Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation July 18, 2024 (2024)

Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation July 18, 2024 (1)

Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation July 18, 2024 (2)

  • Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation July 18, 2024 (3)
  • Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation July 18, 2024 (4)
  • Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation July 18, 2024 (5)
  • Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation July 18, 2024 (6)
  • Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation July 18, 2024 (7)
  • Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation July 18, 2024 (8)
  • Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation July 18, 2024 (9)
  • Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation July 18, 2024 (10)


NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION GUILFORD COUNTY 16 CvD 4660 BONIFACE KEBU, ) Plaintiff, ) MOTION FOR CONTEMPT, MOTION FOR EX-PARTE EMERGENCY ) CUSTODY, AND v. MOTION TO MODIFY CUSTODY ) JESSICA SUTTER, ) Defendant. MOTION FOR CONTEMPT NOW COMES the Defendant Mother, by and through undersigned counsel, and respectfully movesthe Court to Order Plaintiff Father to appear and show cause why he is not in contempt of the Court's Orderin this matter and to hold the Plaintiff Father in civil and/or criminal contempt of Court for his failure toabide by the Custody Order entered December 13, 2022 by the Honorable William B. Davis and as groundsfor her motion, Defendant Mother shows unto the Court as follows: 1. Plaintiff Father is a citizen and resident of Guilford County, North Carolina and DefendantMother is a citizen and resident of Orange County, North Carolina. 3. The Plaintiff Father and Defendant Mother were never married, but are the biologicalparents of one minor child, to wit: Maya Lyn Kebu, born January 11,2015. 4. A custodyorder was entered in this matter on December 13, 2022 by the HonorableWilliam B. Davis following several days of hearing, which ordered, inter alia, that: a. Paragraph 4 (a): "During the school year... Plaintiff Father shall have the minor child from Thursday at 6:00 p.m. to Sunday at 6:00 p.m. every other weekend" b. Paragraph 4(c): "On Thursdays and Sundays of Plaintiff Father's visitation periods, the parties shall meet to exchange the child at 6:00 p.m. at Exit 147 off of Interstate Highway 40/85." C. Paragraph 4(d): "Plaintiff Father shall be listed with the school as a person entitled to pick up the child from school on Fridays when the child in scheduled to be in his care." d. Paragraph 10: "In the event Plaintiff Father cannot exercise his designated weekend, holiday or vacation time with the child, Plaintiff Father shall notify Defendant Mother as soon as possible. Plaintiff Father shall provide Defendant Mother with the first option of caring for the child overnight before leaving the child in the care of a third party." e. Paragraph 11: "The custodial party shall ensure the non-custodial party has an opportunity to speak with the minor child at 6:00 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday by telephone, FaceTime, Zoom, or other means of electronic communication." Electronically Filed Date: 7/18/2024 1:41 PM Guilford District Court County Clerk of Superior Court f. Paragraph 13: "Each party shall give the other party a minimum off thirty (30) days advance written notice of his or her intent to travel outside the state of North Carolina with the child... Each party shall provide the other party with specific information regarding the child's travel plans, including a specific itinerary of the child's travel plans with dates of travel, places to be visited and addresses where the child will be staying." g. Paragraph 16: "Each party shall provide the other party with advance written notice of any caregiver or babysitter in whose care the minor child will be left. Such information shall include the babysitter/caretaker's full name, address, telephone number and location where the child will be cared for." h. Paragraph 18: "Each party shall use OFW as the primary means of communications with the other party. i. Paragraph 12: "The Parenting Guidelines of the 18" Judicial District are attached hereto and incorporated by reference...Each party shall abide by the applicable Guidelines at all times." 