100th Day of School Shirt Ideas To Inspire You - Skullridding (2024)

Is your school approaching the 100th day of school? Here are simple ways to celebrate the occasion. After the holidays, many schools start anticipating finishing the first 100 days of school. The actual date varies, with most schools reaching the 100th day at the end of January or sometime in early or mid-February.
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15 Creative 100th Day of School Shirt Ideas

1. See theHarry Pottertheme?

What a creative shirt idea! Hogwarts School approved.

2. Channel your innerStar Wars.

LưuEasy 100 Days of School Shirt IdeasHappiness is Homemade

It's all the wisdom ofYoda, on a 100-day shirt. Well done it is.

3.Star WarsPart II.

Seriously, let The Force guide you.


4. Don't go bananas—go pineapples.

Littlesandlaughtermade this sweet shirt with the help of her teacher friend,alohakindergarten.

5. Thank you, Mr. Carle.

Adults and students alike adoreThe Very Hungry Caterpillarbook. What a cute theme.

6. We give this idea a thumbs up.

LưuKelly McNamee Madsenschool stuff

This is a good way to have each classmate participate in making a shirt.

7. Because some school days are like this...

This one made me LOL. With the ice pack, it's actually a costume.

8. Washable? Well, no.

It's here, halfway through this article, we should probably warn you. These beloved shirts will likely not hold up well in the washer, let alone the dryer.

9. Time flies.

Lưu100th Day of School ShirtPhát hành bởi:Homeschool Preschool

This shirt might be getting carried away.

10. One hundred stickers.

This school combined T-shirt designs with Lego-building on their 100th day of school.

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11. Too Sweet.

Aww! Theseteachersare still thinking the school year is sweet.

12. Sprinkled with fun.

Lưu100th Day of School Shirt Ideas for Kindergarten- 2ndLittle Learning Corner

We'd add: sprinkled with love, because this shirt is adorable.

13. Cue the spotlight.

In the classroom, this is called a light bulb moment.

14. 100 Days, but who's keeping track?

This t-shirt was printed by someone, so a good reminder you don't have to be crafty yourself to participate.

15. Eye survived? Absolutely you did.

Lưu31 Easy 100 Days of School Shirt Cute Ideas I Wish I Knew EarlierPhát hành bởi:Alyssa Germaine

Whether you celebrate by making a t-shirt or not, we've made it past the halfway point of the school year. We're gonna make it!

Up Next:Valentine's DayParty Ideas

Our favorite school project has to be the 100th Day of School Shirt. It has been called 100 days of school shirt or “wow, we survived this long?” {giggle}. Here are some of our favorite 100 days of school shirt ideas that are easy to make and fun to wear.

100th Day of School Shirt Ideas To Inspire You - Skullridding (1)

It stems from the fact that the prekindergarten through grade 5school— located at 31 Empire Blvd. on the Rochester-Irondequoit border — is marking its 100th year of existence. Special activities are celebrating a school that, in recent decades, has evolved from a chiefly parishioner-based student body to one of the fewdiocesanCatholic schools serving a large urban population.


If you have a kindergartener or 1st grader, you have probably heard of the 100th Day of School project. Our school asks students to wear 100 things on this day — they even have a parade!


Most school year calendars consist of 180 days so when the 100th day of school rolls around, the year is over 1/2 done! It is a fun time to reflect on some of the major accomplishments that have been achieved in the school year especially when it comes to counting and math.

What is a 100 day shirt?

A 100 day shirt is a handmade shirt (usually with the help of the child) that displays 100 items to celebrate the 100th day of the school year. Often the homemade 100 day shirts are themed and have a funny saying or quote.


While it is most common in grade 1, other grades celebrate the 100th day of school as well: Pre-K, Preschool, Kindergarten and older grades. It is a fun way to celebrate that more than half of the school year is over and concentrate on some of the lessons already learned in a fun way.


