various revisions tothe Copyright Act.

    See Def.s Br. 50-65. Nothing in his lengthy exposition providesany basis upon

    which such a limitation might be inferred. Tenenbaum firstattempts to divine this

    limitation from language in the 1909 Act providing thatstatutory damages shall

    not be regarded as a penalty. See Def.s Br. 52 (citing 1909 Act25(b)).

    According to Tenenbaum, this language (which, incidentally, isnot found in the

    current version of 504(c)) was an indirect response toCongressional concern

    that statutory damages should be capped, and thereforedemonstrates that

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    statutory damages should not be permitted absent conclusiveproof of actual

    damages. Def.s Br. 53.

    Tenenbaum is plainly mistaken in attempting to transform theshall not be

    regarded as a penalty language into a requirement that actualdamages be

    quantified and proven before a plaintiff may elect statutorydamages. As the

    Supreme Court has explained, [t]he phraseology of the sectionwas adopted to

    avoid the strictness of construction incident to a law imposingpenalties,Douglas,

    294 U.S. at 209, which was of particular concern given athen-recent case in which

    a defendant sought to invoke certain evidentiary andjurisdictional protections by

    arguing that the statutory damages provision was penal innature, see Brady v.

    Daly, 175 U.S. 148, 160 (1899) (holding that the statute did notimpose a penalty).

    That the Court did not understand the penalty language to be aroundabout

    means of requiring proof of actual damages is evident from thefact that Douglas

    affirmed a maximum statutory damages award of $5,000 where noactual damage

    had been shown. Douglas, 294 U.S. at 208.

    Nor is there any evidence that Congress implicitly changed thiswell-settled

    rule when it passed the 1976 Copyright Act. Pub. L. No. 94-553,90 Stat. 2541

    (1976). As Tenenbaum recognizes, the 1976 revisions grew inlarge part out of a

    comprehensive 1961 study of existing copyright law. Far fromquestioning or

    rejecting the notion that statutory damages require noconclusive proof of injury,

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    the 1961 report embraced it, explaining that statutory damagesrespond to the

    acknowledged inadequacy of actual damages and profits in manycases. 1961

    Report 102; see also id. ([t]he value of a copyright is, by itsnature, difficult to

    establish, and the loss caused by an infringement is equallyhard to determine).

    And to the extent Congress remained concerned about potentiallyexcessive

    statutory damages awards, it once again responded to suchconcerns directly, by

    retaining a cap on the statutory range, a cap it has repeatedlyraised in subsequent


    2. As the foregoing makes clear, both Congress and the SupremeCourt have

    rejected the logical fallacy upon which Tenenbaums argumentrests that where

    damages cannot be quantified or conclusively proven, damages donot exist.

    Moreover, as detailed in Plaintiffs Opening Brief (at 25-30),the record here is

    replete with evidence of the real and substantial injuryTenenbaums infringement

    caused. As Tenenbaum himself testified, he not only downloaded30 copyrighted

    sound recordings for free; he also made his illegal copiesavailable for years at a

    time for millions of other peer-to-peer network users todownload from him for

    free. Appx. 149-51, 171-73, 184. As a result, his infringementdeprived Plaintiffs

    of the profits they might have made not only from Tenenbaum, butfrom an

    unknowable number of other network users as well. See Def.s Br.23 (conceding

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    that the number of other users Tenenbaum may have distributedthe songs to is


    Plaintiffs also provided substantial evidence of the broaderharms to which

    Tenenbaums infringement contributed. The ubiquitous infringementmade

    possible by peer-to-peer networks has reduced the value of theparticular

    copyrights infringed, as well as the value of copyrighted soundrecordings as a

    whole. Appx. 91-92, 123-40. Plaintiffs uncontested trialevidence showed that

    these and other harms have cost the recording industry billionsof dollars each year

    since the advent of peer-to-peer network technology. Appx.123-41. Tenenbaum

    does not dispute as much, but rather, much like the districtcourt, see Add. 47,

    seeks to hold Plaintiffs responsible for their inability todefine what portion of that

    harm was caused by Tenenbaum. Def.s Br. 22. But the nature ofthe infringing

    technology that Tenenbaum voluntarily availed himself of madesuch a

    particularized showing impossible. See July 29, 2009 Tr. 168-69(Doc. No. 55).