5. Since the entry of the December 13, 2022 Custody Order, Plaintiff FFather has not abidedby the Court's Order and upon information and belief, refuses to abide by the Court's Order. The PlaintiffFather has willfully and without legal justification violated the Court's Order as follows: a. Plaintiff Father attempted to pick the minor child up from school on Thursday, November 3, 2022 and Wednesday, September 20, 2023. b. Plaintiff Father has left the minor child in the care of sitters overnight without allowing Defendant Mother the option to care for the minor child and refuses to give Defendant Mother required information about the sitter. This includes but is not limited to: i. On July 31, 2023, Defendant Mother received a call from Plaintiff Father stating that she needed to come pick up the minor child. Plaintiff Father was driving to Tennessee at the time and left the minor child with a sitter without giving Defendant Mother advance notice of the sitter's information. The sitter's boyfriend sexually assaulted the minor child's half-sister, who was also left with the sitter during that time. il. Upon information and belief, Plaintiff Father left the minor child in the care of a sitter named Margaret from July 23, 2023 through July 27, 2023 without giving Defendant Mother the option to care for the minor child and without providing Defendant Mother the required information of the sitter. iii. Plaintiff Father left the minor child in the care of a sitter on July 3, 2024 while he worked and did not provide any details to Defendant Mother. c. Plaintiff Father refuses to allow Defendant Mother to have scheduled calls with the minor child. Most recently, during Plaintiff Father's two week visitation with the minor child, Defendant Mother was not allowed to speak to the minor child for 9 days because Plaintiff Father refused to answer the calls and blocked Defendant Mother on the minor child's phone. d. Plaintiff Father refuses to return the minor child at the end of his scheduled visitation and threatens to withhold the minor child unless the Defendant Mother agrees to do something he wants. This includes, but is not limited to: i. On January 1, 2024, Plaintiff Father threatened not to return the minor child to Defendant Mother unless she made an appointment to get the minor child a passport. il. On June 17, 2024, Plaintiff Father refused to return the minor child, telling Defendant Mother that he was making up for lost time and planned to keep the minor child for 3 weeks. iii. On June 18, 2024, Plaintiff Father refused to return the minor child unless Defendant Mother agreed to give him an extra week during the summer. e. Plaintiff Father has taken the minor child out of the state of North Carolina without advance notice to Defendant Mother and without providing Defendant Mother with the details about the trip. f. Plaintiff Father refuses to use Our Family Wizard. g. Upon information and belief, Plaintiff Father uses an excessive amount of alcohol while the minor child is in his care. PlaintiffF Father sends Defendant Mother text messages that are illogical and do not make sense during early morning hours. Plaintiff Father's sister has warned Defendant Mother not to send the minor child to Plaintiff Father because he is intoxicated. Upon information and belief, Plaintiff Father was intoxicated on the following days when he had the minor child: June 25, June 27, June 30, July 2, and July 4, 2024. 6. The Plaintiff Father has willfully and without legal justification failed and refused to abideby the terms of the current Order. 7. The failure of the Plaintiff Father to comply with the Order of this Court has been willfuland without justification or excuse in that the Plaintiff Father has had the ability to comply or could havetaken reasonable measures to enable compliance with the Orders. 8. As a result the Court's Order, the of Plaintiff Father's willful failure to comply withDefendant Mother moves the Court to order the Plaintiff Father to pay the Defendant Mother's attorneyfees and costs associated with this action. MOTION FOR EX PARTE EMERGENCY CUSTODY NOW COMES Defendant Mother, Jessica Sutter, through her undersigned counsel, and herebymoves the Court pursuant to N.C.G.S. 50-13.5(d)(2) and (3) for an ex parte temporary custody order. Asgrounds for this motion Defendant Mother shows unto the Court the following: 1, The allegations listed above in Defendant' Mother's Motion for Contempt are re-allegedand incorporated herein by reference. 2. Plaintiff Father is a citizen and resident of Guilford County, North Carolina and has beena citizen and resident of North Carolina for more than six (6) months next preceding the filing of thismotion. 3. Defendant Mother is a citizen and resident of Orange County, North Carolina, and has beena citizen and resident of the State of North Carolina for more than six (6) months next preceding the filingof this motion. 4. The Plaintiff and Defendant were never married, but are the biological parents of one minorchild, to wit: Maya Lynn Kebu, born January 11,2015. 