  • Color our fun100th day of school coloring pages
  • Build a structure together with a 100 blocks or 100 paper cups.
  • Host a 100 day snow ball fight with stacks of 100 pom pom snowballs (our favorite can be foundhere).
  • Hide 100 items in the classroom for the kids to find.
  • Make a list of 100 things to be thankful for or 100 reasons to love school.
  • Do some fun100 days of school math sheets from HMH.


I searched for the best 100 Days of School Shirt Ideas to share with you for inspiration! We’d love to see your kids’ 100 Days of School Shirts — feel free to share them in the comments or over onour Facebook page! <–many of these ideas were because YOU posted on Quirky Momma.

100th Day of School Shirt Ideas To Inspire You - Skullridding (2)

You can easily customize thissports ball shirtwith the sport your child loves viaDarice.


100th Day of School Shirt Ideas To Inspire You - Skullridding (3)

100th Day of School Shirt Ideas To Inspire You - Skullridding (4)


Many elementary (and some middle) schools ask students to celebrate the 100th day they have attended school each year by wearing a shirt or costume with 100 items attached.

This is a fun project for students and parents to do together.

In 2021, many kids will be celebrating the 100th day of school from home with virtual lessons and bringing some celebration “normalcy” could be really uplifting.


The date of the 100th Day of School is usually celebrated in early February. The exact date will vary, depending on your school calendar.

You can find the expected date by counting the days your kid has had school, according to their calendar.

Classroom teachers and schools will typically send home information about their specific 100th Day celebrations. If your school doesn’t do this, do it the old fashioned way…grab a calendar and get counting!


We’ve seen all kinds of creative projects for the 100th Day of School — one year, a student in my son’s class glued 100 army men to a cape for his costume!

Band-aids, Legos, pom poms, googly eyes, and stickers are great places to start.


I likeAleene’s Fabric Fusion Permanent Fabric Adhesivewhich works well for fabric to fabric gluing, but also can glue plastic to fabric as well.


Most students choose to use a t-shirt to attach items to, but the point of the project is to get creative!

We’ve seen aprons, hats, and capes all with 100 items attached.

If your kid is taking classes virtually, maybe a hat would work best!


No problem.

You can start with the ideas we’ve put together, or make your own really easily.

Most 100 days of school shirts simply have 100 items, and some even add a cute saying to take their design to the next level.

100th Day of School Shirt Ideas To Inspire You - Skullridding (5)

When my son, Andy, was in kindergarten, he was obsessed with Pokemon. So, of course, we spent hours cutting out felt lightning bolts and a Pikachu face to put on his 100th day shirt. But when the morning of the 100th day of school came, my poor little guy was burning up with fever and couldn’t go to school.

He was so upset that he had to miss the parade, that we had to have our own 100th Day of School celebration at home. I was sad for him that he had to miss celebrating with all his friends, but I think our fun at home was a way better option.

Speaking of Pikachu…. Check out these creative school shirt ideas from some of Andy’s friends…

100 Days of School Shirt Pictures

100th Day of School Shirt Ideas To Inspire You - Skullridding (6)

100 Days of Roar-someness apron

I love this 100 days of school shirt idea even though it is more of a “100 days of school apron idea” which makes sense because gluing 100 actual plastic dinosaurs to a t-shirt might make a physics problem. This apron idea is super cute and solves the issues.

100th Day of School Shirt Ideas To Inspire You - Skullridding (7)

100 Days of School Shirt, Hat & More

I love this 100 days of school shirt idea that kinda exploded into a hat as well. I mean, how else are you going to fit 100 dinosaur figures, stickers and toys?

100th Day of School Shirt Ideas To Inspire You - Skullridding (8)

Thumbprint 100 Days of School Shirt

I love this 100 days of school shirt idea with thumbprints made with paint all over the shirt. The shirt says “Thumbs Up! I am 100 Days Smarter!” This idea is incredibly easy and could be completed with just a few supplies the night before…you know, on night 99!

100th Day of School Shirt Ideas To Inspire You - Skullridding (2024)


How to decorate a shirt for the 100th day of school? ›

This shirt is so simple to create. Just grab some foam heart stickers, a permanent marker, and your favorite-color tee. Once your stickers are in place, just swap out kindergarten for any grade or keep it simple and just say “Loved 100 days of school”!