    And Tenenbaum provides no basis upon which a factfinder mightabsolve him of

    any responsibility. The law generally does not look favorably onparties whose

    own misconduct makes it difficult to pinpoint the extent of theinjury they have

    7 Tenenbaums protest that this number surely did not run intothe millions, Def.s Br.23-24, is beside the point. The jurysverdict of $22,500 per work at the low end ofdamages it could haveawarded under 504(c) would not have come close tocompensating foractual losses had the jury assumed, as Tenenbaum suggests, thateachof the millions of network users downloaded every work that hemade available.

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    caused. See Bigelow v. RKO Radio Pictures, 327 U.S. 251, 264(1946) (to

    preclude recovery in such circ*mstances would be an inducementto make

    wrongdoing so effective and complete in every case as topreclude any recovery,

    by rendering the measure of damages uncertain). But here,Tenenbaum had the

    opportunity to direct his arguments about reduced culpabilityand lack of

    quantifiable harm to the jury, see July 31, 2009 Tr. 53-54 (Doc.No. 57), and the

    jury rejected them. See Parker v. Gerrish, 547 F.3d 1, 13 (1stCir. 2008) (evidence

    must be viewed in light most favorable to jurys verdict).

    In sum, as the district court recognized, every authorityconfirms what the

    language of section 504 clearly indicates statutory damages maybe elected

    even if the plaintiff cannot, or chooses not to, prove actualdamages. Add. 12

    (citingL.A. News Serv. v. Reuters Television Intl, Ltd., 149F.3d 987, 996 (9th Cir.

    1998);Harris v. Emus Records Corp., 734 F.2d 1329, 1335 (9thCir. 1984); H.R.

    Rep. No. 94-1476, at 161 (1976); 4 Melville B. Nimmer &David Nimmer,

    Nimmer on Copyright, 14.04[A], at 14-66 (2009)). Both Congressand the

    Supreme Court have conclusively rejected the argument that theabsence of a

    definite measure of damages renders statutory damagesunavailable or

    inappropriate. To the contrary, they have recognized what thefacts of this case

    prove: that copyright infringement can and here, did causesubstantial injury

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    and merit substantial statutory damages even when that injurycannot be


    II. The Jurys Award Is Constitutional.The jurys award of $22,500per infringed work an award within the

    range even for non-willful infringement does not depriveTenenbaum of liberty

    or property without due process of law. The constitutionalquestion is squarely

    presented by the district courts ruling below and cannot beavoided via remittitur.

    The constitutional question is governed by the deferentialstandard set forth in

    Williams, not by the incompatible and irrelevant guideposts setforth in Gore, but

    in any event, the award is constitutional under eitherstandard.

    A. Remittitur Is Not a Viable Means of ConstitutionalAvoidance.There is no merit to the Governments argument that thisCourt or the

    district court could avoid the constitutional issue through thecommon-law doctrine

    of remittitur. First, the Supreme Court has made clear thatcourts have no

    common-law authority to reduce statutory damages awards underthe Copyright

    Act. Nor can a court avoid a due process question by, as theGovernment suggests,

    engaging in due process review under the guise of remittitur.Furthermore, as both

    the parties and the district court recognized, it is clear as apractical matter that

    remittitur would not have avoided a constitutional challenge inthis case. The

    jurys award reflected Tenenbaums culpable conduct, not someidiosyncratic and

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    inappropriate reaction of this particular jury panel.Accordingly, there is nothing

    to be gained from remanding for remittitur.