5. North Carolina is the home state for the minor child pursuant to the provisions ofN.C. Gen.Stat. §50A-3 et seq. 6. On December 13, 2022, the Honorable William B. Davis entered a Custody Orderfollowing several days of trial whereby Defendant Mother was granted sole legal custody and primary occasionsphysical custody of the minor child. In that Order, the Court found that Plaintiff, on numeroussince the entry of a previous Custody Order, "refused to return the child to Defendant Mother at the end ofhis custodial time and unilaterally kept the child, creating great stress and uncertainty for the DefendantMother and the child... forcing Defendant Mother to seek assistance from law enforcement for the returnof the child." The Court also found that Plaintiff Father "acted contrary to the best interest of the child onmany other occasions." Despite the Order and extensive findings related to the same, the Plaintiff Father 7. hascontinued to refuse to return the minor child at the end of his scheduled visitation time. Most recently,Plaintiff Father refused to return the minor child to Defendant Mother on June 17, 2024. Defendant Mothercontacted Guilford County Sheriffs Office. Plaintiff Father informed GCSO that he was not in Greensboro,and upon information and belief, the deputy warned Plaintiff Father about contempt of court. PlaintiffFather continued to refuse to return the minor child the following day, informing Defendant Mother that hewould not return the minor child until she agreed to give him additional time another week. to allow 8. During Plaintiff Father's next scheduled visitation with the minor child, he refusedDefendant Mother to have contact with the minor child for 9 days, despite the Order requiring contact oncertain dates. Defendant Mother contacted Guilford County Sheriff's Office for a welfare check on June27, 2024 and June 30, 2024. Plaintiff Father did not answer the door on June 27. 9. Upon information and belief, Plaintiff Father stays up all night drinking when the minorchild is in his care, and then sleeps all day, leaving the minor child alone. 10. Plaintiff Father sends hundreds of text messages to Defendant Mother during the hours of4:00 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. These messages are very concerning to Defendant Mother because Plaintiff Fatheris either intoxicated and texting while he has the minor child or he is threatening the safety of the DefendantMother and the minor child. On July 15, 2024, Plaintiff sent Defendant Mother over 100 texts. Those textmessages are attached as "Exhibit A." Plaintiffs text messages include the following: i. "U will know what a real man is" ii. "cops r whimps" ili. "so approach cause I shoot to kill" iv. "I gotta make a statement" v. "Ifjudge needed to give u everything but I give the law" vi. "U naive n so I want to do evil a life for Maya" vii. "I activate unauthorized mission" viii. "Jessie u have nothing close but I'Il teach America" ix. "Literally cause I have swat team n my own" mental 11. Upon information and belief, Plaintiff Father has an issue with substance abuse,illness, or both, which place the minor child in danger when she is in his custody. 12. Despite the Court's Order, Plaintiff Father has taken the minor child out of state withoutnotifying Defendant Mother. On July 14, 2024, Plaintiff Father told Defendant Mother that he found out away to get the minor child a passport without the Defendant Mother, leading Defendant Mother to believehe intends to take the minor child out of the country. 13. If the minor childis returned to Plaintiff Father, with his history of failing to return theminor child to Defendant Mother, it is likely that if Plaintiff Father leaves the state of North Carolina, orthe country, with the minor child, which would make it extremely difficult to get the minor child back. 14. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 50-13.5(d)(3) Defendant Mother is in need of a temporary order forcustody due to the minor child being exposed to a substantial risk of bodily harm and severe emotional distress,and there is a substantial risk that the child may be abducted or removed from the State of North Carolinafor the purpose of evading the jurisdiction of North Carolina court. 15. Defendant Mother is in need of an Ex Parte Emergency Custody Order pursuant toN.C.G.S. 50-13.5(d) directing that the minor child's sole care shall remain with Defendant Mother pendinga hearing on this matter. 