Shirley Saludo working at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) (2024)

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Buyer at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch)

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Shirley Saludo's Contact Information

Email (work) *******
LinkedIn URL o-629sor
Tel. (Company) +1 408-965-XXXX
Company Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch)
Residence Philippines, Cordillera Administrative Region, Baguio
Last updated 2023-04-14
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Shirley is working at

Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch)

Location United States , California, Milpitas
Company Size censo redcens
Employees 9160 profiles available
Last Updated 2024-01-30

Moog Inc. designs, manufactures, and integrates precision motion and fluid controls and systems for orcensor edcensore dcensoredcens ore dce nsore dc ens oredcensor edcensor edc ensoredcen soredce nsoredcens ore dcensored censoredc ensoredc ensored censor edcenso red censoredc ensore dcensore dce nsoredce nso redcensore dcensoredc ensoredcens oredcen soredcens ore dcensoredcen soredcenso redce nso redce nso redcens oredcens oredcen soredcen soredcen sor edcensoredc ensor edcensore dcenso redcensor edcenso redcen soredcens oredcens ore dcensored censoredc ensoredc ens oredcensoredc ens oredc ensored censoredcenso red cen soredce nsoredcensored cen soredcens oredcensor edcenso red censore dcenso redcensor edce nsoredc enso redcen soredcen soredcen sor edcensore dcensored cen soredcen soredce nso redcensore dcenso redcen soredcenso redcens ore dcens oredce nsored censoredcensore dcensor edc ens oredcensor edc ensoredce nsoredcens oredcen soredce nsoredce nsoredc ens oredcensored ce nsoredcen sor edce nsoredc ensoredcen sored censore dcensore dce nsore dcensore dcensored ce nsore dce nsoredce nsoredcenso red censored censoredc ens oredc ensoredcen soredcensored censoredcensoredc ensore dcensoredc ensore dcensor edcensor edcensoredc ens oredce nsor edcenso red censoredc enso redcens ored censor edcenso red censoredce nso redcensoredc en sor edc ens oredcensore dce nsoredcenso redcensore dce nsor edcenso redcensoredce nso redcensore dce nsoredc ens oredcensor edcenso re dcen soredce nsoredcens oredc ensor edcensored censor edcensoredcens oredcens oredcens ore dcensor edcensor edcensored cen soredce nso redcens or edce nso re dcensoredcens or edce nsoredc ens oredc

Shirley Saludo working at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) (1)

Purchasers scrutinize suppliers and negotiate prices for products, such as inventory and office supplies, and ensure product levels remain adequate.
Purchasers are often called Buyers.
Explore our database to find potential candidates, grow your CRM and build B2B relationships with Purchasers all over the world.

Contact Purchasers like Shirley Saludo

Co-workers of Shirley Saludo

Shirley Saludo working at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) (2)

Israel GayasoAssembly Technician / Design Engineer

Shirley Saludo working at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) (4)

Vilmor VillanuevaMachinist II

Decision Makers at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch)

Shirley Saludo working at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) (5)

Venkatesh RamamurthyHigher Management

Shirley Saludo working at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) (6)

Achim SoelterHigher Management

Shirley Saludo working at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) (7)

Ajoy KhubchandaniHigher Management

Shirley Saludo working at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) (8)

Paul OttoHigher Management

Shirley Saludo working at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) (9)

Didier LangHigher Management

Shirley Saludo working at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) (10)

Aaron AstrachanHigher Management

478 Decision Makers at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch)

Peers of Shirley Saludo in the area

Shirley Saludo working at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) (11)Shirley Saludo working at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) (12)

Eureka ChanNon Management

Shirley Saludo working at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) (13)

Marife DacumosNon Management

Shirley Saludo working at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) (14)

Eduard PasagoyNon Management

Career Opportunities at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch)

Explore career opportunities at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) on our website.
Stay updated on the latest job openings by checking back regularly or by visiting the company's official career page.
No job listings currently found.

Shirley Saludo's current details

Current Title

Type of Role
just 0.2% from Philippines work as a Purchaser

Job functions

Job Seniority
Non Management
83% from Philippines are employed in Non Management

Current Industry
Aerospace anc ensore dcensor edcensoredc

Philippines, Cordillera Administrative Region, Baguio

Experience (tracked since 2018)
c ensore experience at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch)
c ensore experience as Buyer

LinkedIn profile o-629sor

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Company "Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch)"

Company name
Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch)

Company size
censo redcens

Stock Symbol

Year Founded


Linkedin Profile gsor

Industrial Field
Aerospace and Flight Vehicle Engineering

United States, California, Milpitas

Full Company Profile
Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch)

Shirley Saludo's Work History
data available since 2018

  • 2022 (6 months)
    Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch)
    Aerospace and Flight Vehicle Engineering
    Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch)

  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Mcen soredcen soredcensor edcensoredc ensored
    Bcens gsor

  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Mcen soredcen soredcensor edcensoredc ensored
    Bcens gsor

  • 20XX (6 censor)
    Mcen soredcen soredcensor edcensoredc ensored
    Acensored cen soredc ensored censoredcen gsor

  • 20XX (7+ censo)
    Mcen soredcen soredcensor
    Pcensoredce nsore
    Acensored cen soredc ensored censoredcen gsor

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Frequently asked questions

What company does Shirley Saludo work for?
Shirley Saludo is working for Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch)

What is Shirley Saludo's title at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch)?
Shirley's title is , Buyer

What is Shirley Saludo's Seniority at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch)?
Shirley Saludo has been with Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) for 6 months and is a normal employee

For how long is Shirley Saludo working as a Buyer?
Shirley Saludo has 6 months experience as Buyer.

What are Shirley Saludo's functions as a Buyer ?
Shirley Saludo is responsible for Purchcenso

What is Shirley Saludo's company phone number?
Shirley Saludo's company phone number is +1 408-965-****

What is Shirley Saludo's email contact?
Shirley Saludo's email address is *******

Who are similar contacts like Shirley Saludo ?
Some similar contacts are Eureka Chan, Marife Dacumos, Eduard Pasagoy, Nestor Pascua, Ernesto Arciaga and Christianna Gregorio.

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Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is intended for general informational purposes only. While we strive to ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date, we cannot guarantee its completeness or accuracy and we do not endorse or guarantee the products or services of any company or individual listed.

Shirley Saludo working at Moog Controls Corporation (philippine Branch) (2024)


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