    1. As the Supreme Court has recognized, reviewing courts have noauthority

    under the Copyright Act to reevaluate what measure of statutorydamages is just.

    SeeDouglas, 294 U.S. at 208-09 (rejecting argument that anappellate court may

    review the action of a trial judge in assessing an amount inlieu of actual damages,

    where the amount awarded is within the limits imposed by the[statute]). Any

    within-range award, in the contemplation of the statute, isjust, which means a

    factfinder cannot abuse its discretion by making such an award.Id. at 210. [T]he

    language and the purpose of the statute therefore compelled theCourt to conclude

    that the employment of the statutory yardstick, within setlimits, is committed

    solely to the court which hears the case. Id.; see alsoL.A.Westermann, 249 U.S.

    at 106 (within the statutory range, the courts discretion andsense of justice are

    controlling). For that reason, the Court held that the CopyrightAct takes

    [statutory damages] out of the ordinary rule with respect toabuse of discretion

    review of the amount of a damages award. Douglas, 294 U.S. at210. The premise

    of common-law remittitur that a jury award is against the greatweight of the

    evidence, see Bielunas v. F/V Misty Dawn, Inc., 621 F.3d 72, 81(1st Cir. 2010)

    is therefore inapplicable to a within-range award given thenature of the just

    standard for statutory damages under 504(c).

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    Feltneralters that analysis only by making clear that the jury,rather than the

    judge, is the finder of this fact and by adding a potentialSeventh Amendment

    violation to the list of reasons why judges cannot second-guessa jurys within-

    range award. See Govt.s Opening Br. 25 (noting a substantialquestion as to

    whether the trial court can enter judgment for a reduced amountof statutory

    damages without violating the Seventh Amendment right to a jurytrial mandated

    by Feltner). Feltnerdid not otherwise disrupt the principle onwhich [Congress]

    proceeded that of committing the amount of damages to berecovered to the

    courts discretion and sense of justice, subject to prescribedlimitations. L.A.

    Westermann, 249 U.S. at 107. Thus, after Feltner, a jurysconception of what is

    just in the particular case, considering the nature of thecopyright, the

    circ*mstances of the infringement and the like, is made themeasure of the

    damages to be paid, and cannot be disturbed (absent a violationof the Williams

    standard) so long as it is within the statutory limits. Id. at106. To grant a judge

    common-law authority to displace the jurys finding on this pointwould render

    meaningless the central holding ofFeltner, namely, that theSeventh Amendment

    provides the right to have a jury determine the amount ofstatutory damages.

    Feltner, 523 U.S. at 353.

    2. The Government does not address these reasons why there isno

    common-law authority to second-guess whether a jurys statutorydamages award

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    is just. Nor does the Government suggest any non-constitutionalstandard by

    which the jurys award should be judged. Nor has the Governmentidentified any

    example other than Capitol Records Inc. v. Thomas-Rasset, 680 F.Supp. 2d 1045

    (D. Minn. 2010), of a court invoking a common-law remittitur toreduce a

    statutorily authorized award.8 Instead, the Government contends,somewhat

    obliquely, that in the name of constitutional avoidance, thedistrict court should

    have employed the remittitur procedure to apply a standardcommensurate with

    constitutional standards under the Due Process Clause. Govt.sOpening Br. 20.

    The Government is correct to recognize, albeit implicitly, thatthere is no proper

    role for remittitur based on any standard other than the properdue process standard

    namely, Williams. L.A. Westermann,Douglas, and Feltnerall makeclear that

    the court has no authority to remit a jury award to an amountlower than what the

    Due Process Clause permits.