16. It is in the best interests of the minor child that this Court enter an Emergency CustodyOrder that the minor child's custody shall remain with Defendant Mother pending a hearing in this matterto ensure the child's safety and emotional welfare. MOTION TO MODIFY CUSTODY NOW COMES Defendant Mother, and respectfully moves the Court, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 50-13et seq. to modify a prior Custody Order as there have been substantial changes in circ*mstance that haveoccurred since the entry of said Order on December 13, 2022, which affect the welfare and best interests ofthe parties' minor child. As grounds for her motion Defendant Mother shows unto the Court as follows: 1. The allegations listed above in Defendant' Mother's Motion for Contempt and Motion forEx Parte Emergency Custody are re-alleged and incorporated herein by reference. 2. Plaintiff Father is a citizen and resident of Guilford County, North Carolina and has beena citizen and resident of North Carolina for more than six (6) months next preceding the filing of thismotion. 3. Defendant Mother is a citizen and resident of Orange County, North Carolina, and has beena citizen and resident of the State of North Carolina for more than six (6) months next preceding the filingof this motion. 4, The Plaintiff and Defendant were never married, but are the biological parents of one minorchild, to wit: Maya Lynn Kebu, born January 11,2015. 5. A custody order was entered in this matter on December 13, 2022, and since the entry ofthe Custody Order, there has been a substantial change of circ*mstances which affects the welfare and bestinterests of the minor child. Defendant Mother shows unto the Court the following in support of her Motion:a. The Court found as a finding of fact in the December 13, 2022 order that "on numerous occasions since the entry of the August 25, 2017 Order, Plaintiff Father refused to return the minor child to Defendant Mother at the end of his custodial time and Defendant unilaterally kept the child, creating great stress and uncertainty for the Mother and the child... forcing Defendant Mother to seek assistance from law enforcement for the return of the child." The Court also found that Plaintiff Father "acted contrary to the best interest of the child on many other occasions." Despite the Order and extensive findings related to the same, the Plaintiff Father has continued to refuse to return the minor child at the end of his scheduled visitation time.b The Court found as a finding of fact in the December 13, 2022, Order that "on numerous occasions since the entry of the August 25, 2017, Order, Plaintiff Father has chosen not to exercise his custodial time with the minor child." Despite the Order and extensive findings related to the same, the Plaintiff Father has continued to refuse to exercise his custodial time with the minor child. The Plaintiff Father chose not to exercise his visitation during the following times: i. Between December 5, 2022 and April 13, 2023 ii. Between August 2023 and November 22, 2023 iii. Between January 21, 2024 and May 16, 2024Cc. The Plaintiff Father will forgo seeing the minor child for several months at a time and then attempt to unilaterally withhold the minor child from Defendant Mother in an attempt to make up for lost time that he chose to give up regardless of the impact it has on the minor child.d The Plaintiff Father leaves the minor child in the care of individuals whom he does not know and exposes the minor child to a substantial risk of bodily harm. In July of2023, Plaintiff Father left the minor child and her half-sister with someone named Margaret and her boyfriend in Raleigh while he traveled to the state of Tennessee. Margaret's boyfriend sexually assaulted the minor child's half-sister. Police investigated the incident. Plaintiff Father has shown no remorse for the incident. Upon information and belief, Plaintiff Father refuses to give the minor childe her allergy medication and tells the minor child it will make her stupid and blind if she takes it. when the Upon information and belief, Plaintiff Father stays up all night drinking minor child is in his care, and then sleeps all day, leaving the minor child alone.g Plaintiff Father sends hundreds of text messages to Defendant Mother during the hours of 4:00 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. Some of these messages are very concerning to Defendant Mother because Plaintiff Father is either intoxicated and texting while he has the minor child or he is threatening the safety of the Defendant Mother and the minor child. On July 15, 2024, Plaintiff sends Defendant Mother over 100 texts, including the following: i. "U will know what a real man is" ii. "cops r whimps" iii. "so approach cause I shoot to kill" iv. "I gotta make a statement" v. "Ifjudge needed to give u everything but I give the law" vi. "U naive n so I want to do evil a life for Maya" vii. "I activate