What do you write in a shirt on the last day of school? ›

Here are some ideas of what you could write on your friend's shirt on the last day of school:
  • "Farewell to high school, hello to the world!"
  • "Class of 20XX, never forget our memories"
  • "Last day of school, first day of the rest of my life"
  • "Thanks for the memories, high school"
  • "High school, it's been real"
Nov 9, 2016

When did 100 days of school become a thing? ›

The holiday was started in 1979 in Livermore, California, by teacher Lynn Taylor and is now a significant part of classroom culture and Pinterest board queries across the globe. Taylor celebrated the 100th day of school in her classroom to help children understand the concrete lesson of the number 100.

What should I wear for 100 days of school? ›

100th Day of School Costume Ideas and Outfits

Feathers! Pom-poms! Or use anything that can easily be counted out and attached to a shirt, such as googly eyes, puzzle pieces, or stickers. Put your relationships with your students first by wearing 100 of their favorite things.

What kind of glue to use on a shirt? ›

Just use fabric adhesive. Fabric glue is a liquid adhesive specifically formulated for repairing and mending flexible materials such as vinyl seats, cushions, clothing, tarps, and outdoor gear. Since it is flexible, it is ideal for use on materials that are constantly bending, stretching, and changing positions.

Will super glue stick to a shirt? ›

Yes, certain types of Super Glue will work on fabric. It depends on what you are glueing. Be sure to read the back of the bottle; the instructions will detail the different types of materials that the glue will hold. Superglue doesn't work well on porous materials.

Will hot glue stick to a shirt? ›

Hot glue can hold fabric very well since it has a rough surface. However, it may make your fabric rougher. Additionally, not all types of fabrics will react to different glues the same way. For example, you may not want to use hot glue on polyester due to the way the fabric responds to heat.

What is a good quote to put on a shirt? ›

Cool life quotes for t-shirts
  • "Life is a beautiful ride."
  • "Live more, worry less."
  • "Embrace the journey."
  • "Life is art. Live yours in color."
  • "Don't worry. Be happy."
Aug 5, 2023

What words to put on a shirt? ›

Some examples include "Dream", "Believe", "Inspire", "Hope", "Love", and "Laugh". Quotes: This is a great way to show off your favorite quotes or sayings. Some popular quotes include "The best is yet to come", "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken", and "Live, laugh, love".

Why is the 100th day of school important? ›

Why do we celebrate 100 days of school? This marks a point in the year where students are more than half-way through the 180 day school year. It is a time to reflect on all the learning that has taken place so far.

What's special about the 100th day of school? ›

The 100th day of school might not be an official holiday, but it holds a place of significance in many schools. It is a time to celebrate the milestone of successfully completing 100 days of learning.

Why does the 100th day of school matter? ›

The 100th day of school is a fun opportunity to recognize student progress and honor all of the hard work as a community. It's also the perfect chance to include numbers and math concepts in the festivities centered around the number 100.

What do you wear to a 100 day celebration? ›

Traditionally, the baby will wear a Longevity Lock on the neck and wear something red for this special occasion. Some also wear special hats, bracelets, and anklets. However, in modern days, many parents choose not to go with traditional looks. 100 Days portraits have been widely westernized in styles.

How do you come up with cool shirt designs? ›

The Must-Know Fundamentals of Great T-Shirt Design
  1. Aim to Delight.
  2. Do Your Research.
  3. Design Something You Would Wear.
  4. Understand Your Usable Space.
  5. Consider Color.
  6. Use Your Words.
  7. Keep Creating.
  8. Brand Your Tees.
Feb 15, 2021

What is the best way to write on a shirt? ›

I would recommend using a permanent marker. If you really want to to never fade, you can use one of those T shirt making websites. Search your favorite online shopping site, or a local craft store for fabric markers. They are specifically designed for writing and drawing on fabric.


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.