    But if a remittitur can only be ordered when and to the extentthat the Due

    Process Clause requires a reduction in the jurys award, then theconstitutional

    question is not avoided. A court cannot apply a standard thatafford[s] defendants

    8Thomas-Rassetis hardly a promising model for that approach, asit demonstrates that aremittitur would simply cause further delaywithout avoiding the ultimate constitutionalquestion. In that case,which also involves a due process challenge to a statutorydamagesaward under 504(c), on retrial after the plaintiffs declined toaccept theremitted award, a jury again awarded damages within thestatutory range for willfulinfringement, and the defendant hasagain challenged the award as excessive under theDue ProcessClause. See Capitol Records v. Thomas-Rasset, No. 06-1497 (D.Minn.2010).

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    a full measure of [constitutional] protection, Govt.s OpeningBr. 20, without

    deciding what the full measure of constitutional protection is.Simply calling it a

    remittitur does nothing to avoid a constitutional ruling andindeed raises difficult

    practical problems of its own.

    3. As both the parties and the district court all of whom aremuch closer

    to the practical realities of this litigation recognized, theGovernment is not so

    much proposing a remittitur that truly avoids constitutionaldecisions as it is

    proposing an endless string of retrials. Tenenbaums brief makesclear that he

    considers even the district courts reduced awardunconstitutional. Thus, the courts

    will need to consider a constitutional question no matter whatamount a jury

    ultimately awards. Plaintiffs have also made clear that theywould not voluntarily

    accept such a remitted award, but rather would seek to vindicatetheir right to a

    larger award within the statutory range.

    The extensive evidence of Tenenbaums willful and egregiousinfringement

    makes clear that a retrial would very likely result once againin an award that

    Tenenbaum considers unconstitutional (particularly given that heconsiders even

    the courts reduced award excessive). That is in large partbecause, as Tenenbaum

    himself acknowledges, his complaint is not really about themanner in which the

    jury exercisedits discretion, but is rather about Congresssdecision to grant such

    discretion in the first place (and the Supreme Courtsdetermination in Feltnerthat

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    the Constitution entrusts this discretion to a jury). See Def.sPost-Trial Mot. 18

    ([Tenenbaum] is not asserting that the jury abused itsdiscretion. Rather, he

    asserts that the jury was given far too much discretion .). Forthat reason,

    remittitur, even if somehow available in 504 cases in theabstract, would be

    inappropriate in this case. Tenenbaum does not and cannot claimthat his

    excessiveness challenge is grounded in jury misconduct andreadily admits that he

    is really challenging Congresss judgment. As the district courtcorrectly

    recognized, the inevitable retrial in this case would thereforepresent[] the very

    constitutional issues that the remittitur procedure was designedto avoid, Add. 5,

    which would make a remand for remittitur a waste of judicialresources.

    B. Constitutional Review is Governed by Williams, notGore.Tenenbaums brief, like the district courts opinion, fails tograsp the

    distinction between review of an award within a statutorilyprescribed range and

    punitive damages review. Statutory damages are expresslyauthorized by

    Congress, which makes their review a question of the scope ofCongresss

    legislative authority. Punitive damages, by contrast, aretypically awarded by

    juries without explicit statutory authorization or limitationsand thus not only pose

    unique fair notice questions not present in the statutorydamages context, but also

    present no basis upon which courts could easily defer tolegislative judgments.

    Nonetheless, in the latter context, courts seek to importanalogous statutory

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    penalties into the analysis, so they will have some legislativeguidance to inform

    their inquiry.

    As Williams makes clear, the fundamental question in a statutorydamages

    case is whether the legislature has acted within its widelatitude of discretion in

    authorizing statutory damages. Williams, 251 U.S. at 66. Farfrom attempting to

    curb that discretion, review under Williams requires a court todefer to Congresss

    considered judgment by undertaking constitutional analysis withdue regard for

    the interests of the public, the numberless opportunities forcommitting the offense,

    and the need for securing uniform adherence to established[law]. Id. at 67. So

    long as the legislatures assessment of what measure of damagesappropriately

    responds to those concerns is not wholly disproportioned to theoffense or

    obviously unreasonable, it withstands constitutional scrutiny.Id.