unauthorized mission" viii. "Jessie u have nothing close but I'll teach America" ix. "Literally cause I have swat team n my own" out of state h. Despite the Court's Order, Plaintiff Father has taken the minor child without notifying Defendant Mother. Plaintiff Father has also told Defendant Mother that he found out a way to get the minor child passport a without the Defenant Mother, Defendant Mother to believe he intends to take the minor child out of the leading country. i. With Plaintiff Father's history of refusing to return the minor child to Defendant Mother, Defendant Mother is afraid Plaintiff Father will take the minor child to Kenya and not return. j. The Plaintiff Father continues to show a lack of respect and authority for this Court and the Order and continues to violate the current order. The Plaintiff Father also has shown a complete reckless disregard for the wellbeing of the minor child. 6. The changes described herein are substantial and have affected the minor child in a negativefashion. 7. The above-stated reasons constitute a substantial change of circ*mstances that affects theminor child's well-being and requires modification of the previous Order, which no longer provides for thebest interest of the minor child. It is in the best interest of the minor child for custody to be modified toaward Defendant Mother primary physical custody of the minor children with Plaintiff Father havingsupervised visitation. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays unto this Court as follows: 1, Accept this verified pleading as an affidavit upon which to enter orders of this Court. 2. Enter an Order holding Plaintiff Father in civil and/or criminal contempt for his failure toabide by the Court's lawful Order and grant Defendant Mother her reasonable attorney fees with regard toher Motion for Contempt. 3. Enter an Ex-Parte Order granting the Defendant Mother the care and custody of the minorchild pending further orders of this court. 4, Modify the current custody provisions contained in the current Custody Order to provideDefendant Mother with the primary physical custody of the minor child with Plaintiff Father havingsupervised visitation. 5. Such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper. This the day of July, 2024. ov" oI owi | Signature N. J. M chelle Alcon .C State Bar No.: 39848 ey for the PlaintiffOF COUNSEL:Woodruff Family Law Group420 W. Market StreetGreensboro, NC 27401(336) 272-9122 (telephone)NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION GUILFORD COUNTY 16 CvD 4660 BONIFACE KEBU, Plaintiff, VERIFICATION Vv. JESSICA SUTTER, Defendant. JESSICA SUTTER, first being duly sworn, deposes and says: That I am the Defendant in the foregoing action; that I have read the foregoing Motion for and know the contentsContempt, Motion for Ex Parte Emergency Custody, and Motion to Modify Custodythereof; that the same is true of my own knowledge except those matters and things set out on informationand belief and, as for those matters and things, I believe them to be true. JESS CA SUTTERSTATE OF NORTH CROLINACOUNTY OF I, Wourthy x. Ouens for sai county and state, do hereby certify that , a Notary PublicJESSICA SUTTER personally appeared before me this day of July, 2024, and I have personal knowledge of the identity of said person, or 1I have seen satisfactory evidence of said person's identity, by a current state or federalidentification with said person's photograph in the form of a driver's license/state-issued identificationcard, And having been sworn or affirmed, said person acknowledged to me that she voluntarily signedthe foregoing document for the purposes stated therein. 81My No ry Public (si natur. ) Nota Y Name Printed: r WeatheaX. Puy Co fly My Commission Expires: bax EXHIBIT tabbles*Messages exported from: Jessie's iPhone (2)With: Boniface (6123851314)Jul 13, 2024 at 12:00 AM to Jul 15, 2024 at 11:59 PMPDF generated on 7/16/24 using Decipher TextMessage 7/13/24, 3:35 PM (Viewed 7/13/24, 3:51 PM)Boniface (6123851314)Called for Maya. She didn't answer her phone 7/13/24, 3:52 PM essie's iPhone (2 jls497@gma .com She'll call you later tonight. 7/14/24, 3:23 PM Jessie's iPhone (2) { Just letting you know that Maya will be with me this week since it's my 2 week block per custody order. 