Copero Stronghold Guide in SWTOR (2024)

Enjoy picturesque views of a sunset over the mountain lake in your own hidden villa on Copero. Here you can invite allies to relax together and show off collectibles from around the galaxy, away from the prying eyes of Chiss society. While the benefactors of this estate have assured you there will be no interference from the rest of the Ascendancy, they also urge discretion to keep your presence undisturbed while visiting Copero.

This stronghold is a part of Galactic Seasons 6, part of Update 7.4.1,and the season is running March 12 – July 29, 2024!

Copero Stronghold Guide in SWTOR (2)


  • How to Get the Copero Stronghold
    • Unlocking the Stronghold
    • Unlocking the Other Rooms of the Stronghold
  • Map
  • Copero Stronghold Costs
  • Copero Stronghold Quest Guide
    • Part 1 – A Commemorative Introduction (Flashpoints)
    • Part 2 – A Commemorative Introduction (Drinks)
    • Part 3 – The Observation Room (Scan Families)
    • Part 4 – Side to Side (Sith Relics)
    • Part 5 – Makeb
  • Decorating Copero
  • Copero Rooms
    • Copero Initial Unlock
    • West Wing Guest Room
    • East Wing Guest Room
    • Outdoor Terrace
    • East Wing Exterior and Suite
    • West Wing Exterior and Suite
    • West Wing Lookout
    • East Wing Lookout
    • Underground Docks
    • The View
  • Copero Stronghold Terminal
  • Frequently Asked Questions

How to Get the Copero Stronghold

The Copero stronghold is one of the most complicated strongholds to fully unlock – but it’s very easy to unlock its first rooms, and it’s available even to free-to-play players!

Unlocking the Stronghold

To unlock the Copero Stronghold, you just need to earn the first level of Galactic Seasons, Season 6. Galactic Seasons is a limited-time event that has weekly rotating objectives.

Copero Stronghold Guide in SWTOR (3)

Complete the objectives to earn point, which will move your up levels on the track ,and each track level has a reward. You can very easily earn the first level in well under an hour, even on a low-level character on a free-to-play account! You’ll only need to complete one of any of the weekly objectives to achieve level one and obtain the stronghold. Once you’ve reached level one on the track, click the “Claim” button, and an item called “Copero Cache” will be put into your inventory. Right-click this cache to open it. It will give you two items, the first is they unlock for the stronghold and the second is the blue quest item for the stronghold. Use them both by right-clicking them, do not throw them or the cache out.

Copero Stronghold Guide in SWTOR (4) Copero Stronghold Guide in SWTOR (5)

Unlocking the Other Rooms of the Stronghold

The Copero Stronghold’s additional rooms are all unlocked in different ways.

Copero Stronghold Guide in SWTOR (6)

Free-to-play Track Rooms: After you’ve unlocked the stronghold at Level 1 of Galactic Seasons, the next two story missions on the track will grant you two more indoor rooms, at Rank 15 and Rank 40. This means both free-to-play, preferred and subscribed players have access to earn the first three Copero rooms through the Galactic Seasons track.

Subscriber Track: In addition, there are three more balcony rooms you can unlock through the Galactic Seasons track – they will be on the subscriber track, so free-to-play and preferred players will not be able to earn them. They are unlocked at Level 42, 67 and 94 on the track.

Credits/Cartel Coins: Lastly, there are also three additional rooms or large areas. These grande spectacle areas can only be unlocked with Credits or Cartel Coins. Two seem to have more classic buildings plus an outdoor areas and the third seems to be an underground submarine bay or pool of water. The lookout rooms require that you first have unlocked the corresponding free-to-play room on the track before you can get to them, but the submarine dock can be purchased immediately after acquiring the stronghold.


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Copero Stronghold Costs

Copero Initial UnlockRank 1– / ? Tokens15175
West RoomRank 15– / ? Tokens+5+50
East RoomRank 40– / ? Tokens+5+50
TerraceRank 42– / ? Tokens + Subscription+5+30
East ExteriorRank 67– / ? Tokens + Subscription+10+100
West ExteriorRank 94– / ? Tokens + Subscription+10+100
Underground Docks3 million Credits / 600 CC+10+175
West Wing Lookout2.125 million Credits / 425 CC+10+100
East Wing Lookout2.125 million Credits / 425 CC+10+100
TotalRank ???5.5 million Credits / 1,450 CC80 People880 Decos


  • Free-to-play Track, Level 1:Copero Cache (Initial Unlock and First Story) / 80 CC in Collections
  • Free-to-play Track, Level 15: “Galactic Season 6: The Observation Room” Unlock (West Guest Room) + Quest / 80 CC in Collections
  • Free-to-play Track, Level 40: “Galactic Season 6: Side to Side” Unlock (East Guest Room) + Quest / 80 CC in Collections
  • Subscriber Track, Level 42:Key to Outdoor Terrace (Copero Villa) / 80 CC in Collections
  • Subscriber Track, Level 67: Key to East Wing Exterior and Suite / ?? CC in Collections
  • Subscriber Track, Level 94: Key to West Wing Exterior and Suite / 80 CC in Collections
  • Credits/Cartel Coins – Underground Docks/Submarine Bay: 3 million credits / 600 CC / 80 CC in Collections
  • Credits/Cartel Coins – West Wing Lookout: 2.125 million credits / 425 CC / 80 CC in Collections
  • Credits/Cartel Coins – East Wing Lookout: 2.125 million credits / 425 CC / 80 CC in Collections

The stronghold is only available for individuals, not guilds.