    The guideposts articulated in Gore, by contrast, are designed tocompensate

    for the very absence of any direct legislative judgment thatwould provide notice

    and to which a court might defer. In the absence of thatguidance, a court must

    struggle to determine for itself how reprehensible a defendantsconduct is, a

    question normally left to the judgment of the legislature. SeeGore, 517 U.S. at

    576.9 Far from attempting to displace the legislatures authorityto make such

    9 There is nothing particularly revealing about the Courtsreference to Williams whenexplaining the reprehensibilityguidepost. See Gore, 517 U.S. at 575. The first guidepostisdesigned to attempt to replicate to some extent the legislativereprehensibility judgment

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    determinations, Gore reinforces the primacy of the legislatureby seeking to import

    substantial deference to legislative judgments into theanalysis, by employing a

    third guidepost that compares an unconstrained punitive damagesaward to the

    civil or criminal penalties that could be imposed for comparablemisconduct. Id.

    at 583 (internal quotation marks omitted); see also CooperIndus., Inc. v.

    Leatherman Tool Grp., Inc., 532 U.S. 424, 433 (2001)(legislatures enjoy broad

    discretion in authorizing and limiting permissible punitivedamages awards).10

    Implicitly recognizing the irrelevance of the first and thirdguideposts in a

    statutory damages case, Tenenbaum instead focuses hisconstitutional challenge on

    the second Gore guidepost, claiming that the jurys award (andeven the district

    courts reduced award) lacks a sufficiently reasonablerelationship to actual

    damages. See Gore, 517 U.S. at 580-81 (punitive damages awardsmust bear a

    reasonable relationship to compensatory damages). In doing so,he only confirms

    Gores incompatibility with Williams, which conclusively rejectedthe argument

    that is lacking. A fortiori, the Court would deem its ownsubstitute reprehensibilityanalysis subject to the same constraintas a legislatures, namely, that authorized damagesnot be whollydisproportioned to the offense. Williams, 251 U.S. at 67.

    10Tenenbaum gains nothing by noting that the line betweenstatutory damages awardsand punitive damages awards continues toblur, as more and more states regulate bystatute when punitivedamages may be awarded, and in what amounts. Def.s Br. 13n.3. AsJustice Ginsburg explained when highlighting the same phenomenon inherdissenting opinion in Gore, that increase in legislativeguidance counsels in favor ofless

    judicial oversight of punitive damages not more judicialoversight of statutorydamages. See Gore, 517 U.S. at 613-14(Ginsburg, J., dissenting) ([T]he reexaminationprominent in statecourts and in legislative arenas serves to underscore why thisCourtsenterprise is undue. (footnote and citation omitted)).

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    that statutory damages must be confined or proportioned to [theplaintiffs] loss or

    damages. Williams, 251 U.S. at 66. Indeed, as the Courtacknowledged in

    affirming an award 113 times larger than actual damages, when astatutory

    damages award is contrasted with the [actual damages] possiblein any instance it

    of course seems large. Id. at 67. But the Court admonished thatit* validity is

    not to be tested in that way, as the Legislature may adjust [theawards] amount

    to the public wrong rather than the private injury. Id. at66-67. That admonition

    is nowhere more relevant than in the Copyright Act, whereCongress authorized

    statutory damages for the express purpose ofrelieving aplaintiff of the burden of

    quantifying actual injury. See Part I.C., supra.

    As these distinctions make abundantly clear, statutory damagesreview under

    Williams is not of a piece with punitive damages review underGore, Def.s Br.