7/14/24, 5:59 PM (Viewed 7/14/24, 6:10 PM)Boniface (6123851314)We meeting at 6 7/14/24, 6:00 PM (Viewed 7/14/24, 6:10 PM)Boniface (6123851314)Jessie u agreed to this 7/14/24, 6:00 PM (Viewed 7/14/24, 6:10 PM)Boniface (6123851314)Here 7/14/24, 6:08 PM (Viewed 7/14/24, 6:10 PM)Boniface (6123851314)File attachment with MIME type: image/pngSo this was a white lie? 7/14/24, 6:08 PM (Viewed 7/14/24, 6:10 PM)Boniface (6123851314)I'm coming after Maya 7/14/24, 6:12 PM Jessie's iPhone (2 jis497@qmail.cem We're at a restaurant. This is my time with Maya. The order doesn't say we can deviate from it. Plus you forced me to say that. 7/14/24, 6:13 PMBoniface (6123851314)Order also says learn to f keep ur words! What restaurant? I'm coming to get her 7/14/24, 6:27 PM Jessie's iPhone 2 jls497 We're in Raleigh this week 7/14/24, 6:32 PM (Viewed 7/14/24, 9:09 PM)Boniface (6123851314)Daddy's Hse or ur Hse 7114/24, 6:32 PM (Viewed 7/14/24, 9:09 PM)Boniface (6123851314)U will know what a real man is 7/14/24, 6:32 PM (Viewed 7/14/24, 9:09 PM)Boniface (6123851314)Edited to "U will know where I'm at" 1 Boniface (6123851314) 711424, 7:17 PM (Viewed 7/14/24, 9:09 PM rll wait ) for my time Boniface (6123851314) 7115/24, 4:23 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 Soo gla AM) d you seek Kara Boniface (64 238513 7/15/24, 6:25 AM 14) (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 Respect AM) dserve Lainey n Lainey is nvr cause Jessie kno keep brainwashing but wing also cook food she cops whimps does an innocent child r craves. Maya now n it's sad Boniface (6123851344) 7/15/24, 6:25 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 As a mothe AM) r Boniface (64 238 7/15/24, 6:25 AM 51314) (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 Extremely sad AM) Boniface (6423851314) 7/15/24, 6:26 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 Cause law is AM) taw Boniface (6123851314) 7/15/24, 6:26 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 So approach AM) cause shoot to kill | Boniface (6123854314) 7/15/24, 6:27 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 gotta make a AM) statement Boniface (6123854314) TI15/24, 6:27 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 My kids deserve AM) respect Boniface (6123854314) 7/15/24, 6:29 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 If judge needed to AM) give u everythin g but | give the law Boniface (61 23854 314) 7/15/24, 6:29 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 My child needs AM) me Boniface (6123854 314) 7/15/24, 6:29 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 N Fit pro ve AM) Boniface (6123851344) 7/15/24, 6:30 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 Knowing Maya AM) jessie Kara was the wrong woman Boniface (6123851344) 7/15/24, 6:30 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33C urself vs Ka AM) raBoniface (6123851314) 7/15/24, 6:31 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33Kenya babe AM) 2 7/15/24, 6:32 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Ur soo naive 7/15/24, 6:32 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Literally 7/15/24, 6:32 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Sydney is with Lainey 7/15/24, 6:33 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)I'm the dad n us will do 7/15/24, 6:34 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)U naive n so i want to do evil a life for Maya 7/15/24, 6:37 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Code words. US all have to respect code word 7/15/24, 6:39 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)| activate unauthorized mission 7/15/24, 6:40 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)U NEED TO OBEY THE LAW 7/15/24, 6:40 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)OTHERWISE WHY NEED IT 7/15/24, 6:41 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)just saying 7/15/24, 6:41 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)An innocent child 7/15/24, 6:41 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)U gave me a promise 7/15/24, 6:42 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Jessie u have nothing close but I'll teach America 7/15/24, 6:42 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Innocent child 7/15/24, 6:46 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)i really pray n hope u know ur dad 3 7/15/24, 6:46 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)My kids 7/15/24, 6:49 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)So nxt time u force me the fool has been f lying to fbi. Y did ur mom retire sco early so nah 7/15/24, 6:49 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Evil ur dad 7/15/24, 6:50 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Sink with the fool cause mine or not a child 7/15/24, 6:51 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Hw selfish y did ur sister come y did ur dad insist 7/15/24, 6:51 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Maya is a genius black child 7/15/24, 6:53 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Maya wishes she could stay longer but remind her how | u r