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Eventually the stronghold will be available with Galactic Seasons Tokens once the season ends, but the subscriber rooms will still require a subscription to unlock. We don’t know what the cost will be at that time.

Copero Stronghold Quest Guide

Two of the Copero Stronghold rooms are actually unlocked through a series of quests! These quests are earned through the Galactic Seasons track and can also be unlocked in collections.

IMPORTANT!!!! There can be some issues if you do not start and complete the Copero Stronghold quests all on the same character. If you are following all the below steps correctly, but still cant find a quest or progress, try figuring out what the first character you started on was and do your quests there.

Copero Stronghold Guide in SWTOR (9)

Part 1 – A Commemorative Introduction (Flashpoints)

Copero Stronghold Guide in SWTOR (10)

The first quest asks you to “Complete Flashpoints 0/3” including:

  • The False Emperor
  • Legacy of the Rakata
  • Directive 7

All these Flashpoints are available through the groupfinder, or you can very easily and quickly run them alone. To play them solo, click the icon of “three little people” near your minimap to open the Activity Finder. Then click the solo tab at the top, find your Flashpoint, then click the big green Travel button.

Part 2 – A Commemorative Introduction (Drinks)

The second part of the first quest asks you to find these drinks. Fly to the planets, follow the quest markers, and purchase the drink from the vendor, then turn them in one-by-one to the questgiver.

  • Purchase Mek-Sha Rotworm Rotgut (Mek-Sha)
  • Purchase Alderaanian Honey Brandy (Alderaan)
  • Purchase Twin Suns Plum Wine (Tatooine)

Don’t forget you can use the Heroic travel to get places fast! Click the icon of “three little people” near your minimap to open the Activity Finder. Then click the solo tab at the top, find your Planet’s heroics then click the big green Travel button.

Part 3 – The Observation Room (Scan Families)

Copero Stronghold Guide in SWTOR (11)

After you’ve finished getting the drinks, you won’t be able to start the next quest until you you’ve unlocked and claimed the item from Rank 15 on the track. Fly to the planet, follow the quest markers, and scan the creatures.

  • Scan Banthas on Tatooine
  • Scan Nerfs on Alderaan
  • Scan Orobirds on Rishi

Use your Creature Scanner by clicking the item in your quest log on the top right beside “The Observation Room”, or right-click the item from the Mission tab of your Inventory.

Look around by moving your mouse – if your Creature Scanner circle turns orange, you’ve properly aimed your Creature Scanners towards a creation, so left click and wait to zoom in and scan it.

Press ESC on your keyboard once you have scanned a creature to exit.

You’ll return to Copero, talk to her again, then she will send you to Nar Shaddaa. If you find her person and he is crouching on the floor, select him and use the “comlink” item in your quest log after picking up the glowing blue datapad on a nearby box.

Once you finished this quest you’ll unlock the West Guest Room!

Part 4 – Side to Side (Sith Relics)

After you’ve finished getting the drinks, you won’t be able to start the next quest until you you’ve unlocked and claimed the item from Rank 40 on the track. You’ll talk to a final NPC in the stronghold named Juna Helos, and she’ll send you to Yavin 4 for some Massassi items. Once there wquick travel or Taxi to the far left of the map. Defeat Massassi and pick up their loot, and right-click the glowing blue relics on the ground.

Part 5 – Makeb

Fly to Makeb, follow the quest markers, stand on the scanning mark on the map, and scan the hidden Sith Relic at the base of the waterfall. It is not “glowing” like similar scan items do, but it’s where the waterfall meets the water.

IMPERIAL MAKEB IMPORTANT! If you are on an Imperial character and have not played Makeb yet, you won’t be able to access taxis there you get to the quest location. You can either start the Makeb quest line from your Ship terminal, or you can go to the Combat section of the fleet and pick up a Makeb heroic, which will allow you to quickly and easily shuttle to a location on Makeb that has access to a taxi.

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Once you finished this quest you’ll unlock the East Guest Room!

Two more rooms can be now unlocked with credits through the ones you unlocked in the story.

There’s also three more rooms you can unlock on the track, there’s no quest – Rank 42, Rank 67 and Rank 94.

Decorating Copero

I’ve put together a guide on a list of great decoration ideas you can use to decorate your Copero Stronghold! Decorating the Copero Stronghold Guide

Copero Rooms

The stronghold is not out yet, but here is the previews of the rooms the developers showed in the livestream!

Copero Initial Unlock

The story mission itself will give you access to the Stronghold. The first area is very large, the whole main exterior area. You’ll gain the first main area as part of the first story mission, which you get after completing Rank 1 of Galactic Seasons 6.