    12, but is fundamentally different. The courts role is much morelimited because

    the legislature has spoken, and in doing so has provided bothnotice to potential

    defendants and a binding assessment of the reprehensibility andseriousness of the

    prohibited conduct. Whereas Williams is rooted in deference tothe legislature,

    Gore expressly invites courts to make the judgment that thelegislature has not

    made in the first instance. Whereas the former affirmativelyeschews comparison

    to actual damages, the latter expressly requires it. Because ofthese contradictions

    between the two decisions, to accept Tenenbaums argument wouldrequire this

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    Court to hold that Gore overruled Williams. Given the importantdistinctions

    between statutory and punitive damages, it is entirely naturalfor different

    standards to govern, and certainly nothing in Gore or itspunitive damages progeny

    suggests that Williams is no longer good law. Even if this Courtwere to believe

    that Williams has lost its vitality, however, that would stillbe no justification for

    declining to apply it faithfully here. Given a choice betweentwo Supreme Court

    precedents, this Court must follow the case [that] directlycontrols, leaving to

    [the Supreme] Court the prerogative of overruling its owndecisions. United

    States v. Sampson, 486 F.3d 13, 20 (1st Cir. 2007)(quotingRodriguez de Quijas v.

    Shearson/Am. Express, Inc., 490 U.S. 477, 484 (1989)).

    Nor does Tenenbaums argument find support in the decisions ofthis or any

    other court. Rather, courts addressing the question directlyhave repeatedly

    concluded that Williams remains good law and that Williams, notGore, governs

    review of statutory damages awards. See, e.g., AccountingOutsourcing LLC v.

    Verizon Wireless Pers. Commcns, L.P., 329 F. Supp. 2d 789,808-09 (M.D. La.

    2004); Lowrys Reports, Inc. v. Legg Mason, Inc., 302 F. Supp. 2d455, 460 (D.

    Md. 2004); see alsoZomba Enters., Inc. v. Panorama Records,Inc., 491 F.3d 574,

    587-88 (6th Cir. 2007). Neither Tenenbaum nor the district courthas pointed to

    any case that holds otherwise. See Pls. Opening Br. 44-45 n.13(distinguishing

    cases the district court claimed created a split of authority onthis question).

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    Tenenbaum cites three cases that purportedly connect[] the dotsbetween

    Williams and Gore, Def.s Br. 14, but none does anything of thesort. In fact,

    none even mentions Williams, which is hardly surprising sincenone actually

    reviews a statutory damages award. Tenenbaum first invokes thisCourts opinion

    inRomano v. U-Haul Intl, 233 F.3d 655 (1st Cir. 2000), which isnot a statutory

    damages case, but instead involvespunitive damages awarded undera statute that

    imposed a cap. In reviewing the constitutionality of that award,the Court did not

    address whether Williams might govern in that context. Even so,the Court still

    suggested that application of the Gore guideposts may beunnecessary, noting that

    a punitive damages award that comports with a statutory capprovides strong

    evidence that a defendants due process rights have not beenviolated. Id. at 673.

    If anything, Romano therefore undermines Tenenbaums argumentthat the Gore

    guideposts still govern when the legislature has spoken.

    Tenenbaums reliance on Parker v. Time Warner Entertainment Co.,L.P.,

    331 F.3d 13 (2d Cir. 2003), is similarly misplaced. Parkerdidnot involve review

    of a damages award at all, but instead concerned a districtcourts refusal to certify

    a statutory damages class action, in part out of concern thataggregation of

    statutory damages might result in a devastatingly large damagesaward. Id. at

    22. Although the court suggested that in a sufficiently seriouscase the

    distortion created by the combination of statutory damages andclass certification

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    might raise due process concerns, it concluded that theseconcerns remain

    hypothetical and vacated the denial of certification. Id. Inspeculating about this

    potential due process problem, the Court gave no indication ofwhat standard might

    govern review of such a challenge, but instead simply cited Gorefor the

    proposition that the Due Process Clause prohibits grosslyexcessive damages

    awards. See id; see also id. at 26 (Newman, J., concurring)(citing Williams as the

    governing standard for review of statutory damages awards).