beautiful n ur mom 7115/24, 6:54 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)She's innocent 7/15/24, 6:54 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Whatever is fed let's c cause same 7/15/24, 6:55 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)| nvr teach an innocent child to hate 7115/24, 6:56 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Jessie a child is nvr ever to used 7/15/24, 6:58 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)A child nvr ever wanted to be in the world Maya to be honest has completely leamed u. Sadcause she hates it n all Jessie u needed to be is her mother 7/15/24, 6:58 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Knowing Maya hope you know her | 7115/24, 7:00 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Maya for long hated Lainey with Sydney so when u were around Maya even at church. 7/15/24, 7:02 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Jessie ego for what cause u seem happy in what I'm doing but does Lainey deserve it 4 7115/24, 7:03 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Remember ud said let's c on Lainey thank Jesus Christ tumed it to ur dad | 7/15/24, 7:04 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Ur dad can nvr ever ever face me so u get it! Maya is innocent 7/15/24, 7:08 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Please stop ur sister from killing it's nvr ever worth it 7/15/24, 7:09 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)She's loved too 7/15/24, 7:11 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Jessie u still naive teach Maya remember she's growing n what ur dad really is doing 7/15/24, 7:12 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)U need ur sister 7/15/24, 7:12 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:33 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Doing stuff yet no sister 7/15/24, 7:36 AM (Viewed 7/16/24, 12:46 PM)Boniface (6123851314)She pays the price n yes jessie i will 7115/24, 7:37 AM (Viewed 7/16/24, 12:46 PM)Boniface (6123851314)Engine needs service 7/15/24, 7:37 AM (Viewed 7/16/24, 12:46 PM)Boniface (6123851314)Actually test drive on her69 total messages and 1 total image. 5Messages exported from: Jessie's iPhone (+1 (919) 302-2754)With: Group Chat: Boniface (6123851314), Mom (9193023250)Jul 14, 2024 at 12:00 AM to Jul 15, 2024 at 11:59 PMPDF generated on 7/16/24 using Decipher TextMessage 7/14/24, 6:38 PM (Viewed 7/14/24, 9:09 PM)Boniface (6123851314)I'm on my way to pick Maya up 7/14/24, 6:52 PM (Viewed 7/14/24, 9:09 PM)Boniface (6123851314)| need an address like order says 7/14/24, 6:53 PM (Viewed 7/14/24, 9:09 PM)Boniface (6123851314)Otherwise fyi found out how to get Maya a passport | 7/14/24, 6:53 PM (Viewed 7/14/24, 9:09 PM)Boniface (6123851314)U should be excited 7/15/24, 4:16 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)| allowed for the cop to listen n mom- ur husband thinks! 7/15/24, 4:17 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)C y do what I do | 7/15/24, 4:18 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Jessie is a white lie n was a concem but her sister own sister 7/15/24, 4:18 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)So 7/15/24, 4:19 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)A child is innocent 7/15/24, 4:19 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)1 f*cked her too 7/15/24, 4:20 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Playing Jessie 7/15/24, 4:20 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Own sister 7/15/24, 7:13 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)How does Kristen feel 7/15/24, 7:14 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Honestly makes Maya is a problem 1 7/15/24, 7:15 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)When ur husband chooses other child 7/15/24, 7:15 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)| left 7/15/24, 7:15 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Respect when it's due 7/15/24, 7:16 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Jessie grow up 7/15/24, 7:17 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Literally cause have swat tearm | n my own 7/15/24, 7:17 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)A child innocent 7/15/24, 7:22 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 8:32 AM)Boniface (6123851314)| pray n hope Jessie u not that naive cause u will actually be paying me 7/15/24, 7:22 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 7:24 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Message was deleted 7/15/24, 7:24 AM 7/15/24, 7:23 AM (Viewed 7/15/24, 7:24 AM)Boniface (6123851314)Message was deleted 7/15/24, 7:24 AM