Copero Stronghold Guide in SWTOR (16)

The initial unlock includes:

  • The landing pad
  • The ship hook cave
  • The pathway to the cave
  • The arched patio
  • The entry room past the arched patio (Central Villa Interior)
  • The staircase room (Villa First Floor)
  • The staircase balcony room (Villa Second Floor)
  • Hidden beach around the side of the stronghold (can walk there but not edit hooks until unlock the Underground Docks)

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To get to the hidden beach, run through the water in the opposite direction of the big cave, run past the waterfall with a door. (The door is the Underground Docks, part of a different unlock.)

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West Wing Guest Room

Free-to-play Track, Level 15: “Galactic Season 6: The Observation Room” Unlock (West Room)

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East Wing Guest Room

Free-to-play Track, Level 40: “Galactic Season 6: Side to Side” Unlock (East Room)

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Outdoor Terrace

Subscriber Track, Level 42:Key to Outdoor Terrace (Copero Villa)

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East Wing Exterior and Suite

Subscriber Track, Level 67: Key to East Wing Exterior and Suite

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West Wing Exterior and Suite

Subscriber Track, Level 94: Key to West Wing Exterior and Suite

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West Wing Lookout

Credits/Cartel Coins – West Wing Lookout: 2.125 million credits / 425 CC

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East Wing Lookout

Credits/Cartel Coins – East Wing Lookout: 2.125 million credits / 425 CC

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Underground Docks

Credits/Cartel Coins – Underground Docks/Submarine Bay: 3 million credits / 600 CC

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This also unlocks the hooks on the hidden beach around the side of the stronghold (normally you can walk there but not edit hooks until unlock the Docking Bay)

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The View

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Copero Stronghold Terminal

The Copero Stronghold Terminal is located in the Supplies section of the Republic or Imperial Fleet, near the Galactic Seasons vendors. You do not need to use it to unlock your stronghold – only to re-activate it, or to visit other players publicly-listed Copero strongholds.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do I do if I accidentally deleted my Copero Stronghold items?
    • Make sure you claimed them from the track. Check your inventory of characters you play on. Check Collections to see if it unlocked and you can claim another copy on the character who original claimed it. Make sure you didn’t use it properly and it is actually open in your stronghold.
  • What do I do if I accidentally deactivated my Copero Stronghold?
    • Go to the Republic or Imperial Fleet in the Supplies section, find the terminal and re-activate it.
  • How do I visit other Copero strongholds?
    • The Copero Stronghold Terminal is located in the Supplies section of the Republic or Imperial Fleet, near the Galactic Seasons vendors
  • Can we use credits to purchase the additional three room unlocks?
    • Yup! The initial 6 room unlocks are on the F2P and Sub tracks of season respectively as noted during the stream and then the other 3 rooms can be unlocked like a normal room in a Stronghold with either Cartel Coins or Credits.
  • Do I have to buy the modernized Utility Bundles?
    • Players who have the OG utility bundles do not need to purchase the modernized ones, they will just be updated with 7.4.1 launch.
  • Will we increase the SH limit?
    • The limit is set as 20 and will not be increased at this time.
  • Will Guilds be able to set the new Copero stronghold as their Guild Stronghold?
    • Only Strongholds that can be purchased through the Stronghold terminals can be set as a Guild Stronghold. As the Copero Stronghold is acquired through the Galactic Seasons system, it cannot be used as a Guild Stronghold.
  • Will players be able to acquire the Stronghold when Galactic Seasons 6 ends? Possibly with Season Tokens?
    • We intend for the Stronghold to be available after the GS6 ends and purchasable with Galactic Seasons token.
  • If the Stronghold is available to purchase post season, will all the rooms be available for purchase by anyone, or will the F2P and Subscriber limitations remain in place?
    • The Subscriber room unlocks will be available for purchase via Galactic Seasons tokens after the season ends; however, they will still only be available to players who are Subscribers.
  • How do Galactic Seasons Strongholds work when you transfer a character? Are they available on the new server or do they need to be purchased again using Season Tokens?
    • The rooms will not transfer over. However, players who unlock additional rooms in the Copero Stronghold and transfer a character to a new server will need to get a key unlock from Collections and use it at thedoors to reactivate them.
  • Will the story NPCs in the Stronghold permanently remain in the Stronghold? Can we move them?
    • As these NPCs are tied to story and narrative, they will remain in the Stronghold and will not be moveable.
  • Will 7.4.1 or parts of it be going up on the PTS?
    • We will not be opening PTS for 7.4.1. However, when we are ready to test features for Game Update 7.5, we will be opening up the PTS. More details to come at a later time!


Copero Stronghold Guide in SWTOR (98) Questions or comments? Feel free to send me a message on Twitter @swtorista, Reddit /u/swtorista, Youtube Swtorista channel or by e-mail at the same name with at the end. Have fun out there and may the Force be with you. ~ Swtorista

Copero Stronghold Guide in SWTOR (2024)


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