    The Supreme Courts opinion inExxon Shipping Co. v. Baker, 554U.S. 471

    (2008), is, if possible, even less relevant. Exxon did notinvolve statutory damages

    orthe Due Process Clause. It instead involved punitive damagesand the standard

    under maritime common law for examining whether such awards areexcessive.

    Id. at 501-02. In looking to Gore to devise an appropriate ratiobetween

    compensatory and punitive damages in the exercise of itsmaritime common law

    authority, the Court made abundantly clear that it did so in theabsence of

    legislation, which left the Court with primary responsibilityfor reviewing

    punitive damages. Id. at 507. That the Court found the Goreguideposts useful to

    common-law review of unconstrained punitive damages awards saysnothing about

    whether the Court would find those guideposts applicable or evenrelevant

    when addressing a duly authorized statutory damages award.

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    In sum, both Tenenbaum and the district court erred byconflating

    deferential statutory damages review under Williams with thequalitatively distinct

    Gore approach to punitive damages review. Williams plainlygoverns this

    challenge and requires this Court to affirm the jurys award solong as Congresss

    assessment of just damages is not wholly disproportioned to theoffense or

    obviously unreasonable. Williams, 251 U.S. at 67.

    C. The Jurys Award Is Constitutional Under Williams.The jurysaward readily withstands scrutiny under the deferentialWilliams

    standard. Giving due regard [to] the interests of the public,the numberless

    opportunities for committing the offense, and the need forsecuring uniform

    adherence to established copyright law, the award cannot be saidto be so severe

    and oppressive as to be wholly disproportioned to the offenseand obviously

    unreasonable. Williams, 251 U.S. at 67.

    Implicitly recognizing as much, Tenenbaum does not even botherto attack

    the award within the Williams framework, other than to attackCongresss

    determination that statutory damages should be awarded per work,rather than per

    infringer. According to Tenenbaum, the Constitution does notpermit a per

    infringement maximum, Def.s Br. 17, but rather compels courts toassess

    statutory damages under something akin to the single larcenyrule, with the

    understanding that at least some amount of reprehensibilitylogically originates

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    from the decision to install software and engage in downloadingillegally, rather

    than how many songs are downloaded from that activity, Def.s Br.20-21.

    Once again, Tenenbaums argument runs head-on into centuriesof

    congressional judgment, as well as yet another settled SupremeCourt precedent.

    That damages are assessed on a per-infringement basis is not theresult of some

    absence of careful legislative calibration, Def.s Br. 19-20, butis instead a

    product of the fact that, under the Copyright Act,[i]nfringement of several

    copyrights is not put on the same level with infringement ofone. L.A.

    Westermann, 249 U.S. at 105. Rather, [e]ach copyright is treatedas a distinct

    entity, and the infringement of it as a distinct wrong to beredressed through the

    enforcement of this liability. Id.

    As the text of the Constitution makes plain, it is Congress thathas been

    assigned the task of defining the scope of copyright protection.Sony Corp. v.

    Universal City Studios, Inc., 464 U.S. 417, 429 (1984). Congresshas employed

    the per-work approach since it passed the very first CopyrightAct in 1790, see Act

    of May 31, 1790, ch. 15, 2, 1 Stat. 124, 125, and Tenenbaumprovides no basis

    upon which to invalidate over 200 years of Congresss judgment asto how best to

    promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts. U.S. 1, 8. In

    short, there is nothing unreasonable or unconstitutional aboutCongresss

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    determination that the infringement of a second copyright shouldtrigger the same

    remedies as infringement of the first.

    Beyond arguing that the frequency of his infringement warrantsless

    damages rather than more, Tenenbaum focuses almost exclusivelyon the second

    Gore guidepost regarding the awards ratio to actual damages, ameasure by which

    a statutory damages award is not to be tested. Williams, 251U.S. at 67.

    Tenenbaums related protest that filesharing was not on trial inthis case, Def.s

    Br. 25, similar

Sony v. Tenenbaum (Sony Reply Brief) - [PDF Document] (2024)


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