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Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation July 18, 2024 (2024)


What qualifies as a change in circ*mstance? ›

A "change of circ*mstance" refers to any event that affects the borrower's eligibility for the loan or alters the terms or costs associated with the mortgage transaction. Valid changes of circ*mstance allow lenders to revise the Loan Estimate without violating the tolerance requirements under the TRID Rule.

At what age can a child refuse visitation in New Jersey? ›

Legally, it isn't a factor until the child reaches the age of adulthood, which in New Jersey is 18. A minor has no legal right to refuse. Typically, visitation problems come with adolescence.

How do I change the circ*mstances of my child custody order in New Jersey? ›

In New Jersey, there are two ways to modify a child custody order: through a consent order or by filing a motion. If the parties agree about the changes that should be made, they can present this agreement to the court to modify the existing court order.

What is a cross application for modification of court order in NJ? ›

What is a Cross Application for Modification of Court Order in NJ? A Cross Application for Modification of Court Order is a written request submitted to the court asking that a change be made to an existing order.

What are the 4 conditions for change? ›

Desire (to participate in and support it). Knowledge (of how to change). Ability (to change). Reinforcement (to sustain the change in the long term).

What are the requirements for a change of circ*mstances? ›

Change in circ*mstances
  • You start living with someone.
  • You stop living with someone. For example, you separate from your partner.
  • You get a job.
  • Your hours of work change.
  • You get a pay rise.
  • You win or inherit some money.
  • Your child reaches the age of 16 or moves out.
  • You stop getting benefits like Income Support.

At what age will a judge listen to a child in NJ? ›

If your child is of a mature age, generally between the ages of eight and 17, then they may talk to a New Jersey family judge regarding what type of custody arrangement they prefer. The judge may take your child's preference into serious consideration. Though, they are not legally obligated to listen.

At what age is a parent not legally responsible in NJ? ›

Once you turn 18, your parents are no longer required to financially support you; and if you break the law, you are tried as an adult. Although you have many more rights and responsibilities after turning 18, there are two things you still cannot do in New Jersey until you turn 21.

What age can a child decide not to see a parent in us? ›

Children are not considered legally emancipated, freed from parental control, until age 18. What is “Self-Emancipation of a Minor'? While the general rule re refusal to visit a parent doesn't occur until age 18, a child can “self-emancipate” from both parent's control.

Can I request a different judge in Family Court, NJ? ›

If there is a legitimate basis for requesting a new judge in your matter, your attorney must file a motion with the court requesting that the judge recuse themselves from the matter.

How is child custody decided in NJ? ›

How child custody is determined in New Jersey. Generally, child custody can be determined in two ways: by a negotiated agreement between the parents or by a judge's decision. Most commonly, in divorce and separation cases, the parents are able to work out a custody agreement between themselves.

Who has custody of a child when the parents are not married in NJ? ›

Unmarried parents have the same custody rights in New Jersey as married parents. This means that matters involving child support, custody and parenting time will be determined in the same way that they are for married and divorcing parents.

What is the motion to quash rule in NJ? ›

19:15-2.1 Petition to quash

(a) A petition to quash a subpoena may be filed with the commission or designated officer not later than five days from the date of service of the subpoena. (b) The commission or designated officer shall give notice of the filing of a petition to quash to the applicant for subpoena.

What is the rule 5 5 4 in New Jersey? ›

When a motion is filed for enforcement or modification of a prior order or judgment, a copy of the order or judgment sought to be enforced, modified or terminated shall be appended to the pleading filed in support of the motion.

What is the cross motion rule in NJ? ›

A cross-motion may be filed and served by the responding party together with that party's opposition to the motion and noticed for the same return date only if it relates to the subject matter of the original motion, except in Family Part motions brought under Part V of these Rules where a notice of cross-motion may ...

What is a change in your circ*mstances? ›

Change in circ*mstance can include: you change your address. you start or stop getting Income Support or Income Based Jobseekers Allowance. your income and/or capital changes. the income and/or capital of your children or other people in your household changes.

What are the reasons for change in circ*mstances? ›

Common “substantial changes in circ*mstances” may include: a loss or gain of employment, a sudden change in either party's finances, a relocation of the parties or children, a death, a change in the child's wishes, etc.

What is the principle of change of circ*mstances? ›

In many legal systems around the world, a fundamental change to the circ*mstances of a contract can serve as a legal basis for contractual parties to argue that the contract is no longer binding.

Under what circ*mstances do people change? ›

The primary reason for change in people is because of internal driving factors. These can include mental health issues, personal values, or changes in beliefs or goals. Internal factors can also result as a response to external stimuli or experience, or simply due to our own personal development.


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.